AGNPH Stories

The Secret of Lucario's Gauntlets by kiaace


Story Notes:

This is a first time for me. Feedback is appreciated. I mean leeching is slack and all but it just doesn't make me feel right. Watersports is a warning?

Undo the future

Swinging my swords in broad circles, I fenced with the shadowy figure, dispersing shadows everywhere. I would fight if I had to. Darkrai, still smiling insanely, disarmed me with a glancing blow and held my throat tightly.
"Let me show you a secret." He held one side of his hand up, revealing the glinting crystals on it. "I can do this too. I wore those gauntlets a long time ago." He laughed. "I saved the pathetic world from the original Dialga and Palkia. I absorbed their energy with the help of these." He pointed to his hands. "I felt so high! Like I was on drugs. I needed more power. So I isolated myself from everyone else and started cultivating energy. But I never reached the level that I got the first time. So I want yours." He made a wild swing at me, and he made a deep gash on my stomach. I cried out in pain. "I'll do anything. Even destroy the world!"
"I can't...let you!" I hit him with a balled fist, which sparkled with energy. "Why? There are much better feelings than power! You have your friends, right?" I saw a glint of hesitation in Darkrai's eyes. Deep down inside his heart, there was still a human element, struggling to be awakened. I needed to find that element. "Why must you destroy the world?"
"AHHH!" Darkrai screamed in anger and indecision. It was working. He released dark pulses of energy from his hands, destroying everything that came in contact with them. A pulse hit Orland, who buckled under the impact. "Leave me alone!" His insanity returned. "I give you three days to consider my offer. It wouldn't be nice to crush you." He disappeared. Orland, severely wounded, screamed at me.
"Need...a here!" Orland shouted, before collapsing on the floor. Sighing, I carried them to the pokémon centre again. At the pokémon centre, Nurse Joy was surprised to see me once more.
"You? You certainly get hurt a lot. Why are you dressed in that marvelous suit of armor? May I remind you that no weapons are allowed in the pokémon...centre." Turning to look at the poster behind her, she realized something. "You're a wanted criminal now!" Moving closer in disbelief, I took a good look at the poster.
"Wanted for theft of pokémon? Pokemon's name is Sunrise, an espeon." I asked Nurse Joy. "Was it a trainer who posted it here? I haven't stolen anything from him!" Nurse Joy, without saying anything, quickly restored the lucario's and Orland's wounds, before giving me a word of advice.
"I believe you. Now leave quickly. The police are coming after you. Good luck clearing your name. You can come here anytime, seeing as you need it." She said in a strange manner. Her tone of voice was completely different. "Besides, I don't want to betray you. You are, after all the new chosen." She laughed a peal of laughter, showing her true form, a magnificent rayquaza. "Now leave. They're coming for you." A beam of light shone upon us, bringing us to another place. A well-stocked campsite awaited us when I could see again. The two of them stirred from unconsciousness.
"Where the fuck are we..." The lucario swore. I giggled. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing. It's just...I've never heard you swear before, lucario." I smiled. "You become friendlier with each passing day."
"It's a passing thing. Cherish it while you still can." The lucario teased. "Alyssa brought us here? This is her old campsite." Alyss appeared in a brilliant beam of light.
"Alyssa said I'd find you here. You've just been attacked by Darkrai? Too bad I wasn't there to help you. The three of you don't exactly look the worse for wear though..." Alyss was relieved.
"Actually, the two of us were gonna die. But you know your sister. She's a gifted healer." This crossed the line.
"Ahem...can someone please tell me what's going on here? Who's Alyssa? Was she the rayquaza from earlier today?" I asked the lucario.
"You have met her before, I see." He replied. "What form did she take this time? Nurse Joy?"
"How do you know? Does she do that often?" This perplexed me a lot.
"Well, she always did like to cause havoc. Once, she disrupted the whole police force by turning into Officer Jenny and giving conflicting orders to everyone. Alyss here went to perform an assassination. He enjoyed himself a little too much, and he botched it." Alyss cut in.
"Hey! I was ambushed! Even I can't stand my ground against so many swordsmen. After all, I'm only armed with a flute." I chuckled. I taunted the now angry Alyss.
