AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?

End of the battle

"That actually didn't hurt this time." I smiled as I buckled on my front paws. Midnight's berserker rage seemed to contain itself, and they padded over to tend to my wounds. "Ooh yeah..." Kai infused some of his already limited energy into my wounds, healing them in a blink. Collapsing onto his knees, he struggled to get up, but was caught by the lucario.
" was the least...I could do...for the new guy." He swung his spear around a little before restoring himself. "What's your name? I'm Kai." He paused for a moment to emphasize his name. I glared at him. He wore a red sash around his neck, and his clothing was split color. The left half of his cuirass was blue, while the other half of his cuirass was black. The left half of his jeans was black, and the other half was blue. He wielded a massive spear in his hands, and had another tied to his back. Strangely enough, they looked like they were split in half, but that didn't matter. He wore black boots, like the commando's.
"You're're supposed to be a mass murderer. Spitted 68 people with that spear you did!" He licked the edge of his weapon, drawing a little bit of blood from his tongue. I placed my paw on the spear to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Suddenly, I felt faint and I passed out in yelps. The last thing I saw was Alyss returning, arguing with Kai...
"Where the hell am I...?" I moaned weakly. I watched as Andrea and Betinya fought against a beam of light, before being consumed by it. I heard them scream weakly. The glow from the night sky got brighter, and I saw a meteor coming down from the sky. It vaguely reminded me of something, but I just couldn't remember what. Swearing, I leapt the clearing to a safe spot. I saw a familiar green dragon fall from the sky. Was that Alyssa? I shook that thought off my mind as I worried for my own survival. It was getting hotter now, and I sweated through my fur. There were figures standing on the ground, valiantly battling against the colossal meteor falling out of the sky. A figure leapt up with two spears, his sash flapping in the wind, fighting a shadow covered with dark energy. Even from so far away, I could feel the sparkle in the air from all that concentrated energy. A few sparks, and the meteor froze solid as a musical note rang through the still air. A humanoid figure ran over to check the condition of the two pokémon on the floor, only to find them dead. He cried, and collapsed on the floor. I felt that someone was missing from this spectacle.
"Me...I'm missing." I whined a little. This was a prediction of the future. I was bathed in light and heat as the meteor crashed on the floor, and I heard six screams. Mine soon joined theirs as the heat was too much to bear...
"Gaaah!" I screamed. It was a horrendous vision. I looked around me to see the groaning of the people beside me. As they woke up, I watched as the meteor fell down from the sky. I squinted to see a now completely mad Darkrai hanging on to it. I quickly mustered all of the people around me. Feeling myself change back into a human, I felt all my memories returning to me. All doubt had disappeared in my heart as I glowed, the fanatic weapon forming in my hand again. I released all the pokéballs that I had, calling out Andrea and Betinya. I told them in a clear voice.
"You will die in this battle. Take this chance to show your worth for the last time. I apologise, especially to you, Betinya." I turned to Orland. "Take this chance now. You won't get another one." I formed a shining katana of glowing light in my other hand. Orland stood there, paralysed by the enormity of events. He cried a little, and hugged Betinya tightly. I nodded to Kai, and he leapt up with his two spears, exchanging blows with Darkrai's greatswords, sparks flying through the air. Darkrai grinned insanely, a gash appearing on his arm, healing instantly. Kai swore a little, with an incredulous look on his face. Darkrai sent a lingering blow to Kai, who dodged it. With his other hand, he struck out with his spear. Darkrai parried before continuing. The sparks continued as they fought on for more than 50 rounds, before Kai retired from the battle, quite badly wounded. His red sash had tears in it. On the floor, Alyss blew on his crystal flute, turning the meteor instantly to ice as he raised his hand. Smiling, he tried his best to smash it with his magic, but was stopped by one of Darkrai's slashes. A bolt of dark energy bolted down from the sky, tearing the dimension as Alyss stood there, unable to move. A quick parry from my blade stopped that, but Alyss was visibly shaken. He found himself unable to coordinate.
"Focus your strikes on the meteor! We can whack out Darkrai later on the floor." They all nodded and started focusing their might towards the meteor.
"Spacial rend!" Kai, still falling from the sky, placed his two spears together and stuck them into the giant shard of ice, ripping a large crack in it before falling to the ground, bleeding. Alyss swung his flute a few times, and a dragon created of earth rose from the ground. It rammed into the shard, slowing its descent. Orland, still tearing, placed his psychic mastery to slow the meteor further. Sunrise placed her feeble psychic force with his, visibly reducing the strain it took on Orland's body. Orland nodded.
"Good...job..." He sweated, his locks sticking together from the sweat and tears on his face. Kai, now on the floor, held his shoulder and winced in agony. He lauched another spacial rend with his spear before buckling to his knees.
