AGNPH Stories

Lack of Love by chester_moistmuffins


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1

"Charmeleon...flamethrower" Joe says with an expressionless face. "Bayleef!Dodge now!" the other trainer said, but it was already too late. The charmeleons flame hit dead on, engulfing the bayleef in a cloud of fire, when the fire passed, there stood a badly burnt bayleef on the scorched patch of grass. "Bayleef.......?" the trainer calls out to his pokemon, and as if on cue, it falls over to the side, unconcious. "BAYLEEF!!!" he calls out, running to his pokemon, sliding to it on his knees and placing bayleefs head in his lap, cupping it's face. "Oh bayleef, it was a good try but you still did great." he said to the unconciuos bayleef, his words falling on deaf ears. Joe just stares at them for a few moments then returns charmeleon to his pokeball and slowly walks towards the trainer and his bayleef. "What do YOU want?" He says to Joe in a somewhat hostile tone. When Joe reaches them, he says nothing and kneels down to the battered bayleef, studying it for a few moments, and then reaches into his pockets and pulls a vial of red liquid, and sprays it on the bayleefs wounds, healing them almost instanly, it was a recovery potion. The trainer just stares at him with a puzzled look on his face "Why did you...." he was cut off mid sentence "money" Joe says in an emotionless tone. "Excuse me?" the trainer says. "You are a trainer so I assume that you know the rules that when one of the trainer loses, he or she hands over half of what ever amount of money they have to the winner, so if you don't mind i'll take my winnings and be on my way." The trainer just looks at him with a mixture of puzzled and annoyed look on his face and reaches for his wallet, opens it, and hands him the money "Fine...just take it." Joe grabs it and pockets it and turns around to get his pack and walks of without saying a word.

It was almost noon when Joe finally reaches the path he was on earlier going towards...where ever this path was taking him. He did't care where it lead him beacause he was pretty much just a wanderer. He kept brushing his dark-brown, semi-long hair out of his eyes sot that his greenish-brown eyes could see that path ahead. He was wearing a small black short sleeve shirt that had some skull and crossbone designs on it, and he wore his black hoodie over himself with the zipper left open, the hood down, and the sleeves of the hoodie rolled up to his elbows. His dark grey jeans were a little tight around the legs but he didn't care. Of course he wore a pokebelt with four pokeballs on it, but only one of them had a charmeleon in it, his only pokemon. He also had a short pocker chain going from his wallet to his front pocket on his right side. His jeans also had a small tear on his thigh in the right side, possibly from a tree branch or something like that. He also wore a pair of some 'seemingly' normal black sneakers, you'll find out later in the story what im talking about. He was at a decent hieght for being a 16 year, 5'11.

He kept walking for hours until the sun was about to set and he still has reached a settlement or anything. He stands there for a minute wondering if he should just make camp or keep walking. (I might as well make camp somewhere nearby since it seems I won't be reaching a pokecenter anytime soon.) he thinks to himself. Then he looks to the right and notices that he can actually hear the sound of rushing water. He doesn't understand how he didn't hear it before, but he just shrugs and dismisses the thought and walks of towards to some of the rushing water. He had to climb over some logs nad dig through some bushes before he found what he was looking for: It was beautiful sight, ther he saw a stream which emptied into a lake, and the lake was surrounded by short green grass and some occasional patches of flowers instead of trees and bushes. He thought to himself (wow...I can't believe my luck, im definetley camping here tonight.)

Joe walked over to one of the the flatter plains of grass and decided to pitch his tent there. He had a two person tent but he never traveled with anybody, it was just given to him as a gift and Joe is the type of person who takes what he can get. Once he was finished pitching the tent and rolled out his sleeping bag into it, he called out his charmeleon. "Come on charmeleon" he tossed the red and white ball and it popped open and beam of red energy shot out, forming into the shape of his charmeleon. "Char-meleon" the charmeleon says hissing a little. He looks at Joe waiting for his commands. "Charmeleon" says Joe "the sun has almost set and I need your help to gather some fire wood so we can make a campfire before night falls so I can cook some food for you, do you think you can help me?" Charmeleon nods in agreement. "Good, thanks Charmeleon." He pets him on the and motioned for him to follow him. An hour later they arived back at the campsite and the sun has already set. "Just in time" Joe says, his charmeleon smiling beside him. Once they set the wood in a pile, Joe looks at charmeleon "charmeleon, could you?" The charmeleon looks at him, nods, and smiles before turning toward to pile of firewood and letting short burst of fire engulf the wood pile, catching it on fire instantly. Joe looks at him "much appreciated" he says while patting his charmeleon on the head.

Joe was at the river filling his pot with water so he can cook the stew he was going to make for himself and his friend, when he started getting lost in his thoughts. (What is wrong with me?) he thought to himself (why am I having so much trouble with my emotions, I mean, I have them, but, why is it so difficult for me to show them?) His train of thought was abrubtly disrupted when he saw a ball of white and red fur go flying past him through the air, he immediatly recognized it as a zangoose. (Funny....I don't remember a zangoose being able to fly...what the?) he was disturbed yet again when two hitmonlees went runnig past him towards where the zangoose has landed.