"A flute!? A pathetic flute? You crack me up." Composing myself, I asked again. "Are you so sure you use a flute to fight!" I laughed harder. "I'm sure you survived this long without dying." I was practically rolling on the floor now. Alyss, with a flute, I just couldn't imagine that.
"It's not funny! I'll fight you now! You soil my weapon's reputation!" His blue eyes flared. "I'll kill you!" Orland walked in between them.
"Now's not fair until he gets a weapon of his own." I slapped his hand away.
"How hard could it be to break a musical instrument?" Holding one of the crystalline greatswords, I swung it in circles. "Shall we spar?" Alyss, nodding, started playing a solemn timbre on his flute. "Is this a joke?" I almost could not bear to swing my sword at him. No matter how many times I swiped, no matter what direction I swung at, he seemed to be able to nimbly evade them all. His eyes closed, his feet tapping on the floor, constantly ready to move. When I swung low, he jumped, without even breaking his note. When I swung high, he would bend over and continue playing his blue flute. Even with two swords, I found myself unable to hit him. Suddenly, he finished his melody, and I found myself unable to control my hands. I dropped the blades, feeling my hands and legs go limp. Alyss, eyes still closed, remarked quietly.
"I just played the Rhapsody of Discord. It makes you unable to control your body. It's my own melody. I was a musician before all this started. Now I'm gonna play the Sonata of Stone." I had a vague idea what was gonna happen. He started playing, the music speeding up before slowing down, in a strangely alleviating yet aggravating tone. I screamed as a violent pain shot through my body. I looked down painfully, to see my body slowly turning to stone. It got more painful, then all feeling was gone. My body had completely turned to stone except for my head. I tried to move my hands, but nothing happened. Alyss was still waltzing on his flute. Orland, sensing a problem, asked Alyss to stop, but he was so engaged in his music, that he completed the song. Feeling one final burst of pain, my body completely turned into stone. Feeling myself in a dark abyss, unable to see, hear or feel anything, I felt lonely.
"You idiot!" Orland grabbed Alyss by the collar of his shirt. "We haven't taught him how to create his signature weapon yet!" Orland exclaimed in disbelief.
"Oh my...I should have asked." He did not sound very convinced.
The lucario, without getting up, only muttered something faintly. "He can use this chance to learn. In ten minutes, I'm busting him out of there."
"I can't die here!" I wailed. Despair as taking over my heart. Suddenly, I focused the last ounce of my strength to try to break free from this stone curse placed upon me, but to no avail. I had almost given up. Then, I remembered Adelina, Andrea and all those who cared for me. My energy renewed, I forced myself to stand painfully in this abyss.
The statue was moving. It had moved from its original position and stood up. Even Alyss was shocked. "What kind of a resolve, he must have, in order to break free from this curse. He sure ain't an ordinary kid." The stone cracked.
Feeling myself reinvigorating, I released waves of energy, pushing away the darkness, the abyss. Faint light of day shone in now, and I could hear Orland shouting at Alyss. Increasing my will, I shattered the darkness with my willpower, and I flexed my arms, relieved that I could move again. However, no matter how much I struggled, my legs remained rooted to the ground. They were still made of stone.
"You've done very well for an amateur. The fact the you can even break out of the curse shows a lot. I shall now free you...!" I threw one of my swords at Alyss, who sidestepped it. "That was rude."
"I got this far, I can do it! I just need something to focus on!" My hands crackled with dark energy from one of the crystals from either side of the gauntlets. "I can't stop here!" Putting the energy from my hands together, a night black stave forming in mid air. "Is that all! I know I can do better!" I half-shouted to myself. Willing myself to do this, I felt my body being filled with the warm embrace of dark energy flowing through me, and I felt the irony. Soon, it became too much for my mortal body to store, and it flowed out through the gauntlets, forming another stave in front of me. Feeling the high of my strength fade away, the two staves stopped glowing. Tentatively holding them, I felt their dark chill pass through my arms, empowering me at the same time. Smashing them against the floor, the stone at my feet cracked. This time, even the lucario's eyes opened.
