AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?


They laughed together.
Suddenly, someone turned the doorknob and opened the door. Nurse Joy walked into the room. "You've been discharged from the...oh my!" She saw my naked body in the pool of blood on the floor. "The floor is...bloody..." She shifted uncomfortably. "You've been...urm...discharged from the pokécentre. You're free to leave." She was already shocked, having seen someone naked for the first time.
"Gotcha." Adelina said.
"Crystal." Andrea said.
Nurse Joy, shocked, ran out of the ward and into the hallway. "Those poké!!! It must be some kind of bad dream. Help meee!"
The two of them were rolling on the floor in laughter.
"Amazing, how they can be scared of us saying a few words." Adelina remarked, catching her breath. She dug through my bag for my pants, and dragged them with her teeth towards my limp body. Andrea pulled them on, tearing them in the process.
" careless of me." Andrea put one hand to her head.
"Better than bringing him back home naked, is it not?" Adelina turned her head to one side.
"Granted. We can bring him back without clothes know." Andrea had a mischievious glint in her eyes.
"Nah. Even that's too cruel for him."
Andrea chuckled.
"You have to draw the line somewhere."
"Agreed." She hung my body like a sack of potatoes on her shoulder, and carried me out of the pok
When I became conscious again, it was already noon. "What the hell...?" I moaned. There was still some crusted blood on my nose. I twitched my nose to flake it off, when I smelled a scent. It was the familiar, slightly stale smell of my room. I was at home! "Andrea must have brought me here..." I muttered drowsily. I looked down to see myself completely in the buff. Oh well, at least I was human again. Then, I saw the two girls walking towards me. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" I yelled. After all, I was tied up and wasn't wearing any clothes.
"Hello Kiaace..." Andrea crooned. "I think you have some...making up to do with a certain someone. After all, you did break poor Adelina's heart. And you did try to peep at our private bath. You know how much girls dislike being peeped at."
"What are you gonna do to me? Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong. I don't...know what you mean by peeping!"I struggled against the ropes, but they were too strong for me to break free. "I'm your trainer!"
"We all know you were looking through a hole in the door. Your snowy white fur gave you away.
"Damn fur." I muttered.
"Then you can use this opportunity to make amends." Andrea smiled in a creepy way. It chilled me to the bone. She bent down on all fours and held my cock tightly. "Don't worry, Kiaace. I'm not going to be the one to have sex with you. Not now, at least." She suggested. She moved her hand slowly up and down, allowing the friction of her feathers and the warmth of her hand to arouse and give me an erection. I felt the blood flowing there as my heartbeat sped. It felt good, if not wrong.
"I think I've had enough for one day..." I tried to get my way out of this situation. But Andrea continued until my pre-cum spilled out.
"He's ready. You can ride him now." Andrea stroked Adelina's fur.
"Don't do that!" She was annoyed. She padded over to my side and crawled on my belly.
"I...I'm tired...can we do this another time..." I defended myself. This was scaring me.
"Never!" She hissed. I guess she was still angry at me. She allowed her hind legs to relax, lowering her bottom half of her body. She tentatively allowed my rock-hard stick to settle in her pussy, almost like testing the water in a hot spring. Then, she forced it all the way in one go. "You never fail to make me feel good..." She slowly pushed her legs off the ground again, and repeated the motion at a faster rate, panting all the while. It was warm and wet inside.
I was getting humped.
"I thought...only guys could...hump." I commented, between deep breaths. My mind wasn't thinking straight from the pleasure. The muscles in my body tightened as I felt myself get an orgasm. The pain and pleasure surged through my body, making my cry out. I had completely forgotten my tiredness. The air-conditioner cooled the mixed sweat on me and chilled me to the bone. But the warm feeling of Adelina's soft fur soon cleared the cold off. This went on for god knows how long. I never wanted it to stop.
