AGNPH Stories





Three years has passed....


Julian began a search for her mother one year later due to the dreams she had just before she had awakened accompanied by Cash and Camellia.....

"Are you sure this is where grandma is?" Camellia asked curiously.

"Yes, without a doubt this is the place I saw in my dreams. Now...get ready to distract the guards Camellia." Julian said and gave her the cue to move in.

"Don't worry mom...the males will be so busy fucking me they won't even know you're there!" Camellia said with a grin at which Julian let out a deep sigh.

"I never in all my years would have ever thought I'd be telling my daughter to be a slut...." Julian said rubbing her temple with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Don't worry about it too much Julian. She's helping us get past the guards and she's doing what she loves to do. And don't forget she can handle herself fairly well." Cash said patting Julian on the shoulder.

"I know....if Ash hadn't kept the girls so secluded to outside life though...she might not have craved sex so much to the point it's all she wants....thank god for Josh's birth control pills...or I'd be the grandmother of four hundred pichus by now...I just wish Josh would keep a tighter chain on how often she goes out...last thing I need is my daughter getting kidnapped because she was looking to get laid and walks into a trap..." Julian said as she watched Camellia began to flirt with the guards making it more than obvious she was looking for sex.

"She may love getting her cunt fucked...but she isn't gonna let it cloud her judgment Julian. You of all people should know this." Cash said as he watched the guards walk with Camellia away from the front door of the complex.

"I trust my daughters judgment Cash....i just can't help but worry..." Julian said and motioned for Cash to follow.

"Camellia sure is a great actor....if I was strait I would have fell for that for sure." Cash said with a cheesy grin.

"Yes....that why Josh sent her with us. She can act like a drunk Chu at the flick of a dime or even a lost one...or even fake a heat and make it look one hundred percent real. I am proud of her for that skill she has...i just wish she used it in a more productive method that didn't involve sex..." Julian said as she approached the door.

"Ah,but there's no better distraction that sex!" Cash said with a grin.

Distant moans could be heard from the male guards and Camellia as Julian looked at the front door for a way in."Let me see....I wish Josh was here....he could figure this out in a heartbeat." Julian said with a confused expression on her face as she looked at the lock on the door that seemed to look VERY complex.

"Let me have a look." Cash said and walked up to the door."Hmm....oh well...lets do it this way then." Cash said and placed his paw on the door and began to charge electricity into it until the lock grew bright red and exploded."I bet Chris regrets giving me the ability to charge objects with electricity to the point of exploding now." Cash said with a smile as he opened the door.

Julian and Cash walked in and almost immediately where confronted by robot and Pokemon guards.

"Kill them!" one of the guards shouted at which point the robot guards began to shoot at them.

Julian and Cash evaded the energy shots as they dashed forward.

"Hey,lets play some poker!" Cash said reaching into a small pack on him and pulled out several playing cards and charged electricity into them." How about five card stud!" Cash said as he threw the charged cards at the robots which exploded upon impact destroying them."Looks like a dealt a bad hand." Cash said with a grin as he evaded a vine whip attack from the Grovyle guard.

Julian then charged in and bolttackled the Grovyle guard knocking it to the wall unconscious.

"That was easy enough...i just hope we didn't cause enough of a ruckus to the point of being detected." Cash said with a smile.

A few moments later a alarm began to sound."Does that answer you question?" Julian said and let out a sigh and then looked to her left and began to speak into her com device."Let's get a move on! Time to move out Camellia! We need you in here!" Julian said and began to move down the hall while cash followed.

Meanwhile outside the facility camellia was still getting her cunt and tail-hole fucked both at once by both of the guards and let out a sigh.

"Guess I better finish this up." Camellia thought to herself letting herself go and allowing her body to hit the climax she had been holding off for the past ten minuets.

After her climax she panted slightly as her holes continued to be thrust into by the guards."Sorry boys...i need to go both have already came twice inside me. That should be enough fun for today." Ashley said with a smile and pulled the Charizard's cock out of her cunt and the Blastoise's cock out of her tail-hole.

"I'm not done yet! Get back here you slut!" The Charizard guard said with a growl and grabbed her by the paw.

"Apparently, I didn't make myself clear." Camellia said and gave a swift kick to the Charizard's ballsack and then three consecutive hits to the chest and finished off with a mid-air mule kick sending the Charizard flying back into a tree unconscious.

The Blastoise guard then prepared to fire it's hydro-pump attack but was cut off by Camellia's quick movements as she jumped above the Pokemon and drop-kicked it over the head and in mere seconds of landing, punched it in the chest, head, and stomach with a combination of kicks and punches standing on her hind paws leaving it weary and stunned.

"In case your wondering what the hell I just did to's called Martial arts. A human combat skill that I took interest in and studied over the past year!" Camellia exclaimed,jumped up, and roundhouse kicked the Blastoise a crossed the cheek knocking it unconscious.

Camellia then turned around and began to run to the facility....

"WHERE'S MY MOTHER, YOU LITTLE FUCKER?!" Julian shrieked at a guard she was holding up by the throat who could only point to a lonely door down the hall and said"" between gags after which Julian dropped the guard and ran down the hall with cash following.

Julian wasted no time and punched the door down in one shot causing Rachel to sit up with a shocked expression on her face."Julian?! Oh my stars! Your alive! I thought you were dead!" Rachel said with tears in her eyes and hugged her daughter who returned the hug standing on her hind paws.

"I'd hate to break up the tearful reunion..." Cash said as he charged electricity into a few more cards and chucked them down the hall hitting a robot guard who was charging at them."But we gotten make like MC hammer and Beat it!" Cash finished at which point both Julian and Rachel nodded in agreement and ran down the hall.

As they neared a corner Julian, Cash, and Rachel saw two guards come flying past them into the wall and looked to see Camellia performing a series of punches and kicks on the last guard in the hall followed by a paw thrust which sent the guard flying down the hall to join the others unconscious.

Camellia then looked to see Rachel and instantly went teary eyed with a smile."Grandma! I knew you were alive! I just knew it!" she exclaimed with a smile.

