AGNPH Stories





Josh continued to gag and choke as his vision began to blur due to lack of oxygen as Chris continued to laugh manically."Too bad you'll never get to see you butt-buddy again.....but my mother will see to it he has a death fitting of his sick attraction to his own gender...." Chris said staring into Josh's eyes as he continued to smile his usual smile.

No matter how much this angered him Josh was helpless to do anything as he had used up all his inventions earlier, all he could do was pathetically gag and gasp for air in the grip of this mad scientist. Josh desperately tried to keep his mind calm as he attempted to think of anything to escape his grasp...even though he was going to die anyways in mere minuets...he personally would rather it be by his own invention rather than Chris's grasp. Then it came to him. He wasn't even sure it would work but it was worth a shot!

Josh swung his lower body up so that he wrapped his hind legs and front legs around him and dug his claws into his arm and wrist as hard as he could possibly manage.

Chris's smile turned to that of pain as Josh dug his claws into his skin."Ack! Stop that, you fucking little pest!" Chris said and grabbed the fur on joshes back and began to pull in an attempt to yank him off but Josh refused to let go as he dug his claw in even deeper drawing fresh blood from the fresh wounds he was now inflicting.

"It's futile! You'll soon lose all will to move in mere moments!" Chris exclaimed grunting in pain as he pulled even harder on Josh's back fur in an attempt to yank him off.

Josh knew he was right, he could already feel himself losing feeling in hind legs and the rest of the lower half of his body. But he refused to let go, crying out in pain through gags as his back fur was being continuously yanked out by Chris who was trying to get a firm grip on his back fur.

Meanwhile not too far away Ashley was now only six miles from HQ still moving faster than the speed of sound as she looked ahead of her she saw it. Josh in the grip of Chris and gasped."Josh!" And attempted to speed up more but mere moments later her speed suddenly disappeared and due to the sudden loss of speed was sent into a forward roll as she skidded painfully bruising herself in different places...

Josh's body began to go limp as he released his grip on Chris's arm as his lower half fell off his arm and flayed limply as his vision began to fade out."So...this is it...i'm going to die at the hands of this mad-man...." Josh thought to himself as he gags began to slow.

"It won't be long now...i give you a mere tn seconds before you choke to death....i shall enjoy-WHAT THE-OOF!!!" Chris was suddenly cut off by Ashley's rolling right into him uncontrollably causing him to release his grip around josh's throat who in turn fell down, coughed, and gasped for breath not knowing at the moment that it was Ashley who had accidentally saved his life.

A few moments later his vision finally stopped blurring as he still panted and saw Ashley comically laying on top of Chris with her eyes swirling moaning in pain while Chris shared the same look in his eyes with a faint"ugh...." escaping his mouth.

Josh without hesitation ran up to Ashley grabbed her by the tail and dragged her off him and slapped her a cross the face to bring her back to her senses abruptly."Hey! What the fuck was that for?!" Ashley retorted angrily.

"Ashley, this place in going to go up in thirty seconds! Do you have your com device on you?!" Josh asked in a panicky tone causing Ashley's expression to go from pissed to shock and panic.

"No, I left it with Kendory and Jolt! Oh god, take my paw! I'll speed us out of here!" Ashley said and grabbed his paw and began to run.

"It won't work sis, P.O.K.E. Is active right now! Our Pokemon abilities are being nullified!" Josh replied in panicked tone at which Ashley turned and looked at him her eyes widening in fear.

"Well, shut it the fuck off!" Ashley exclaimed hysterically.

"I can't! I'm sorry sis.... I activated it to kill Chris and now we are going to's all my fault! So much for being the new leader of the family...." Josh said and hung his head low.

"New leader? What do you mean?!" Ashley asked in a shocked tone.

Suddenly the ground beneath them began to shake violently at which point the ground Josh hugged Ashley tightly to which she returned the hug.

Chris just now had some out of his stupor and felt the ground rumbling as he saw Ashley and Josh hugging each other tightly." Ha! Two for the price of-" Chris began to yell with a cockle but was cut off by the sudden eruption of flames having been caught in the start of the explosion.

Josh held Ashley close as the explosion neared them as tears flooded from his eyes" I love you sis!" Josh exclaimed.

Ashley held her brother close as he cried tears of her own." I love you too bro...we'll die together as brother and sister!" Ashley replied looking on at the impending death which was the explosion that grew nearer by the second and closed her eyes."I'm sorry Jolt....I'll never see you again....I'm so sorry! I only hope you knew how much I loved you...." Ashley thought to herself holding Josh tightly.

