AGNPH Stories

Love in a Strange Place by sunice


Love in a Strange Place

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon, or any Pokemon characters/Pokemon....Yeah.

It was a long, tiresome day as Tom trudged from the doorway into his two-bed apartment. Kicking off his muddy shoes and throwing off his socks, he shoved them into the laundry basket along with his soaked clothing. The forecast was extreme rain, and Tom was out doing delivers for the Pokemon Center since they were low on medical supplies. Wet and naked, he grabbed his nighttime clothing and went into the bathroom, closing the door halfway.
"A warm shower always makes everything better..." The boy thought to himself as he careful sat down on the marble shower floor. Next to him was a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of body wash. Closing his eyes under the shower head's gentle spray, he grabbed the shampoo and squirted it into the palm of his hands, then smearing it onto his hair. His fingers ruffled through his hair, massaging his head while he hummed to the tune of "Ode to Joy" (no, he wasn't a classical fan, he just enjoyed the Live Free or Die Hard trailers from a summer ago). "Time for the body soap" said Tom as he rinsed his hair. He grabbed the body wash bottle, only to find out that it was empty. "Grah." The shower head decreased its flow of water and quickly propped down when the current was gone. Grabbing his towel, the boy pushed the foggy glass door open. Beautiful, golden eyes stared at Tom ever since he entered the shower and as he was stepping out. All of a sudden..."AHH!" The Ninetales used Tackle and sent Tom hurling down onto the soft, comfortable carpet flooring.
-Welcome home, master.- thought the fire Pokemon.
"Hey! Firey, what are you doing?" Tom shouted as Firey surrounded his body with all her four legs.
-You seem stressed out...- A sudden change from behind the pure white fur, was a soft delicate pink that arose in the Pokemon's cheeks. Tom took notice of her blush, which filled himself up with infatuation and embarrassment as well. -You didn't greet me when you came in. What's wrong?-
Tom couldn't think straight, since the warmth of Firey was pressing against his naked body.
"Um, hey, er- could we talk about this after I am done?" He tried to sit up, but Firey shoved him back down with her muzzle. "Firey!" the boy yelled as the Ninetales leaned in closer.
-Just tell me what's wrong.-
"Nothing is wrong! I just had a bad day at work!"
-...I meant about this whole month.-
"What do you mean?" Tom looked straight into her yellow metallic eyes. Ninetales released him and sat beside him, slowly waving her tails. Her face grew silent and cold.
-...You-you haven't been paying attention to me very much lately.-
"What? That's not true! I feed you, give you excerci-"
-Not that kind of attention!- Ninetales sharply cut in. Her eyes became moist. -...Remember, when you used to pet me? Rub my stomach, and call me by nicknames? Wh-what happened?- Tom could see she was hurt, but said nothing. He just couldn't, COULD NOT, tell her how he felt about her and why he didn't give her the usual attention. The teenager loved her more than a pet, more than just a friend. He figured out this, when he had received a paper cut while folding an envelope. Firey was near and licked his finger, carefully...passionately. Startled, Tom said it was nothing, just a scratch and pulled away. Embarrassed, he left and retired for the night. During that long, thoughtful night it came to conclusion that he was infatuated with Ninetales. However, society couldn't accept that and shame overtook him. Eventually he withdrew from her, playing and petting her less everyday. Until today...
"I've...I've been busy." said Tom. He reached for his nighttime clothing to cover his little self.
-H-have I been a bad girl?-
This shocked Tom, sending a strange feeling toward his friend. "Why did she have to say it like that?" thought the boy as he tried to recover.
"N-n-no! I just had much on my mind lately, that's all..." Tom knew Firey knew that was an excuse. This Pokemon wanted the truth.
-Please, be honest with me. I'll try my best, my very best, to make up for anything! Please...- And then she added -If I'm not good enough, I'll leave, if that's what you want.-
"No! Don't leave!" were the first words that came out of Tom's mouth. "I don't hate you and you've done nothing wrong! To be honest, I actually..." The words were hard to find within Tom, as if they were creeping more and more toward his stomach. "The reason why I haven't been closer to you lately is because...I..." It was time to grow balls. "I, um...Ireallylikeyoumorethanafriend!" The Pokemon trainer's face grew a bright red, burning from embarrassment. Had he really said it? It all came out so fast, did she even understand the words? What would she say or do now? It seemed like hours, long, painful hours before the silence was broken.
-You "like" me?- Firey finally responded.
"I've had feelings for you ever since the day you licked my finger after that paper cutting incident." Tom felt so stupid. "Honestly, you are an idiot Tom."
-...I've always "liked" you.-
Most of the water droplets evaporated from Tom's skin, but sweat was replacing them. What did she say? She "liked" him always?
"You, you "liked" me from the first day we met?"
