AGNPH Stories

Join the Ark: Just browsing by xeregon


Story Notes:

Transformation, Non-concensual, enslavement, pop magic, and very important: not set in Pokéverse

Join the Ark: Just browsing

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon (pretty obvious who does), and I don't own the idea of the Ark, anyone who wants to play with the idea is free to do so, because honestly I don't think it's that original to begin with. I also don't own the idea of pop magic, most of the credit for that belongs to the chaos mages of the 80's and Grant Morrisson for popularising it. The idea of a viral spell is also not new, see the above. This story is set in our world and contains elements of enslavement, magickal brainwashing, and erotic transformation.

Join the Ark: Only browsing.

Cliff was a healthy young man of 17 years old. So it was only normal for him to be browsing for porn that fateful night. It wasn't long before he discarded the usual nude bodies he came across in favour of a more exotic imagery: hentai artwork. He'd always had a soft spot for manga girls, the spot being in between his legs and not so soft when he came across something he liked. He was horny, but he couldn't quite find something he could masturbate to: the scantily dressed girls from various anime shows just wouldn't do it. His hormones demanded something unique for release.

Then, on one of the sites he tried, he found a link that enticed him with a very lifelike image of a Pokémon. The site was called 'The Ark,' and from what he could tell, it was free of charge.
When he clicked the link, his jaw dropped and his horniness soared to new heights. The Ark, apparently, hosted chat sessions with what looked like anthropomorphic Pocket Monsters. He caught a few male Houndooms and Espeons in the 'Gay section', and one or two male Gardevoirs that looked decidedly feminine in posture despite their flat chest in the 'Girl's section'. In the 'Boy's section', he found his Heaven.

He browsed over the screens of available cuties. It was a cam service and everything. Obviously these girls were wearing a costume, or maybe they were computer-generated images, but they were so lifelike. He went past an Eevee called Emily, then another Gardevoir, this one definitely female, and settled the hottest piece of meat he'd ever laid eyes on.

A female anthro Raichu, with little mousey ears, petite breasts with nonetheless large aureoles, and from what he could see a slim waist. She was just sitting behind her computer, her whole body shouting 'Hot!'. She had short blonde hair on her head, a black nose and yellow cheeks. Just looking at her put Cliff in a horny daze. So he could just chat with this chick, no expense, huh? He clicked the 'Chat' button, which, strangely, was right next to a 'Join the Ark for free' button. He'd see what that was all about.

A screen opened up, displaying 'Katie' in all her glory. Just looking at half of her got him turned on to no end. Her tits bounced a little as she typed her messages.

"Hey, there," she typed.

"Well, hi," Cliff replied.

"So what kind of fun are you looking for?" she got straight to the point.

"I wanna see all of you," came the reply.

"Well sure,"

'Hang on,' Cliff thought,' did she just say "yes"? Wow, so it must be a costume thing.'
She moved further away from her webcam, displaying her fine legs and furry pussy. She had the exact same fur pattern as a real Raichu, if Raichu were real, of course. Her hands were covered in black fur, as were the toes of her long feet. Her body was mostly a light brown, save a large white patch on her taut belly and two dark stripes on her lower back, inviting the eye to her ass.
But the real kicker was her tail. Exactly like a Raichu's tail, it was long enough to reach to the ground, and had a yellow lightningbolt shape on its end. The thing was, her tail wagged as she displayed her body. She turned a few times, making sure he got a very good view of every inch of her furry body. He couldn't quite fathom how they'd made such a lifelike costume, though. When she was done, she typed on her pc again.

"Can you get sound?"

He switched on his speakers and replied.
"So you can hear me now?" she spoke in an incredibly girly voice. Think preppy cheerleader and raise it to the third power, and you'll get the idea.

He confirmed, his head already in a daze by this cosplaying furry babe. Her voice echoed in his head, drawing him deeper down into a stupor.

"Cool. You can just type what you want me to do, then," she spoke, as she reclined on the bed behind her computer, keeping her pussy nice and high and in view. Her tail never stood still, either.
He thought long and hard. The word 'hard' stuck in his head for a while.