Then as suddenly as the explosion had mysteriously stopped."Are we dead yet?" Josh asked quietly still holding his eyes shut. Ashley however opened her's to see that the explosion was mere inches away from them but not coming any closer as if it had been frozen in time, in fact this is exactly what what Ashley thought as she jerked her head up to see Mewtwo hovering above them with his eyes ice blue with psychic energy radiating from his entire being.

"Y-you saved us?! But how?!" Ashley exclaimed at which point josh jerked his eyes open and looked up and gasped.

"Shortly after my second encounter with your father...the powers that be gave me a choice....i could either live my life as a normal Pokemon for the remainder of my life or become something greater...." Mewtwo said calmly.

"Something greater? And who exactly are you?" Josh asked curiously.

"My name is Mewtwo....the master of time and space....however I won't be for much longer for I have just violated one of the biggest rules the powers that be set upon me..." Mewtwo continued looking looking at the both of them now.

"So that's what you meant by you have other duties to perform?" Ashley asked curiously to which Mewtwo nodded."what rule did you break?" Ashley asked hoping the answer was not her fault.

"I am forbidden to meddle in the fate's of human and Pokemon alike....the powers that be forgave for bringing Kendory back....however meddling in the fate of two Pokemon's fates to die on this day exactly three seconds from now is unforgivable...but I believe that you Ashley will be the key to stopping Chris's Rein of terror." Mewtwo said looking at Ashley.

"His rein of terror is already over! This place is going up in case you can't tell!" Josh said as he stopped hugging Ashley and looked up at Mewtwo who shook his head.

"I'm sorry Josh...but this will not be enough to stop him...i can not say how....but he will survive this explosion...." Mewtwo said and looked at Josh who had fallen to his knees and stared at the ground.

"So it was all for nothing.....DAMN IT!" Josh exclaimed punching the ground.

"Now is not the time to be dwelling in your failures Josh! With what remains of my power I shall teleport you both to safety." Mewtwo said and with that Josh and Ashley were suddenly teleported....

Mewtwo then looked up towards the sky."So this is my fate be it....but just remember...i did this to give the Pokemon and humans of these world a chance at a future, so I take no regret in my actions...." Mewtwo said with a smile and looked on in the direction he had teleported Ashley and Josh to safety.

Meanwhile Ashley and Josh suddenly appeared a few feet above ground safely miles away from the explosion when Mewtwo's voice echoed in their heads."You are in control of your world's destiny....if you succeed.....the world will be forever changed in ways you can not imagine that will allow both human and Pokemon alike to live in harmony as have three years to prepare for his not fail or the world's fate is sealed in Chris's grasp " After saying these words his voice faded from their heads and they saw time unfreeze from miles away and the explosion erupt full force that could be seen clearly from miles away from around it.

"Our's gone....and it was all for nothing....Chris survived...." Josh said on his knees once again and punched the ground in frustration.

Ashley looked on as their home erupted in flames and then what Josh had said earlier in the chaos shot back to her."Josh....what did you mean by, your the new leader of the family?" Ashley asked curiously.

"" Josh trailed off and began to sob loudly.

"No....." Ashley said quietly placing a paw over her muzzle and she lifted Josh up and jerked him to face her."You're lying! He can't be dead! He just can't be!" Ashley exclaimed shaking Josh violently for a few moments until she let go of his fur and dropped to the ground unable to stand on her hind paws any longer nor on all fours, falling onto her chest and began to sob loudly.

"It's just like that time all over again...I couldn't protect my family because I was too late....again...." Ashley thought to herself still sobbing."I swore.....I'd never let it happen again....." Ashley said aloud this time managing to stand on all fours now as her face switched from sorrow to deep rage.

"What...are you talking about?" Josh asked curiously as he wiped the tears from his eyes his voice still cracking slightly as he spoke.

Ashley then without warning punched the ground with her right paw balled into a fist causing the ground to fissure and crumble from under her and josh at which point Josh jumped out of the way of the fissure with a shocked expression on his face."I swore I'd never let anyone in my family be hurt by him ever again!" Ashley said aloud still looking at the ground."I'm glad Chris survived.....because I'm going to end his life myself!" Ashley said in a tone of pure hatred and loathing that could clearly be heard.