"Do I need to repeat myself? Lets the the fuck out of here!" Cash said and began to run followed closely by Camellia, Julian, Rachel.

As the three Pikachus made their way into the forest a loud thumping made them stop in their tracks."What in the name of gods green earth is that thing?!" Rachel exclaimed pointing upward at what looked to be a huge Gengarish looking robot.

"Targets acquired. Switching to combat mode." The large robot said in a robotic voice and both it's hands transformed into machine guns.

"I don't know...but I don't wanna wait to find out!" Cash said and tackled Julian and Rachel to the side mere moments before it began to fire at them.

Cash quickly got to his feet and took a full deck of cards out of his pack."Hey tin-head! Lets play fifty-card pickup!" Cash exclaimed, charged the full deck with electricity, jumped in the air and chucked the entire deck at the robot's head which upon impact blew the robot's head clear off it's shoulders.

"warning, can not detect motor functions systems or power generator systems. Sending distress beacon signal." The robot head said aloud.

"What's that thing talking about?" Rachel asked but was only answered by Julian taking her by the paw and running into the forest followed closely by Cash.

"It means we are gonna have more company like that guy very soon if we don't move our tails!" Julian said as they ran deeper into the forest.....

Rachel, Cash, and Julian made it safely back to HQ in the silver cave...however that would not be the last encounter they had with those huge Gengarish robots...

Jolt went to Chris and began his dark training and eventually succumbed to the Gene's evil power and forgot why he had forgotten the reason for going....he is now a loyal servant of Chris.....

"Run for your lives! Chris's extermination squad has found us!" A Furret shrieked as it ran past a small village.

The village was instantly sent into a panicked uproar as families of Furret and Ratata ran for their lives. The sound of loud thundering footsteps could be heard coming closer until three huge Gengarish robots stepped into view with a black furred Pikachu with a crescent star on it's forehead leading them.

"Go! Eliminate everyone, my Deathroids! But leave the Elders alive! My lord needs them!" The black furred Pikachu called out with a malicious smile.

An elderly Furret looked at the black furred Pikachu and gasped."It's Chris's top general...why would he send him out here?! What purpose could he have for being here?!" The Elderly Furret asked aloud with fearful glance at the Deathroids as they approached, shot, and killed several defenseless Pokemon.

"Target, Elder Furret found. Requesting permission to seize and capture." One Deathroid said aloud as it stood in front of the Elderly Furret.

The black Furred Pikachu then appeared next to the Elderly Furret as if by magic."Hello....Elder Furret..." The black furred Pikachu said placing a paw on his shoulder much to the Elder's shock.

"General Joltarious, what reason do you have for coming here and killing so many innocent Pokemon?!" The Elder asked in a furious tone as he turned to look at Joltarious with a glare.

" is known that the elder's are entrusted with the area's rebellion lord simply wishes to know where they are located.

"What would make you think I would know such information?" The Elder asked calmly.

"Don't play me for a fool, old Pokemon! I once was among those foolish rebellions...that was of course before I found my true calling....heh..." Joltarious said with a malicious smile.

"It-It-It can't be.....Jolt Ketchum?" The Elder said with a look of shock and horror.

Joltarious gave the Elder a swift punch to the chest which made him fall to the ground coughing and gasping for breath."That Chu no longer exists! There is only Joltarious, top general of Lord Christopher's armies!" Joltarious said angrily and then lifted the Furret up by the back fur."Now...i won't ask again! Where is the local rebellion's HQ located?! Cooperate and you may live....a little bit longer." Joltarious said with a evil smile.

"I'll...never" The elder said between labored breaths.

At this Joltarious's eyes widened into a deathly glare."Pity...i was going to wait on lunch...but I guess I can have one now..." Joltarious said with a grin and bared his fangs to the elder who's eyes widened with fear.

Joltarious then sunk his fangs into the elder's neck upon which the elder shrieked out in agony while Joltarious snarled and growled as he feed on the helpless elder's blood.

After a few minuets the elder stopped shrieking all together and became limp as Joltarious continued to feed on the Furret's blood for a few minuets longer before dropping him to the ground."Not one drop of blood there will be no chance of coming back as an undead...." Joltarious said with a malicious smile as he wiped his muzzle clean of blood.

Joltarious then turned to look at the burning village and smiled wickedly."We are done here,MOVE OUT!" Joltarious shouted and all the Deathroids followed him out of the village.

Joltarious terrorized several more villages taking thousands of lives as he followed his dark lord's commands....


Josh paced back and forth nervously in the kitchen of HQ as Cash sat on a wooden chair eating his lunch."Ya, know dear...your fur will turn grey if you stress yourself like this." Cash said with a smile.

"I know....but I can't help but's been three years today...and Ashley isn't back with Kendory and Meo yet...what's taking them so long?" Josh said as he stopped to look at Cash who approached him and gave him a Passionate kiss and looked at him with a smile shortly after.

"You worry too much dear. They'll be back soon." Cash said and patted him on the shoulder before walking into the "Front room" of HQ.

The front room consisted of a few wooden chairs that had pillows on them, a couch made out of stone with a few fairly large pillows on them, a few doors could be seen on all four walls of the front room which belonged to each individual family member's rooms.

Josh followed Cash in and sat down on the couch and laid his head on Cash's shoulder as Alexia and Koda walked in from their room holding paws.

"What's got him all worked up?" Koda asked curiously.

"Ashley,Kendory, and Meo aren't back yet." Cash replied looking over at them from the couch.

"Try to calm down a bit bro...they'll be here as soon as they can." Alexia said with a smile and looked towards the door."Have Julian, Camellia, and Erick returned from their mission yet?" Alexia asked curiously.

"No, and I worry about that Charmeleon. He's a loose cannon if you ask me." Josh said and let out a sigh.

Just then Charlie and Misty walked into the front room smelling faintly of musk."What's everyone up to?" Misty asked curiously.

"Josh is being a worry wort as usual." Alexia replied with a grin.