"Or if you'd rather do this in person, all you have to do is join the Ark. It's totally for free, you know."

"You're kidding, right?" his fingers could hardly type straight, he was so turned on he didn't even know what he'd want to do next. His whole body was shivering with excitement, and here he got the offer of getting together. There had to be a catch.

"Nopers. The Ark is totally free. All we need is your phone number, you don't have to pay a dime to join. And if you do, you can have all the fun you"

This had to be a set-up. No way this was for real... still, he wanted to see if it was. His loins were already on fire, and he didn't think a simple cyber session would give him the relief he wanted, not really. Not now.

What could go wrong?

He clicked the button.

"Join the Ark for free"
He got an option to join in return for a fee. No, he did not want to pay. He entered his phone number. Then a whole set of rules appeared on his screen, the usual BS about privacy, asserting that he was old enough (which he wasn't, but who cared? The way Katie sounded, no way she was over 21)... he scrolled down the whole thing and simply clicked 'I Agree'.

His screen went blank, save for a single message.
"Thank you for joining the Ark. We will be with you shortly."

Then the whole thing went blank completely. No Katie, no Pokémorph porn, nothing. He was just redirected to some lame vanilla site with Pokémon furries holding hands or staring at each other, at best.
He'd been had. No relief from the Net, just as the song went: just him and his hand tonight.

He went to bed, thoroughly angry both at himself and at that damn cockteasing site.

A couple of days later, he was home alone, his parents off to see some play they'd won free tickets for, and his little sister was off for a slumber party. Cliff was just watching TV when the doorbell rang. He wasn't planning to open the door; you never know who might be standing outside, but when he heard that familiar cheerleader voice, his head went light again and all common sense went out the window as he rushed to open the door.

There, dressed in tight leather pants (fitted with a tailhole, of course) and a pink T-shirt that left nothing to the imagination, Katie was smiling at him.

"Ready for a little fun?" she giggled.

He was too surprised, too stunned to think of an answer as she strolled in past him, her tail wagging. She took off her shirt, and again sex filled the young boy's mind. He absent-mindedly closed the door.

"How... how did you..." he stammered. He noticed she wasn't wearing a bra, so her breasts were in full view. They looked even better in person. Was that really a costume?

"We only need your phone number to trace you, silly," she giggled again, in a bubbly manner that seemed too natural to be just an act. He'd assumed the whole thing was based on a roleplay, but this... in person... he'd have thought something of it if he'd had more blood for his brain, but right then it was occupied elsewhere.

"So," she came to him, gently taking off his shirt with her black-furred hands," what do you wanna do, and where?"

"Everything," he said," all over the place," he blurted out as the furry paws traced over his chest. They went upstairs to his room, and they both stripped before Cliff's bed. Katie had to wriggle her tail out of the tight pants, and the sharp end had to be guided carefully through the hole to avoid tearing it. She caught Cliff staring and stared back at him in reply.

"Mmm, you're cute," she moaned, after letting her eyes go all over his body. He almost felt her gaze go over him, and it made him long for her touch even more. She went over to him, slowly, and pressed her furry body to his naked skin. It was only now Cliff noticed she even had a Raichu's feet, as she rubbed her toes a little against his shin. What really drove him over the edge, though, was the lightningrod tail stroking his butt.

She pushed him down onto his bed so he was sitting with her body nice and close to his hard cock. As her legs brushed against his still growing member, he realised he'd never felt actual fur against his manhood, but then most people never do. She kissed him squarely on the mouth; letting him explore yet another strange facet of her furry body. Her mouth was smaller than he'd thought, her tongue shorter, but quicker than you'd think of a human. Cliff was too numbed by his own excitement to do anything, so he just let the girl do what she felt was best.