"What do you mean by that Ashley? How did dad die already once and comeback? And how in the name of gods green earth did you manage to do this?! Not even Jolt has this type of strength and power!" Josh asked with a confused expression on his face.

Ashley then realized she was talking aloud and what she had actually done and looked up at Josh from inside the fissure she made. She then jumped out of the fissure she had made and landed next to Josh."I'll tell you another time bro....where is the rendezvous point?" Ashley asked.

"If that ever happened we were suppose to meet at the silver cave since it had mysteriously relocated itself next to the Jhoto region after Chris's attack that he used to take over the world. I figured it was the best place to meet at should this ever occur." Josh said and let out a sigh."I never thought I would have to use it though...and it was for nothing." Josh said and let out a yet another sigh.

"It wasn't for nothing....even though Chris survived we took out his best armies with that blast. And we have three years to prepare for his for now....the world can live in peace...i however need to meet up with Kendory and I'll meet you at the rendezvous point." Ashley said and with a nod from her brother sped off to go back to where she found Jolt and Kendory.....

Meanwhile Kendory was still waiting for Jolt to wake up when he began to stir.

"Ah,'ve finally I need to-" However Kendory was unable to finish his sentence began of an incoming thunderbolt from Jolt.

"What the deuce?!" Kendory thought to himself as he barely managed to dodge the thunderbolt only to have Jolt come speeding it giving him little time to counter as he stopped Jolt's thunderpunch with an open paw and clasped his paw around Jolt's fist holding it in place."Jolt,what is the meaning of this?! Why do you attack an ally?!" Kendory said looking at Jolt properly for the first time since he awoke and realized that Jolt was once again under the influence of the gene.

"Impossible! I sealed the gene's demonic properties completely! The only way it could be active now is if...." Kendory said aloud and trailed off with his eyes widening.

"Yes,Kendory....i activated it...." Jolt said using his Irontail without warning to side swipe Kendory and knock him to the ground.

"But why?! Why would you activate something that you know will kill you?!" Kendory asked as he dodged Jolt's repeated attacks with a large amount of difficulty."This isn't like it was before....he's faster and stronger this time with the gene active." Kendory thought and clasped his paws together.

"Pokemon Art: Icy mist technique!" Kendory said in a foreign language at which point mist engulfed the area."Now then....this should provide me some cover providing I don't-WHAT THE?!" Kendory thought to himself as Jolt charged directly at him seemingly unaffected by his Pokemon art.

Kendory braced himself to defend again when Jolt suddenly faded from sight."How could he just disappear like that? Even if he used a Pokemon art which I haven't even taught any like that to Ashley...he shouldn't be able to disappear as abruptly as he did, If it was simply movement speed I would have seen it, there's nothing my eyes can not what did he do exactly?" Kendory thought calmly to himself looking around.

"You truly are pathetic Kendory.....and you call yourself a vampire...." Jolt's voice echoed around him.

"Why are you doing this Jolt?! What did Chris do to you?!" Kendory exclaimed in a questioning tone.

"He didn't do anything but help me realize my true potential...and I don't have to explain myself to anyone...least of all...a low-grade vampire like you." Jolt's voice echoed once again before he suddenly appeared behind him."End of the line Kendory." Jolt said in his ear causing Kendory's eyes to widen in fear just before jolt thrust his fist though Kendory's chest causing his mist to dissipate almost immediately.

"Damn...missed the heart....oh well...." Jolt said aloud with a cackle as he place both paws together and began to speak in a foreign language."Forbidden Pokemon art: Bone Blade!" Jolt said aloud at which Kendory could only hold himself up with his paws as he gasped and panted in pain with his eyes pulsing with shock and fear.

"Before you slay me....tell me how you managed to elude me so well and become so powerful." Kendory said between gasps.

"Do not take me for a fool! You may be a low grade vampire but you still can regenerate at a decent rate." Jolt said and lifted his blade up to prepare for a swing."Burn in hell!" Jolt said and swung down only to slash at dirt and grass.

Jolt then looked at and smiled at the sight of Ashley at Kendory's side."Ah, my dear sister. I didn't think you'd be back so soon." Jolt said with a malicious smile.

"Jolt....what did he do to you?! This isn't you! He's control;ing you again isn't he?!" Ashley said staring at her brother.

"No....he's not..." Jolt said and lowered his bone blade to his side.

"Then why?! Why did you try to kill Kendory?!"Ashley said not believing what he said.

