AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?

Sword and Shield

"Don't mention it. I just hope you'll complete your task once this is all done." He faded away, into the blackness of the night. I saw his shadow passing through the moon as he went back to wherever he came from.
Somewhere else, in another dimension, a shadowy figure was watching my every move through psycho-kinesis. "You get stronger with each passing day..." His dark eyes glowed. "But can you overpower me?" He laughed into the dark and empty dimension in which he was in.
I felt a chill all of a sudden, and I was sneezing. Waking up, I thought that it was probably because my body temperature was slowly dropping to that of the cold room. Groaning, I let Adelina and Andrea out of the pokéballs and let them snuggle into my bed. Although it was a smug fit, but nothing could be better. Me sleeping with the two girls which I so like, it felt like a dream.
"Wake up sleepy-head...the sun's rising." Andrea slapped me in the face, leaving a mark on my skin where she hit it.
"Ow! Can you all stop slapping me?" I rubbed my face absently, feeling my scaly reptilian skin rub against the gauntlets. "It's still too early for me...I think I'll get back to bed."
"You can't!" Adelina licked my face furiously. "Tomorrow's the big pokémon contest! You need to practice your moves with Orland and Betinya!"
"Oh yeah...wait!" One thing surprised me. "How did you know about this...I mean I didn't tell you about this contest nor did I tell you about Orland..."
"Need I explain further? We can still talk through the pokéballs you know..." She looked at me, annoyed. "Orland was prosing about it all night. I was glad that you let me out of the pokéball, or I would never have gone to sleep! She padded at the bed.
"I see what you mean by prosing." I smiled. Orland was a strange pokémon that I've caught. He was a gallade, and he spoke in a strange manner. He was desperately in love with Betinya, and would always propose to her. But Betinya always was too fearful of becoming too attached, affecting her performance. The two of them broke up after the competition, after one final attempt by Orland.
"Will you?" Orland knelt down and kissed Betinya in one hand. After all, he was a gentleman.
"Orland, I want to...but I can't." She looked down. "I'm sorry...don't get me the wrong way...but, there's no way we can get together."
"Orland stared at air, tears moving slowly down his cheeks. He stood up and ran away without a word. Betinya chased after him, but he had already disappeared. Ever since then, they never spoke to one another, and their move combos for contests never really worked again. They could not communicate.
The pokémon contest was a special pair pokémon contest held once a year. This time, the trainer could pair any two pokémon together for one contest, and their moves could be combined. The reward for this contest was a special ribbon, which could count as a badge. I came close to winning last year, but Betinya slipped up on her finishing move, allowing her opponent to turn the tables. However, that was when they were still lovey-dovey for each other. Now, I had a lot less confidence of winning. "You know what Adelina? You're right. I need to refresh their memories or they would never win the contest." I sighed. I returned the two of them into their pokéballs and called out Betinya and Orland."Tomorrow's the big contest. Do you think you are up for the job?"
The two of them looked at each other and turned away.
"With him?" She looked surprised.
"I canst not work with the lady who broke my heart, or my anger will tear me apart." Orland closed his eyes.
I sighed. "I see. Then I have no choice. Betinya, can you teach me your moves? I'll need to use them in the contest." Then, I remembered something. I yelled out for the mysterious lucario. "Lucario! What the fuck is wrong?"
He appeared behind me. "Whatever do you mean?"
"I thought I would have changed back into a human by now. After all, I did spend 6 hours without touching Betinya..."
" careless of me. I forgot to tell you. The way to change is to learn swordplay. That is very important for the next part of your training." He threw me a sword. I caught it with skill, but it was so heavy that I almost cleaved my foot with it. Then, he threw me an assortment of weapons, ranging from a sabre, 2 shortswords to a pair of matching rapiers and daggers and even some weird weapons which I could not put a name to. Orland suddenly noticed something in the blades.
"You want me to impart, the ways of my art?" He asked.
"Yes. Happy teaching!" This was strange in many ways. They seemed to be friendly, like as though they had met, but I do not remember ever taking Orland to meet the lucario. Maybe it slipped my mind. He took Betinya's pokéball and called her into it, then sealed it, "Betinya cannot help you here." Then, he disappeared, like he always did.
I was puzzled. Did Orland know so many swordplay styles? Orland, sensing my indecision, answered my question. "While I was grieving for my beloved one, I had to find repose; I decided to refine my art, for thinking about her made it worse." He looked away at this point. "Each style relates to its fighter in a certain way, and it affects the weapons that the fighter can use. Be wary of its strengths and weaknesses, or your strength in combat will fray." He held my hands. "The gauntlets in your hands carry a certain light, focus your inner strength and reveal your will to fight!" I did as he instructed, willing myself to create a weapon for myself. The gauntlets glowed brightly, and a small, blue crystalline circle was generated.