She ran her hands over his chest, shifting her weight unto his stomach. It made him shiver with excitement. It was strange; he'd always figured he was in charge when making love, not that he'd done it a lot, but still... this girl had such a dazzling effect on him that he couldn't think straight, couldn't even move. Normally he'd have pinned her down, locked her in his arms...anything at all, but he couldn't. His own horniness had paralysed him, it seemed, and that only turned him on even more. She ran her hands over his chest, then fanned out to his armpits, giggling as she tickled, then held his arms down as she licked his face with her mouse-like tongue.

"Having fun, sweetie?" she asked.

"Oh yeah," he replied, his body now shaking with excitement. Katie's tail came in between her legs and caressed Cliff's face. It felt so good, that hard lightningbolt on his face... she lowered herself unto him, his entire body getting the sensations of Raichu fur. His feet against hers, his back and arms gently locked by her surprisingly strong arms, and his torso pushed down by her bodyweight. She nuzzled his face, making the experience complete, as she stroked the side of his butt again with her tail.

"You want to fuck, don't you?" she whispered in his ear. From his vantage point he could only see her curvy ears as her yellow cheek pressed against him. He could only moan in reply as the tension built within his body. Every muscle seemed to bunch up as he lost control of his body. He didn't care. He just wanted release, sweet, sweet release.

Katie rose up and impaled herself on Cliff's now straining manhood. All that tension just oozed out of him as he regained control of his body. She was so good, so tight, so close to him... every sensation, every thought that went through him, was one of fur, wonderful Raichu fur as she rode his cock like there was no tomorrow. The Raichu girl held him close, setting a rhythm with her thrusts that Cliff eagerly followed. She licked him a few times, his face, or his neck, and eventually he felt himself go out of his body.

He went mad with arousal, for one split second.
For one... slight... moment in time, his mind was empty, save for this girl's affections, and her wonderfully erotic fur.

At that moment, he came. His body convulsed against the girl's gentle hold, and when it finally felt like he was spent, he must have spasmed a dozen times. His face and ankles hurt, his whole body having contorted so much during his climax. Katie pouted.

"Aww, over already? I wanna keep going," she sounded so childish, it was creepy. She nuzzled the boy again.

"You're not selfish, are you? You want me to cum too, right?" she knew there wouldn't be an answer; Cliff was spent.

"Well, don't you worry. I know what'll keep you going."

She let go of his arms and sat up straight on his still hard cock. She let her tail go under his back, the tip just touching his neck. Her legs were wrapped around his, so they wouldn't flail when she got to work.

Then, out of nowhere, she zapped him.

Katie literally sent electric current through Cliff's limp body. His hands clawed at the bedsheets, his upper legs couldn't move with the weight of the girl on them, and his upper body was wracked by spasms that sent him even further into oblivion. Katie rode the quaking boy into her own orgasm, the electric jolts perfectly in synch with her arousal and climax. Her juices smeared over his body, apparently also conducting electricity, amplifying the sensations of his moistened manhood even more.

He felt the energy go through him, and couldn't tell which spasms came from himself and which ones came from her. Cliff didn't scream, for lack of energy.

When it was over, he almost passed out, Katie lying down on top of him, letting his dick go. It was still hard and very wet, but his seed was spent. Cliff breathed raggedly after the ordeal, fading in and out of consciousness.

"Don't worry, cute stuff. You'll have more energy next time."

Her words only vaguely rang in his mind, exhaustion taking him over. However, as he breathed in fresh air, he felt his strength returning. Strangely, he didn't feel quite as tired as he should have. In fact, he felt great. The soft feeling of fur still permeated his body as Katie rolled off of him, and it was only when he regained his full focus that he realised it wasn't just a feeling.

He was actually sprouting fur.

With Katie looking right into his eyes, he stared at his hand as a glove-like pattern of black fur enveloped it. Despite his strength returning, he was too stunned to look at the rest of body, even when he felt a pressure at the base of his spine, where his tail was growing out.

A slight pain came from his tailbone as a hard yellow lightningbolt shape pushed its way out, followed by the strange sensation of his spine being unwound like a cord, slowly, the new appendage forcing its way out in a torpid pace. He turned to lie on his stomach and went to his hands and knees as the new limb forcefully made its way out. It strained against a layer of now dead skin that still covered it , then just popped out and started whipping all over.