"I must...retire...take all my strength..." Kai threw his spear towards me, and I caught it with the dark fanatic in my hand. Absorbing the energy into it, I used the katana to launch a hyper beam towards the meteor, and I smiled as a gaping crack appeared in it. Alyssa, in her dragon form, was firing hyper beams and slashing with her claws at the meteor. It was on the brink of collapse now, and Darkrai noticed. Some sanity returning to him, he swung at Alyssa's neck, slicing it. She roared in pain, and changed back into her human form. Orland signaled at Sunrise to slow her fall, and he yelled as he took all the weight of the meteor. Alyss, bleeding from his hands, tossed his flute, and I absorbed it into my weapon once more. One of the blades was a sapphire blue, while another was a ruby red. One was already shaped like an absol horn, and I knew who must come for the weapon to be complete. Deflecting another dark energy strike from Darkrai with my katana, I struck a beam of energy towards the meteor, and it refracted, illuminating the sky. Andrea breathed fire at it, while Betinya struck at it with powerful jumps and leaf blades.
"Killetheth!" I shouted. "Now!" He flew out of the sky in his true form, Giratina, and immediately rammed against the meteor. A large chunk broke off, which was vaporized by the lucario's water pulse. Seeing that Orland was collapsing under the pressure, the lucario channeled his own energy to lighten his weight.
"Take it!" He fired a dark, ghostly essence towards me, and I spun my fanatic to absorb it. The final blade immediately turned a ghostly pale color, and a chill emanated from it. The time had come. I spliced my katana in the ground, using it like a springy pole to propel myself. Spinning my weapon like helicopter blades, I created a whirlwind and a storm formed, with the combination of the three deities' power, as well as my own. Screaming a little from the effort, I flew above the meteor, focusing the energy beam down upon Darkrai. Even he had enough sanity at this point to run away. The meteor melted into steam, and the energy bolt ran straight through it. It was at this point that I shed a tear. I killed them. It was my fault.
Orland and the lucario created a barrier around themselves, and Alyssa called out all six blades of hers. They spun around Kai, Alyss and herself, creating a shield of holy energy around them. The only undefended people were Andrea and Betinya. They cried a tear as they knew that their imminent demise was coming. Holding hands, they let themselves get vaporized by my over done attack, leaving nothing behind. Darkrai landed on the floor, almost unscathed. He smiled at me.
"A worthy opponent! Finally! Challenge me!" He yelled as an insane grin filled his face once more. He swung his greatswords in my direction, which I smoothly parried with my fanatic. Splitting my fanatic into two, I started a series of slashes, some impossibly quick, some coming from impossible directions, and some striking impossibly damaging wounds. Greatswords never were designed to block well, and Darkrai took some massive hits. Smiling as he bled human blood, he crashed on the floor. "Man that was fast. And anti-climatic." He coughed out clots of blood, some sanity returning to him.
"Who are you? I just want to know." I said without any emotion.
"I...was in the Order. I just wanted power. So I'd thought I'd take it. From all of you. I was never very strong as compared to all of you. You all never seemed to notice me. So I got jealous and...I wanted to get stronger..." He spat out another mouthful of blood.
"Can't you see you've gotten stronger already? By your own effort you can get stronger. You just need some time." I pointed to the devastation he had caused. He took a look for himself, and sighed.
"You're right...I never noticed how powerful I was becoming." A tear dripped onto his face. "What's the matter? You saved the world...and me."
"But in the process I killed two of my partners..." My tears flowed freely now. Darkrai got up and lifted a weak hand. Two statues erected themselves, one of Andrea and one of Betinya.
"A little...something to remember...them by..." He collapsed onto the floor. "Will you" He asked, eyes narrowing as the lucario walked closer.
"I will. The Order never felt complete without you." He placed a tentative paw on his forehead, and let the healing energies flow into him. He sighed as his wounds disappeared.
"Thank you..." He stood up, collapsing again, but this time, he was held by everyone in the Order. Except Orland.
"I can never forgive what you did. I'm sorry." He turned and disappeared.
"I'll make it up to him somehow..." Darkrai struggled and lay still on the ground.
" least wait're better..." Alyss was genuinely worried. "Not that I don't care for Orland. He was like a big brother to me. But I can't afford to see the two of you missing in action."
" me Zach. I'll live by my sword from now on." He released his grip on it, placing it gingerly on the ground. Then, he passed out. The swords changed into the original longswords that they were.
"And now, the Order is complete." The lucario commented.
