AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?


"You can show the master your worth." A gruff and unfriendly voice said.
"I will take this chance." The deep, feminine voice muttered.
The night passed uneventfully.
"Wake up...trespasser!" This was the second time I'd been slapped.
"What the fuck...Betinya?" I stirred sleepily. "What do you want...? How'd you get out of the pokéball?" I rubbed my eyes tiredly. "Look Betinya...I need to catch some more shuteye."
"How did you know the name Kiaace gave me?" The grovyle was startled. "Have you done anything to him?" She grabbed my shirt and shook me repeatedly.
"I am Kiaace! What the hell? Don't you remember me?" I said. Then I remembered that she hadn't been released since this whole gauntlet thing started. "Betinya, you've got to let me explain this entire hullabaloo..."
"You're not Kiaace! Kiaace was a human. How dare you try to lie to me?" She tightened her grip on my shirt and dragged me out of the house.
"Let me go...I can tell you what happened." I said, drowsily.
"Don't lie to me you bastard! Tell me where Kiaace has gone!"
"I told you once and I'll tell you again. I'm Kiaace!" I exclaimed in exasperation.
"Lies!" She slapped me again. "I know how your kind acts, you sneaky scoundrel. You probably kidnapped him! I will fight you to find Kiaace! Get up!" She dragged me to my feet. "Prepare yourself for a trashing!"
"Whatever you sayy...!" She grappled me with amazing speed. The leaves on the underside of her hands glowed green as she dealt a hard blow to me. "You've become faster now..."
"I've never met you before! Don't come here and sweet talk me! I will defeat you!" She spun around on a pivot and charged towards me again.
"Stop! I don't want to fight you!" I breathed fire, but she dodged it and hit me hard, this time in the stomach. "Fuck that hurt! I told you, I am Kiaace!"
"You've wasted your breath. I will kill you if you do not tell me the truth! I ask you one more time...where is Kiaace?"
"Do not speak my name! Unless you can prove you're Kiaace, I will hunt you like a fly!"
"I know everything about you. How I found you, how you lost your first battle , how you...."
Her mouth gaped wide. She stopped in her tracks and collapsed onto her knees.
"Do not speak of that incident...Kiaace..." Her reptilian tears dripped onto the ground. "Sorry...I hurt you...I just didn't know that you were Kiaace..."
"There, there... I'm okay. It's alright, I forgive you. Now how did you get out of the pokéball?" I walked closer to her to comfort her.
"A lucario came and released me." She sniffed. "He said that the blaziken on the bed had done something to you...I just couldn't control myself." She stared at me with a cold gaze. "Nothing...Nothing must ever happen to you again!"
I was startled. "There's no need to react this way...broken bones can heal over skin can heal itself..." She was remembering the time I got wounded.
"I just can't afford to lose again... I never want to let you down, or ever let you get hurt again." She said, between sniffs.
"I was never angry with was just a friendly spar..."
"But I lost...badly..." She cried harder and collapsed onto my feathered shoulders. As I stood there, petting her, I recalled the event that had taken place a year ago.
This was before I met Adelina. We were training for the sixth gym badge. Betinya had already beaten many trainers by huge margins. I was rich.
"That's enough for a day, Betinya." I wanted to put her back in her pokéball, but she swatted it out of my hand.
"Not quite yet. I want to spar with Andrea."
"You want to spar with Andrea?" I was surprised. "Don't be shocked if you lose to her. She's a higher level and has a type advantage against you. You could get hurt."
"I can...I must defeat her! Let this be a test of my strength." Betinya's eyes glowed with an indomitable fighting spirit.
"Don't say I didn't warn you...Andrea! Come out now!" I threw the pokéball into the air. A red beam of light appeared, materializing the red figure of the blaziken. "First to hit the ground loses!" I stood back and let the two of them fight each other.
The grovyle dashed towards the larger blaziken and hit her with one of the glowing leaves on the underside of her hands. The blaziken flinched slightly, but punched the reptile backwards.
