AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?

Memories of...

"It's the least I can do." A tear slid down this cheek. Sniffing, he left in a blinding flash. Orland, smiling, but with tears in his eyes also, taunted him.
"Crying now...big boy!" Orland laughed.
"Sometimes I...!" A flash of lightning appeared in the sky as the ground rumbled from the sheer intensity and anger in his projected voice. I whined, placing my head in between my hind paws, shivering in fear.
"Ab...sol!" I whined in a high pitch. All this was scaring me a lot, and I wanted to get out of this foreign place. "Ab...mmm...sol!" Orland merely laughed harder, sending me scrabbling on the floor.
"Looks like you can't bully this poor guy by scaring him." Orland almost rolled on the floor. A pulse of energy, and I felt sleepy all of a sudden.
"Ab...sol...zzz..." I collapsed onto the floor in a fitful doze. "Ab..." I smiled in innocent peace. Orland crooned a lullaby, and my fits slowly stopped, and I smiled in a blithe peace.
"Sleep still are the last hope for this world." But I was already fast asleep at this point. Placing me gently on the tarp of the tent, he left to counsel with Alyss.
"Alyss! You idiot!" He slapped Alyss hard on the cheek, who recoiled from the blow. "I told you not to go so far! He got tainted with dark energies!" Alyss, struggling to his feet, returned the blow.
"He needs to learn how to do that sooner or later! How long are you going to protect him? Forever?" Orland looked away, knowing that he had lost his argument. A rayquaza flew by, with another figure on her back.
"Set your squabble aside and help me with him! Kai is wounded badly." The new figure, only known as Kai, spat out blood. Raising his ornate spear, he pointed at its cackling blade.
"I...certainly...tried..." He passed out. The cackling disappeared, only to be replaced by a dark smear on it. Orland, touching it, felt a chill pass through his body.
"The jackass tried to fight Darkrai. He has gotten stronger. We need to muster all our strength now to defeat him." Alyssa swore, Orland looking upwards to the sky. Changing back into her human form, she pointed at the ground, making a katana for herself. This blade was curved and hooked, and was broad and heavy. It was made of a strange alloy, the mixing of devil's earth with steel. She struck it on the ground, creating sparks and a wave of earth in the air. Smiling, she pointed her other hand at the sky, and a sparkling katana fell out of the sky, reflecting light on its way down. Grabbing its hilt tentatively, it glowed with a brilliant light. It's composition was more direct, made of a godly metal that had no name. Orland's mouth hooked.
"It's not often you summon Heaven and Earth as weapons." A pulse of energy rippled the air, and a second blade appeared on each of the katana blades.
"Artifice and Nature...even rarer to see those." Grinning, she smiled and replied.
"You haven't seen my ultimate blades yet." Screaming, she placed all her focus on each of her blades, and a third blade appeared on the hilts. The blades glowed, runic inscriptions appearing on them. "They're called, Life and Death." Orland's and Alyss's eyes widened.
"Interesting." Alyss complimented his sister. "A new level of power." He summoned his flute, and swung it suggestively. Alyssa struck at Alyss, parrying his defensive stroke. Alyss nimbly leapt back, swearing. "No fair! I need another weapon as well." His hand glowing, another flute appeared in mid air. Watching them lengthen, he held them by his mouthpieces, like tonfas. "You're not the only one with secrets." Swing them, a musical note played each time he swung, forming a musical rhythm, making his steps look almost like a dance. Alyssa, serious now, quickly tried to break his enchanting moves, but his feet would not break their step, and the melody would not stop. Feeling herself get weaker, she released the bolts of lightning called down by her blade, trying to disrupt his apparently dangerous magic. Too late. He finished encarving the pentagram on the floor, the lightning stopped following along Alyssa's blade, instead travelling along the pentagram on the floor. As the lightning formed elaborate patterns in the sky, Alyssa laughed.
"Looks like I lost again..." Alyssa joked as a bolt of lightning struck her, knocking her out. Alyss smiled. Orland carried her over to the tent, placing her beside me.
"Too bad...sis." Alyss smiled. Orland clapped in appreciation.
"Marvellous that was." Orland smiled. "I never knew you were so advanced in your technique.
"I've been practicing in my spare time. I'm almost at your level now. I believe" He shrugged.
"You so certain about that? Shall we have a go as well? You don't look too tired from that earlier battle." Orland twitched slightly. Even he felt a tingle of fear.