"Well, you've learnt...something new then." She was panting as hard, if not harder than me. Her tongue was sticking out to cool off, and her sticky drool was sliding down my bare belly. Her sweat rubbed off on me, making me feel wet and moist. "Female absols are...akways more aggressive...than their male...counterparts when they mate..."
"Well...maybe it's my turn to...teach you something...about human mating." I suggested between breaths.
"Sounds...interesting!" She was getting interested. She looked at me suggestively. "We are...after all, mates for life." Her panting was slowing down now as the pleasure died down. Her heart beat slowed as well.
"When humans mate, they like to kiss. It's a way to show their affection for one another."
"Kiss? I've never heard of such a thing. What does it feel like?" She was puzzled. Andrea chuckled silently behind her back.
"Well, it feels like this." I bent my back forward and put my lips to her muzzle. I felt her warm breath condense on my cheek. She was rather apprehensive at first, staring at me with an uncertain look in her eyes. Then, I stuck my tongue out and begun to lick her lips, hoping to coax her tongue out. She was taking deeper breaths again.
Slowly understanding, Adelina closed her eyes and let her tongue slip out through her lips, mingling with mine. Our saliva mixed together as out tongues wrapped around each other's inside our mouths. I never expected my first kiss to feel like that. Her tongue would not let go of mine. Suddenly, I felt the pleasure draining from me as I slowly ran out of breath. I made muffled noises as I struggled to breathe.
She sensed my panic and broke the kiss. "What's wrong? Don't you enjoy it? I certainly did."
"I do, but I don't have the capability of holding my breath for...long periods." I took a deep breath.
"I'm kinda tired now. Oh yeah, speaking about breath, I owe Andrea some thanks. She's the one who set this all up. Tying you up, knocking you up with those voluptuous get the point. It serves you right for making me angry, and even more for peeping at us in the bath."
"Alright, I've think I've learnt my lesson." I sighed in exasperation. Adelina was back to her old self again. A trainer getting raped by his pokémon. That was a first for me.
"Well, not quite. You still owe her something for her efforts." She pointed her paw towards Andrea and nudged me. This wasn't over.
"Oh no...not..." Not by a long shot. I struggled even harder to break the ropes, so hard that the ropes started to fray.
"You know you want to."She smiled. "Andrea, I'm done with him. You can ride him if you wish to.
"I thought this day would never come. My first sexual encounter with my master. Thank you for being so generous." They were treating me like some kind of sex toy.
"Urmm... it's getting kinda cold in here..." Now that I had stopped exerting myself, it was getting cold again, and I was shivering. I was kinda hoping they'd let me take a break.
"Don't worry. I'll warm you right up..." Andrea soothed. Her red, curvy figure was approaching me. She hugged me tightly, smothering me in a sea of red feathers, between her breasts. I just hoped that that that was all she wanted to do. I was mistaken. "I gotta get you ready another round of sex again." She slashed the ropes free with her claws, scratching me in the process. "Adelina, will you help me hold master tight? I don't want him to break free halfway."
"Sure, why not?" She hid the faintest of smiles.
Adelina pressed my hands tightly to the ground with her paws, while Andrea bent down and held my hardening member in her hand. "Wonder what this tastes like..." She licked the mixture of cum and Adelina's juices off in a very familiar fashion. The absol had been teaching her some things. Suddenly, a red flash of light filled the room, disappearing as suddenly as it appeared.
"What the hell was that..."Adelina wondered. I had a strange feeling I knew what it was.
"Not too bad." Andrea remarked absently. She hadn't noticed it.
"Glad you liked it..." I grinned. Her mouth was much warmer than Adelina's was, and I felt rejuvenated. Andrea shifted positions, lying down on me, still holding my member. I felt her weight crush me, but I endured the pain.
"You...are damn heavy..." My breaths became more labored as she placed weight on my chest cavity. She stuck my hardened rod into her pussy, and I felt her warm feathers tickling me everywhere. Inside, her hole was quite hot. In both ways. Maybe it was because she was a fire-type, but her pussy felt like a sauna. Strangely, there were feathers inside her pussy. However, she was going way too slowly to feel any pleasure.