"That barely tickled!" Andrea gloated. She let loose a ball of flame in the grovyle's direction. Betinya, still recovering from the blow, had no time to dodge. It hit her directly. Betinya stuck her feet in the ground to brace herself, sliding back. Then, she collapsed on the floor. Betinya struggled to get up, her arms trembling from the effort.
"Had enough?" Andrea asked, concerned. "I do not wish to hurt you..."
"Not any time soon!" Suddenly, She grabbed a handful of sand and threw it towards Andrea's eyes, blinding her temporarily. Andrea placed her hands on her eyes, randomly loosing an assortment of fire-type maladies everywhere. The grovyle dodged them deftly, hitting her from all sides with her leaf blades. Suddenly, Andrea accidentally loosed a fire-blast towards me. I yelled in panic.
"This is gonna hurt!" I screamed.
"Kiaace! I must stop her...I must not let him get hurt!" She unleashed a quick-attack on me, hitting me with massive impact. But it was too little, too late. Both of us got hit with fire, and we got burnt. We rolled in the sand, getting abrasions in the process.
"Oh my god..." I forced myself to stand up, and felt my legs collapse under my weight. I placed my hands on the ground to cushion my fall, but one of my hands felt limp. I fell like a sack, yelling in pain. "!"
Andrea, recovering from her blindness, watched me fall in horror. She dashed over and grabbed my hands, helping me stand by letting me lean on her. "Are you okay..."
"Broken bones everywhere, third degree burns, yeah...I'm perfectly okay." I grunted, feeling tired as my blood drained from my body. I coughed hard and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. Betinya grabbed my burnt arm and tried to carry my weight all by herself, but she collapsed, writhing on the floor.
"Kiaace...I...couldn't save you..." She panted hard, crying on the floor.
"It's...okay...I...f...f..." I passed out from the pain. Andrea had carried me to the hospital, where I stayed in the ward for 4 weeks. My arm and leg were broken, along with some smashed ribs here and there. I could not train for the gym battle until I was completely healed, which completely sucked. I limped around on a crutch, with my other hand paralyzed in a cast. I was sore everywhere, and I had difficulty sleeping on my burnt flesh. It truly was hell for me. Ever since that incident, Betinya's personality completely changed. She became calculative, and never rash. She would not be impulsive during fights, and would not hesitate to disobey my commands. Also, she drifted further apart from other pokémon, especially Andrea. Worst of all, she developed a hate for fighting. I slowly returned back into the real world.
"There...there Betinya. It's alright." A flash of blue light glowed behind Betinya, and I saw a familiar figure raising his hands. Rain clouds gathered around us, and it was going to pour.
"What was that light...?" Betinya half turned around.
I held her tight to prevent her from seeing the figure. He nodded at me. "It's just lightning...nothing to fear."
"We'd better get inside...I don't want you to get struck by lightning."
I laughed, and I grabbed her scaly body and hugged her tight. "You're back to your normal self again!" My dripping, feathered body covered her tightly. "Promise me you won't scare me again..."
"I know you're Kiaace and all but...can you let go of me? This dosen't change the fact that you're a pokémon." She pushed me away. "We can discuss this once we get shelter from the rain inside the house."
"You go first...I want to check something out..."
"Suit yourself...just don't take too long. I don't want you to get a cold."
"Alright..." I looked down to hide my tears streaming down my face.
She walked away, her tail waggling in the distance. I saw her figure shrink in size until I could no longer see her through the veil of rain and fog. The rain poured relentlessly on, and the rainwater washed away my tears. The figure padded closer. I ran over and held the furry blue-black figure tightly, crying on his shoulder.
"That's your next task. You have to reconcile with her, and cleanse her fear and hatred of fighting." He held my shoulder, petting it. "You act strangely. Let me make this clear. I'm not gay." I may offer you assistance if you wish."
"Thank you...for helping me...lucario..." I cried even harder.
"Suddenly, this mission feels less like a burden, and more like a gift for you..." He disappeared and left me crying on the ground. I wiped my tears and walked into the house. I shook my wet feathers dry and walked up the stairs. Along the way, I felt myself morph into a human again. When I reached my room, I was completely human.
