AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?


"Is that...Killetheth?" My mind wondered off.
As the light slowly faded, and the tear in the field slowly healed, the figure emerged fully from the dimensional tear before it closed. I padded closer to get a better look. Orland turned around.
"Aww...not you too! You were watching us!" Orland accused.
"Calm down. After all, I have a right to know what's going on as your pokémon trainer." I scratched at my horn with my forepaw. "And who gave you two permission to procreate?" I looked down to conceal my smile.
"No one needs to give permission for us to do whatever we want!" Orland nearly screamed. "Who else is here! Come out now! I don't recall sending an invitation for this party!" Adelina padded out from the bushes. "Great! Call Darkrai, Giratina, Dialga and Palkia down here now for all I care!" 2 loud slaps resounded through the night sky.
"Will you get a hold on yourself?" Me and the lucario shouted in unison. "There's no need to get so frustrated about such a petty matter! The lucario peeped at me doing it too, but you don't see us screaming at him."
"You worry about your dignity when the world is at stake! I never saw you as the kind of guy who would get befuddled by affairs of your own heart, Orland!" He sneered at Betinya. "That enchantress has you wrapped around her finger. Snap out of it, Orland! Darkrai is on his way, and he made an attempt on Killetheth's life!"
"Wait..." I sniggered uncontrollably. "I'm to believe that Darkrai is some massive bad guy, but why would he kill Killetheth of all people? Killetheth's just a strangely powerful totodile!" The figure walked closer, alternating it's hips as it slowly approached us.
"Toto...dile?" Killetheth looked dazed.
"See?" I emphasized my point to the two of them. "Why would Darkrai go after him?" I petted his head.
"That feels good...master..." The totodile spoke.
"The softest of appearances and the poorest of exteriors, does not change the power hidden in the exterior. Underestimate him you must not, for use him you must, however he will not show you his strength, until you learn to trust. With that, I take my leave, for the wasted moment I must bereave." He held Betinya's hand and teleported to another location.
"Ya think he's gonna come for the contest tomorrow?" I pawed the lucario's theigh repeatedly.
"Of course he will. He's a man of his word."
"Also, do you know anything about what he said earlier?"
"That...I do...not...I cannot help you here. But I hint. Killetheth knows more than he's letting on." He tried to pet the totodile, but he snapped at the lucario's paw, jaws passing harmlessly through the illusion. "I take my leave." The illusion disappeared from sight.
"Is that true? After all, you have been missing for a while. Have you completed what you wanted to do?" I asked the totodile. The totodile bounced up and down and danced a jolly dance. He looked like a perfectly ordinary totodile to me.
"No...master, not yet." His belly growled, and he patted his jaw bashfully. "May...I have something to eat, master? I'm kinda hungry now." I smiled and nudged him gently with a balled fist. As we walked back to the house, I slowly recalled how Killetheth came to be in my small party...
"It's an ambush! Move back! Screw this cursed mission!" I pointed my middle finger at the members of the team Go-Rock squad.
"Thought you were so tough huh, ranger? You have interfered for the last time in our plans to rule the world. Now, the two of you will vanish from this world forever! There's no one here to help you now." He released his 6 mightyena, who encircled me, growling ferociously.
"Screw this!" I pointed my middle finger at him. Inside, I knew that I was finished. Suddenly, a tiny blue figure appeared from the sky, light in his mouth. He released a beam of pure energy at the ground, sundering the enemies aside, and leaving a huge dent on the floor.
"No, that's not possible! Totodile can't use hyper beam! You...that totodile's unnatural!" True, totodile couldn't use hyper beam as it was not fully evolved. Suddenly, the tiny blue figure was encased in light as it rammed into the enemy, making him vomit blood. I stared in astonishment. Was that a giga impact?
"He didn't even pause! What the fuck is that thing? It's not possible!" I was surprised. There was something wrong indeed. Oh well, as long as that doesn't happen to me, I'll be alright. The enemy struggled to his feet and spat blood.
"We'll meet again! And this time, I will kill you once and for all!" The enemy swore. He threw smoke bombs on the floor in an attempt to escape. Suddenly, the totodile roared in a deep voice, and his eyes turned a shadowy red.
"Those who stand in the way of destiny will be punished! Feel the wrath of the gods, mortal!" I saw the sky turn black, and everything disappeared except for the three of us. He was barely visible, and it looked like he had gone a long way. Apparently, he saw the blackout too, for he panicked and started running faster. The tiny figure beside me disappeared, and light came back to the dark world. I heard a scream from a distance, and I knew that the totodile had got him. The tiny figure returned by my side.
"Forgive me if I caused any confusion just now. I've been tasked to protect you from any harm. You need better protection than just a styler alone. I recommend you become a trainer, so that you can keep a protective circle around you at all times."