Koda then sniffed the air and looked at Charizard and misty and groaned."You two were at it again? That's the third time today!" Koda exclaimed and waved a paw in disgust.

Both Charlie and Misty blushed at this comment and chuckled."Sorry Koda....but Charlie is hard to resist." Misty said and gave Charizard a kiss.

"You could at least take a shower after you've done it...ugh.." Koda said and walked over to the couch and sat down along with Alexia.

"Same could be said about you two." Charlie retorted at which both Alexia and Koda turned their heads to look at Charlie with their faces beat red with embarrassment.

"Would everyone cut it out? I'm already stressed enough. I don't need people fighting over petty shit when we have no idea if Mom, Camellia, Erick, Ashley, Meo, and Kendory are alright!" Josh said standing up abruptly and walked out of the room swearing under his breath.

Cash let out a sigh as he stood up as well and looked at everyone."Okay, can we at least act like we get along like a perfect dream family until Julian, Camellia, Erick, Ashley, Meo, and Kendory get back for Josh's sake? He's stressed all to hell as of late as it is." Cash said with an annoyed expression on his face at which point everyone in the room felt guilty for arguing.

Misty let out a sigh at this."We are all worried about them too cash, and stress levels are high because of this. Josh needs to realize we deal with our worries differently than him. I know Ash would have never...." Misty trailed off on her last sentence as she noticed Josh walking back in with a hurt expression on his face and then ran past them all out the front door.

"Smooth move, Misty." Was all Alexia said as she stood up along with Koda who flashed pissed off glances at her as they went back to their room and slammed the door loudly.

Cash looked at Misty with a pissed off expression too"Think before you speak,i don't much care for humans and in the three years we've lived together I've learned to be okay with being around you...but you clearly need to learn some self restraint!" Cash said in a pissed off tone and walked out the front door to find Josh.

At the exact moment Cash slammed the front door behind him Rachel walked out of her room."What's all the commotion about? At my age I'd like to keep it peaceful and quiet." Rachel said scratching behind her left ear. Rachel's fur still remained yellow with black stripes however her fur clearly had a grey shade to it which reflected her current age.

"I'm sorry Rachel...i shot off my mouth without thinking, hurt Josh's feelings, and pissed everyone off." Misty said lowering her head in shame.

"So I heard. My son-in-law was a great Chu....but we have to face facts that he is not with us anymore. Josh is the leader of the family now deary." Rachel said with a soft smile as she stood on her hind paws with a slight groan an placed a paw on her leg which was as high as the Raichu could reach.

"You heard? All the way from your room?" Misty asked astonished at which point Rachel giggled.

"Just because I'm in my golden years don't mean my hearing is going. You keep forgetting deary...we Pikachus have keen hearing even at my age." Rachel said with a smile looking at Misty at which point Charlie placed his paw on her shoulder.

"Let them blow off some steam dear." Charlie said with a smile and walked to the kitchen.

"Oh, you haven't by chance seen professor Oak around have you?" Rachel asked softly.

"Last I checked, he was still in his lab researching that gene like he has been almost non-stop for the past three years." Misty replied and followed Charlie into the kitchen.

Meanwhile Julian,Camellia, and Erick were moving silently in one of Chris's army camps....

"Remember Erick, we are here for Intel, not to start a fight." Julian whispered.

"Tell that to the Tin-cans." Erick said pointing at one of the Deathroids who was nearing their position.

"Initializing army camp roaster check on the three subjects found.......error....not found in database...intruder detected. Commencing defensive measures." The Deathroid said and began to advance on them.

Erick then charged st the Deathroid despite Julian motioning for them to run." Hey, tin-can!" Erick said barring his metal claws." I'm gonna send you to the trash heap where you belong!" Erick said and jumped up at the Deathroid and slashed it's head off then proceeded to stab the head repetitively until the red eyes dimmed out and moments later more Deathroids then began to approach them and began to fire at Erick.

"Bring it on Tin-cans!" Erick said as he ran past one and slashed at it's legs causing it to fall down and then jumped onto another and stabbed it repetitively in the chest until it fell backwards onto the ground.

"Damn it Erick, Camellia stay back...this is not a fight for a normal Pokemon." Julian said placing a paw on Camellia's cheek and then ran up the remaining Deathroid, jumped up, and used her Irontail Blade attack to slash a crossed the Deathroid's neck which sputtered sparks after her first strike and then with her second dismembered the head completely. She then used her Irontail attack repetitively on the head.

"Error, error....unable to detect motor functions and power systemmmmmmmsssssssssss......." The Deathroid's head began to say but it's voice slurred and faded out as Julian's continuous blows to the Deathroid's head caused it to stop functioning completely.

"Damn it, Erick! This was supposed to be a stealth operation!" Julian said in a pissed off tone.

"Hey, the Tin-cans asked for it! And I personally would rather it be them than us not mo-" Erick began to say but was cut off by a black paw through his chest.

"You were saying? Looks like your not going be standing much longer...heh,heh" A black furred Pikachu said with a evil grin.

"Heh....too bad for you....I'm not completely Pokemon..." Erick said and elbowed the Pikachu in the face and moved away to reveal it's chest sputtering sparks."That was a close one....a little more to the left and he would have hit flesh." Erick thought to himself.

Julian and Camellia at this moment looked as if they saw a ghost for they knew completely who the black furred Pikachu who stood before them was.

"J-Jolt?" Julian said in a half shocked half horrified tone.

"The name is Joltarious, and I don't care to know your broke into my private camp and destroyed my Deathroids....too bad for you I'm not Pokemon at all. I'm Thirsty and your gonna be my lunch...heh,heh." Joltarious said as he popped his knuckles with an evil grin baring his fangs.

"System's report, Motor functions for robotic limps limited, Life support systems stable, Preparing to initialize nanobot repairs on damaged sectors." Erick's left eye read to him."Humph....looks like I'll have to wait for my system to repair the damages. But I don't think this Pikachu is gonna let me wait and repair..." Erick thought to himself as he eyed Joltarious cautiously.