I saw my chance as I noticed that Betinya was still being emo inside the bathroom. I called out Adelina from her pokéball.
"Kiaace, you finally let me out!" She padded over and started licking me in the face.
"Shh...Adelina, I need your help on something."
"What is it?" She asked.
"Well, I haven't introduced you to all my pokémon yet. I have a grovyle called Betinya. I need your help convincing her to fight again."
"Oh...what's in it for me?" She asked, staring daggers at me.
"You know what you're gonna get..." I tempted. "So will you help me?"
"I will assist you in any way I can." She smiled.
"Here's the plan..." I whispered something in her ear, and she nodded. Then, she padded away.
"Aren't you going to put me in the pokéball?" Betinya asked coldly.
"No...I thought we'd go for a the pokécenter. You see, one of my new pokémon was wounded in a fight."
"Fine by me." She got up wordlessly and followed me.
Just as I opened the door, the rain stopped. The unobtrusive blue-black figure followed me. As we passed by an open field, I pointed out to Betinya.
"Remember this place?" I reminded her gently, hoping to stir some memory of her fighting spirit.
"Yes. This is where you caught me." She said simply. Suddenly, the blue figure behind me grabbed my throat and pinned me to a tree. I looked at him, knowing he meant no harm.
He growled a deep, rumbling growl, his saliva leaking out through his fangs.
"You know, this is the second time you've done this to me...what do you want?" I acted.
"I want your life!" He slapped me gently, but I twitched, as if in great pain.
"Don't hurt me!" It was working. Betinya had prepared her leaf blade, ready to strike. She struck at nerve-wracking speed, with her unerring aim. The lucario pretended to flinch. "I will protect my Kiaace!"
Then, Adelina arrived, panting deeply.
"I ran here...after I sensed you were in danger..." She breathed.
"" I hissed at a frequency that only she could hear. " be hurt. I must succeed this time!"
Adelina, understanding, pretended to be in serious pain. "There's another I managed to take care of him, but I got hurt badly..."
"Who the hell is she?" Betinya was puzzled.
"She's Kiaace's absol! We planned to kidnap her and Kiaace for our own devices."
"I won't let you!" She swung her blades, albeit rustily, but I could see the determination in her eyes. She put her blades together and unleashed razor-sharp leaves on the lucario, who pretended to be hurt. The lucario shot a blast of aura towards Betinya, who dodged it nimbly. However, she did not expect the lucario to have a second attack at hand, who shot another pulse of energy at her. She took a direct hit in mid air as she tumbled to the ground in pain. "I...can still fight...I must fight on!" She screamed in pain and furore. She scrambled to her feet, bleeding through cuts in her thighs. As her blades glowed once more, she struck the lucario with blinding speed and accuracy, who fumbled back. The lucario then placed her in an aura capsule, suspending her.
"Now's your chance. Go in and pretend to be her fighting spirit.
"How?" I shrugged.
"Move first, talk later! I can't hold her for long!" The lucario kicked my behind and I fell into the capsule in slow motion. I could feel myself morphing, and I felt my temperature fall to that of my surroundings. Two long green objects grew out of my underarms, and I felt my hair change to leaves. Why was I not surprised...
Betinya was struggling in vain when I went into the capsule. "Who are you? Am I dead?"
" am your fighting spirit. You are hurt, but your fighting spirit lives on. I grabbed her hands tightly. I know you can defeat him. Come on! Show your might!"
"I can!" She glowed with a strong green light, and her eyes glowed like emeralds. One of my crystals on both gauntlets glowed with an equally blinding light, dispelling the capsule of aura encasing us.
The two of us felt our feet touch the ground, and we nodded at each other. We telepathically communicated our strategy for defeating the lucario. After all, I had some vested interest in this battle. I could finally get some revenge for all that he's annoyed me. We split up; leaf blades glowing with light, brighter than the sun in the sky. We circled the lucario, who put up a protective aura against our offensive advances. Suddenly, I my heart pounded with battle. "Lucario! Meet your maker!" I hit his barrier and felt my blade rebound.