"That's it?" I was kinda disappointed. I was expecting some kind of great blade or something like that.
"It may look weak at first sight, but its appearance belies its might." He took a closer look at the shield which I created. "Each of my styles uses different weapon techniques, and they correspond to types. For example, my electricity stance uses the speed and unpredictability of electricity. My hands glow with electrical power, and I become an electric-type. However, this also limits my fighting moves to stabbing with my hands. This gives me an advantage against any type. "Know your opponent, know yourself, and every battle you fight will surely be a victory." At my current strength, I probably can defeat all your pokémon with ease, and still have time to enjoy the breeze."
"Can you stop it with the poetry? It gets irritating after a while." I thought he was boasting.
"Merely a hobby of mine, to pass the time." He smiled.
"Since you're so confident in your sword arm then let's have a friendly battle. You versus Adelina and Andrea and me. Are you alright with that?" I flexed my reptilian arms. It was time to bring his pride down a notch. "If you win, I'll take instruction from you. If you lose, then you get a forfeit." I smiled. I had several ideas for what forfeit he was gonna receive.
"Suit yourself. I promise I will hold back. Use this chance to learn how to use the weapon you have created."
"Don't have to." I smiled. It was a long time since I last battled. I brought him to the open field near my house. This place held quite a few memories, recent and not recent, for me.
"Andrea and Adelina, it's us versus Orland."
"Are you kidding?" Adelina was rolling about on the floor laughing. "No seriously? Alright then, we'll just beat him senseless."
"This is a three on one match. First *team* to hit the ground loses. Ready, begin!" I barely had time to finish when Orland ran towards me. All I saw was a white and green flash as he raised his hands and struck me. I flinched.
"The mark of fire is in big, cleaving strokes. This style focuses on brute force, crushing the opponent in one blow." He hit me again, this time in the stomach. I collapsed onto the ground, still blur. He was good, that's for sure. He dashed towards Andrea, who was too shocked to respond. She vainly defended herself with kicks and punches. Orland deftly hit her in many places while dodging all her blows. Finally, weakened, Andrea dropped to her knees. Turning to me, Orland discussed another swordplay style. "That was the grace of water. To be fluid, flexible and yet aggressive, to strike without being struck."
While he was speaking, Adelina snuck up behind him and tackled him. He grabbed her with his hands and threw her to the ground. She got up and charged her dark energy into her horn before she launched a shadow ball. Orland shifted his left leg behind him, stood his ground and caught it in his hands. "Not good enough." He threw it back towards her in a strangely familiar fashion. Where had I seen that before... Adelina, still reeling from the effort she used earlier, had no time to dodge it. The shadow ball blew up in her face, releasing smoke everywhere.
The dark attack had little effect on Adelina, but the smoke acted as excellent cover for the gallade. Sensing his chance, he ran through the cloud of smoke and punched her in the ribs. Taking a hard hit, Adelina dropped onto her forepaws, unable to fight on. "This is the fighting stance. A true fighter fights only with his hands, giving the fighter full control over offense and defense."
My pride prevented me from giving up. I struggled to get up then launched a flurry of razor-sharp leaves towards the opponent, heedless of my remaining strength. Suddenly, something caught my eye. Orland focused his psychic energy into his left hand, generating two circular objects. One was made of stone, and the other looked very similar to the one that was on my hand. He placed the crystal shield in front of him, blocking all the leaves aimed at him. I leapt forward with my leaf blades, swiping in large strokes. He used his shield to deflect and parry my blows, and I was exhausted from attacking. I looked at the shield in horror. There wasn't even a scratch on the surface of the shield! He pushed me gently back with the rim of the crystal shield and I lost my balance. Then, he walloped me hard on the side with his free hand, making me fall. "This is the invincibility of ice. To stand your ground until the opponent is exhausted, before making your move. The opponent will then be too tired to defend himself properly. Are you convinced now?"
I nodded my head, utterly defeated. I quickly sealed the two defeated pokémon on the floor into their pokéballs and brought them to the pokécentre. The nurse looked at me with a strange expression before recharging the pokéballs. After all, I was still a grovyle. After a short while, she returned me my pokéballs. As we strolled out, I asked Orland a question. "You know, it's kinda hard to hold a sword with these hands..."
"I took that into account." He held my hand and gently touched the crystals on it. The gauntlet's light engulfed me once more, and I felt my body morphing. As the light slowly faded, I looked around myself. I was a gallade!
"!" I jumped back.
"Alright. I knew the lucario. It was he who asked me to join you, to save the world later on. We were the best of friends, and we trusted each other with our lives. He was interested in the study of aura, a magical force that lives in all living things. I was more interested in improving my swordplay, imbuing my hands with might and magic. We agreed to keep this a secret from you, until the time came. Now, we have no time for further dallying. The contest is tomorrow and you haven't even learnt how to use a sword. Besides, the end is coming nearer."