"I'm doing as I am told....not that I want to...but if I do....he told me I would get a shot at killing him myself, He's going to teach me how to master this gene......then once my training is complete...he will let me have a shot at him." Jolt said looking at Ashley who still couldn't comprehend this.

"What are you talking about?! Chris would never let you have a fair shot at him! How could you even think that?!" Ashley exclaimed in a shocked tone.

"When he stopped me with one hand....he told me...." Jolt said and began to tell them what happened.


Chris looked at Jolt charging at him and let Ashley drop unconscious and be caught by Kendory and looked at Jolt once again striking the same cocky smirk."I'LL ERASE THAT COCKY SMILE OF YOURS FROM EXISTENCE!!! Jolt yelled in the same demonic tone as he threw his fist at Chris which very quickly took hold of his wrist in the blink of an eye twisted it and threw Jolt behind him with his attack hitting the ground with a mighty explosion which left a small Crater in it's wake.

"Pathetic.....if you truly want to master the power I gave you....stop hanging onto your pathetic mortal existence....if you truly wish to kill me one day....then become my apprentice....your power will then be at it's true potential and I'll let you fight me one-on-one to the death!" Chris's voice echoed in Jolt's head.

"I'll never let you have me again!" Jolt retorted angrily.

"You desire the power to destroy me yes? I can give it to you...but only if you become my apprentice and stop hanging onto your pathetic mortality! If you wish to continue to cling to your mortality then you will continue to fail to defeat me just as you have today.....consider my offer....ha,ha,ha..." Chris's Voice echoed once more followed by his evil laughter before fading out completely.


Jolt finished saying and raised his bone blade once more."So I have no choice if I want to kill him myself! Stand in my way and I'll have no choice but to kill you too!" Jolt finished and charged at Kendory once again however Ashley stood in front of him with her arms extended out acting as a living shield which caused Jolt to stop mere feet from her.

"Ashley.....move." Jolt said in aggravated tone.

"No! If you want to kill him, then you'll have to kill me first!" Ashley said with tears in her eyes."I refuse to lose you again Jolt! If you kill him...I'll lose you forever....I lost you once....i can't let that happen again!" Ashley said with her voice cracking as she spoke.

"Ashley......please...don't make me do this...." Jolt said his voice slightly scared but still firm.

"Make a choice you love me enough to fight Chris without that evil power, or are you going to kill me and Kendory to push yourself to a point beyond return?!" Ashley replied as tears continued to drop from her eyes.

"I have no choice....I'm sorry Ashley." Jolt said and attempted to move her tot he side but instead she flung her arms around him and held him tightly.

"Please Jolt.....don't become his again....please! I can't lose you....not again!" Ashley shrieked sobbing loudly.

Jolt dropped his bone blade to the ground as she held him in her arms and sighed."Ashley.....thank you....for everything..." Jolt said quietly into her ear and shortly after punched her hard in the chest knocking the wind out of her which caused her to pass out shortly afterwords.

Jolt then looked at Kendory as he picked up his bone blade once more."I'm sorry Kendory...but this is the only way." He then rose the blade up to strike at the helpless Kendory when out of nowhere a blur of white fur struck his paw which caused him to hiss loudly and look to his left. To see a figure standing their popping his knuckles.

"You...." Was all Jolt could say as he looked on at the Meowth who looked at him.

"You know....I had a lot to think about while I walked alone...and imagine my shock when I saw the Chu who I thought cared for his sister hurt her just could care less about her!" The Meowth finished with a sound of pure anger in his voice.

"You know nothing, mortal!" Jolt retorted and charged at the Meowth.

"Forgotten my name already have you?" The meowth said and struck a fighting stance."Maybe this will refresh your memory! Your within range of my two hundred claws attack, and there's no escape!" The Meowth said and charged at Jolt landing the first strike.

"Twenty!" The meowth yelled out as he struck several points on Jolt's right arm at which point it became limp. And began to strike at his left arm leaving Jolt unable to defend due to the speed and velocity of the Meowth's attacks."Forty!" The Meowth called out as he had finished striking at Jolt's left arm at which point it became limp as well. The meowth then uppercutted Jolt into the air at which point he jumped up after him."Eighty!" The Meowth called out as he struck several points on the front of Jolt's right leg at which point it became limp."One hundred and sixty!" The meowth called out still mid-air as he struck several points on Jolt's left leg at which point it became limp as well. By this time they both began to plummet down to the ground and the Meowth began to strike at Jolt's front and hind paws."Two Hundred!" The Meowth called out and kicked off of Jolt's chest accelerating his fall to the ground as he did a back flip landing safely on the ground while Jolt hit it with a loud thud.