"Well, okay. It gives me some time to try out my new song anyway." Orland raised an eyebrow, and ruthlessly swung his arm in Alyss's direction. Alyss, eyes wide open, swiftly sidestepped. A vicious grin ran through Orland's face. Alyss, with an incredulous look on his face, struck back, a musical note resounding through the air.
"That's out of character, Orland! I thought you were against playing dirty!" Fixing his step, he began his song again. Orland swung in thirty-two different styles, making it hard for Alyss to dodge. Beads of sweat appeared on Alyss's forehead, and he had to keep his eyes opened. The grin on his face widening, Orland just sat back, his arms resting on the floor. Obviously surprised, Alyss picked up his pace, finishing his song, creating that pentagram on the floor again. Orland smiled, changing into his human form. Orland was quite well-built, his slender frame hiding a strong body. Grasping a buckler, he smiled and got closer. Alyss unleashed his arsenal on Orland, without even as much as a twitch. Orland absorbed the energy with the buckler, and the illusion shattered.
"I thought you knew better by now..." Orland swung his shield at Alyss, leaving a rendering wound on his arms. "I was wrong." His flute disappearing, Alyss bowed to his opponent. After all, they were still gentlemen.
"Egoistic, narcissistic, proud, need I go on? You do realize that the song of illusion that you sing isn't exactly very helpful against Darkrai..." Orland sighed. "I thought you'd know better by now. You lack substance...your lack of personal identity has cost you quite a lot in life. The gauntlets made you a gifted musician, and you were quick to use that as your own. You've always felt a sense of loss. You always snapped at Kai at every opportunity and developed a rivalry with him. Are you lonely?"
"I've...never met someone who understood me so thoroughly, Orland. My sorrow is expressed through my song." He played a mellow note on his flute just as I padded out of the tent. "Oh! You're up already? You've never been so careless before, Orland." Wiping a tear on his sleeve, he put his flute down on the floor. Patting my horn gently, he smiled a little. Staring at him, I just stayed there, and stared at him with an airy gaze in my eyes.
"Ab...sol?" I felt an unwary need to comfort him, as though I knew him one way or another. "Absol..." Alyss smiled, then looked at Orland with a ponderous look in his eyes.
"Why is he acting like this? You know, like a real pokémon for once? I don't understand..."
"The gauntlets have a cute reset button on them. I've never told you of them before, so that you wouldn't be afraid of us. It cleans your memory up for a period of time, and you can't remember anything. When something happens, then you get your memories back. We've never used it before, except now, or we would have lost him. A side effect is you also lose your strength for a while." Orland sighed.
"What!? I didn't know about that! And why is he an absol now? Shouldn't he become human again without his power? And what was that flashy light? Can we reset this?" Alyss was confused.
"Well, he did use your power to counteract the 6-hour time before he changes back, so he's stuck like this for a while. The flashy light was just the lucario's way of showing off his skills, and also so that Darkrai wouldn't see the weakness in the design." He gave another long sigh. "We don't know how the fuck to reset this status yet...we haven't tested this out.
"Then we have to take care of him? I can't do that! I have a busy schedule! shows...I just can't!" Alyss panicked a little, and left the room. Orland sighed once more.
"Adelina will take care of him. I'd better not tell him he's Kiaace, just in case." Throwing Adelina's ball into the sky, a beam of red light appeared, and Adelina padded on the tarp.
"Mmm...? Kiaace?" She was confused.
"I want you to take care of this absol here for...a...while..." Orland's mouth dropped. Alyssa flew out of the tent in her dragon form, almost knocking him over. "Screw you!" He swore. Adelina chuckled.
"Even you can be shocked, Orland." Adelina rolled on the floor, trying to control her laughter.
"Haha...very funny." His ear twitched. "I hear the lucario calling out to me, I must leave you." He glared at Adelina. "Don't try any funny tricks, kapeesh?" He frowned. Adelina merely nodded. Raising an eyebrow, Orland vanished. Adelina padded over to my side. I whined in fear.
"Ab...don't eat me..." I whimpered as she licked my fur. She jumped backwards in surprise.
"You taste like Kiaace! Who are you?" Looking at my feet, she gasped. "You are Kiaace! Don't you remember me? I'm Adelina!" She sighed in exasperation as I tilted my head to one side.
"I don't know you...but you seem like a nice absol..." Recovering from my fear, I returned the lick and she smiled. "Can you tell me more about myself? I can't seem to remember anything..."
"You're supposed to stay with me and perform mating." She chuckled at the naughty thought.
"Mating? What's that? It sounds bad!" I cowered again.
"Urm...that just means you love me." Adelina shook her head.
