AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?


I swore. My life was turning into an open book. "I don't understand... I thought that you changed types during battle?" I needed to hide my angry emotions.
"Yes, but not as you think. As you know, I'm a psychic type. So how can a psychic type change into dark types and so on? It's not possible. However, it is possible for me to create an illusion in my opponent's mind about my type, giving me an advantage. It's just visual trickery." He winked at me. "So it wasn't as effective against you because you haven't been a grass type long enough to fear ice as of yet, that's why it took me longer to defeat you. And most likely because you lack intelligence as well." He chuckled.
"Haha...very funny." I folded my arms. "Look, it's almost evening, and we still haven't practiced our moves yet. How are we going to win the contest?"
"As I said, we just have to look cool on stage. I'm sure you can come up with something smart that looks cool at the same time. After all, we do have glowy swords..." He was hinting at something.
"I think I see what you mean. But can you tell me anymore about these gauntlets you made?" I raised my hands. "How do I activate its powers? Can I change freely at will?"
"Obviously you can." He frowned at me. "Just touch the crystal that represents your other forms and put your energy into it. I thought you'd figured that out by now. I was right when I commented you lacked intelligence."
"There's no need to insult me." I was getting more offended by the second. "And what do you mean when you say the crystal that represents my other forms?"
"You intelligence in my eyes has just dropped another level." He sneered at me. "Your other forms like the absol, genius." He rolled his eyes. "Seriously, I can't see why lucario puts so much faith in you to save the world. You see the black crystal, this represents Adelina. I'm sure you can work out the rest."
"Then why are there 6 crystals? I only have 5 pokémon, and one of them I may probably never meet again." I remembered Killetheth, the pokémon who wanted to stay alone instead of travelling with me. He had done something wrong earlier on in his life, I waited for the gallade to ask me questions, but he looked at me with an assuring and understanding glance.
"It will smoothen itself out in due time. Now focus your strength into your hands. Let it flow freely." I did as instructed and closed my eyes, feeling my hands slowly warming up. As I opened my eyes a minute later, I saw my blade like hands glowing with power, giving me a high. I felt better than I had in weeks! "To change your type, just visualize it. I'm sure there's no need to go into details. After all, I still need to teach you how to play with daggers. The trick with daggers is to play dirty. Just hit him before he can hit you. No need to fight prolonged battles with your opponents."
"Huh? Maybe you should show meeee...!" Orland lunged and kicked me hard in my tender parts before punching me in the stomach hard. I vomited blood and collapsed on the ground.
"Well, it's something like that..." He looked at me. "Urm...Kiaace? Kiaace?" I was lying unconscious on the ground. "Screw it...lucario's gonna kill me again."
"You got that right." The lucario's shadow appeared elongated against the beautiful sunset. "You were supposed to teach him, not to kill him. Try not to go overboard next time, Orland. We do need him later on." He raised his paws towards the sky and called down a beam of light from the sky which engulfed my limp body, curing its wounds. "You must be serious, for I sense that he is on his way. Be careful."
"He's coming already!" The smile faded off Orland's face.
"I'll see what I can do to slow him down." I stirred from my unconsciousness. "Speak nothing of it to him!" He hissed, before disappearing into the light.
"What...happened just now...You hit me and..." I did not finish my sentence.
"You're just tired from all this training." He carried my white body in his hands. "Come, let's go home and rest for the day. You've learnt the basics of swordplay. Now it's up to you to master it on your own." He did not get a response. "Kiaace?" I had fallen asleep again. "Enjoy your rest."
When I woke up, the smell of roast chicken greeted me. Feeling my stomach rumble, I got off the bed and followed the smell of the food to the kitchen. I saw Orland cooking a hearty 6 course meal. "Ahh Kiaace, you're finally up. I thought you'd be hungry, so I cooked a little something up for you."