"Damn you,Meo....." Was all Jolt could say as he lay there unable to move.

"I don't know what's gotten into you Jolt....but that will prevent you from moving for the next twenty-four hours." Meo said calmly and knelt down next to Kendory.

"Are you okay Kendory?" Meo said extending a paw out.

"More or less I am...I'll recover this wound in a few days time...however your attack,while impressive won't hold him for long..." Kendory said standing up with a grunt of pain as he spoke.

"He's right Meo...heh,heh....I'll be up to kill you both in a matter of minuets." Jolt said and as proof of his boast lifted his right arm a few inches only to have it fall back down limply.

"We haven't much time then....hurry and take this." Meo said handing him his com device."That will teleport you and Ashley to safety. I'll stay and handle Jolt myself." Meo said and turned to face Jolt who was now beginning to stand on two hind paws weakly.

"That's a fools errand! You had the element of surprise last time..but now he is fully prepared for you, he'll kill you where you stand!" Kendory exclaimed staring at Jolt who was now moving his paws and arms freely and popping his neck to each side.

"Go, now!" Meo exclaimed and charged at Jolt.

Kendory looked on at Meo as he charged at Jolt who was now grinning evilly."Rest in peace my friend...." Kendory said quietly and lifted Ashley weakly and pressed the com device on his wrist teleporting them to safety.

Meo by this time now began to swipe at Jolt with his claws who was dodging them with little difficulty.

"You've got one hell of a split personality disorder Jolt!" Meo said as he continued to swipe at the black furred Pikachu.

"Heh....this coming from the Meowth who abandoned us because he wasn't going to get anymore Chu cunt and he knew it!" Jolt retorted with a grin still dodging Meo's attacks becoming more evasive by the second.

Meo growled loudly at this retort and began to swipe at Jolt more aggressively and accurately."It's only a matter of time before the effects of my attack completely wear off....but I can't kill him....Ashley would never forgive me and Julian would probably wind up killing me herself!" Meo thought as he continued to strike at him.

"Ah, I see were holding back....stop holding back and entertain me for awhile." Jolt said and struck Meo square in the chest causing him to cry out in pain and cough up fresh blood mere moments later and fall to his paws and knees.

Jolt looked down at Meo and let out a mock depressed sigh just before kicking him upside the head sending him into a sidewards roll for a few feet before coming to a stop on his front."Is that all you are? Mere talk and no action?" Jolt said and began to walk slowly towards him. "You're beginning to bore me...which is bad, because it makes me want to kill you here and now instead of letting you live a little while longer to entertain me." Jolt said striking an evil smile on his face.

"Your becoming more like Chris with each word you speak..." Meo said panting as he stood up at which point and time Jolt dashed up to him and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up.

"I'm nothing like that bastard! HOW DARE YOU COMPARE ME TO HIM!" Jolt said and struck him several times in the chest with his knee and threw him to the ground.

"C-C-Could have fooled me...." Meo stuttered due tot he shock of the blows as he attempted to get up once more and succeeded with a lot of difficulty."Look at yourself. Your willing to kill who were once some of your closest friends just for power....that's just like Christopher down to the letter." Meo said panting loudly at which Jolt's expression changed from anger to sadness.

"Maybe your right....maybe I am becoming a monster like Chris.....but if it takes that to kill him..." Jolt trailed off and resumed his hateful glare."THEN I WILL DO WHAT I MUST TO PUT AN END TO HIS REIN OF TERROR!" Jolt said and put his paws together."Forbidden Pokemon art: Bone blade!" Jolt said in a foreign language. "No matter what it takes to obtain to the power to destroy him....i will do it....even if it means killing my closest friends!" Jolt exclaimed staring at Meo.

Meo chuckled at this."Boy....have you got your priorities seriously fucked up....your killing what you swore to protect to protect it....that make any sense to you? Because to me it sounds like you're losing sight of just what your supposed to be protecting!" Meo said giving Jolt a wide eyed glare.

Jolt then charged at Meo."Don't try to confuse me you mangy little runt of Meowth!" Jolt called out and stabbed Meo right through the chest causing him to gasp in pain as his eyes widened in shock.