"He's good at this. Maybe my first perception of him was wrong." He stood up, stretching. Ignoring him, I placed both staves together, forming a dark cross. It rippled with dark energy, and an ornate scythe-like blade appeared at the ends of each of the halves of the pole, creating a cool spinning weapon. Dark energy engraved mystical patterns on the staves and the blades. Smiling, I swung it in full circles above my head, creating a dark tornado that rendered the sky asunder. It blackened the whole world, and the last of the stone seal disappeared. Feeling my feet again, I swung my new weapon at Alyss, who nimbly parried all my strokes with his flute. Splitting my weapon into two once again, one in each hand, Alyss found it hard to parry, and he got gashes in his clothing everywhere. Strangely enough, the more I hurt Alyss, the better I felt. Dark energy remained in his wounds. Seeing him wince in pain, it was obvious that the dark energy hurt him a lot. I felt my consciousness blacking out, and with the last of my consciousness, I changed my stance instinctively. I had never wielded this weapon before, let alone how to use it. Feeling the dark strength course through my veins, I spun my weapon a few more times, mustering all the dark energy available to me, I created blades of dark air all around Alyss, who swung futilely around with his flute. The dark cyclone was completely around him now, but suddenly, everything disappeared, and the dimension went back to normal.
"That's it?" Alyss half-laughed, brushing his clothes. "I was expecting a little more sub...ahh...stance..." Blood trickled from his mouth. His shirt was torn to shreds as an unknown force slashed at him repeatedly. His arms and legs were wounded with intricate carvings, something that even the most skilled craftsman could not have done. Finally, he collapsed, unable to take the strain anymore. As Orland and the lucario rushed over to treat his wounds, I just stood there, laughing an insane laugh. I felt so high from the pain that it felt just as good as sex. Experimenting, I stuck the blades into myself, ripping them downwards. It hurt so...good? I wanted more pain. I removed my blade, and watched the wound heal before my very eyes. Smiling, I called Orland.
"Hey...Orland. cool!" Smiling, I showed Orland my suicidal move again, and this time, I ripped an even deeper gash into my vital organs. Orland smacked his forehead.
"You're mad! You sound mad! You're acting mad, and you even look mad now! We don't need another casualty!" I was in too much euphoria to give a damn. My wound healed again, and I smiles a crooked grin. "That weapon's turned you crazy! I'll smash it!" He raised one hand, but his blade was repelled by a dark power. In fact, Orland was thrown backwards. The lucario stood up.
"Darkrai's coming!" He snarled. "I sense his presence." True enough, Darkrai appeared. Looking at me, he smiled.
"You have done student." I walked over to his side jerkily. Alyss, sensing something wrong, struggled to his feet.
"Get away from him! Don't attack his mind!" Alyss screamed, before passing out again.
"It is too late. You cannot save the boy. He has taken the first step into eternal darkness, and he is mine." I struggled to reply.
"" My eyes turned a shadowy black. "I'll kill you all. Long live Darkrai!" I said insanely. "Goodbye forever, you pathetic fools." As my figure disappeared, the lucario placed his paw on my chest.
"I seal you, with the gods to lay witness to this! Adjudge this evil!" A beam of light shone down upon me, making me scream in agony. "There is no longer any corruption in his heart. Now begone. This is a last resort." The beam of light changed me back into an absol. I tilted my head to one side, confused.
"Ab...sol? Ab...ab...sol." I whined. I felt fear, as the lucario was a complete stranger, and there were so many others who were larger than me. I whimpered in fear.
"Fuck this!" Darkrai swore. "I'll be back again." He disappeared, back to the dimension where he came from.
"Ab...sol!" I tried to run away. The sudden dark flash scared me. The lucario grabbed me by my scruff.
"You're not going anywhere. Never leave my sight again." He tickled my belly. Strangely enough, this stranger wasn't hurting me. In fact, he was making me happy. I laughed.
"Absol! Ab...ab...sol!" I smiled. My belly growled all of a sudden. "Ab...sol..." The lucario smiled, and set a bowl of food on the floor.
"It's the least I can do." He turned to leave. "I have something else to do, in another part of time." He disappeared in a flash of blinding light, making me whine in fear.
"Ahh...the irony." Alyss and Orland observed in unison.
Chapter End Notes:Yeah. Another story is up, but it's later on in the plot
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