"Love? What's thaaat...!" Adelina, sparing herself a lot of trouble, bent over and started licking at my sheath, increasing its size and length. I moaned a little, but I wasn't sure what was going on, but I certainly liked it.
"What's that feeling? It feels quite good..." I moaned a little from the licking as I felt an untold pleasure. Adelina stopped, making me feel a little disappointment. I stared at her, crocodile tears welling in my eyes as I pouted. Adelina smiled.
"Have it your way." She slid under me, allowing her exposed, furry slit to rub against my unsheathed member. I moaned more as that felt even better than the licking earlier.
"Nice...feeling know what supposed to feel like that?" I moaned. Experimenting, I forced my now hardened member into the slit, parting her lips as she moaned. Her pussy spurted fluids on my underside, but I couldn't care less. Repeating that thrusting motion, I had my first, or so I thought, sexual climax as some strange liquids spurted out of my member. However, I couldn't have care less at this point. Allowing myself to relax, I slowly pulled the hard organ out of her. I sighed and lay on the floor, a little tired and panting crazily.
"See? Mating is fun!" She laughed a peal of laughter and lay on her back beside me, still slowly dripping liquids from in between her legs. Her tongue lolled out freely, and she panted just as hard as I did.
"What is this strange liquid coming out?" I pointed a paw at the strand of seed still hanging from my flaccid member, connecting the things in between our legs. She chuckled a little at the naughty idea that she head, and I cocked my head to one side.
"It's love juice. It's produced when we get close to one another." She smiled a little, still panting. Puzzled, I asked on.
"Why don't you make any love juice then? Or at least why are ours different?" She rolled her eyes.
"Coz I'm female?" She sighed. The sun set slowly, illuminating us in brilliant light. This sight felt strangely familiar, despite me not having seen this before. I just stood there, watching the bright light mingling with the marvelous red and yellow leaves on the floor. It was spectacular, just sitting there beside some stranger who I barely knew. I felt a strange need to lick her horn, despite its sharpness. Doing so, I extracted a little peal of pleasure from her, who nudged me off playfully. I felt a sudden chill as the end-of-autumn winds blew on my sweaty body. I shivered, trying to keep the cold out of me, and saw that Adelina was unaffected.
"Col...ddd..." My teeth chattered. The snowy white fur adorning my body did little to ward the chill. I snuggled up in the tent, trying to warm myself, but found it harder to do so now that the sun had set. A mild sleety blizzard struck that night, and the two of us settled down to an early sleep. Orland returned early at night, and pulling the tent door flap apart to enter, a chilly wind caressed my body, waking me up. Laying still, I listened silently as Orland lay down on the green tarp of the tent floor, shifting about a little before resting in a fitful sleep. Another figure entered the tent, stared a little wistfully at the tent floor before sleeping with his head on Adelina. Adelina whimpered a little and shifted uncomfortably, but did not wake up. I waited for what seemed like a boring eternity before the lucario finally settled, the blizzard subsided and then I got to my feet. Stretching a little for my stiff and cold muscles, I padded outside. I heard a silent call, not a physical one, but it was inside my head, a cry of sorrow. A tear welled up in my eye, and I skidded off in the general direction of the call. My paws were scrambling about, kicking up the unfrozen soil and snow behind me. Snowflakes fell on my snowy head, melting on my breath. My horn sliced through the gales that bristled my fur, and razor winds displaced the rest. Muttering a silent thanks, I continued on my heedless journey. After all, I was a polite absol. Closing my eyes to shield them from the glaring moonlight of a full moon reflecting on the snow, I felt myself camouflaging with the background.
Soon enough, the blizzard returned, bring with it its squall of snowflakes and cold winds to pummel me. I had to take refuge as I was already chilled to my bone. Spying a cave, I shrugged and padded inside. The earlier winds had blown some snow in, but it formed a soft and comfortable bed for me to rest. I lay my tired body on the ground, letting the snow blow over my white fur. If someone entered now, no one could see me. Strangely, it felt warmer under a cover of snow than without the snow. Huh. Allowing myself to a fitful rest, I was woken up in the middle of the night by two strangers who started mating with each other in the cave. I watched, and my organ between my legs became hard again as they started pleasuring each other. Then, I noticed that neither was male. As I disrupted the blanket of snow around me, the darker figure twitched. She approached me, and I started to back away, but it was too late. She bit me by the scruff and dragged me out. Her black and red eyes looked just like the devil's, and I whimpered in a little fear as she bared her fangs to me. I cowered back, and tried vainly to get away, but they were strong.
