AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?


Suddenly, I felt my body wrecked by seizures. I lifted my head in pain and saw Adelina writhing on the floor as well. As I stuck my front paws out, frantically trying to get up, I saw the lights from the gauntlets getting brighter. Then, I passed out.
"Holy fuck! Where am I?" My mind was filled with panic. I was no longer in the pokécentre. I was standing on a cliff, with Adelina beside me. The moon was still visible, but the night sky was illuminated with blinding light. A loud roar resonated from beyond the clouds, and the sound of an explosion could be heard. I was filled with a sense of dread, and I wanted to get out of here. This was a terrible nightmare. I looked up at the illuminated sky and saw a large green snake falling from the sky. I paced forward to the edge of the cliff and got a closer look. A pelt brushed beside me.
"Adelina, is that really you? I mean... in my dreams?" I remarked, absently.
"Yup." She replied sleepily.
"Mind explaining why we're here?" I pressured. I wanted to get the hell outta here.
"This is just a vision of what is to come. Every time disaster is about to strike, we have visions of them, so that we can warn the populace. However, people took it as a sign that we were the bringers of disaster, and some of them would flee from us. Look closely at the other pokémon here."
I glanced at the clearing. There were other pokémon watching this event happen, and all of them were clad in white fur.
"They're..." I started.
"All absols." She finished.
The snake on the floor let out a loud roar."RAAAY!"
I bent forward as far as I could without falling off. The pokémon on the floor was a rayquaza! Suddenly, a meteor fell from the sky and exploded, and I felt heat sear through my fur, sqallowing me in light.
I woke up, sweating. I got up on my feet and saw Adelina stirring from her dream too. I padded over to consult her.
"Adelina, did you have a strange dream about rayquaza yesterday?"
"Come to think of it, yeah. I saw you there too." Adelina replied sleepily. So, it was true, there was a vision. I needed answers, but I just kept getting more questions.
"Have you had any dreams like this before?" I pressed on.
"Well the last time I had such a dream was twenty years ago, before the..." She stared at me in horror. The lucario was right. The world was in danger.
I tried to smooth over the moment. "Look. The sun is rising, isn't it beautiful?"
"It's still dark, a perfect time to have sex." She agreed.
"Is that all you think about?" I moaned.
"Are you denying me my mating rights? After all, it's natural to want to mate with a big strong partner." She nudged me, stroking my flank with her tail.
"Alright." I obliged.
I knew she was trying to comfort me. Either that or she wanted to have children. I found nothing wrong. After all, we were of the same species now and besides, it would be refreshing to try something different for a change. I mounted her, letting my member unsheathe while her soft, furry tail was caressing and teasing it out. Normally, I would have crushed her with my weight, but the gauntlet seemed to have changed my weight too. I thrusted my cock in, feeling her hole stretch to make allowance for my solid member.
"Damn, Adelina. You're tight!" I commented as I entered her pussy.
Adelina was taking deep breaths now, obviously feeling pleasure. She let out a loud moan as I reached her womb. "I've...never been fucked so deep...oh!"
The noise shocked me. I quickly stopped what I was doing.
"Hey! Why the fuck did you stop?" She was learning the language well, it appeared.
"Well, it's still early morning, and if you're going to make a lot of noise, I'm sure someone is going to hear us sooner or later Also, well I like to keep my cough*affairs*cough secret.
"I like the way you put it."
"Of course. I have a way with words." I replied modestly.
We resumed the previous position and I started humping her again. This time, she curled her lips so as to prevent herself from making any noise. She buried her paws in the carpet to brace herself for the pain and the pleasure that was about to come.
I myself was enjoying this. "So this is what pokémon feel like when they're having sex." I felt hot, and my breaths became labored. I was sweating heavily in the air-conditioned room, wetting my fur. As I used my front paws to hold on to her, I felt her fur getting warm and moist too.