I stared blankly at the spread of food before me. "You call that a little something? You cook like some kind of chef!" Then, I glared at him. "How many secrets do you plan to keep from me?" I grabbed his neck and pressed it against the cold surface of the fridge. "Tell me everything now!" I shook him hard.
"I'll try my best to tell you everything. But there are...some things which I cannot say." I let him go. "As you may or may not have figured out by now, I am thousands of years old. I am about the same age as the lucario that you met. And, you already know that we're the best of friends. He discovered...something in the future. You know...Darkrai and the three other legendaries?"
I nodded my head. This was a legend that everyone in this region knew. "I can tell you now that Darkrai plans to destroy the world. There's darkness in his heart, because he was alone for such a long period of time. You can say he's emo. The three legendaries must come together to stop him, but they hate each other to the bone." He looked away. "I...can't anymore than this."
"I just have one more question. Can you tell me if Darkrai was the one who caused the meteor to fall in my dream." He did not answer. I shook him harder, almost dislocating his neck. "Tell me! Tell me!"
"I don't know! I just don't know..." He stared in my eyes. "There are things which we are not aware of. I cannot help you any further." Loosening my grip, he slid down onto the floor.
"I do not blame you for this...I just wanna know more." I helped him to his feet. "Now let's eat. I'm sure you're hungry, but I hope you've cooked enough. There're gonna be some guests at the dining table. That reminds me. Can you remove the seal from Betinya's pokéball? I'm sure she will cheer you up." Nodding, he held Betinya's pokéball in his hands, glowing with a blue light. Then, he threw the pokéball in the sky, while I released the other two from their jails.
"What's cooking?" Adelina sniffed the air. "Smells nice. Can I have some?" She stared at me with a cute puppy-dog expression in her eyes.
"If she gets some then I want some too!" Andrea pouted.
"Don't forget me..." Betinya started. Then, she saw Orland, and she turned away.
"Do you still despise me, Betinya? After all this time..." Orland had tears in his eyes.
"No...I...I...I" She stuttered.
"She loves you a lot. But she does not want a relationship to affect her performance." Then, I turned to Betinya. "Don't you see that everyone can lose once in a while? It's how you recover from the knockback that counts." I held both their hands. I put their hands together. "I hope that the both of you can reconcile. I just can't bear to see my pokémon heartbroken."
"You really think so? Do you really love me? Betinya?" His tears slid down his cheeks.
"Yes...Orland...I!" Wordlessly, she hugged a surprised Orland, sobbing on his shoulder. "I just never had the courage to apologize for my mistake..."
"I love you too...Betinya." He placed his hands around her scaly skin, and they embraced. "You can have the food for yourselves. We'll go for a walk. There's a lot of catching up to be done." Then, the two of them walked out the door, hand in hand.
"Well, it's certainly nice to see them together again. Don't you think...?" I stared in horror. Andrea had tasted some of the stew. Remembering the last time I came in contact with her saliva, I was afraid to eat anything she tasted. Adelina had jumped onto a chair, ready to eat.
"Adelina?" I beckoned her over. "You mind eating some of this stew? It's...really...good!" I feigned, smiling. I spooned some of it into her open, drooling muzzle.
"It's...not half bad!" She licked her lips with her long tongue. "I like the mildly spicy flavor." I took the spoon and scooped some of the stew into my mouth. The spicy flavor stung my tongue, but it was quite addictive. The three of us tucked into the 6-course meal laid out in front of us, devouring every last morsel on the table. I got off the chair and lay on the floor, next to Adelina. Our bellies were impossibly distended from overstuffing.
"That was great!" Andrea had difficulty speaking. She let out a thunderous belch which rumbled the ground. After she finished licking the plates clean, she felt drowsy and wanted to rest. Suddenly, I had a naughty thought.
"Andrea, you mind washing out your mouth with this water? After you're done, spit it out in this cup." I raised an empty glass. She stared at me, puzzled.
"What do you mean..."