After a few moments Meo looked up at Jolt who's face was of pure hatred still."Now you've done..."Meo said and coughed up blood onto jolt's chest while striking a weak smile."You've just gone and killed your father's closest friend as well as your own...." He said and coughed up more blood."Looks like I was right all along...." He said and grabbed him by the chest fur weakly."How does it feel to become the person you hate most?" Meo said and let go of Jolt's Chest fur as his paw went limp."Congratulations Jolt,you are now no different than Christopher...." Meo weakly at which Point Jolt's expressed changed to shock and horror.

"What have I done?!" Jolt exclaimed taking the blade out of Meo's chest and holding him in his paws.

"Heh....too late for regrets now Jolt....there's no turning back now....." Meo said weakly looking up at Jolt who's eyes were filled with tears as his fur changed back to it's original yellow color.

"And you have no one to blame but yourself....." Meo said weakly and coughed up more blood this time onto his chest which was bleeding heavily still.

"Meo....I'm so sorry....can you ever forgive me?!" Jolt said and began to sob loudly.

"The...bigger question is.....can you ever forgive yourself?" Meo said as his breathing became shallower with each breath he took."I hope........this.....power that you are seeking.....was worth my life.....Jolt....." Meo softly as his breathing began to slow.

"There is one way to save him....and you know what that is my apprentice..." A Chris's voice spoke in Jolt's head.

"Stay out of this! You fucking little asshole!" Jolt retorted in a loathing tone.

"You know what I speak it! Make him one of us! It is the only way to save him!" Chris's voice said and faded away.

Jolt's fur then began to darken until it was pitch black once again."I hope you won't regret me doing this Meo.... but it's the only way to save you..." Jolt said aloud as he bared his fangs and sunk them deep into Meo's neck causing his eyes to shoot wide open and scream at the top of his lungs in agony.

After a few moments Jolt ripped his blood stained muzzle away from Meo's neck panting heavily."I thought...i wasn't going to be able to stop...." Jolt thought to himself.

"The blood of mortals tastes good doesn't it? Now leave him my apprentice and come to me....the transformation has begun and he will be fine now..." Chris's voice echoed in Jolt's head at which point he stood up and walked away from Meo who's body was now shaking uncontrollably with his eyes wide open in shock....

Meanwhile Kendory lay beside Ashley waiting for her to wake up....

"That com device didn't teleport us that far from the battle and the scent of blood in the air is heavy it's been over two hours since we left.....i am sorry Meo....i wish I could have fought along side of you but-" Kendory's thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of a presence similar to his.

"Another one has come to try and slay me for what I've done have they? Don't you fools realize that I am doing you a favor by allowing you to return" Kendory said in a stunned tone as Meo weakly began to walk up to them his eyes locked on Ashley.

"Kendory.....I'm so thirsty.....stop me.....i can't control myself....." Meo said weakly before making a mad dash for Ashley fangs bared.

Kendory quickly clothes-lined Meo by extending his arm out and picked Meo up and slapped him a few times a crossed the face."Get a fucking grip and use some will power damn you!" Kendory exclaimed still holding Meo by the chest fur.

Meo expression was at fist of anger than shock after a few moments then sadness the next."I'm sorry....I can't help it!" Meo exclaimed trying his damnedest not to look over at Ashley who still lay unconscious.

"Who turned you? Answer me damn it!" Kendory said shaking Meo violently after a few moments when he didn't respond right away.

"J-Jolt did...." Meo said at which point Kendory's face went paler than usual and he let go of Meo's chest fur dropping him to the ground.

"Damn you, this was your plan all along...." Kendory said aloud looking up just before he looked down and yanked Meo by the neck fur mere inches from Ashley's neck fangs bared once again and through him back."Come with me....until we get you fresh blood in your system the thirst will drive you mad...." Kendory said at which point Meo nodded silently and followed him leaving Ashley alone.

"H-He said he did it to save me....and right now...i don't know who I am anymore! How can I even continue living?!" Meo exclaimed as he followed Kendory into the field.

"Simply put....your fact you will learn to accept is, you are now among the undead, you have no soul....what is left of you now is nothing but a shell of what you were. The sooner you accept this the easier it will be to cope with your existence. " Kendory said calmly.

"I'd rather have died than become this!"Meo exclaimed at which point Kendory quickly snapped a branch off a nearby tree and put it to Meo's chest.

"Give the word and I will release you from this shell and allow you to go to heaven...or you can continue to exist and protect Ashley...." Kendory said looking into Meo's eyes.