-Yes. You were the first person kind to me. My previous owner dumped me into a trash can while I was still in a Pokeball, but you saved me- Firey leaned in closer to Tom. -You were the first to actually treat me fairly, the first to comfort me. I've always felt some kind of attraction to you, even though at first I didn't admit it to myself.- She laid down onto the boy's naked body. -But now, you've admitted your feelings for me, I am happy. I thought if I admitted how I felt for you, you'd think differently and even....abandon me.- A tear smoothly rolled down the fur of her face onto him. Shocked, Tom instantly replied, reassuring her,
"No! I would never abandon you. You're my Pokemon! My friend!"
With those words, she released all those stored up tears onto the boy. Tom stared at her and after a few moments finally embraced her into his chest. Through the wet blurry eyes, Firey targeted him.
-Could...could you rub me, like you used to do?- Tom chuckled and using his two index fingers and thumbs, he started massaging the tips of the Ninetale's ears. Ecstacy filled within the young Pokemon as she was clearly moaning. -Oh! It's so good...- She moved her head away from the boy's smooth hands and laid down on her back, exposing her waist area. Tom assumed what to do next, and rubbed her belly, but only to be corrected by her paws. -Please, lower-
"Lower?" Tom thought, "But that means my hands would be on her..." He blushed from the thought, since he never had any sexual experiences. However though, Firey was his Pokemon and he wanted to make up for the past. Nervously, Tom's hands slowly lowered down to her "wet mouth" and started rubbing it, unsure on what to do.
-Ohhh, your hands are warm.- She started breathing deeper with every touch. Her head tilted up and looked between Tom's legs. -Are you aroused by this?- Tom noticed his member was hard. He quickly nodded his head feeling light headed.
"This is wrong, but I'm turned on!" Suddenly he was knocked on the ground, his member pointed at Firey. Slowly, she moved her muzzle to the hard stick and rubbed her nose against it, before licking it slowly from the base to the tip. The trainer twitched as she engulfed his dick into her mouth, massaging it with her moist, soft, careful tongue. "I um, er-"
-Is something wrong? You don't mind, do you?-
"Well um, actually, I don't mind as long as it's fine with you." Firey giggled and moved forward so her face was at Tom's face and her vagina was lined up with his cock.
-I'm ready, if you are.- She grinned at him as he nervously nodded his head in agreement. Bending down, carefully to not miss, her pussy opened as if it knew what was coming in. Her calm paws were on Tom's shoulders for support, as the member entered. As it did, she couldn't help but let out a cry of ecstacy. Tom was very surprised how good it felt to be inside her. Her walls were oozing juices of love, as his cock entered new, strange lands.
"Are you hurt, Firey?"
-A bit, but the pleasure is overwhelming and makes up for it- She smiled as she started thrusting forward on top of him. The Ninetales started off slowly, but gradually became quicker. Tom laid there, his mind blank and filled only with sex related thoughts. Both of them were sweating from the experience, their minds receiving electrical pulses to the reward system. The pleasure was so great.
"This is so new and amazing. Her sexy body riding my penis. Wow..." With each toss, Tom was reaching ejaculation. No longer could he hold it in, as he reached around Firey's body with his arms and aggressively threw her back with him onto the ground. "Firey, I'm going to release!" The seed hit the wet, thick walls of the Pokemon's pussy as she yelp.
For minutes they laid in the afterglow of their exciting adventure together. The moonlight peeked in from the skylight above the bathroom, watching the human holding his Ninetales in his arm. He looked directly into her beautiful eyes and she stared back into his brown, calm eyes.
-Master, you've made me very happy tonight. I love you- She licked his nose and put her head into his chest, a bit embarrassed.
"Firey, you don't have to call me 'master'. Tom's fine if you wish."
-Okay, mas- I mean, 'Tom'- She giggled as Tom got up.
"Well, I haven't finished my shower and your fur is covered with my semen..." Even though they both had just given themselves to each other, Tom felt funny about what he was going to say next. "Perhaps we should take a bath together?"
Firey looked up at him, then looked down concealing her red face.
-Yes, let's do that.-
After filling up the bathtub with water, they entered the tub. Tom massaged and washed Firey's coat while she washed or pleasured Tom in "other ways". This was a beginning of an intense relationship, a love between trainer and Pokemon. Feelings were discovered and released and new boundaries were explored. Tom accepted Firey to be his "girlfriend", but didn't let anyone else know to keep Firey and him safe from persecution. They become extreme lovers, trying out new sex positions and cosplay to make things more interesting. But, how long could they keep this secret from the world? The world is filled with many people, and one of those people may find out. And that person WILL find out.
Chapter End Notes:Yeah, not sure if I am going to add another chapter to this story. I just did this for fun and kinda rushed the end
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