"Now I get your the prototype Pokedroid that escaped the slave facility a year ago..." Joltarious said eying Erick as his chest began to repair itself.

"What's it to ya, bub? How about we do this nice and easy and you leave now before things get dicey" Erick said baring his metal claws again.

Joltarious laughed at this comment."Me, run away from a few measly mortals? Looks like the Pokemon part of you doesn't think as clearly as what your scanner is telling ya..." Joltarious said with a grin.

"Oh,yes....I'm really going to use that overly used've gotta be kidding me..." Erick retorted with a glare.

"Strength level scanners indicate a level of over nine thousand in raw strength...not calculating reserved strength sources." Erick's left eye read to him.

"Enough talk! I'm thirsty!" Joltarious said and charged at Erick with extreme speed.

"Damn it, not enough time!" Erick thought to himself dodging the attack barely.

"That won't save you!" Joltarious said turning around and charged at Erick again this time he would not have enough time to dodge and he knew it.

Joltarious charged at him and hit his right arm as Erick attempted to dodge severing it which caused Erick to cry out in pain as fresh blood spurted from it.


"Nah,shit....." Erick retorted to what he saw on his left eye's screen in a low tone holding what was left of his bleeding arm.

Joltarious looked at Erick and began to laugh maliciously"Oh, excuse me. Has anyone seen my arm? It's red, you can't miss it!" Joltarious said and laughed some more.

"Laugh this one off, bub!" Erick said and rose left arm which converted in a laser rifle. He then charged it to full power and fired it at Joltarious who's laughter was cut off and gave a serious look as he used one paw to deflect the shot to the right side of him with a grunt. The shot hit the ground beside him which exploded upon impact and the sheer force of the blast caused Joltarious's ears to the flay to the side as he stood firm until the explosion subsided.

"Hmm....that stung...." Joltarious said shaking his paw a bit at which point Erick's face turned to shock.

"That's impossible! How could you deflect a shot of that magnitude so easily?!" Erick said as Joltarious walked towards him with a cocky grin on his face.

"It's simple, you pathetic mortal...I'm a Vampire. I'm not Pokemon by any means. So you attacks are pointless." Joltarious said as he neared even closer to Erick who was now backing up slowly in fear.

Julian by now had slipped out of her shocked state and charged at Joltarious full speed and used her Irontail attack on him sending him flying to the ground in a side roll."Enough of this Jolt! I know your still in there! Now listen to you fucking mother once in your life and return to your normal self!" Julian said trying her best to sound firm but the cracks in her voice could clearly be heard.

"Mother? What the hell are you talking about female?! I have no mother! There is only my master lord Christopher." Joltarious said standing on his hind paws again and staring at her.

"So, what Josh said is true really have forgotten about your family....who you are.....there may be nothing left of my little Chu in that monster..." Julian said in a low tone.

"Julian, Camellia, close your eyes!" Erick shouted and threw a small device in front of Joltarious which flashed brightly a few moments later.

"ACK! A UV grenade! You fucking little pests!" Joltarious shrieked as he frantically began to roll on the ground to put out the flames which engulfed his body at the moment.

"Come on! I don't wanna stick around for tall black and undead to recover!" Erick exclaimed as he grabbed Julian by the paw who was transfixed on the sight of her son engulfed in flames with a horrified expression on her face just before she was yanked by Erick and ran to follow him and Camellia as they fled.

They ran mere feet before they skidded to a halt at the sight of more Deathroids."Great....more Tin-cans...and me without a limb.." Erick said as he looked on.

"Pokemon art: Thunder strike!" A voice called out from nowhere and as if by magic two of the Deathroids suddenly became electrified, just before they exploded a glowing slash could be seen a crossed their chests.

Moments later a brown furred Pikachu stood in front of them with a small sword on her back,standing on her hind paws, and put her front paws together."Pokemon art: Thunder force!" The brown furred Pikachu exclaimed and did a paw thrust with her right paw after which a large bolt of lightning shot from it causing the Deathroid to explode upon impact with the attack.

"Ashley?!" Julian exclaimed in both shock and happiness.

"Let's move it! We can catch up later mom!" Ashley exclaimed and threw Erick onto her back much to his annoyance and dashed off with blazing speed followed closely by Julian who did the same with Camellia....

By now Joltarious had managed to put the flames out that engulfed him and stood up looking charred and pissed."Those pathetic mortals got away....I should learn not to play with my food so much..." Joltarious said aloud and disappeared in a black mist....

Later on at HQ.....

"I can't believe my little Chu turned into that monster....even standing there seeing him for myself...i couldn't believe it...Jolt's got to be still in there somewhere..." Julian said barely able to hold back the tears in her eyes.

"We all want to hope he is too mom...." Koda said as he walked over to his mother and gave her a hug.

"How is Erick holding up?" Josh asked Camellia as he scratched the back of his right ear with his hind paw.

"Go ask him yourself...he's been outside since we got here." Camellia replied at which Josh turned and walked out the front door to find Erick standing on a small stone.

"Hey you holding-EEP!" Josh was cut off by a loud roar by Erick as his right arm which was previously severed seemingly sprouted out of his shoulder in a spray of blood and sparks.

"Doing pretty good...." Erick said between labored breaths.

"Your body can regenerate severed limbs?!" Josh asked in a shocked tone.

"The nanobots in my body have a photographic memory of everything on and inside my body....from the moment Joltarious sliced it off, the nanobots began to rebuild it.....hurts like a bitch every time though...." Erick said as he flexed his new arm and the digits of his paw.

"Ok,well we need you inside. We need to have a family meeting now that everyone is here." Josh said and walked back inside." Josh replied trying to shake off the the shock of seeing a Pokemon sprout an arm out of nowhere and walked back inside with Erick following him a few moments later.

"How did he-?" Ashley began to ask but was cut off by Josh's reply"Don't ask...please...don't ask..." and left it at that as Erick walked in and sat down.

"Meeting is now in session." Josh said as he looked around at everyone."Now I believe introductions are in order for Ashley,Kendory, and Meo since they have been away since we got our new member of our family." Josh said aloud at which Erick stood up.