"Wait!" I held up my hand. "That means that I have to give up my career! I spent my whole life preparing for this and you ask me to give it up? You must be crazy!" His eyes glowed red with anger and amusement.
"Yes. Also, I would like you to move to Sinnoh. It's much safer there for you."
"You what!!!" I shook my head. "I'm just an ordinary pokémon ranger! I'm not important to anyone in Sinnoh!" I saw beams of light surrounding me.
"Do you have a choice?" The totodile disappeared, and I blacked out. When I was woken up, I was in Sinnoh, outside Professor Rowan's laboratory. I sighed, and submitted to my fate. The totodile appeared beside me. "If there is a need, I will return for you, master. By the way, my name is Killetheth."
"Master? I don't see what you mean..." He was gone. I entered the laboratory, and the rest, as they say, is history...
"Kiaace?" Killetheth bit my hand gently. "Are you alright? You wandered off just now. We've reached your house already." As I reached into my bag for the keys, I felt the familiar feeling of the styler that was still in my bag. I took it out, along with the keys.
"You still remember your ranger days...I see. Well, you can go back to being a ranger after all this. I trust you know what's going on around here. However..."
I stared at him. "You know about all this? I mean the lucario...Orland and the disaster?"
"Yes. Think about it. If I did not know about it, would I have saved you during the time you were ambushed?" He rolled his red eyes upwards.
"Come to think about it, you did act abnormally then. Who are you? What are you? Tell me as much as you want to." The sun was already rising.
The totodile stopped smiling. "I shall not tell you who I am. I still do not trust you enough as of yet. I shall wait and see what comes of this." I carried him up and nuzzled him. Some things never changed. As the totodile chuckled from my ticklish moves, I took a good look at the gauntlets. Strangely enough, the crystals did react, but they turned a ghostly grey. When I thoched them, a chill passed through me. I opened the door and threw my bag down on the floor. Then, I prepared breakfast for seven people. I freed Andrea and felt my body morphing back into a human shape. The six hours had passed. I lifted Adelina up onto a chair, her sharp horn nicking my face in the process. The lucario, or an illusion of the lucario, appeared.
"Glad you prepared food for me. I thought you'd forgotten about me already." The lucario smiled.
"Where's Orland?" I asked the lucario. "I thought he'd be here by now." Orland appeared in a familiar flash of light, carrying Betinya in his hands.
"She's exhausted. We best let her rest. She won't participate in this contest." He looked at me. "Regarding the contest, you'd best change into a gallade for this contest. This will be a chance for you to practice your swordsmanship. Besides, what could be cooler than flashy swords?" He winked. After we had eaten, Orland gingerly placed Betinya on the carpet. "Sleep well, my beloved, until we meet again." He stood up and turned to look at me. "Shall we begin?" I nodded, and felt the familiar tingle of power as I changed into a gallade again. Orland held my left hand, and the lucario held the other, and they teleported to the contest site.
"Registering entrants of contests! How may I help you?" The receptionist stared at the three of us. "Who amongst you is the trainer." The lucario stepped forward.
"That would be me." He placed a paw on his chest, and blinding light engulfed him. When the light dimmed, he became an exact copy of my human form, clothes and all. "We wish to sign up for the cool category, as well as the smart category."
"Any other pokémon other than these two gallades?" The receptionist looked at him, one eyebrow raised. Clearly, she did not believe that we could even get past the first round
"Just one more. A lucario. The one you saw just now."
"I don't think trainers are allowed to participate...otherwise, who will give the commands?"
"They can take care of themselves." He slapped the counter hard. "Now are you going to sign us up or not?" Aura radiated from his paws, burning the wooden surface of the counter.
" enter the contest..." She was shocked. "The waiting room is over there..." She pointed a shaky finger towards the waiting room. "The first round will be a talent showcase, and only 8 teams can pass. You work as a pair and showcase your talents. If you pass, then the second round will be a two on two battle. The winner will be determined by knockout, and if no winner has been decided by 3 minutes, then the battle goes to the team which looked better on the field. The contest will be adjudged by the judge, the champion coordinator. He requested that his name be kept secret. If you make it to round three, then you will go through a series of tests that will test your teamwork and appearance to its very limits. Only 2 will go on from there, and then they will fight in a special arena. I may not go into more details. It starts in 5 minutes time."
"Thanks a lot." The lucario walked into the waiting room, and we followed. Suddenly, I realized something. I pulled Orland to one side and whispered in his ear.
"We haven't rehearsed any of our moves yet. How are we going to get our act together?" I panicked.
"Have you seen Star Wars before? You know the Darth Vader scenes?" Orland suddenly asked.
"How's that related to the point!? And yes, I have." I shook him hard, grabbing his slender shoulders. "We need to come up with" I suddenly smiled.
"We can make our hands flashing...I and blue?" Orland was also smiling.
"And we can fight with swords. Also, we could probably make background effects with our psychic abilities." Orland held me off at this point.