I mustered the last bit of my strength and pushed Adelina aside. I quickly sealed her inside a pokéball. Then, I pushed Andrea over and started humping her hard, pinning her arms to the ground, watching her writhe in vain. I noticed that the red in the crystals grew a deeper shade of red, and I instinctively knew why. "You're mine! I need to teach you how to have proper sex."
"Oh..." She let out moans of pleasure. This went on for a time. I had forgotten how long, or how many times I climaxed.
"I wanna kiss you too master." She suddenly changed her mind. "Wait. Put on your clothes." We'll go outside to kiss. There's something I want to show you."
"You xiao?" I screamed. "If we get seen..." I pulled up my pants and slipped on my shirt.
"Oh come on...don't be such a pansy." She taunted, arms flapping at her waists. "Bawk, bawk, bawk!"
"It's funny how you try to taunt me but end up making a mockery out of yourself." I commented. I felt her sharp claws scratch my hand as she pulled me to the roof of the house.
"Isn't the sunset beautiful?" She said dreamily as she held my hand.
" is..." I felt uncomfortable for some strange reason.
"This is where I always went to whenever I was down. Remember when I lost against that other trainer, I went missing for a while?"
"Yeah. I spent an hour looking for you before noticing that you'd returned."
"I was here. Sitting on the roof."
We sat there for 2 hours, watching the sun move slowly across the horizon, illuminating the sky in a multitude of palette colors. I could have sworn that the scenery from the roof was beautiful. Too beautiful.
"About that kiss...mmm!!!" I made a humming noise. Andrea hugged me without warning. She put her beak to my mouth, just like I did with Adelina, and our tongues mixed again, saliva flowing out our lips. Her mouth was much, much warmer than Adelina's. Suddenly, I hummed in pain.
"Mmm...MMm...MMM!!" I struggled to break the kiss. I felt my eyes water.
Andrea broke the kiss. "Out of breath so quickly, master?" She wondered what was wrong.
"Your saliva is damn fucking spicy! Fuck this!" I spat repeatedly at the ground.
"Spicy?" I didn't think fire-types understood that word. "Is there something wrong with me? Why are you reacting like that? Am I sick? Do you hate me?" She started to tear.
"*Cough**Cough* There's...nothing wrong's a...*cough*...taste that stings...the throat." I tried my best to explain to her.
"So, how do you fix this...spicy thingy?" She was worried.
"Water...I need water..." I moaned, my throat dry.
"I'll get you some right away!" She stood up. Then, I saw her being pushed by a blackish shadow. "I'm gonna fall!!!" It was like slow motion. She fell slowly off the roof, almost like a movie. I lunged forward to grab her with my gauntlet-clad hand. The crystal on it was now a deep shade of crimson.
I held her claw tight.
"Don't worry! I'll try to pull you up!" I felt the wind blow my hair, rustling Andrea's red feathers.
"You better, or I'll kill you myself when I come back up." She was terrified.
"If you fall, you won't ever be coming back up." It was true. A fall from this height would mean that she would break bones, even die. "Grab my other hand!"
She lifted her other hand and grabbed my other hand, and I started pulling her up. I turned my head towards the silhouetted figure. "Why did you have to push her off? She'll die!"
"Did you think I would let her die? If she dies, then the world will be destroyed. And you will have failed." The figure said.
"Stop talking to air and help me!!!" Andrea could not see him.
"She must fall." The figure hissed.
"NEVER! You bastard!" I yelled back.
"Fine. I didn't plan on doing this."
He walked towards the edge of the roof and stepped on my hands. "FUCK that hurt!" I yelled in pain.
I let go.