Shara was walking through the forest feeling hungry when she came across a bush that had some berries on it. She didn't know what kind of berries they were but she didn't care, she was just so hungry. When she tried the first one, she found that they tasted rather will, and an hour later, she apperently ate all of them, stuffing herself. She was resting on her back on the ground when she noticed some rustling from some bushes nearby. She looked towards it and yelled in pokemon speak "Come on out! I know your there!" When she said this, two hitmonlees with a rather furious look on their face leaped out and stood before her, making her jump back a little. "Did you eat all of our berries?" one of them said in a stern tone. Shara looked at them puzzled "your berries? Oh, im so sorry! I didn't know that they were your..." she was cut off when one of them leaped at her yelling "Too late!" and kicked her with all his might in her chest sending her flying a few hundred yards, landing close to the lake and her chest in extreme pain, possibly a few broken ribs. She was lying face down when she tried to get back up, but then a foot came down hard on her back, pinning her to the grounds making her yelp loudly in pain. The two hitmonlees were looking down on her with an evil smirk on their faces and one of them said "Sorry, but the only way you can apologized to if you DIE!" Then the hitmonlee with foot on her back picked it up a raised high into the air, preparing to deliver a bone crushing finishing blow. Shara closed her eyes waiting for the blow while screaming"IM SORRY!" She laid there for a few moments for her spine to crack, but nothing happened. She fearfully opened her eyes to see what happened, and was shocked to see a human boy above her with his back facing to her!

Joe managed to step in the line of fire just in time to save the poor zangoose from the deadly kick by blocking his kick with his own kick! Joe had the bottom of his foot under the calf of the hitmonlee's leg, preventing it from swining it down! The hitmonlee backed off real quick, not believing that a human just stopped one of it's kicks! Joe stares them down, making a chill run through their spine, before saying "My apologies, but I am afraid that I cannot allow you to harm a defenseless zangoose while i am nearby, so would you please leave her alone and leave this place and never harm her again." The two hitmonlees just stare at him awkwardley thinking that that he must be joking! There is no way he actually thinks that he can beat them! Shara was just dumbfounded by the boy, staring at him in a somewhat puzzled look "what's with this human? Why is he protecing me? Why is he talikin to them in such a casual tone?" She then looked at one of the hitmonlees and noticed he was getting ready to attack, she tried to warn the human but it was too late. The hitmonlee was right infront of him doing a front kick to Joe's face, but to everyone's shock, he dodged hit like it was nothing, just by tilting his head to the side. The hitmonlee was in utter disbelief in what he just seen and so was his brother thinking ( While the hitmonlee was still in mid-air infront of Joe, Joe brought his right in front of him performing a front kick of his own, except his was much faster, nailing the hitmonlee in the chest sending him flying past his brother. His brother, in shock and horror, looked backed to see where his brother had landed, failing to notice that Joe had run right up to him. When he looked back to see Joe ten inches away from his face, he almost screamed, untill Joe lifted foot high in the air, put it behind the head of the hitmonlee, and then slamed his face into the ground beneath them using just his foot! The pokemon, badly beaten but concious, looked up at Joe in horror, wandering what he was going to do next. To his surprise, Joe actually gently picked him up. The pokemon, now confused and fearfull, had no idea what he was doing, but then Joe pulled out another vial of recovery and gently sprayed the wounds on the hitmonlees face healing his wounds. Now the the pokemon was really confused as to why he did this. Joe said to it, handing another vial, "go find your brother and spray this on his wounds, it will help the healing process." The hitmonlee took the vial and stood there dumbfounded at what just happened while Joe walked back over to the injured Zangoose. Joe stopped and noticed the the hitmonlee was still standing there staring at him awkwardly. Joe turned around and said in a cold tone "don't make me repeat myself." This made the hitmonlee tense up real quick and dart of towards the forest to find his brother.

Joe turned back around and saw the battered zangoose laying there, still concious surprisengly. (I don't know what she did to get them so mad at her like that, but she did't deserve a beating like that, no one does.) Joe thought to himself. Shara still laying there couldn't belive what she just saw, a human beating two hitmonlees at the same time by using just his legs?! It's unheard of! She was grateful, but still feared him a little, thinking that he was just going to capture her. To her surprise he lifted her off the ground holding her in his arms, just staring at her face. Joe then said in a gentle voice "don't worry, im only here to help you, not capture you." She was shocked and somewhat relieved, but also skeptical. Can she really trust this human? As if her thoughts were draining energy out of her, she passed out in in his arms, falling unconcious.
Chapter End Notes:Well, that was my first chapter. So love, hate, don't care?
Tell me in a review! And incase your wondering yes, there will be sex in the next chapter for you to fap's the only reason why you probably read this story in the first place
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