"I've seen you somewhere before..." I tried my best to smooth out of this sticky situation. It wasn't often you were cornered by two girls who caught you watching them have sex. "Sunrise?" That name just flashed in my memory. The darker figure trembled a little, before asking an inaudible question to her partner, who yelled an angry response. Changing the topic, she asked about the blue booties that I wore on my feet, but I could not give her an answer. I couldn't remove them for some strange reason.
"You have a mate already?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Mate? You mean someone who likes to 'mating'?" I was kinda confused by her statement, and she sighed. They had a brief conversation, then the two of them started acting like Adelina, a strange mixed smell emanating from me, Sunrise and the other figure. I struggled to get free as psychic clamps pinned me to the ground, then the two of them were all over me. Sunrise slid under me, as Adelina did, and I felt the familiar sensation of my sheath rubbing against her furry slit, but Sunrise's fur was sleeker than Adelina's. Midnight lifted her tail and shoved her sex into my muzzle, making me whinge a little from the sudden movement. However, I stuck a tongue in and started moving it in a circular motion, getting whines from her as she felt pleasure from this. She tasted quite okay. Not as strong as Adelina, just a more...complex taste. There was no possible way my mind could have processed any more pleasure, or it would have exploded. I moaned a little as Sunrise stuck my member into her slit, ramming it against her clit. She yelled a little more as the shadowy figure bent over and stuck her tongue in to join my fully erect member. This continued for god knows how long, and the Sun was rising when we were finished. Suddenly, I felt a warm glow envelop my body.
"Huh? Why do I feel so strange...?" I screamed as the intensity of the light got stronger. I felt my body morphing into an espeon, and I just lay there on the ground, puzzled by the sudden turn of events.
"Es...peon?" I tried out the new language forming in my head. I recalled some of my life's events, with very little deatil. I certainly remember being human, and I also remember being a trainer. I remembered my nake, Kiaace, and my pokemon. But little else. Clearly, the other two were impressed by the flashy light and transformation. The three of us lay there, panting on the ground as the first rays of the sun warmed our wet pelts a little. Sunrise explained her story to me, and I invited her to stay with us. The one called Midnight grudgingly joined us, and I wondered why she felt like that about other people. Sighing, she told me her tale...
"Trouble." Orland sensed. He had just woken up. "Three unrecognized figures are approaching. One is an umbreon, the other two are espeons." He turned to the recovering lucario. "Do I engage them?" He asked. "Urm...lucario?" He woke him up with a shake. He moaned a little before replying.
"Take no chances. They may be followers of Darkrai." The lucario struggled to his feet. "I don't want anyone to get hurt again. I'll follow you." He beckoned Adelina to his feet. "You come along. This will even up the numbers." The three of them set off to meet the approaching trio, Adelina's fur bristling.
"So...that's a sad story..." I almost felt like crying after hearing her story. Suddenly, the three of us split up as a pulse of shadowy darkness rended it's way through trees before exploding in smoke. Fortunately, none of us were hurt. The smoke cleared, and two humanoid figures showed themselves, along with a familiar dog like figure with a yin-yang shaped head. I coughed a while, before recognizing them. Orland and the lucario! And Adelina too!
"Explain yourselves!" The lucario barked, charging another pulse of energy. This time, it was formed of distilled water extracted from the ground below.
"Lucario! It's me! Kiaace!" I tried to explain myself to them. I saw them relax a little, but Midnight, snarling, berserk rage in her eyes, leapt up in a marvelous back flip, spinning and gathering dark energy around her, before forming a V-shaped ray of dark energy as she landed on her front paws in an acrobatic handstand. One beam was approaching the lucario, while the other was approaching Adelina. I reasoned that Adelina probably wouldn't be too affected by a dark attack, so I watched the lucario carefully. He smiled and allowed the attack to hit his water pulse, spraying water droplets everywhere, which instantly froze into shards of ice. They refracted the sunlight, making beautiful rainbows before they rained down on the snowy floor. However, as I turned my head to Adelina, I noticed that she was afraid of the attack for some reason, and was unable to move. In a moment of pure instinct, I leapt gracefully in front of the attack, taking all the damage and its supper efficacy to myself. I looked at Adelina and smiled.
"That actually didn't hurt this time." I smiled as I buckled on my front paws. Midnight's berserker rage seemed to contain itself, and they padded over to tend to my wounds.
Chapter End Notes:Anyone who has read the sun rises and midnight comes( no pun intended)will probably be confused by the events during this scene. Well, I figured that the bystander probably had more intelligence at that point in time, and he's omniscient so..
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