It was too much, and all happening at once; cheeks puffing out and turning yellow, his belly being covered by white fur, the two dark stripes on his back, and that wasn't even to mention the discomfort of his feet growing and his toes merging.

All over his body, he felt the same agonisingly pleasant tingle as he'd felt when Katie's fur rubbed against him, coming in waves as if he was still being wracked by orgasms, each wave adding another layer to the soft fur. It wasn't even until his nose had pushed in that he realised his face had changed.

By the time he tried to grasp his shifting ears, he was already fully transformed. He looked down at his stomach, still on hands and knees. His tail hung limply behind him, twitching a little as the muscles tried to bear the weight of the heavy yellow tip.

He was a real Raichu furry. Katie looked at him expectantly.
"Pretty cool, huh?" she giggled.

"What did you... how?" Cliff stammered.

"Go on, go look in a mirror. You look even cuter than before," she suggested. He wasn't sure why, but he followed it without question. He ran into his parents' bedroom to get a look at himself in the full-size mirror.

His body was really that of a Raichu anthro. He tried to wiggle his toes, but it felt alien to him when he did, with only three on each foot. His feet had grown at least three shoe sizes. His legs were covered in brown fur, a darker hue than Katie's, and his feet and hands had a more blackish fur, while his stomach had a soft white patch that ran to just below his collarbone. His face was unrecognisable; he looked like a mouse with yellow cheeks. His ears had moved upwards and curled out, his eyes were completely black. He hadn't even noticed that on Katie.

But the strangest thing was his tail. It felt like a part of his back, yet it had an erotic tension in it. The cord was sensitive, and he shivered as he ran his hands over it, but the tip was hard and sharp. Touching himself had gotten him aroused again, and it made him realise that a few other details had been altered as well. His manhood was decidedly longer, but he had no more pubic hair, just regular fur. Besides that, it almost seemed as if his arms had swollen. In fact, his entire body felt more... potent. His abs were tighter, as were his legs, and his chest felt like a metal plate.
What the Hell had she done?

He tried to think of what had happened, tried to think of Katie... but his thoughts were clouded by a hunger. His stomach growled, but it wasn't food he wanted. Katie walked into the room. His whole body shook with need.
"You like your new body? Come on, you know you wanna try it out," she taunted him.

Some time later...
Cliff awoke in what looked like an attic room. His body was still covered in fur, his tail was still there, nothing had worn off. He wasn't home. He hadn't been dreaming, and now he found he'd been kidnapped. A young woman in a suit entered. She was older than Cliff, but she seemed to have an indescribably... energetic presence about her. When he looked at her, he felt giddy, but he couldn't figure out why.

"Ah, the new acquisition," she said," how are we feeling?"

"What did you do to me? You know I'll be missed," Cliff was relieved to find that his time out hadn't reduced his speech to just saying 'Chuu' all the time.

"Oh, boohoo, another milk carton spoiled by a photo. Now come here and kneel down," she said as she undid her shirt and bra, revealing her breasts. Cliff followed the order, but he couldn't work out why. It's not that his body moved out of its own accord, more like his mind only moved the way this woman told it to. What the Hell had happened?

The woman knelt a little herself and pushed Cliff's furry face towards her naked, tempting breast, cupping his head in her soft, warm hands. He gazed at the aureoles. His mind was transfixed. So beautiful, so tantalising...

"Now drink your fill," came another command. Cliff couldn't resist as she pushed his nuzzle into her breast, lips automatically closing around the fleshy mounds. In an instant, his tongue lapped out of its own accord. A slight droplet of milk touched his tongue, and he sucked it up gingerly. Why was he doing this? His first taste begged for more, and began to suck this woman, this Goddess' breast, relishing the divine nectar that came from her. Already he remembered the pictures of those other anthros on the website, and hoped to God he wouldn't end up in the same section as those Houndooms. Strangely, thoughts of his family came to him. His mom, dad, sister... and even weirder, whatever he thought of faded away as soon as it came. The divine milk seemed to override his every bodily function as his new corporeal shell slumped in an apathetic trance.