"My original name is Project 524...however since Josh rescued me from the slave facility a year ago and reprogrammed me so that I have my own free will again, I gave myself the name, Erick. I am a Prototype Pokedroid who used to be a normal Pokemon. Since my reprogramming I have regained some of my Pokemon's still in fragments. So until I regain all my memories I had decided to help Josh with his cause." Erick finished and sat down.

"Disturbing rumors have been going around in the underground rebellion communications network...i hoped they weren't think....Chris has gone as far as to turn Pokemon into robotic weapons..." Meo said as he balled up his paw.

Ashley then stood up on all fours and began to speak."My name is Ashley Ketchum, daughter of Ash Ketchum. My mother's genetic traits have passed down to me and therefore I have her strength and power...but as I have recently realized. My Power is actually far beyond my mother's and even Jolt's. Kendory has trained me in the Pokemon arts. And he has deemed me a master of the Pokemon arts." Ashley said and then let out a sigh as she continued to speak. "I no longer feel the need to hide the fact that I am deeply in love with Jolt. Nor the fact that you all need to know what happened in another time-line." Ashley then paused at these words at which everyone gasped with the exception of Meo and Kendory.

" do realize that Jolt is your brother right?!" Julian practically blurted out shocked most of all at this news.

"Which is why you have to know what happened." Ashley said and paused again for a brief moment before she began to explain."This took place just a week before Chris and Jolt's battle in the current time-line. This time flux was caused by Jessica as you may remember mom." Ashley said looking at her mother who nodded."What you did not know is that, me and Jolt got into our relationship based on the fact that I busted him having sex with a vulpix and blackmailed him into being my salve and doing whatever I say...I at the time did not have any intention of getting into a relationship with him at that time...however I do admit to having a fantasy about him after I saw him....but that's beside the point." Ashley quickly added and paused again at which everyone seemed to be fixed on Ashley's story at the moment not wanting to miss a word of it.

Ashley then took a deep breath and began to speak once again."It was a week later. I was taking a bath and I ordered Jolt to bring me up a towel, knowing he didn't want to. And then after he got in the bathroom...i made him give me bath....but it wasn't until he started washing my hind paws when this whole thing started. I started laughing uncontrollably because Jolt was unintentionally tickling my hind paws...then..i don't know how it happened...i suddenly felt the washcloth brush over my vagina and I suddenly started to get horny." Ashley paused looking at everyone and began to speak again."Well one thing lead to another and we winded up dating..." Ashley said feeling she should skip the intimate details and paused again.

"Well, i'll skip the details that followed...but in the end Jolt got me pregnant with his litter.....i was so happy....then....we were at the Pokemon center when we were attacked by this Gengarish creature that looked like nurse joy. Jolt threw me out of the roof of the Pokemon center that he made when he first began to fight the creature and I ran back home....i came home to see...." Ashley trailed off as they horrifying images from her memories flashed before her eyes and began to cry in front of everyone."I'm-I'm sorry....give me a moment." Ashley said her voice cracking as she spoke as she attempted to recollect herself.

"What happened Ashley?" Julian asked softly looking at her daughter with a sense of pity in her eyes.

"I....found you all....dead...." Ashley said quietly which earned gasps from everyone in the room."Well..not everyone....when I got to mom and dad's room I saw mom was alive but was being held up by the throat by a Gengarish figure that looked like must have been how he got in without anyone realizing it was imposter until it was too late..." Ashley trailed off trying not to break down in tears again and then began to speak again after letting out a long sigh."I then saw it kill mom right before my eyes....and something snapped inside me....something I had never felt before....i tortured that creature in every single way it had killed you all before I finished it off and then sat down on the couch and cried in the living room for a few minuets before I realized that Jolt's life was in danger...i grabbed the bone claw out and ran down to the Pokemon center and saw the very same sight I saw mom in...Jolt was being held by the throat but before it could stab him like it did mom..i yelled"HEY BITCH! LET GO OF MY BROTHER!" and threw the bone claw at it...impaling it through the skull killing it..." Ashley then paused again and looked at everyone who looked as if they were in sheer shock and horror of what she was telling them.

"My poor Chu....i don't think any of us could even begin to picture the pain you went through..." Rachel said as she placed a paw on Ashley's shoulder.

"After that..Jolt went off to find who he thought was chris behind all of this...but what we found out when we met up again was that in fact it was Jessica, who was behind it all. In one final battle re defeated her..but at the cost of Jolt's was then as I held my love in my paws dead, that Mewtwo appeared. He gave me the choice of turning back the hands of time to reverse the damage she had done because it should have never happened or leave it as it was....i choose to turn back the hands of time to save everyone....i gave up my litter....what me and Jolt had...for everyone..." Ashley said and sat down.

Everyone seemed to be at a loss for words, however Julian's eyes were wide eyed as if she was transfixed in a state of shock.....


Everyone with the exception of Jolt and Ashley was sitting watching TV when a knock on the door made Julian turn and looked to the door."I wonder if that's Meo and Rachel back with the groceries." Julian remarked as she hopped off the couch and walked over to the door,stood on her hind paws and opened it to see Jolt standing there.

"Jolt? It's good to see you my Chu." Julian said as she gave him a motherly hug and looked around but did not see Ashley anywhere."Where is Ashley at?" Julian asked curiously.

"Oh she's at home still, she wanted to rest a bit so she let me come visit you guys....being pregnant and all, it takes a lot out of her." Jolt said with a smile.

"Oh, and your father were about to go to our room and talk for awhile. Feel free to stay for as long as you'd like. But not too long I do have to get back to your sister." Julian said and turned the other way and went with Ash upstairs.

Julian and Ash went into their room and sat on the bed."I don't suppose you just wanted to talk did you?" Ash said with a grin.

"Oh, come now Ash....i didn't bring you up here just for that." Julian said with a grin and snuggled up next to him."I often worry about those too.....did we make the right choice? I it even right for them to be in a relationship like that?" Julian asked in a concerned tone.