"Kiaace?" She skidded to a halt. "Is that you?"
"Sadly, yes."
"You got some fucking things to explain to me when we're done." She glared at me.
"Sigh...I know."
The lucario focused his aura into a globe and fired it at the both of us. "Stay focused!" His voice resonated in my mind. We held hands tightly, and we both used our free blade to grab the aura globe gently, like chopsticks. Then, we spun around and hurled it back. The lucario smiled, and vanished, letting the aura globe explode. The shockwave from the explosion rustled the leaves on my head. Adelina, watching, clapped with her paws. "Brilliant! Makes me want to become a biped..."
"That was exhilarating!" She smiled, through deep breaths.
"Will you return to experience the thrill of battle?" I held her scaly hand. "With me?"
"Of course!" She whacked me hard on the back of my head. I smiled in pain. She was back to her old self again. "Now...about all this rubbish. You better make things clear to me! I want to know why you can morph into pokémon."
"Alright." My pokémon were becoming more aggressive.
The three of us strolled home, with the orange glow of sunset lengthening our shadows in front of us.
After a hearty meal, I sat down next to Betinya, feeling my reptilian scales rubbing against hers. "This all started when I met that absol over there." I pointed at Adelina. "You see these gauntlets on my hands? The lucario you fought earlier on gave them to me, and now they won't come off. Then I had sex with Adelina...and I fought him again, but Adelina got hurt and for some strange reason I was hurt too. Then I turned into an absol and chased the lucario off...then we had some more sex. And then I peeked at them in the bath...and they raped me...and he pushed Andrea off a building...and yeah that's about it. "
"Wait...let me get this straight..." She pondered. "You already knew him? Does he really want to kill you? I mean he seems to want to take your life and that of those around you a lot..."
"Actually, no...He expects me to save the world by using the power of the gauntlets." The, the bed trembled slightly. Betinya was trying her best to stifle her laughter. "What's so funny?" I was annoyed.
"Nothing...Kiaace...I...want to say thank you...for." She stuttered. She was never good at gratitude. "Allowing me to...overcome my fear of fighting..."
"No proble...mmm...!" She held me tight and put her cold lips to mine. I felt her breath condensing on my skin as we passionately fenced with our tongues. After a good 10 minutes of kissing, we finally broke the kiss.
"Know this Kiaace... I do love you, but this is as far as our relationship can, or must go. I do not want to become too emotionally attached...or it will affect my performance in battle. I do not wish to end up like Orland, who gets distracted easily. Besides, I have another mate in mind." She blushed slightly at this point, her pink blood showing through her green skin. "Don't get me wrong, but I do respect you as my trainer."
"I understand." I sighed. There goes my chance. "Man...I'm beat..." I yawned. It had been a long and tiring day. "Let's go to sleep."
"Wait...I must tell you one more thing. Can you keep this a secret?" She looked around nervously.
I nodded.
"I do love Orland with my life. One day, I wish we can get together, but I understand that that would affect my performance in tag battles with him. You mustn't tell him that!" No wonder they'd been so cold to each other. "I told him that I had no feelings for him...I broke his heart." She pulled the collar of my shirt. "You must help me...I don't know what to do when it comes to affairs of the heart."
"I will..." I held her shoulder. "I must make my pokémon happy, or they won't be at their best. Don't worry too much about it, just get a good night's sleep." I sealed her in the pokéball. Turning around, I said. "You can come out now, lucario."
"You have gotten more astute!" He looked surprised. "Surely you know what to do now!"
"Of course...lucario, there's one thing I want to say."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Thank you. You've helped me a lot when it came to solving my problems." His fingers were twitching in a strangely familiar manner.
"Don't mention it. I just hope you'll complete your task once this is all done." He faded away, into the blackness of the night. I saw his shadow passing through the moon as he went back to wherever he came from.
Chapter End Notes:Reviews? Whoops forgot to name the chap..
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