I gave one final thrust and felt my cum spill out of my organ and flowing slowly out of her hole. "One of these days you're going to milk me dry." But Adelina was in no condition to reply. She could hardly breathe, let alone talk. When she climaxed, she could not hold her voice in anymore.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh..." She squealed with pleasure.
"Well damn. I think you just woke up half the block. I'm going to need an excuse."
"Actually you don't. Now is the mating season anyway, and I'm sure that people won't mind 2 absols mating. This brings me to another point. You've already mated with me, so will you be my mate for life?"
"I'm not too sure...I might turn back into a human after all this." I was trying to evade her advances.
"You can still have sex with me when you're a human, right?" She teased.
"But then, we can't have children." I dropped the bombshell of all human-pokémon relationships.
"We can have a relationship without children." She stared at me with her eyes wide and glistening.
"Alright, alright. But let's get cleaned up before we go. I don't want the liquids dripping from your hole right now to stain the carpet. After all, this isn't my house." I fretted. I had to end this quickly.
"You humans are a strange lot. Our own room is messier than a rubbish dump but you care so much about a room that doesn't belong to us." She remarked.
"Gee, thanks." I groaned. She had taken it as though I had agreed to her proposal.
"Just a comment, there's no need to take it personally." She padded towards the bathtub. "Shall we get clean?"
"You go first. I need to answer nature's call." I had to get away from her. She was really getting obnoxious.
"Alright, but don't be long." She sung softly.
I went out of the pokémon centre and found a nice unmarked tree to do my business. I lifted my hind leg and let the other liquid spray out, relieving me.
"Getting used to this way of life?" A familiar voice beckoned. I turned around to see who had taunted me. It was the lucario!
"What do you want? I'm stuck like this because of you!" I roared.
"Calm down. I believe you had a vision last night of the disaster that is to befall the world. Now are you convinced of your purpose? " He asked calmly.
"Yeah, but I still don't see how I can do anything to stop it. If Rayquaza couldn't stop it, how can a mere trainer succeed?" I glared angrily. He was getting on my nerves.
"True. Rayquaza is stronger than you, but you have something, something that Rayquaza doesn't have. Back to my point, I can now tell you how to change back into a human. After this, you can change your form freely between human and absol, and as you develop, maybe you can take the form of others as well."
"How do I change back, lucario?" I anxiously awaited his reply.
"You're finally showing some respect. The way to change back is simple. Just spend 6 hours without touching your absol." He smiled. "Oh yes... you can't use a pokéball.
"But she's sticking to me like glue!" I complained. Without sealing her inside a pokéball, this would be a difficult task.
"Of course this must be a difficult task. Great things are never easy." He sighed
"Can you get out of my mind?" I blushed. "There's some very private thoughts in there." Carefully, I shielded my dirty thoughts of the encounter I had earlier. "Anyway, can't you help me in any way?
"You are becoming warier of your surroundings. You'll find a way yourself...maybe another can help you..." He vanished, leaving only maple leaves where he stood.
"Another what? Tell me!" I screamed, to no avail. Adelina rushed towards me.
"I was just checking on you, since you were taking so long. Is something the matter? Who were you shouting at?" She stepped on one of the leaves, making a crunching noise. Suddenly, she leapt backwards as the maple leaves between me and Adelina caught fire, releasing a brilliant light, brighter than the faded sunlight of sunrise. The heat lifted the unburnt leaves into the sky, before igniting them in the shape of the letter A. It was a spectacle to behold.
I thought silently in my mind. "You're telling me something should go between us, but what?"
His familiar, gruff voice resonated in my head. "Not what, but who..." The flames died out, and I followed Adelina back into the ward. "Is he telling me to call out Andrea?" Andrea was my first pokémon that I ever received. She was covered in feathers, looked generally humanoid and had C-cups. That's right, she had breasts. Anyway, she started out as a small and cute torchic that I got from the professor. Don't ask me how I know her gender; I brought her to some chick sexer or something like that. Anyway, she was a mischievous pokémon. I let her eat my homework. It wasn't long before she leveled and evolved. First into a Combusken, before reaching the form that she's in now. We became very close friends, and we went through thick and thin together. Strangely, I've never hugged her in my life. Either cause she's a girl, or I was afraid to get burnt. She was in a pokéball in my bag. Somehow, I had to get her out.