"I know how you feel dear...but I think we made the right choice. Jolt and Ashley truly do love each other. And if you recall, we got a lot of weird looks for our relationship as well because it wasn't considered, right." Ash said as he rubbed Julian's thigh with his right paw.

"I suppose your right...." Julian said and began to kiss Ash on the muzzle repetitively.

"You don't waste anytime,do you?" Ash said between kisses with a grin as he stuck a digit of his paw inside her cunt as he kissed her back.

"Mmm....nope..." Julian said with a soft moan as she felt Ash's digit thrust in and out of her.

Suddenly a scream from just downstairs caused them both abruptly break their intimate moment and rush out the room.

The sight that beheld both Ash and Julian was horrifying to say the least."MY BABIES! NOOOO!" Julian shrieked with tears flooding her eyes as she looked around the room to see her children dead on the wall and floor.

A black creature then shot past both Ash and Julian so fast they could not tell where it had gone until they hear two more screams come from upstairs at which Julian speed up the stairs with blazing speed to see two more horrific sights.

Julian knelt down next to camellia's lifeless body and held he sobbing loudly."WHO WOULD DO THIS TO US?!" Julian shrieked between sobs.

A loud cry from Ash snapped Julian out of her state as she looked up to see a Gengarish figure holding him by the throat and dashed to their room.

Julian immediately followed with blazing speed but was too late as the creature impaled Ash through the chest with what looked like a sharp bone and turned to look at her.

"Why, hello Julian...." The creature said and began to laugh manically.

Julian as if on impulse tackled the creature and began to punch it repetitively in the face on the floor so much that the floor beneath them could be heard groaning and cracking under the sheer force of her punches.

After some time the creature seemed to be dead as it's face was slammed so far inward it looked nothing like it did moments before.

Julian got off of it and looked at her husband who lay dead on their bed now as well as the rest of her family and began to sob loudly."It's all entire family is dead...." Julian said between sobs as she put her front paw on the wall to hold herself up feeling very weak in the hind legs as tears streamed down from her cheeks, however little did Julian know due to her current state that the Gengarish figure was not dead at all but merely stunned as it stood up behind her and just as she noticed it grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall much to her shock and horror.

"If you think that a few mere punches from a pathetic inferior experiment is going to kill me... your sadly mistaken..." The creature said and laughed manically.

It was now that Julian realized that this creature looked just like Jolt except it now was dark and Gengarish looking instead of the yellow fur it once had before as her eyes widened even more so if possible at this realization.

"Ha, you finally figured it out eh? Yes let her death in by the front door and didn't even know it!" The Gengarish creature said with a cackle as a sharp bone began to extend from it's paw.

Just then Ashley had appeared in the front of doorway to their room."Mom, noooooo!!!" Ashley shrieked as she ran forward but Julian raised a paw and shook her head. "Mom's....still alive......protect her.....please my daughter...." Julian said just before the Gengar jabbed her through the chest causing her to cough up blood as her eyes widened in shock and horror.

Julian looked up at the Gengar and spat some of her own blood in it's face before she smiled at it much to it's confusion."You have no idea what you've just done...." Julian said aloud and then as her head hung out with a smile on it"Ashley and Jolt are still alive.....thank god" Julian thought to herself before her thoughts blurred and she breathed no more...


"You okay, mom?" Josh asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, I'm fine...zoned out a bit that's all..." Julian lied trying to recuperate from the memories that had suddenly flashed through her mind before her eyes.

A silence ensued for a few moments until professor oak stood up with a soft groan. Professor oak by now was the ripe age of seventy-five however he did his best not to show his age as he began to speak."I have made a break through in my research. The Pokemon gene's effects are completely reversible as are the vampiric effects they have on the originals and the ones they turned....however....even though I have successfully reverted the effects on Jolt's cells....they died shortly after. Which says to me...that either the cells became dependent on the gene and could not survive afterward or that my methods are inaccurate. Kendory and Meo....i need to ask something of you both.." Professor Oak asked looking grim as he looked at them.

"You need to use us as, gennie Pigs don't you?" Meo replied.

"Unfortunately,yes....however I will not give you the serum until I am one hundred percent sure it will work...i will be using it on your cells and with Kendory's help figure out how to perfect the serum." Professor oak replied.

"very well, together we may figure out how to reverse the effects of the gene." Kendory said looking at Professor oak.

"One more thing....i found out that your emotional limitations are not because of your vampire state....The gene is designed to kill those parts of the brain so that the victims do not feel them. So in essence....your theory was not correct Kendory. You are not soulless corpse....your emotions are simply being suppressed by the gene!" Professor oak said happily at which for the first time that Ashley had ever seen Kendory gasped with a look of pure shock in his eyes that was one hundred percent genuine.

"And your thirst for blood is the end result of your bodies starving for live blood cells because the gene is eating all the living ones. So you feel the need to drink blood to restore your bodies living blood cells supply." Professor oak said beaming even more.

"'s the best news and fruit of my labors, I can shut off the part of the gene that suppresses your emotions with this." Professor oak said holding a small vial."it is a one time dose that will permanently allow you to feel again!" Professor oak finished at which point Kendory did something completely unexpected.

"I beg you Samuel....please give it to me now....I've waited three thousand years to feel again...don't make me wait any longer!" Kendory exclaimed holding Professor oak by the shirt.

"Kendory....." was all Ashley could say as she looked on.

Professor oak looked at Kendory and smiled."Of course, my old friend....follow me if you two Meo." Professor Oak said motioning for Meo to follow them into his lab which was located in the far end of HQ. Just before Kendory walked through the door he made on last glance towards Ashley and then entered.

"I had no idea how much Kendory missed have his emotions..." Ashley said as they walked out of sight into professor oak's lab.

"For someone to live without being able to feel compassion,love, or sadness for so's not surprising that when the possibility come bout he would want it in a heartbeat." Rachel said quietly before glancing over at the door which still remained closed...