Meo stood there for a few minuets before letting out a sigh"I want to protect Ashley.....but how can I do such when I want to rip her throat out and suck her dry?!" Meo exclaimed at which point Kendory dropped the branch and turned around.

"I will teach you how to control your thirst...however even knowing how to do so will require great will power on your part."Kendory said and began to walk again.

Meo quickly followed him as they continued to walk farther into the field away from Ashley who was just know starting to awaken....

"Jolt?! Kendory?!" Ashley sat up very quickly which caused her to feel light headed. She then stood up weakly in an attempt to survey her surroundings and looked over into the field to see Kendory and what she thought to be a Meowth.

"Who's that Meowth with him? Could it be....Meo?" Ashley thought to herself and began to run in their direction....

"I'm so thirsty.....damn it what the fuck am I saying?!" Meo exclaimed angrily and punched a nearby rock which crumbled upon impact with his balled up paw. Meo then gasped and looked at Kendory who smiled.

"Being a vampire has it's then....there we go..." Kendory said pointing to a dead Stantler that was being eaten by a Growlithe. "First rule of code...if you do not want to turn anything into one of us wait until they are dead or already dead..." Kendory said and dashed at the Growlithe which looked at Kendory and fled in fear.

"Now come...and not be afraid of what you are feeling right is natural for us when we see fresh blood." Kendory said noticing that Meo was licking his maw and then gasping at his own actions.

Meo approached the Stantler cautiously at first kneeling down beside it and without warning sunk his fangs into the Stantler's throat and began to growl loudly as he drunk it's blood. Kendory simply watched calmly as Meo had his first ever fill of blood and then looked over to see Ashley who was gasping in horror with her face over her muzzle.

"Kendory, you didn't?!" Ashley exclaimed turning around and running the other way.

"Ashley wait! It's not what you think! I didn't turn him!" Kendory called out but Ashley either wasn't listening or couldn't hear him as she sobbed loudly.

Meo by this time had apparently had his fill and stood up licking his maw and then went slightly pale."I-I behaved like some monster when I began to drink it's blood....will it be like this every time?"Meo asked looking at Kendory who clearly wasn't listening and shifted his gaze in the direction he was looking to see Ashley.

"Please tell me Ashley didn't see me drinking that Stantler's blood!" Meo exclaimed in a horrified tone.

"I'm afraid she did....and to make matters worse...she thinks I'm the one who turned you...." Kendory said not looking behind himself as he spoke.

"I have to tell her what happened!" Meo said and dashed past Kendory with great speed.

"This is amazing! I feel so much stronger and faster now!" Meo thought to himself as he began to close in on Ashley and remembered what he was doing having briefly forgotten due to this new power he now felt flowing within him.

"Ashley, wait! Let me explain!" Meo called out at which point Ashley stopped running and turned around at which point Meo tried to stop abruptly but wound up going into a forward roll and comically stopped right in front of her.

"What's there to explain? Kendory turned you into a monster!" Ashley practically shrieked her eyes still full of tears.

"That's where you are wrong! Jolt turned me!" Meo said standing up and looking at her.

"Why would he do such a thing?!" Ashley said with a look of pure disbelief in her eyes.

Meo then let out a long sigh and explained all that happened while she was unconscious which caused Ashley to gasp several times and put her paw over her muzzle in shock and horror.

"It can't be true.....Jolt would never....why would he turn you into such a thing?!" Ashley asked trying to make sense of what Meo said.

"Perhaps....he felt guilty of taking Meo's life and therefore thought this was the only way to make up for it...a last ditch action of regret if you will...i don't think Jolt even realized what he would turn Meo into or if he did he thought it was the only way to save him. Either way....I will handle Meo from here on out and teach him all I can about our kind." Kendory said as he walked up to them both.

"What happened while I was gone anyways?" Meo asked looking at Ashley who lowered her head.

"Dad is.....dead..." Ashley said at which point Meo's expression did not change.

"Aren't you sad or upset at all?! He was your best friend for fucks sake!"Ashley said grabbing Meo by the chest fur angrily at which point Kendory took her paw and looked at her.

"Do not blame him....he can not feel those kinds of emotions anymore..." Kendory said and looked at Meo who was looking confused at the moment.

"I know what I should be feeling....but I don't....I'm sorry Ashley." Meo said looking at Ashley.

"Then do what I do Meo....take the memory of that emotion....and turn it into one of the few emotions we can feel....anger....that should give you the incentive to feel at least remotely of what she is feeling now.

