AGNPH Stories

Eevee evolution orgy by lordwegner


Chapter 1

Jason, a pokemon trainer from the Johto region, had finally evolved his final Eevee into an Espeon. He was very happy with himself for now he owns Eevee and all five evolutions: Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Umbreon and Espeon. Umbreon and the others wanted to welcome Espeon to the family in their own special way.

That night, after Jason fell asleep, Umbreon and the others made their move. Eevee released herself from her pokeball first. She was the smallest of the six, but she was no push over. She was very frisky and always pushed herself to show the others how strong she is. Flareon let herself out next. She stood there with her eyes closed stretching her arms above her head. The temperature rose as heat radiated from her body. Eevee smiled and ran over to Flareon. She was Eevee's favorite. Eevee wrapped her arms around Flareon, buried her face in Flareon's breasts and gave her big hug. A smile came to Flareon face. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down at Eevee. Eevee unburied her face and was looking up at Flareon with a big smile. Flareon reached down and held Eevee close to her. Jolteon released himself next. He stood there with his back towards the two. His needle like fur stood on end and small sparks could be seen on their tips. Eevee turned around to look at Jolteon. Flareon wrapped her arms around Eevee's shoulders and held her close. Eevee closed her eyes and rubbed her head in Flareon's breasts and opened her eyes again as Jolteon groaned. He slowly turned his head to the right and held it. He then slowly turned his head to the left and held it. He opened his eyes and smiled at the two of them. He turned around, faced then and said "I'm charged. I can't wait." Vaporeon came out next. He was on the floor on his hands and knees. He arched his back, stretched and gave a loud groan. His scaly skin glistened in the moon light. He stood up, he was the tallest of the six, and wagged his tail side to side as he looked at the others. Umbreon came out next. She hid in the shadows. The other were try to find her until Jolteon said "She is over there." And he point to a corner of the room. Umbreon's rings softly began to glow as the moonlight from the window moved near her. She smiled and walked towards the others. Her rings grew brighter as the moonlight showered her body. "Let's wake our new family member." She said with a sly smile. The other smiled back at her.

Umbreon walked over to Espeon's pokeball and she touched it. Espeon came out and way lying on the floor asleep, her fur shimmered brightly in the moonlight. Umbreon knelt down next to her. She lightly placed her hand on Espeon's check and gently woke her. Espeon slowly opened her eyes, sat up and stretched. When she finally awoke, she looked around to see the others and asked "What is going on?" "We are going to welcome you to the family." Umbreon replied with a smile on her face. Umbreon then asked "Who would like the honors?" and looked at the others. Eevee was blushing in Flareon's arms. She slowly raised her hand and answered "I would." Flareon was surprised by Eevee's action. She smiled, and placed one of her hands on Eevee's check. She leaned forwarded and softly kissed Eevee on the top of her head. "Fine, you two can have the honors. I'll take care of those two." Umbreon replied as she looked at Jolteon and Vaporeon.

Eevee jumped out of Flareon's arms and tackled Espeon back to the floor. "Oooff" came from Espeon as she hit the floor. She looked up at Eevee who had her face in Espeon's breasts and was holding her tight. "What are you doing?' Espeon asked as she blushed. Eevee just smiled at her. Espeon didn't know what was going on. Eevee then let go of Espeon and knelt at her side. Eevee reached down, grabbed Espeon's breast and began to lick them. Espeon blushed more and firmly said "Please stop." Eevee looked up at her, smiled and continued to caress and lick her breasts. Espeon began to slowly pant as Eevee continued. She lied back down and began to stroke the back of Eevee's head.

Flareon smiled as she walked over to the two. She lied down on her belly on top of Espeon's legs. Espeon leaned up, panting and looked at Flareon. Flareon smiled and told her "Relax. You'll enjoy this." Flareon reached under her and grabbed Espeon's knees. She slowly spread Espeon legs open and move her face in close to Espeon's pussy. Espeon panted as she watched. Flareon reached down with her hands and slowly opened Espeon up wide and began to lick her. Espeon lied back down and moaned loudly. Espeon could fell Flareon's warmth enter her body as she licked her.

Espeon turned her head and looked at Eevee. Eevee had her eyes closed and was sucking on Espeon's nipples. Espeon slowly move her hand from the back of Eevee's head down her back and reached around her ass. Espeon slowly slid a finger into Eevee's pussy. Eevee quickly opened her eyes, pulled her head back and moaned. She looked at Espeon and blushed. Espeon still blushing told her to continue. Eevee smiled and continued. Flareon watched as she licked Espeon. She moved one of her hands down between her legs and began to rub herself. Flareon then licked one of her fingers and slid it into Espeon's pussy. Espeon screamed and arched her back as pleasure filled her being. Flareon's finger was warmer than her tongue. "I bet that fells really good?" Flareon asked. Espeon could only look at her and pant. Flareon smiled, began to lick her again as she finger fucked her and continued to pleasure herself.