"Are you one hundred percent sure this will allow me to feel all my emotions again Samuel?" Kendory asked as Professor Oak attached two vials to two needles.

"I wouldn't be taking such a risk on friends if it wasn't my this may twinge a tad." Professor Oak said as he injected the needle into Kendory's arm and began to inject the contents in.

What happened next made Kendory think"twinge" was SERIOUS understatement as his entire body felt like it was on fire but he did not cry out...moments later though he could seen a panicked look on Professor Oak's face as he could hear the words faintly"Kendory?! What's wrong?! Are you okay?!" Before for the first time in three thousand years he slipped into an uneasy dream....

"Where am I?!" Kendory said allowed into the darkness.

Moments later he found himself in a scene he all too well remembered....

It was the day he was turned.


"So Kendory....what did you think of that demonic Charizard?" A Warturtle said to him as he stood in their village.

"Why waste my time with weakling demons?" Kendory replied at which they both laughed.

"That's so you Kendory...always the trying to be a bigger Pokemon than you are." The Warturtle joked however Kendory was clearly distracted by a brown furred Pikachu who was carrying a leaf wrapped around a bunch of food.

"Ask her out already've been staring at that Pikachu's hind end every time she walks by." The Warturtle said patting him on the back which snapped him out of his gaze.

"What? no...i couldn't, Cider....i mean...she's just too beautiful....i mean....ugh..." Kendory said ending in a groan as he was stumbling over his own words.

" sure know how to pic em...she's oddball of the village....both her parents are Pikachus...and yet she was born with brown fur a tail to match a Furret''s too bad her parents left her at our elder's doorstep...we might have been able to help them...our Elder's guess is that a Furret or two was in the Pikachu bloodline and she happened to get the brunt of the heritage. And most likely those two Pikachus were well respected in their village and an oddity like her around they thought could make them look bad..." Cider finished with a sigh.

"It's sad that even in the our world away from humans...that human traits still flow through some clans." Kendory said with a sigh and turned around.

"Oh looky here...she's coming our way." Cider said with a grin.

"Sh-She's what?!" Kendory said in a panicked tone and used a Pokemon art to make himself poof in a mist of ice. However he didn't move at all...he simply stood there camouflaged.

"Where did Kendory go?" The brown furred Pikachu asked.

"Oh, hey Merry, you know Kendory, he's around...." Cider said with a grin knowing that Kendory was still standing right next to him.

The brown furred Pikachu gave a smile taking the hint from Cider, stood on her hind paws and purposely fluffed the fur around her breasts and let out a sigh."Aww...i was hoping to talk with him..." Merry said and went back to all fours and turned around making sure her tail DID NOT obstruct the view of her cunt as she turned."Well, if you see him around...let him know I want to talk with him...will ya?" Merry asked as she began to walk away.

"Will do!" Cider replied and laid a paw on Kendory's shoulder."Your camouflage technique is getting rusty my friend...she knew you were there the entire time." Cider said with a grin.

"You mean, she did all that to flirt with me?" Kendory asked as he dispelled his art when she was safely out of sight.

" truly are slow my friend...she wants you to mate with her so badly it's almost as if she's in heat." Cider said with a grin.

"Is that all she wants is to be mated by me?" Kendory replied sourly.

"Nah, you know how female's are my friend....unless they like won't have a chance in hell of mating them." Cider said in a matter of fact tone.

"Very true....but even if it was just a one time feel her fur in my paws......her warmth..." Kendory trailed off becoming rather red faced at this point.

"Your a hopeless romantic my friend..." Cider said with a chuckle and walked to his home.

Kendory walked over to a small hill that lay just outside of their village. It had great view of the sunset and sunrise and also a splendid view of the village. However he decided to just lay on it and stare up at the sky for awhile.

Without warning Merry's face popped in front of his view of the sky"Why, hello there handsome." Merry said with a smile at which point Kendory abruptly tried to back-flip onto his feet but stumbled and comically fell down the hill grunting and saying multiple swear words as he rolled down the hill until he came to a halt at the bottom of the hill with his eyes swirling.

As Kendory came to, he opened his eyes to see himself in a small den with a small fire burning not far from him and a little more to his left he could see Merry cutting up some fresh fruits and vegetables as she looked over at him smiling.

"Took quite a fall there,'ve been out for about three hours. How are you feeling?" Merry asked with a smile as she put some of the fruit and vegetables on a leaf and brought them over to him.

"I-I'm fine, thank you." Kendory replied still feeling slightly dazed as he sat up.

"Your just a big klutz around females you like aren't you?" Merry said with a grin at which point Kendory blushed.

"Oh, I must ask....did you know I was standing there when you talked to Cider?" Kendory asked curiously at which point Merry giggled.

"Yes,silly...Cider made it obvious you were..." Merry replied as she at some fruit off her own leaf.

"So, you WERE flirting with me...but why in such a seductive manner? Do you just want to mate with me?" Kendory asked to which Merry replied by shaking her head.

"No, I did that just to be a big tease. I figured it was the only way you'd know I had an interest in you...even if you saw it as a purely sexual one." Merry replied as she attempted to move closer next to Kendory causing his blush to become even more apparent."However If you wished to mate with me...." Merry said as she spread her hind legs apart so that her mound could clearly be see as she laid her head on his shoulder."I would give myself to you without a second thought...." Merry said in a soft yet seductive tone.

"You don't beat around the berry bush, when it comes to what you you?" Kendory replied trying his best not to stare at what she was obviously presenting to him as "eye candy".

Merry giggled at this and smiled."Well, you could say that....but if you don't want me..." Merry trailed off as she closed her hind legs to conceal her mound from view."Then I won't force you too...i don't want to rush things too fast..." Merry said as she took her head off his shoulder and looked at him as he muzzle slowly began to close in on his."I you........alot" She said just before her muzzle locked with his.

What followed was to be a night of passion for Kendory and Merry as they made love both for the first time....

The next day Kendory awoke to the smell of burning wood and deathly silence as he sat up and looked around....however Merry was no where to be seen. Curiously he walked out to see a horrifying scene.

