AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?

The beginning

I was on a soft, comfortable bed when I woke up. The antiseptic smell told me that it was a pokémon center.

I was just an ordinary pokémon trainer with a strange name and with 7 badges. I never really knew where my mother got the inspiration for my name; she always said that she came up with it on the spur of the moment. Well, but I never really minded. After all, Kiaace was a unique name. Anyway, I had to check on Adelina. Adelina was my absol and we had fought a lucario earlier on. She was hurt badly.

The whole ordeal began when I decided to become a pokémon trainer. At that time, it really sounded like a good idea. Kiaace the pokémon trainer. Huh. Of course, as all trainers do, I went to get a starter Pokémon from the Professor. It was well and I have 5 rather powerful pokémon. However, along the way, I met the lucario that changed my life in very, very unexpected ways.

I was walking home to celebrate my 7th gym badge. Suddenly, I noticed a black and white heap on the floor. It was an injured and bleeding absol, struggling to get up. She had just taken a beating from a blue and black pokémon. Suddenly, she stopped bleeding. I took out my pokédex. It was a lucario! It said that lucario could not be found easily in this region. Suddenly, it turned and dashed towards me, grabbing my throat and forcing me against a tree.

"Finally, I've found you. You are...Kiaace am I right?"

"Yes! What do you want? Fuck you! Let me go! I thought lucarios were good pokémon, so why did you hurt that absol?" I felt pathetic.

"She's not important to you now. And why would I kill you? You are far too valuable. Do you recognize these?" The lucario took out a pair of navy, silken gauntlets.

"It can't be! You mean you are that lucario? That lucario from the legend?"

"Such a great deal of skepticism for one so young." He said philosophically. "Yes, I am that lucario. And I see you are aware of the legend, so are you willing to save the world?"

It would be fun to save the world. Except the last guy who did never came back. "Is it true that the person who wore these 20 years ago died after he stopped the cataclysm?"

"Well, he didn't exactly die. He willingly undertook a...change, you could call it."

"Wait, so you say he didn't die, but the legend says he did. I don't really understand. Besides, I like myself the way I am, thank you." I was getting angry then, but I wasn't strong enough to struggle against one who was thousands of years old.

"Well I think the world is more important. Don't you? And, after all this I believe you would willingly make the change too." He sighed.

"What makes me the one who must do this? I don't have any special abilities or anything." I pressed on.

"You're bleeding in the stomach now, where the absol's wound was." The lucario pointed. It was true. My white shirt had red stains on it.

"What the hell...this shirt took me years to clean!"

"Put these on, they'll speed up your natural regeneration." He let me go and passed me the gauntlets. I didn't want to die, so I put them on. I thought, "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Hmm... not too bad." I took a closer look. There were 6 crystals embedded on the left and right gauntlets, with a jewel inset in the middle. The crystals were all translucent, with a larger jewel in the center. The jewel on the left was bluish while the jewel on the right was reddish. Nothing seemed to happen, but one of the crystals on both gauntlets suddenly glowed with a pale light. Then the light stopped and my wounds disappeared.

Lucario hid the faintest of chuckles and continued, "You just sealed your fate. The gauntlets won't come off now, and you must finish your task at hand. Now that you've accepted your responsibility, I can now explain things in greater detail. About the absol, she just needed some convincing to allow herself to join you. She will be the first step to helping you fulfill your true potential and to learn your purpose in life. You will wear these. If my inquisition is right, you will be able to feel more for your pokémon. Then you can utilize the power of these gauntlets. Trust me." He released my neck and grabbed my hand.

Maybe it was his tone of voice, but he sounded like the tutorial in a fantasy game. "Hey, I'm not gay, you sicko." I wrenched my hand from his grip."

He passed me a full restore.

"I believe you know how to use one of these things. It is important that you understand your task, so I will seal off you other pokémon for the time being. You will only be able to use the absol."

I nodded my head.

"One more thing. Get closer with your pokémon. You'll want to. Trust me."

"I know. You've said that already. Twice."
Then, the lucario raised his hands. "Trust me; I know what I'm doing." Suddenly, his tone of voice changed. "Aura is with me!"

He was gone.

"Make that thrice." At this point, I believed that the lucario had gone mad from some unknown cause. I tried to remove the gauntlets, but they stayed firmly there. "So you're...not that crazy."

"Instead of complaining, why don't you go save the wounded absol?" His voice resonated in my head.

I quickly ran over to the injured absol. She was bleeding, but not that badly hurt. Apparently, the lucario had just hit her in choice places to avoid severe injury, but powerful enough to prevent her from moving. I sprayed the full restore over her wounds, and she winced in pain.


"Did you just talk? And how did you know my name?"