Jolteon and Vaporeon had become aroused by watching the three fingered themselves. They did not notice that Umbreon was standing in front of then until she reached down and grabbed their cocks. Vaporeon's cock felt cold and slightly slimly in her hand and she quickly let go of Jolteon's cock. Jolteon smiled at her evilly. When she grabbed him she received a slight shock. "Should have warned you about that, sorry." Jolteon said while smiling at Umbreon. Umbreon smiled back and knelt down in front of the two of them. When she got onto her knees, she was stroking Vaporeon cock gently. She reached out again and grabbed Jolteon's cock. She felt another shock but she did not let go that time. Umbreon looked up to see that Jolteon was smiling at her. She returned a sly smile back and began to stroke both of them faster. Jolteon and Vaporeon groaned as she went faster and faster. "Now who should I do first?" Umbreon asked looking at the two. "I know." She replied as the two looked down at her. She licked her lips and swallowed Jolteon's cock. His body tensed and Umbreon felt small shocks in her mouth. She pushed her head back and forth trying to get Jolteon's cock deeper into her mouth. She did not forget about Vaporeon as she sucked Jolteon. She stroked Vaporeon harder. His cock began to get slimier as she stroked him harder. Once Umbreon believed that Jolteon had enough, she pulled her head back and licked the tip of his cock. She turned and engulfed Vaporeon's cock deeply into her mouth. His cock was very slimly as she sucked it, but she like the slime over the shocks. A tingling sensation enters her hand as she began stroke Jolteon, while sucking Vaporeon.

The all began to groan and moan with pleasure until Espeon came. She screamed and began to thrust her hips hard against Flareon's finger. As Espeon came, she thrust her finger deeper into Eevee, who then came. Eevee sat up and pushed her hips down hard on Espeon's hand. She wanted that finger to go in deep as possible. Flareon came next. She was rubbing herself faster and faster as the two came. She pushed her fingers deep inside her pussy as she was about to cum. Flareon moaned as pleasure filled her. She was spastically pushing her finger in and out as she came. Espeon than pulled her wet finger out of Eevee and she lay there panting. Eevee fell back on top of Espeon and lay there panting. She was using Espeon's breasts as a pillow as she reached down between her legs to rub herself. Eevee gently rubbed her so the feeling of pleasure would last longer. Flareon pulled her fingers out of hers and Espeon's pussies. She licked her finger that was inside of her and she then laid her head onto Espeon's lower belly. She softly kissed her belly as she lay there enjoying extra warmth within her body.

Umbreon had stopped suck Vaporeon and was now furiously stroking the both of them. Jolteon and Vaporeon had their eyes closed and their teeth clenched. They both groaned. Umbreon move her face closer to their cocks, closed her eyes, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Jolteon and Vaporeon groaned again and they both came all over Umbreon's face. They stood there breathing heavily as Umbreon was squeezing every last drop of cum out of them. They looked down at her. Her mouth was filled with cum and they covered her left cheek and eye. She slowly opened her right eye and looked at them. She smiled at them as cum flowed out of her mouth and over her lips. She licked her lips and swallowed their loads. She reached up and wiped their cum from her eye and licked it off her hand. She opened her left eye and looked at them.

Umbreon then said "I want her next" looking at Vaporeon and Jolteon. She stood up and walked over to Espeon. Eevee and Flareon crawled away from Espeon after Umbreon spoke. They lay on the ground in each others arms. Umbreon lay on top of Espeon with her hands on either side of Espeon's face. Espeon wrapped her arms around Umbreon's neck and pulled her in close. Espeon licked the cum off of Umbreon's cheek and was playing with it with her tongue. Umbreon leaned in close and the two kissed.

Jolteon and Vaporeon smiled at one another as Umbreon and Espeon kissed. They walk over to Eevee and Flareon who were still lying on the ground in each others arms. Vaporeon knelt down behind Flareon, pick her up and positioned her on her hands and knees. Jolteon had also positioned Eevee on her hands and knees and was behind her. Vaporeon knelt behind Flareon and began to rub her ass. Flareon closed her eyes with a small smile on her face. Vaporeon slowly stroked himself until he was ready. He moved closer to Flareon and he thrust his cock deep in to her pussy. Flareon's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped as he entered her. She closed her eyes and screamed "It's cold." She tried to get his cock out of her, but Vaporeon grab her hips and held her close. He began to thrust his cock deep inside her. "Please pull out, it is so cold." Flareon panted looking back at Vaporeon. "Just wait. You'll get use to it and you are going to love my slimly cock." Vaporeon replied. He began to thrust slightly harder and Flareon still panted hard until she slowly began to moan with pleasure. His cock slid in and out her with ease. It went deeper with every thrust. "I told you. With all my lubrication, I'm going to slid deep inside you." Vaporeon said as he started to breath heavy. "You're right. It feels so good ... I'm starting to feel your warmth too." She panted with a big smile on her face.