"Now about that bath...I need your help turning the taps on." Adelina was talking to me, but I wasn't in the mood to listen. "Are you alright?" She stuck one of her front paws towards my forehead.
Panicking, I feinted a fall. She must not touch me! "Ow!" I faked.
"Are you alright?" She was genuinely worried. "Let me see where you're hurt." She moved her paw closer again. I pretended to scream louder, rolling away from her paw. I just couldn't touch her!
"Nothing Nurse Joy can't fix. Just go to the bathroom and turn on the blue tap. Nurse Joy said the hot water tap was spoilt." I lied. I felt dirty inside, but I had to go through any means to become a human again. "Andrea can help you turn on the taps."
"Who's Andrea?" She was puzzled, as she had never met any of my other pokémon before. "And we're bathing in cold water?" She was shocked. Apparently, absols did not like bathing in cold water either. This was my chance to give me an excuse to call out my blaziken.
"Andrea's a blaziken. She can heat the water up." Then, I realized there was a slight problem with my plan. I couldn't use a pokéball without my opposable thumbs.
"Any ideas on how I can press the button on the pokéball?" I asked Adelina.
"Maybe you should use it like this!" She gave a hard kick to one of my pokéballs. A beam of red light appeared, and a blaziken appeared. Adelina turned to face me. "Your turn to talk to her."
"Blaze! Blazi...blaze?" The blaziken fluffed out her feathers. She had no idea why she was out of the pokéball.
"Andrea, calm down." I said calmly. "I'm still Kiaace, just in a different form. Listen, Andrea, you mind coming closer? I need to tell you something in private." I crooned. I whispered my plan of how to change me back into a human in her ear.
"Okay, gotcha. By the way, why have you turned into an absol?" She puzzled.
"I'll let Adelina explain everything to you." I flicked my tail, beckoning for her to come. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see Nurse Joy about my muscle cramp."
I sighed in exasperation and asked Adelina to her the whole story. That was a bad, bad idea. When I came back half an hour later, she had just finished the part about our first sexual encounter.
There, she interrupted. "So you had sex with that bitch over there?" Her feathers were ruffling.
"Hey, I'm not a bitch!" Adelina protested.
"The term for a female dog is a bitch." Andrea said, matter-of-factly.
"Lay off her!" I growled
"If you insist." Andrea blinked slowly. She's never been this cold to anyone before. A strange thought crossed my mind. "Did she want to have sex with me, was she jealous?" I looked away, and changed the topic.
"Anyway, we need to bathe, but the water is too cold. Andrea, you mind heating it up?"
"We? You and your precious Adelina? I thought I was your favorite. I'm not gonna let some newcomer steal the limelight." She crowed.
"You're still my favorite, Andrea. It's just that I...had difficulties releasing you from your pokéball without my I settled with Adelina for the time being." I persuaded her. This was going to be a long day.
" I thought you said we were mates for life!" Adelina sobbed.
Andrea walked towards the bathroom. "What have you two-timer."
"Right, I can explain this..." I began to explain. It was exasperating.
"Sure you can." She said without any emotion. "Come on, Adelina. No use shedding tears over this loser." Adelina padded slowly, following Andrea to the bathroom. I made it a careful point to prevent myself from accidentally touching her flank as she brushed past me. She stared at me. "Do I have any kind of infectious disease or anything? Why are you evading me?"
I kept silent, her words stinging me on the inside. She cried even harder.
"Any chance of me getting a hot bath?" I whined softly.
"Well, you can bathe in freezing water if you want." Adelina turned around and hissed.