(Insert cutscenes and corny jap/English music)
"Yeah!" I exclaimed as I rode on Alyssa's scaly green back. She offered to give me rides around as an absol. She carried me and Adelina around on her rayquaza back. I was no longer a trainer, but a ranger on dispatch to Sinnoh for investigations of the sudden appearances of rare and legendary pokémon in this region. I left my special styler hanging on my neck as I licked Adelina's wind-ruffled fur. She rode us to our home, before letting us dismount. Alyssa smiled, and flew away. I stepped into my house, all the other floors were vacated. The "HQ" of the rangers was giving me a fucking large sum of money, and buying out the whole place wasn't really an issue. Adelina laughed, nudged me playfully in the head before jumping on the bed. Smiling, I joined her.
Alyss straddled calmly into the theatre. He smiled a little as the audience cheered for him. He closed his eyes, and let himself break into dance and music as he blew on his flute, weaving a blanket of illusion around him. The theatre went pitch black, and an aurora appeared, dazzling the audience. A captivating battle of Palkia and Dialga appeared, making the audience wow. The performance ended with a sonata of musical notes as fireworks appeared in the sky. Finally, as he put his flute down, the audience applauded, with a slightly disappointed tone. "Encore!" The crowd cheered him on. Smiling, he pretended to blow a few notes, changed into Dialga and flew away in a blink, leaving the crowd chasing him to no avail. The two of us fell off the bed as the ground rumbled. I looked out the window and waved to Alyss.
"I'm sorry..." Orland sighed. "I can't forgive you." He dashed away, with Zach following.
"I seek not you forgiveness. I just want you to follow me." He beckoned Orland over. Orland, still sighing, followed him doubtfully. As the two of them stopped in their tracks, Orland's eyes widened.
"Is she familiar to you, Orland?" Zach smiled.
" she..." He stared at the gardevoir in front of him. "Sy!" He hugged her tightly.
" really is me..." Sy, noticing Orland for the first time, returned the hug, crying in his shoulder. "Zach travelled back in time to change me into a gardevoir. I can...change freely at will." Orland noticed that Zach was missing a sword.
"I not strong enough yet." Zach sighed wistfully. "I just want you to be happy..." He looked down on the ground. Orland broke the hug as both of them changed back into humans. Orland stroked Zach's hair.
"I forgive you. You have reunited me with the love of my life. And, I know how much of your energy you expended to help her." The two of them were teleporting away, when Zach swore. "What's the matter?"
"Well, I can't teleport the distance in this state, and I don't think I can walk the 80 km carrying a sword and a heavy suit of armor." His armor materialized. Orland held his hand as they teleported to the new house...
"Back to the old" The figure with a flowing sash around his neck drew his spears.
"Well, I've brought support this time." He shook his hand, and 30 mobsters came out with machineguns pointed at the figure. "Not so happy now, are you?" They opened fire, and the figure put his spears together and swung it once, leaving a tear in the dimension. Another tear appeared in front of the gangsters, and the bullets were teleported there. As thirty screams split the air, Kai sniggered.
"So much for you all losers." He pointed his spear at the gangster on the floor. "Disband your drug-dealing rig now." Police sirens sounded as Kai turned his head. "I have something better to do. Reporters streamed into the room.
"Who is this vigilante who keeps the justice? No one knows!" The reporter got shoe footage of him disappearing. "The only thing we know is that he uses a flashy spear, wears a sash, and odd coloured clothing. He looks just like the mass murderer still on the loose. Could they be the same people?" Kai had already left the place in a dimensional warp.
The lucario smiled. He was standing in the ranger base. The grimoires glowed with light. He had successfully dissected the magic inside them, and found them closely interlinked with the user's aura. Which meant that the grimoires would live on as long as the person lived. "After so long..." He cried in joy. After this was done, he turned to his alchemy experiments. Smiling wider, he turned to the flasks beside him. A smoke smell filled the air. "Yes! I'll test the effects of this right away!" He lifted the flasks, and they contained a colourless and tasteless fluid. He tasted it, but nothing happened. He was disappointed. "Nothing. Well, I'll try this on him then." He smiled, teleporting to the house. I looked out as the lucario finally appeared.
"Group photo!" I shouted to everyone as I left the makeshift headquarters for the order. All of us bristled with joy and laughter as the lucario set one of his camera's to timer mode. It was his own 10 terapixel creation, and he was proud of it. Sunrise and Midnight slowly padded over, and so did the rest of them. We waited as the camera captured this moment in time, never to be forgotten.
The end.
Credits: (insert another soundtrack)
Author: Kiaace
Kiaace as Kiaace
Orland as Orland
Lucario as Lucario
Alyss as Alyss
Alyssa as Alyssa
Kai as Kai
Zach as Zach
Zach as Darkrai
Sunrise as Sunrise
Midnight as Midnight
Props: Lucario
Make Up: Kiaace
Gay credits : Kiaace
This story is licensed by Kiaace. Copying any part of this is prosecutable by law.
Chapter End Notes:Hope you stuck with me till the end
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