"It's a human custom after every meal. It's to ensure that you can enjoy the next meal properly." I thought of it on the spur of the moment. Questioning me no further, she shrugged and did as I instructed. I struggled to get up, and I poured the contents of the glass into a flask, and put it in my bag. "You can go to rest now..." I dozily threw the pokéball at Andrea, and a red flash of light returned her to the ball. Then, I turned to Adelina, who was still on the floor. "We'll wait an hour before vigorous exercise." I stared into her eyes.
"Yes, lets. "She laughed a little peal of laughter. After an hour of watching TV, I carried Adelina upstairs to the bedroom.
"It's been a few days since we renewed our...passion for one another. After all, we are mates for life." I smiled. "Also, we need to lose some weight." I thought of the feast we had just now.
"You say it in such a nice way..." She replied dreamily.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." I put my hands on my gauntlets and let the power flow. The room suddenly blacked out, and I was on all fours again. "Feels good to be in this form again. Shall we begin?" A low growl rose from my muzzle. I stretched my spine, feeling my hind paws gripping on the carpet.
"If you wish, master." She replied playfully. As I mounted her, she bent her forelegs to accommodate my weight. Letting my feral instincts take over, I felt my member unsheathe and grow in size. Drool seeping through my muzzle, I lowered the hind part of my body into her naughty bits, slowly letting my hard stick get used to its damp, warm surroundings. Then, once I had gotten into a comfortable position, I plunged it in hard. Adelina moaned as the friction of my stick rubbing against the walls of her moist cunt. I just left it hanging there, teasing her.
"Hurry up! I can't hold your weight!" Adelina's paws trembled.
"Hmm...that is a problem." True, I lacked exercise. "Why don't you hump me like you did before?" I said dreamily.
"Sounds good!" We quickly changed positions. This time, I was under her. She let her wet pussy lips settle on my cock before moving her hips up and down repeatedly. As her humps got quicker and harder, I felt my member reaching unexplored territory as my pleasure slowly built up. She started panting quicker, her warm breath condensing on my fur. I felt myself getting sweatier by the second, my fur becoming wet. I panted harder as I neared my climax. Her cunt got wetter by the second as the two of us moved up and down, like waves rolling on the ocean. She let out a shrill yelp as she reached her climax. While the two of us were still in heat, we looked straight at each other's eyes, her drool leaking onto my chest fur. Then, we smiled in unison. Moving her muzzle closer to mine, I stuck my long, slimy tongue out to lick her muzzle. She stuck her long tongue out to meet mine, and we sucked each other's tongues in a long and passionate kiss. It had gone on for about an hour, and I looked up to see the full moon in the sky out of my window. Suddenly, I sensed that someone was in the room. I broke the kiss and yelled.
"Who's there! Show yourself!"
"No need to worry." An infuriatingly familiar voice resounded from a corner of the room. "It's only me." The lucario put a paw on his chest spike. I always did want to see the two of you in action."He placed a paw to his hands and chuckled. "Goodbye, lovers." Before he disappeared out of sight, he said one more thing. "Be careful not to overdo it. Don't want Adelina to start lactating now do you?" Chuckling, the blue and black figure left the room. I swore into Adelina's face. He had been watching us.
"Don't you want to finish?" Adelina cocked her head to one side, still panting slowly.
"Nah...I'm not in the mood anymore." I pouted. "Let's go out for a walk. I need to cool down." I was still panting and sweating from the orgasm she gave me earlier.
"Alright..." She sensed my discomfort after we found out we were being watched. "Let's go to the field to stargaze."
"Glad you understand." As we padded out towards the door, I stood on my hind legs to pull on the handle of the door, opening it with some difficulty. As we walked together side by side, our white pelts absorbing the moonlight of the full moon overhead. I nudged Adelina playfully with my horn, and she returned the favor. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks and started to laugh silentle.
"What's so funny?"
"What?" I whispered. I looked at the open field in front of me and saw 2 figures moving violently. We moved behind some bushes to cover our snowy-white fur. It was Orland and Betinya! They were having sex!