"I think I did...yes. And I'm completely hard of hearing." Even though she was wounded, she still had the energy to be sarcastic.

"What the...this gets weirder by the second." I brought her back home and tended to her wounds. Still curious, I asked her.

"Why did the lucario beat you up so badly?"

"He said I needed join you or the world would end. He told me that should I join you, I would get my rewards, but...every time he got close to mentioning it; he seemed to change the topic and look away. He would also blush a lot. I never really liked the idea of being held captive in a ball, so I tried to run away." She dismissed with a flick of her tail.

"I see." Then, I realized my hands were sweating in the gauntlets. I pulled at the edge to remove them but found that they still would not come off. "Do you mind hitting me gently? I still think this is a strange dream."

"What!? Alright. But I must admit, you humans have very strange habits." She drew back her front paw, and playfully walloped me in the face.

She hit me so hard, I think it left a mark on my face. "I said gently! Ow..."

"My bad. At least you know you're not dreaming now." She spoke without any emotion.

"You can be quite cruel to the person who just healed you."

"I bite the hand that feeds me." She smiled.

"You can be very irritating."

"I know."

Sighing, I walked home, with the absol by my side.

At home, I threw down my bag on the couch. Heck care if it was full of potions and fragile things. I was hungry, tired, dirty and worst of all, annoyed.

"What do absols eat..." After all, she needed to eat too. I took out 2 bowls and filled one of them with pokémon food. I placed a microwave hotdog in the other.

I stepped out of the kitchen.

"Wow, food! I sure am hungry." The absol licked her lips. She leapt onto me and started devouring the hotdog that was meant to be my dinner.

"Hey, that's mine! Yours is the pokémon food!" I protested, brushing her aside.

She stared at me. "I don't quite like the taste of pokémon food." Then, she finished the remains.

She was really pissing me off. I thought of ways to get revenge on her and I came up with a nasty idea.

"It's been a long day. I'm sure you're dirty, and there's still some blood on your fur. Why don't I go clean you up?

"Sure, why not?" She didn't suspect a thing.

I stepped into the bathroom and I turned on the hot and cold water taps. I placed a tentative finger into the luke-warm water and found the temperature just right.

"Your bath's ready!" I shouted to her.

I took off my shirt and let my pants slip down. Then, I blushed furiously as I noticed that she was watching. "Nice." The absol commented.

"Well...thanks...I think." I was at a loss for words. I didn't really think my plan through.

I settled in the warm water of the bathtub, relaxed, and asked her to come in. When the absol jumped into the tub, water sprayed everywhere.

"Don't do that..." I said with exasperation. "Let me bathe in peace."

"Sorry. I'm just very sensitive about things when it comes to grooming. It's very important for a female absol, such as myself, to be groomed. She said rather proudly.

"Whatever you say." My plan was rolling into action.

I soaped it up with my shampoo and started scrubbing her fur. The strong smell of shampoo filled the air, and the water became bubbly. Her white fur shone like the moon, and it was then I noticed that she was beautiful. Well, at least for an absol.

After I washed the shampoo off her, I pulled the plug on the bathtub and watched the water drain away. Then, I took a towel and began to dry myself and her fur.

She was almost dry when I exclaimed in victory.

"I'm going to get my revenge. It was alright when you annoyed me, but you ate my dinner!"

She turned around, but it was too late. I held her tight with my left hand, preventing her from struggling, while I was massaging her hind leg with my other hand. I ever so subtly moved my hand slowly upwards, towards the joint in between her legs. I felt 2 parallel objects. They felt like lips. To confirm my suspicion, I stuck my fingers in and started rubbing her lips. It was then I noticed that the gauntlets were still on. Damn gauntlets. Spoiling my fun.

"Hey what the...let me go! I thought you said that you'll clean me, not molest me. That's a sensitive area!" She let out a feral cry as the pleasure got to her.

"I did not specify where I was cleaning."

"Ooh...that's a new feeling. I dunno why, but I don't want you to stop! It feels so good!"

Complying, I moved my hand deeper, and started rubbing her more sensitive parts. I felt my gauntlets getting wet, but not from the water. Her breaths were getting deeper, and I could feel her trembling. She was slowly getting warmer, and she was sweating heavily.

"You do realize that if we continue we will need to have another bath?" I suddenly realized. I hate bathing.

She spoke between labored breaths."Who...cares...this is fucking good..." Her drool was all over the floor.

Yet another dirty thought crossed my mind. "Well now I know she's got a pussy. Maybe I should do it with her." I removed my hand slowly.

"Hey! Don't stop, not now!" She was annoyed. I knew that she was about to climax.

"How do you like it if we took it up a notch." I winked.

"Sounds great." She looked at me with a lovey-dovey expression in her eyes.