"Naw, we don't have enough combined power to do that. But lucario can help us. Is that right, lucario?" He stressed the word lucario.
"Alright. But it's a dirty game you play there, Orland." He sighed. "I just hope this is worth my while." Suddenly, a female voice sounded.
"Hello, my name is Lucy. What's yours? Those are quite nice pokémon you have there." A girl about my age entered the room. She was a cute little thing, she. She had this cute puppy-dog expression on her face, which reminded me of Adelina's face. She wore a short pink miniskirt, and had a polka-dotted ribbon on her head.
"Hi...Lucy...I'm Kiaace...will you be participating in this...contest?" The fake Kiaace blushed.
"Aww...isn't that're blushing!" Orland burst into laughter.
"Shut up!" The lucario blushed even harder.
"Will all participants proceed to the arena...the contest is about to begin." She smiled and kissed the fake Kiaace on the cheek.
"Good luck..." She skipped out of the room.
As the contest started, we were randomly selected to go last. We watched several pairs go by, performing move combos that stunned and amazed the audience. After each pair finished, the champion would not say anything, but merely make a note on a sheet of paper. When Lucy's turn came, she released her pokémon, a flygon and a beautifly.
"Beautifly, Silver wind!" The familiar gusts of wind that followed the charging of energy formed. Beautiful gusts of wind filled the arena, stirring up sand in the arena. "Now focus the winds upwards!" She raised her hands in the sky, and the winds started shifting upwards, bringing the sand along with it. "Now flygon, get in the eye of the hurricane and use hyper beam upwards!" The flygon did as it was told, and the sand buffeted its eye shields. It charged up energy and fired it upwards, the light reflecting off the surfaces of the winds. The result was a beautiful aurora-like effect that captivated the audience. Suddenly, there was a loud thump. The crowd swiveled to look for the source of the distraction, only to see that the champion had fallen off his chair. The first impression was that the show was so spectacular that he had fallen off his chair. However, as the three of us could see from the waiting room, the champion had fallen asleep. As we walked out and greeted the crowd, Orland gently nudged the champion with a psychic push, and he woke up.
The two of us quickly acted out the scene from star wars, with the fake Kiaace making the backgrounds. Me and Orland focused our energy into our hands, his glowed red and mine glowed blue. Orland put more psychic force around his body, and he was covered with an imaginary black armor. A silken black cape flowed around his body, and his breaths became loud and robotic. The two of us started fighting, loud rasps resonating each time our blades collided. Orland spoke a few words in a robotic tone.
"Luke...I am your father..." The crowd, realizing what was going on, roared with laughter and applause. I looked at the champion, who only nodded. As we passed by him, time seemed to stop, and he made a remark.
"Nice power there. Psychic energy manipulation is very tough to do, and even harder to master. Send my regards to Killetheth." The champion muttered in a deep voice.
"You know a lot more that you show, Dialga. I hope you will lend your power when the time comes." Orland growled.
"Yes...Yes. But to whom? Who shall I lend my power to who won't misuse it? I don't want some black-hearted person gaining control of the world and of time, space and death." The champion muttered.
"We have our candidate here." Orland grabbed one of my hands. The gauntlets glowed brightly.
"That little runt? Can he even take one hit from me? Surely you must be joking.But I see he is learning to control the gauntlets well."
"Yes. I know. He's been a gifted student. A little too close to that absol of his but that's alright."
"You mean he doesn't mind human-pokémon relationships? That's a first. I might want to have a go with him next time." Dialga muttered dreamily.
"Well, you can, but there's a high chance you'll accidentally crush him. And he's okay with human-pokémon relationships, but can he withstand gay relationships? Besides, I see no way for the two of you to go together. After all, you're about thrice his size." He chuckled. "Oops...I forgot he was standing beside me. How careless..."
"One of these days..." I swore. Dialga roared, and time returned to its original state. We walked back into the waiting room. We watched the screen intently to see the results of the selection, but we already knew the results. As we expected, we went through to the second round. However, Lucy did not get through for some strange reason. Dialga's voice resonated in my head.
"She's the only one who could stand a chance of beating you. So I took her out. I am the judge after all." The voice disappeared. Orland smiled.
"Isn't that cheating?" I asked Orland, looking around for Lucy. Lucy was sobbing, and despite the comforts of the other contestants, would not relent. "He made her feel bad about herself."
"It's cause Dialga wants to battle you, so he's setting things up. He wants to fight you in the final round, and under the guise of a special stadium, he's gonna act like an illusion, to fool the audience."
"I see..." I still fretted about Lucy. "But can't we do this in the open?"
"Then, if he gets hurt, I'm sure you're gonna take responsibility? Like if he gets captured by renegades?" The speaker sounded again.
"The second round is about to begin. Contestants, please proceed to the arena."
Chapter End Notes:I realised that I use too much dialogue in these stories..
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