"I don't think we should be watching them...Adelina?" She had moved closer. I sighed, and followed her...
"It looks as if you must save the world. You can finally atone for your mistake." A humanoid figure lowered his head. The darkness in the cave hid everything but his glowing eyes. "Isn't that right, Killetheth?"
"I am not Killetheth." He was acting defensively. "I do not know anyone by the name of Killetheth." The larger figure opened his eyes, a deep blood red.
"I know who you are, Killetheth. There is no hiding from my eyes." The figure's eyes glowed with a stronger blue light.
"You blew my cover. You spoke my name." The larger figure looked around uncertainly. "The two of them are coming, as well as another, who I cannot put a name to."
"That figure's name is Darkrai." A third voice joined in the conversation.
"Do you know him?" Killetheth looked at the figure with horror.
"Nope. We must fight, for our lives."
"How astute." The third voice said. "Now let's begin." A pair of red eyes appeared, and the third figure dealt a blow to the giratina.
The second figure cast a bright barrier over himself as well as the larger figure, revealing his blue and black face. "You go and help Kiaace. I'll hold him off for as long as I can."
"Will you be alright by yourself?" Killetheth opened an escape portal.
"I haven't lived through the other 6 events without a sliver of common sense. If I die, the world is lost too. Now go!" He kicked Killetheth's large figure through the portal. The third figure whacked futilely at the barrier that the Lucario conjured, but it held strong against his blows. The lucario flinched with every blow, and the light emanating from the barrier weakened visibly. As the portal sealed itself, the third figure swore.
"Cursed Lucario! I want his power!" Suddenly, he smiled. "I'll settle for yours. If you fade here, the world will still fall to my hands." He smashed the fading barrier with one final blow, breaking it into small shards. "Submit to your fate!" He charged up a ball of dark energy, darker than the night sky, and launched it at the stunned lucario. The energy globe went straight through the lucario and hit the cave wall, making the cave collapse. As the dust and rubble settled, the shimmering figure of the lucario was exposed to the light of the moon. Several boulders protruded into him. "I've been tricked! You're just an illusion! I'll be back, I swear!" The shadowy figure turned and disappeared into thin air.
"He...s gone. But when will he return?" Shaking his head, the lucario teleported in a flash of bright light...
"I'm sure they want their affairs to remain private. I nudged her roughly with my flank, almost knocking her out of the bushes. As she scrabbled on the floor to retain her balance, she accidentally brushed against some leaves, rustling them. Betinya and Orland suddenly stopped moving. Lying deathly still on the ground, Orland whispered something to Betinya.
"You heard something just now? Rustling?" Orland looked around, feeling paranoid that someone was watching him.
"Must have been the wind on the bushes. Nothing to worry about." Betinya's scaly tail caressed Orland's body. "Shall we continue?" She hugged Orland tightly and the duo kissed in the romantic moonlight, rolling about on the soft grass. Suddenly, I was shocked as something fell out of the bushes. I looked beside me, only to see Adelina beside me. She tilted her head to one side.
"Yes? What's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing. I thought something fell out of the bushes just now. I just thought it was you."
"Strange, I was gonna ask you the same thing." We both turned to look at the spectacle, only to see the two of them stopping once again. This time, there was a familiar figure lying on the ground beside them.
"Hey! This is a private moment...lucario what are you doing here!" Orland stood up, his white body reflecting the moonlight and starlight from the skies. He had a fait hint of a blush on his face. "What is it you want?"
"You can still find time to procreate? He's here! Darkrai! He made an attempt on Killetheth's life!"
"That is serious. Where is Killetheth now?" Orland was still holding Betinya's hand.
"What's this all about?" Betinya stared at Orland, with a questioning look in her eyes. Orland ignored her. Suddenly, a tear in the field opened up, and a figure appeared out of it. Somehow, the figure's shape seemed familiar.
"Is that...Killetheth?" My mind wondered off.
Chapter End Notes:Next chapter coming soon
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