I felt my member slowly lifting, becoming rock-solid. The absol bent down, her bottom raised, just begging for me to fuck her. I obliged. When I thrusted into her, she let out a low, rumbling growl, a sign of her pleasure. As my thrusts got quicker and rougher, she dug her claws into the tiled floor and her eyes shut tight. Her pussy was incredibly tight, and I thought that if I did not moisten it with her juices just now, I didn't believe my cock would ever, ever come out.

"Oh, that feels great." I grabbed her furry body for support as I continued humping her. The gauntlets were glowing black, the light coming from the black crystals. Then, I shouted.

"I'm going to cum!"

And I did.

And she did.

I slowly removed my cock from her soaking pussy. The absol was panting, as though she had just gone for a marathon. My cum and her bodily fluids slowly gushed out of her wet hole and onto the floor. We were all sweaty from the sexual encounter.

"Well, I'm not gonna bathe again." I rucked.

"You could clean the absol way." She winked.

"???" I had a faint idea of what was gonna happen.

"Use your tongue." She said matter-of-factly.

"Oh." I smiled.

"I wonder what it tastes like." Without further ado, I grabbed her furry behind as I bent down to get closer to her hole. I used my hands to part the lips slightly, to make space for my tongue, then I ruthlessly started cleaning the stuff off her pussy with my tongue. She seemed to like the favor.

"I think you need some grooming too." The absol stepped onto me. She wasn't THAT heavy. She bent over to lick my member and started cleaning the cum off it.

"Somehow, I don't think this is working." I remarked as I had another orgasm.

"Well, we could always continue..." She laughed, before going back to licking my cock.

After we were both exhausted, I slumped on the floor, my member slowly softening. The absol lay on the cold floor beside me on her back. She was still panting and dripping wet. I wondered. "You need a name. I can't keep calling you absol. It just doesn't sound right."

"You can suggest a name and I'll tell you if I like it or not." She suggested.


"Sounds good."

The black crystal gauntlets glowed with a blinding light, and then the lucario appeared.

"The energy from the crystals on the gauntlet has gotten stronger. I see you've bonded with your first pokémon; that was fast."

I blushed furiously. After all, I was still in the buff. "Have you been watching me?"

"No. Well, not visibly. Back to business. I must finish the first between you and your absol. Get your absol ready to fight."

"No! Adelina's no match for you, she'll get hurt again!"

"Unless you're willing to take her stead." The lucario maneuvered me into a corner.

"I will protect my master." The absol growled. She was still dripping wet from the adventure in the bathroom, but she certainly looked battle ready.

"Good. Let's take this outside. We need open space to fight, and I do not wish to damage your house. Get dressed and we'll leave in 10 minutes."

I quickly slid on my shirt, pulled my jeans up, wiped the remnants of cum and saliva from Adelina's pussy with tissue paper(making her groan in the process) and followed the lucario to an open grassy field.

"We won't disturb anyone here, and no one will mind if we damage anything." The lucario spoke without looking up. "I don't think you can use fire moves, right?"

"Why can't you leave me alone? What do you want with me?" I shouted at him. "Why do you want to fight us? I have no enmity with you." Normally, I wouldn't mind fighting, but this time, my pokémon could get hurt.

"Neither do I. I mean no harm." The lucario replied

"Then why are you so bent on hurting me and my absol?"

"I must prepare you to fulfill your destiny! You're gonna have to fight me with all your pokémon sooner or later. I must start with your absol. Only then can you understand your task with an absol's special abilities. Now get ready to battle!" The lucario shifted into a fighting stance.

The gauntlets glowed with a dark and unnatural light. It kinda made sense, seeing that there were 6 crystals, one for each of my pokémon and since absol was a dark-type, it made sense that the light would be "dark" light. Suddenly, I thought of something. "Right now, I have 6 female pokémon now does that mean that I must..." I thought of what I did in the bathroom.

"You have an enormous grasp of the obvious."

"Gee, thanks." My heart was filled with the will to battle, and when he insulted my intelligence, it just gave me one more reason to defeat him.

"Come get me." The lucario muttered.

"Absol, use quick attack!" Adelina obliged, charging towards lucario. Her eyes were filled with a kind of passion. She wasn't gonna let me get hurt. Frankly, lucario annoyed me. Then, I noticed that the lucario had closed his eyes. "Isn't he afraid of getting hit?" I thought. Adelina, sensing her chance, quickened her pace and leapt towards him, her powerful hind legs springing her off the floor.

The lucario smirked. "No, I'm not. Aura blast!" He let off a ball of pulsing light, and it blew Adelina aside. She was seriously wounded, with a large gash in her stomach.