"The end? You mean the meteor thingy that I saw in my dream?"
"That...I may not say. For it may affect your performance of the task at hand." He grabbed my hands. "Now we must hurry. You have much to learn." We walked back to the open field. "I expect that we'll enter the smart and cool contests tomorrow. We have an advantage in those contests. After all, both of us can talk, and we look cool with our moves."
"That reminds me. Orland?"
"I don't quite see how you can use so many swordplay moves. I thought pokémon could only learn four..." That puzzled me indeed.
"Well...the only moves I've ever learnt are psychic and quick attack. The swordplay styles are just the changing of my stances, using psychic to create psychic weapons. It takes a very long time to master."
"Also, how did you turn me into a gallade?" I asked on, trying to satisfy my need for answers.
"Lucario and I were the creators of these gauntlets. We made 7 pairs, one for all the disastrous events that were going to happen. We originally designed them to save the world in times of dire need. We took a small amount of power from legendaries in the world, like Lugia and such. Lucario would only pass the gauntlets to people who could handle its power. Strangely, each pair had different abilities, even though we made them the same way." He sighed. "Apparently, the powers vary from person to person. For example, the last person who wore these could control pokémon powers as though they were his own. He turned Heatran's powers against him, which sent him back to the mantle of the earth. However, the effort spent forced him to take the shape of a pokémon forever. You are wearing the last pair, which would save the world from disaster forever."
"By changing me into pokémon?" I was aghast with horror. "That can't be as powerful as controlling pokémon powers and the like!"
"Urm...that was an oversight on our part...apparently, the last gloves don't appear to be as powerful as the others. So we interfered by helping you."
"Also, how do you know when these events were going to happen?"
"Lucario can foresee the future. He knows when these events are going to happen." He moved closer. "By the way...the lucario never told you his name. Well, his name is..."
"Enough fun? Orland?" The lucario appeared behind me.
"Ahh...lucario. I finally drew you out of hiding." He was smiling. "I need you to pose as a human. This kid wants to join a contest with me."
"You just like to annoy me, don't you." The lucario smacked his forehead with his paw. "Alright, I'll pretend to be Kiaace." He focused his aura energy and slowly morphed to become an exact duplicate of me. "I'll get revenge...I tell you." It felt good to see that the lucario could be annoyed too. "Just this once, I will help you. Now, I take my leave." He disappeared.
"Now, back to swordplay training. We'll start with the basic strokes of a sword." Orland raised his hands.
"But I don't have a sword..." I muttered.
The gallade sighed. "Your hands are your weapons. Weren't you watching me fight just now with the shield?" I nodded my head. "Well, we'll start with defending. I'll hit you, over and over again, and you'll defend with your shield." Without warning, he started stabbing at me, jolts of electricity flashing every time he hit my shield. I felt myself walking backwards, as the shield hardly did anything to soften the impact of the stabs.
"Use your shield to parry! Divert my strength and counter attack!" Complying, I dodged one of his blows by whacking it aside with my shield, before striking out with my free hand.
"That wasn't half bad!" I had mastered defense with a shield. Suddenly, without warning, the shield disappeared. "What? Where did it go?"
"The gauntlets think you're ready for the next lesson." He went back inside the house and brought the assortment of weapons out of the house. I was amazed at his strength. I had difficulty carrying even one of those weapons, yet he could carry all of them at one go, without even breaking a sweat.
"Now hold these weapons one by one. Only the ones which you are suitable to master will react."
"React?" He was not really being specific.
"You'll see when the time comes." He smiled.
Great. Another cryptic freak. Although I was rather glad to stop hearing him speak in poetry, now he was even worse. I picked up a lance, and gallade slapped me hard on the face. Man, that was the fourth time I'd been slapped by my pokémon.
"What is it now?" I rubbed me sore cheek once again. "I picked the weapon up right? What did I do wrong."
"Are you missing any intelligence and common sense? I teach sword play, not fancy poking with a lance!" He frowned. "Be serious!" I picked up a knife. After all, it made sense to start small. When I touched it, the crystals inlaid on its handles glowed an intense dark aura, and the black crystals on my gauntlets did the same.
"Why am I not surprised? I guess since that's your next weapon, might as well teach you how to use it." He sighed.
"Whatever do you mean? What are you going to teach me?" I had no idea what he was talking about.
"Apparently, you're to learn the dark style of fighting. I'm a gentleman, so I completely hate this style. It involves the use of two daggers. It's ridiculously fast, but you have to stoop to underhand means while using it." Then, he smiled. He was freaking me out. "I somehow guessed that that would be the case. After all, you always were closest to Adelina, having procreated with her as a pokémon. Now, let me teach you how to create a weapon with your psychic strength."
I swore. My life was turning into an open book.
Chapter End Notes:Will post next chapter when I care more
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