Jolteon had grabbed Eevee behind her knees and lifted her off the ground. He stood up while hold Eevee. Her back lay on his chest. She looked down to see Jolteon was stroking himself. Once he was ready, he slowly lowered Eevee down on his cock. It slid deep into her pussy. Eevee closed her eyes, screamed and struggled in Jolteon's arms. Jolteon's cock was shocking her and she did not like the pain. "Easy there" He told her "Just relax and you'll really enjoy this." Eevee clamed down and turned her head to look at him. He was smiling. He leaned close to her ear and softly told her "I'm not going to hurt you. I will be very gentle." At hearing this Eevee smiled and submitted to him. As Jolteon cock move inside Eevee, it continued to shock her, but she started to enjoy the extra stimulus. As Jolteon slowly fucked her in his arms, pleasure filled her and the small shocks only increase the sensation. Eevee closed her eyes and slowly panted harder as he fucked her. "Could you please go a little faster?" She panted. "Of course." He replied. And he fucked her slightly harder and faster.

Espeon and Umbreon were both watching Jolteon and Vaporeon fuck Eevee and Flareon. While they were kissing, Flareon screamed as Vaporeon entered her. They had to see what was going on. While Umbreon continued to watch the four, Espeon had turned her head back and was gazing at Umbreon. She slowly slid her hands from around Umbreon's neck down her back and grabbed her ass. Umbreon quickly turned to look at Espeon. "Are we going to just watch or are we going to get at it?" Espeon asked with a sly smile. Umbreon was shocked. "She really has gotten into it." Umbreon thought to herself. "Fine, Let get started then." Umbreon replied with an evil smile. Umbreon got off of Espeon to get in to a better position. "You've never heard of the '69' position, but I'm going to show you what it is." Umbreon told Espeon as she knelt over Espeon's head. Umbreon the leaned forward and place her face into Espeon's pussy. Umbreon licked her lips and began to lick Espeon's pussy. Espeon moaned as Umbreon licked her. Umbreon stopped and began to gently rub Espeon's pussy. She looked back at her and said "It's not fair that I'm doing all the work." She then turned back and began to lick Espeon again. Espeon gasped as Umbreon started again. Espeon reached up and spread Umbreon's pussy open. Espeon lick her lips and then began to lick Umbreon. Umbreon let out a muffled scream as her face was it Espeon's pussy.

Vaporeon and Jolteon had started to fuck Flareon and Eevee faster as Umbreon and Espeon started to lick one another. Vaporeon thrust harder and harder into Flareon. She was becoming wetter and wetter the deeper he went. She could no longer take it. Flareon threw her head back and came. Her back arched as shivers of pleasure travel through out her body. Vaporeon groaned "I'm going to cum." He clenched his teeth, his body stiffened and he released inside Flareon. Flareon screamed again as his cum filled her. "It's cold." She screamed. As to her surprise Vaporeon's cum was cold. But this change in sensations caused Flareon to cum again. Even more pleasure filled her and her limbs gave out. She fell to the ground and Vaporeon's cock slid out. Vaporeon looked down at her as some slime dripped off his cock's tip. She lay on her side panting with her legs closed and one of her arms covering her breasts. He could see his cum drip down her ass as she lied there.

Vaporeon turned and looked at Eevee and Jolteon. Eevee had just screamed and was panting hard as Jolteon fucked her. "More, more, mooooore..." she panted. Jolteon gave her what she wanted. He gripped her harder and fucked her harder. She bounced up and down in his arms until they came. Jolteon closed his eyes and groaned loudly. He released all his cum into Eevee. "There's too much." Eevee screamed. Jolteon came so hard inside her that is was flowing out of her pussy as he continued to thrust deep in her. She screamed again and passed out in his arms. As Jolteon came, he released a larger shock into Eevee. In was too much for her. Her orgasm, all his hot cum filling her and the extra shock caused her to pass out from pleasure. Jolteon carefully pulled his cock out of her and he moved her in to a different position in his arms. He carried her over to Flareon and laid her down next to her. He gently kissed her on the cheek. And he then stood up next to Vaporeon. Flareon reached out to Eevee and pulled her in close. Flareon had embraced Eevee firmly against her breasts and was softly stroking the back of her head. "You two rest. We'll help those two finish up." Vaporeon told Flareon with a smile on his face. Flareon smile backed and then nuzzled her face close to Eevee's face and fell asleep.