"Nooooooooo!!" We shouted in unison. The light from the reddish crystals on my gauntlets emitted a blinding flash of light, which enveloped me like it did before. I felt my body growing in size, and growing a tail. My fingers grew sharp claws at the end, and I breathed fire into the night sky, illuminating it.
"I'll won't!" I said in a gruff and deep voice. I leaped off the roof, feeling the tiles slip behind me. Swallowed in a fiery blaze, I let myself fall through the air. When I passed Andrea, I held on to her tightly.
"I would never let you die!" I shouted passionately.
"Now we're both gonna die!" She screamed.
As I spiraled closer to the ground, seeing it get closer, I flipped in mid-air, feet pointed towards the ground. The floor rumbled with tremors and my knees buckled as I hit the ground with bone-smashing force. Steaming, I left burn marks on the ground as I walked towards the entrance, Andrea cradled in my hands. I craned my head down and kissed her, a passionate kiss that left us both panting. We cavorted on the ground for 10 minutes, kissing and hugging all the while. Andrea, calming down from her heightened senses, asked me. "Kiaace, is that As a blaziken?"
"It is. It was exactly like the time I turned into an absol."
"You're a strong blaziken." She looked into my eyes dreamily.
"I know." My mind was on other matters. I saw that the red crystals on my gauntlets glowed with a fiery blaze, like the black crystals had glowed with unholy light. I looked up towards the roof to see a familiar blue-black figure standing on it. He telepathically put his thoughts into my mind.
"Wait!" I shouted at the roof. "You knew this would happen?"
"Of course. He snapped. I've been the keeper of the gauntlets long enough to know its powers." He snapped.
"No need to be grumpy..." I thought back.
"Now, I must leave you. I will return."
"There are still so many things I want to know!" I hollered at the roof.
"I will guide you, in time to come. The second one is done." Then, he vanished, as mysteriously as he appeared.
"Who are you shouting at?" Andrea looked puzzled. "There's no one on the roof."
" was just my imagination." I saw the last of the sunset fade away as the dark colors of night took over. I looked up to see the beautiful moon shine its light on my face. "Come on, let's get cleaned up." I placed Andrea tenderly on the ground and we walked into the bathroom, hand in hand.
"Now that you're a blaziken, wanna try having sex again?" She suggested. My pokémon were getting sex crazed.
"No thank you. I've had enough adventures for a day." I quietly said. This affair still puzzled me a lot, but one day, I will find the answer. I settled in the warm water, letting it wash away my fatigue, stroking Andrea's hair gently with my clawed hand.
"Lucario..." I thought in my mind. "Sorry for doubting you earlier on. I can see what you're doing that's gonna help me save the world?"
"In time..."
"Is there a need to be so cryptic?" I was furious.
"Maybe. Maybe not. By the way, it's nice to see that you have learnt a little...remorse for once." His tone of voice became slightly friendlier.
"Next time I see you I'm gonna beat you up! I swear!" I yelled angrily in my mind.
"Same old song and dance, I see. Hit me with your best shot."
"You bet I will...ow!" Andrea had slapped me hard.
"Why were you daydreaming?" Andrea puzzled.
"Nothing...just...tired." I lowered my eyes to hide my anger.
We finished our bath, dried ourselves and settled in the soft, comfortable bed. I lay down on it, thinking about the events to come. Then, I drifted off to sleep. Andrea shifted uncomfortably. "Someone's here...I just know it." She thought. She stepped on the carpet, searching the room for the stranger. Suddenly, there was a red beam of light, engulfing the blaziken. "What the..." Her figure disappeared, replaced by two shadows.
"Kiaace is in danger?" A feminine voice rang from the darkness.
"Yes. You see the blaziken on the bed? He knows something about where your master has gone. You can show your master your worth by rescuing him." A gruff and unfriendly voice said.
"I will take this chance." The deep, feminine voice muttered. "This time, I will not fail!"
The night passed uneventfully.
Chapter End Notes:Man. Holiday is damn short
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