Meo stood there for a moment and nodded. After a few moments his expression changed to that of pure hatred."I'll rip his throat out!" Meo exclaimed in a pissed off tone.

"Very good....there are many ways to bypass our emotional limitations just have to learn to channel the memories of those emotions into the few we can feel....the trick is learning which one to channel it into, which you will learn in time." Kendory said and placed a paw on Ashley's Shoulder."we will resume your training as soon as I am able to but for now I feel we should find the rest of your family."Kendory said with a smile on his face at which Ashley nodded.

Meanwhile deep within the Jhoto region.....

"Where the hell is that son of mine? No pathetic explosion will do my boy in!" Jessica said as she paced back and forth worriedly in the Chris's throne room.

"We'll be lucky if that psychopath is dead..."one of the guards said quietly and mere moments later let out a gasp of shock and horror as Jessica drove her Irontail blade attack through his chest."No one talks about my son that way and lives!" Jessica said in a pissed off tone and withdrew her tail at which point the guard fell to the ground dead."Clean up this shit,that is unless you have something to say about my boy as well?" Jessica said with a annoyed expression with her tail glowing once again.

"N-No! Nothing at all madam!" The guard replied quickly looking VERY scared.

"Good! Now clean this shit up." Jessica said and walked away.

Just as Jessica walked towards the door a Figure suddenly appeared in the room at which point the guards began to charge at it.

"GUARDS HALT! THAT'S MY SON!!! QUICKLY GET THE MEDICAL TEAM HERE NOW, OR I'LL CUT OFF YOUR HEADS AD USE THEM FOR WALL DECORATIONS!" Jessica screamed out at which point the guards ran in the opposite direction to get the medical team.

Jessica then ran beside her son who almost immediately fell to his knees looking very burnt and scarred."Tell me, what happened!?" Jessica said in a worried tone.

"You know what happened you little rat....i barely survived....then again....i may not after all...." Chris said and fell to floor at which point the medical team made it to him and lifted him up onto a stretcher.

"You damned fool son of should have taken that teleport, not me! I don't know how you managed to still use your power with that rat's contraption running but-" Jessica said as they began to lift him up only to be cut off by her son speaking.

"The rat was because I love as my mother you is why I was able to overcome his device for that brief harbor such a weak emotion...i truly am pathetic..." Chris said weakly at which point Jessica was dumb founded.

"He truly cares about me as his mother? I thought it was nothing but an act till now!" Jessica thought to herself until Chris spoke again.

"My most precious experiment is coming home to us at last sure not to kill him when he reaches the front door...." Chris said weakly and passed out.

"He had best live....because if he doesn't you'll join my son in the afterlife shortly afterwords!" Jessica said maliciously at which point everyone gulped loudly and carried him swiftly to the ER.....

A few days later the entire Ketchum family met up at the silver cave along with their close friends.

"So it was all for nothing?!" Alexia blurted out after Josh had told everyone what Mewtwo had told them.

"And to make matters worse my Chu is walking strait to his front door...." Julian said in a saddened tone.

"Now is not the time to be grieving! We must prepare for Chris's return in three years time!" Josh said standing on a rock looking at them causing everyone to look at him shocked at his new found bravery.

"If it is alright with you Josh...i would like to take Ashley to train her in the Pokemon arts for that time." Kendory said stepping forward.

"Alright...that sounds good to can leave as soon you and Ashley have recovered Kendory." Josh said and looked at everyone else in the room"I am the new leader of the family....and I know I am not like our father....he was the greatest Chu we ever knew...." Josh said trailing off as Cash jumped on the rock and stood next to him and placed a paw on his shoulder causing Josh to look up at him and look back to everyone else.

"This cave will be the new Ketchum lets get started!" Josh said and everyone looked at him for a a while until Julian spoke up.

"You heard him! Lets get this place secured and protected from Chris's lackeys!" Julian shouted at which point everyone began to get to work. Julian then walked up to Josh and smiled as he and Cash jumped off the rock and place a paw on his shoulder.

"You're just like your father in so many ways.....make him proud." Julian said with a smile and ran off to help the others work on securing the cave.

"I just hope I can...." Josh said and let out a sigh at which point Cash gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I'm sure you will what you say we help the others get the place protected." Cash said with a smile at which point Josh smiled and nodded and they both went to help the others work on increasing the caves defenses.
Chapter End Notes:The next chapter will take place three years later. I figured I'd let you all know so you won't be wondering about the huge time gap. :
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