Adelina and Andrea had settled into the bathtub, after Andrea had used fire spin on the water. I peeped through a small hole through the door that I dug into. It was really foggy in there, but I could see most of what was going on. I saw Andrea's marvelous contours as she stood up in the bathtub, as her wet feathers clung tightly to her body. For the first time in my life, I noticed how hot she was. And I didn't mean hot as in she was a fire-type hot. Adelina was telling Andrea of her sexual encounter in the bathroom of my house, and Andrea looked interested.
"What's it feel like, having sex with Kiaace?" Andrea said.
"At first, I was kinda scared, and it hurt a little. Later on, it became very pleasurable."
Andrea pondered her options. "A picture paints a thousand words. Why don't we ask Kiaace in?" Suddenly, Adelina's mood took a turn for the worse.
"He doesn't even want to touch me anymore, like I had some kind of virus. Just the day before, he said that he wanted to become lifetime mates with me..." She cried, her head buried in blaziken's red chest feathers. My heart wrenched in pain, and I felt like letting out a sorrowful growl. However, I kept my mouth shut for fear of getting caught eavesdropping. There was also a strange feeling of jealousy, as though I would have liked to have been there.
"There, there. Kiaace can be a bastard at times, but I'm sure he has a good reason." Andrea was trying her best to comfort Adelina. "As they say, you should remember the good moments, and let the bad moments pass." Finished, she bent over to lick her tail-hole, trying to make Adelina feel better.
"Sob...oh! That's *sniff* another new feeling." She scrabbled over towards Andrea's legs. "Time to return the favor." She used her tongue to part blaziken's feathers between her legs, and licked her sensitive parts. "Not too bad...the taste. The liquid warms me up on the inside." She commented, between licks.
"You're right, Adelina. It really feels good!" If only they knew that I was watching. I was breathing hard against the door, blood trickling down from my nostrils. I was torn between my instincts in my current form for the absol, and the human part of me, which loved the blaziken. If they got any more vigorous, I don't think my heart could take the strain. "Damn..."I muttered to myself. "I didn't know pokémon got nosebleeds from watching sex too."
Adelina's sensitive ears twitched. She leapt up on all fours and padded out of the bathtub. Andrea questioned. "Is something wrong? Why the sudden reaction?"
"Nothing...I just thought I heard someone outside the door." Adelina was suspicious.
"It must be in your imagination...shall we continue? You're most likely just worked up over the quarrel you had with Kiaace just now, it's nothing a little more 'pleasure' couldn't fix." She narrowed her eyes and stared towards the door. I prayed silently. "Don't catch me..."
"You're right, Andrea. Shall we continue?"
"Wait, let me get stretched first." She whispered something in Adelina's ear, making her chuckle. She stood up, hands folded back, and revealed her berries in full glory. Then, as if on purpose, she swung them from side to side, jiggling them, shaking herself dry. I tried my best to look away, but it was just so tempting. I looked down at my front paws in an attempt to divert my attention. Then, I noticed that one of the crystals in both gloves turned a faint red. Then, as though manipulated by some unknown force, I forcefully rammed my head against the door, feeling my nosebleed worsen as her moves aroused even more ardor. Suddenly, there was a loud thump on the floor. Andrea and Adelina laughed.
"It came from outside the door."
"Shall we go check who?"
"Yes, lets."
Andrea opened the door. At first, there was no one in sight. Then, Adelina padded over and saw the writhing, white mass on the floor. I had seen more than my fragile, developing mind could take. My white fur was stained with the blood now flowing freely from my nostrils, collecting into a puddle. I was having spasms, and my eyes bulged from my sockets.
" were right. He was watching."
"I guess you gave him more than he could take." Adelina remarked.
"Granted. He had it coming. Looking at girls in the bath was very un-gentlemanly of him." Andrea shrugged. She fluffed herself dry. The light emanating from my gauntlets illuminated the room, and it engulfed my with blinding light. My body shape changed, and I was a human again.
"Oh...Kiaace is a human again!" Adelina was surprised.
"Never mind, he can still receive his...punishment."The blaziken put her claws together and flexed them.
They laughed together.
Chapter End Notes:don't know whether to feel better or worse
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