"You underestimate me. You overestimate yourself. You lack understanding of battle. So many emotions, so many thoughts. You must feel what your partner is feeling. Your heart must be in the battle. By the way, I thought you would realize that I could read your mind by now."

"Adelina, are you alright?" I shouted.

"I can still fight, for your sake." Adelina stood up, shaking violently. I suddenly developed a profound respect for her.

"One last try; I won't give up! Adelina, use shadow ball!" My soul was with her in this attack. She gathered energy into the horn on her head and released it all towards the lucario.

He stuck his hand out to catch it, and with ease, hurled it back at her. The shadow ball exploded where it landed, worsening her injuries. She could not get up.

"I...failed...master." Adelina whispered. She was writhing in agony.

As I stood there, unsure what to do, I suddenly felt a horrible pain in my stomach. I collapsed on the ground, writhing in pain. The white shirt I was wearing changed color to a deep shade of crimson. "God damn it I need to get red shirts. That way I could save on the dry-cleaning." However, Adelina seemed to stop feeling as much pain, and she let out tired a sigh of relief.

"It wasn't too bad for a first try." he comforted me.

"I don't really plan to fight you. But I just don't want my pokémon to get hurt! Look at you lucario. You claim to be helping me. Can't you see that you're hurting her? That you're hurting me? Go away! You can't even tell me why I'm wounded when it should be my absol who has taken the brunt of the injuries."

My fury was unleashed. The light from the gauntlets covered my entire body, and I bent down on all fours. I let out a feral roar and I heard all my senses heighten. I could hear the leaves rustling, I could see further than I ever could, and I could taste the fear stemming from Adelina as the life drained slowly from her. Most importantly, I could feel strength building up inside of me. There was also something else. I felt like running away because something bad was going to happen. But I shrugged that off and charged towards the lucario, leaving a trail of blood behind.

My claws left burn marks on the ground. I had become an absol! However, my fur was maroon, instead of the snowy white that it should have been. I focused dark energy into the horn on my head. Then, I lifted my tail.

"Shadow ball! Lucario! Go away!" I began using them at an insane speed, at which even real pokémon could not have managed. Lucario could not dodge them all, and he projected a shield with his aura force.

"I see. You have learnt well, young one. Very well, we will meet again."

He left the field in a beam of light, leaving only a puddle of blood where he stood. He was still wounded by my attack.

As my heightened instincts weakened, and my heartbeat slowed, I dug with my paws through my bag and found a super potion. I was still bleeding from the gash in my stomach, but right now the important thing was that I saved Adelina first. I took a good look at my front paws and noticed that I was still wearing those gauntlets. I padded over to Adelina's side and fumbled with the potion.

"Who are you...?" Adelina muttered weakly. Even she did not recognize me. "But I think you're...a nice absol..." She winced in pain.

"Stupid human contraption!" I thought at this point. "Not pokémon friendly." Thinking, I bit the glass and smashed the potion, letting its contents spill over Adelina's wound. But most of the potion went down my throat, quenching my thirst. However the glass shards also went down my throat, and the potion did its job, albeit in the wrong places. However, Adelina was still wounded, her life ebbing slowly out of her. I took a closer look at Adelina's wounds and noticed that her wounds were slowly fading away. Confirming my suspicion, I rolled over on my back and discovered that there were 2 gashes slowly growing in the same places. I was absorbing her wounds. She would be okay.

Then, I felt another pain in my stomach, and Adelina's wounds fully stopped bleeding. But I noticed, that now I was the one in danger. I collapsed from tiredness and lack of blood, the wounds in my stomach now bleeding my life force, and the last thing I remembered was Adelina going for help.

I was on a soft, comfortable bed when I woke up.

I leapt off the bed and landed on all-fours. I sighed. "This isn't a dream...I'm still stuck in this form." I stared down at my front paws. The accursed blue gauntlets were still there. They were making a mess of my life.

I was relieved to see Adelina pacing around the room, with a worried expression on her face.

"You really gave me a scare, Kiaace. I thought you'd gone missing during the battle, I didn't think that you turned into that absol."

"I have no idea why I'm even an absol in the first place. It seems to be the lucario's idea of some sick joke."

"Well, I kinda believe his story now."

"Whaddya mean?" I flared in anger. "He hurt you twice now, and now I'm stuck in the shape of a pokémon."

"We're absols. We can sense when danger is coming. Maybe that's why he chose this form to start with, maybe it's so that you'll better understand what's going on. Besides, I don't think he had any intention to hurt me. Otherwise, I would be dead by now."

I had my doubts, but what she said made sense. And, I have had a strange sense of impending doom ever since I changed form. I stared wistfully out the window, watching the full moon above. "What do you have in mind for me, lucario?"
Chapter End Notes:1st rewrite
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