As Vaporeon and Jolteon came with Flareon and Eevee, Umbreon and Espeon continued to lick, rub and finger one another. Vaporeon and Jolteon stood there and watched the two. Their bodies were shivering with pleasure; they were grinding the hips from side to side trying to position themselves better. "Top or bottom?" Vaporeon asked Jolteon. "Top." Jolteon replied. The two walked over to Umbreon and Espeon. Vaporeon knelt down in front of Umbreon and Jolteon knelt in front of Espeon. Umbreon looked up to see Vaporeon kneeling there stroking his cock. Espeon looked up to see Jolteon kneeling there stroking his cock. Umbreon gave Espeon one final lick and she then pulled her head back. Vaporeon smiled at Umbreon and move in closer. He placed his had on Espeon's hip and slid his cock deep into her pussy. Espeon let out a muffled scream as she continued to lick Umbreon. Vaporeon cock was even wetter and slimier from fucking Flareon. Jolteon watched as Espeon kept licking Umbreon. "Are you going to share?" He asked her. "Yes. You can use the other hole." She replied as she licked Umbreon. Jolteon shrugged his shoulder and move his cock up to Umbreon's asshole. He reached down and spread Umbreon's ass wide. Umbreon turned around and moaned "What are you doing?" "This." Jolteon replied and with that he plunged his cock deep into her asshole. Umbreon body stiffened as Jolteon entered her. As with Eevee, he was releasing small shocks into Umbreon. She bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming. "You ready" Jolteon asked Vaporeon. "Yep." He replied back.

Jolteon and Vaporeon began to fuck Umbreon and Espeon hard. Vaporeon cock slid deeper and deeper into Espeon's pussy. Espeon tried to squeeze her pussy tight to keep him from going in so far but his cock was wet that is just slid in deeper. Umbreon was trying hard to relax her asshole as Jolteon fucked her. She began to enjoy the small shock from his cock, but her ass could not take it much longer. Umbreon panted harder and harder. Jolteon was deep inside her ass and Espeon sick licking her pussy. "Aaaaaahhhh, you're tearing my ass apart." She moaned. "Sorry that is not much lubrication but Espeon wouldn't give up your sweet pussy. You just need to endure this a little more." Jolteon groaned as he fucked her harder. Espeon had the opposite problem. Vaporeon's cock was sliding deeper and deeper inside her. She was becoming so wet and she could not take in any more. "Please, pull out. You haven't even cum and yet you are filling me so much." She said. "If Umbreon has to endure Jolteon, then you can endure me." Vaporeon replied. Jolteon and Vaporeon went faster and faster. Gripping Umbreon and Espeon by their hips so they could not escape, Espeon and Umbreon wiggled their hips from the side to side trying to pull away or the get a better position.

The two women could no longer take it. Umbreon screamed with her tongue hanging out drooling. Jolteon had pulled her closed and came inside her. He filled her ass with his hot cum and shot shocks through her body. Umbreon almost passed out from the pleasure, but she endured it. Espeon screamed after Umbreon. Vaporeon had plunged his cock in her as far as he could go and came inside her. Espeon tried to scream but no sounds came from her mouth. She was ready to explode, his cold cum filled her along with all of slime from his cock. Jolteon and Vaporeon held the positions and each let out a big sigh. They both pulled out at the same time. Umbreon moaned and pushed Jolteon's cum out of her ass onto Espeon's face. Espeon screamed as all of Vaporeon's cum and fluids gushed out of her. She did not care that Umbreon was pouring Jolteon's cum all over her face. Umbreon and Espeon just remained there, the pleasure passing through out their entire bodies. They slowly returned to their senses as the pleasure slowly left them. Umbreon got off of Espeon and lay down next to her. Umbreon leaned over Espeon and began to lick of Jolteon's cum from her face. When she was finished Espeon pulled Umbreon in close and kissed her. They lay their together on the floor. Once Jolteon and Vaporeon had caught their breath, Jolteon bend down a picked up Umbreon and Vaporeon picked up Espeon. They carried them over to where Eevee and Flareon lay asleep. Jolteon laid Umbreon next to Eevee and he lay down behind her. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close. Vaporeon had laid Espeon down near Flareon. He lay down between the two and placed an arm around Espeon and arm around Flareon and held them close. The four then fell asleep.

The next morning, Jason woke up and stretched. "Today I train hard with all my pokemon." He said. When he got out of bed he looked down at the floor to see a six of his pokemon asleep together. "What going on?" He thought to himself. "Maybe the others wanted to welcome Espeon to the group and they were up all night having fun. I'll just let them sleep." He thought. Jason quietly left the room to prepare for the day. If he only knew the type of "fun" they had last night.

Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon and Pokemon © Game Freak and Nintendo

This story is the property of Gary Stricker
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