"Now, to answer your question: you've been changed. It's a surprisingly simple process when you know how it works, but in your case I'll give you a dumbed-down version of it. And stimulate me while you're down there, would you?"

He didn't want to do it, he really didn't, but he couldn't stop. His numb body responded, raising a hand to the woman's crotch, slipping in through her panties. His fingers teased her opening first, rolled the clit a little, then went in fully, expertly stimulating her vagina walls. Where had he learned to do that?

"Basically, when you cum as hard as you can, your mind is open to certain... outside influences. It's a magic spell of sorts," she recounted as she grabbed Cliff's head more roughly," but not the kind you'd think. Our agents don't actually do that much magic, it's more like tricking the client into casting it himself, you'll get the hang of it, too. Plus, it's almost impossible to enchant an entire human body," she pulled Cliff away, guiding him to her other breast as he felt his tail curl up behind her and wag at the tip, slightly tapping her bottom," but to cast a spell on one cell and let the spell replicate like virus...that's really easy, I can tell you. Come on, put more heart into it, boy."

Cliff kept on his dexterous activities and his milk sucking as his fate became clear. His body still felt so sluggish from the milk, but he couldn't stop drinking it. His body didn't want to stop even as his mind emptied.

"Now you're probably wondering why we do all of this. Well, put simply: because we can. There's an enormous gap in the market for fantasy prostitution, and so far the Ark is the only supplier. Mind you, it's not just pimping out anthros. People can join for a fee, and live their lives transformed, or they join for free, and then they are ours: body, mind and soul. It's a little add-on to the spell for security, you see: we wouldn't want to let our little secret go global or we'd go out of business," Cliff just nodded, not even listening to her, just lapping up the divine milk as it erased his old self, and letting his hands pleasure her on their own accord. He was lost already.

"So we take control of an anthro's mind using a little anti-tantra ritual, like the one you're doing joined the Ark, and now you are ours."
Cliff felt her body going into orgasm. His own body moved in tandem, the milk in his system somehow resonating with its producer's body.

It went all the way from the tips of his toes, and his tail, up his spine, to burrow into his skull. His hand went numb inside her, and she slowly pulled it out, her juices mixed with his fur in a sticky mess. As the woman retreated and gently lay him down on the ground, more bad news came to him, only half-heard.

"You're not the first kid to accidentally join, you know. But hey, you're signed up, and demand is too great to let anyone back out."

Clinging to the last bits of memory he had, Cliff wept, still down on the floor. The woman, he still hadn't caught her name, left him with half-hearted words of comfort.

"Oh, cheer up. You'll get to be with Katie and the rest of the bunch all you want. And if you're lucky, someone'll buy you out, and you'll have a lovely owner to have fun with."

The door closed. Cliff could feel his mind losing its grasp on even the lightest notion of human existence, just dimming memories of a past life, as his stomach churned with unholy milk and his head tried to adapt to the new body and the new mind. Slowly, he passed into a slumber, filled with images of sex and fur...

Later still...
"Aww, come on. You know guys do this sort of thing when they're alone, why shouldn't we?" the girl said to her friends. She was just looking for something fun and kinky to rattle her friends.

"Come on, Amy, quit it," one objected.

"Oh, hey, what's this? The Ark?" she browsed around some male Pokémon anthros, ignoring the Gardevoir (too girly) and the Ninetales (not human enough) before settling on a hunk of a Raichu.

"Hey, girls, check this out, it's got cam and everything."

"Cliff? What kinda name is that for a mouse?" one girl chided.

"It's a Raichu, not a mouse. Don't you watch TV?" another one answered.
"Cool costume," a third said.

"Come on, let's see what this is about," Amy clicked on the 'Chat' option, wondering what the 'Join' button meant...

The End
Chapter End Notes:Well, my first submission on this site. Hope you liked it. My next plan is to do something fun with a Girafarig transformation, so watch out for that.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 18 2013 Chapter:Join the Ark: Just browsing
    Must have more!