"My village.....Merry? Merry where are you?!" Kendory shouted as he looked around frantically for his new love.

Kendory searched for hours finding several different lifeless bodies until he found her dead buried in the ruble of destroyed small wooden house that was home to a squirtle who made flower bouquets."No...." Kendory said as he held his lifeless love in his arms as tears filled his eyes, down his cheeks and onto her fur. It was then he noticed...two small bite marks in her neck at which he knew what was responsible and moments later his attention was changed to distant sounds of battle no too far away.

Kendory now filled with a deep rage laid his love down softly, dug a hole in the ground, laid her in it, and covered her in dirt."Rest in love...i will avenge your death." Kendory said softly, stood up and charged towards the sounds of battle...

Kendory arrived to see several of his fellow clan members who were Pokemon art and divine art masters alike fighting multiple creatures at once and wasted no time getting into the fray.

"Pokemon art: replication technique!" Kendory said aloud in a foreign language at which point multiple versions of himself appeared."Pokemon art: Ice dagger barrage!" The replicas all called out at once and in mere moments the sky was filled with a hail of icy daggers killing multiple foes.

"Pokemon art: Icy mist technique!" Kendory shouted as several creatures charged at him.

The mist formed in mere seconds and five of the eight creatures that once charged at him were frozen solid and were shattered into fragments of ice shards moments later as Kendory used his speed and strength to strike all the frozen creatures in mere seconds leaving the remaining three creatures wondering where he was and scared.

"Pokemon art: Frozen Tundra!" Kendory called out from behind the creatures at which point they turned around only to see a wave of freezing cold water rushing at them and upon impact shot them up into the air, froze them solid and were shattered mere seconds mid-air later as well.

Kendory then dispelled the mist mid-air and landed in his feet ice kuni bared and ready to combat any other foe who wanted to fight him.

"Kendory! Thank god your here! We have been struggling against these fiends for hours now since they ambushed out village! Where have you been?!" Cider said walking up to him and putting his back to Kendory's.

"Never mind that...who's responsible for Merry's death?" Kendory asked aloud at which point Cider pointed at a creature who was currently fighting multiple Pokemon arts masters with a evil grin on his face.

"Thank you..." Kendory said and dashed towards it followed closely by Cider.

"As I's a vampire breed...." Kendory thought as he slammed his paws together staring at it with a deep hatred."Forbidden Pokemon art:" Kendory began to say at which point Cider gasped.

"Kendory! You can't! Those arts are forbidden for a reason!" Cider protested but Kendory wasn't listening.

"Devil's advocate, blade summoning technique!!!!!" Kendory called out and slammed his paw into the ground. Moments later a dark and sinister glyph appeared on the ground where he had once placed his paw followed by a malicious looking sword rising from within the glyph.

"Kendory....if you take a hold of that sword...when the purpose you have set in place for summoning it has been'll lose your life!" Cider exclaimed looking at Kendory shocked.

"I have nothing left to live for, my friend....the one I love is is only fitting that I avenge her death and join her soon after." Kendory said and took a hold of the sword.

Moments after taking hold of the sword Kendory felt it his body pulse with dark energy. He then charged at the vampire."This is for my love, Merry!!!!!!" He screamed as he swung at the vampire who swiftly dodged.

One warrior who was taken back by the sudden appearance of Kendory gasped at the sight of the sword." that the Devil's advocate sword?" The warrior asked.

"This is my battle now...everyone go and fend off the hordes of creatures! It has been an honor to fight along side of you for all these years...." Kendory said and everyone looked on for a moment before leaving him to fight the vampire alone except for Cider who hung around to say"Rest in peace my friend..." and left him to fight shortly after.

"Oh, fancy sword you got there mortal....a pity it won't do you any good if you can't hit me." The Vampire said with a cackle.

"You took the life of my love....prepare to be slain creature of darkness!" Kendory yelled and charged at the vampire who swiftly dodged each swing of his blade with ease cackling each time it did so.

"A powerful sword won't do you any good if you can't..." The vampire trailed off before it suddenly appeared in front of him."Hit me!" It said as it struck him hard in the chest knocking the wind out of Kendory as he fell to his knees with the sword being the only thing holding him up.

"A pity...your the strongest of your clan....and yet you are as weak as the other mortals...." The vampire whispered into his ear just before he took hold of the sword and kicked Kendory causing him to lose grip of it as he tumbled into a backward roll before he landed on his feet mid roll and skidded back.

"That's not the only power that sword grants me...." Kendory said as he put his paws together"Finishing art: Devil's advocate blast technique!!!!" Kendory called out before firing it at the Vampire at which point the sword disappeared from the vampire's grasp.

As the beam sailed towards the vampire it took the shape of a skull with a glowing red jewel in its forehead and looked as if it hit home as the explosion occurred.

"My are..." Kendory said trailing off as he fell flat on his chest feeling the life slowly drained out of him.

As Kendory lay their motionless the vampire appeared next to him."You are far too powerful to let I shall bestow on you the gift of our can thank me later...because now you can spend an eternity searching for me to slay me Kendory......heh, name is.....Deathmaker...." Deathmaker trailed off and sunk his fangs into Kendory's throat at which point his eyes jolted wide open as he screamed out in horror and pain until he slipped into unconsciousness.

Kendory slowly opened his eyes and looked around...everyone was dead....including his best friend Cider who lay lifeless beside him."Why am I not dead? I should be so..i used the forbidden Pokemon art..." Kendory said aloud looking around.

Kendory looked at Cider and an overwhelming thirst began to surge through him. He then without warning bit Cider's throat and began to suck his blood growling and snarling as he did so. It wasn't until he had had his first fill of blood that his mind cleared and the horrifying truth became apparent.

"I have become what I have lived to slay...." Kendory said in a shaky tone which cracked as he spoke as he stared at his friend's neck now with fresh fang marks in them and his muzzle covered in fresh blood.

Without warning he rose both his paws up to the sky, looked up, and screamed"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" At the top of his lungs for so long before he let himself fall flat on Cider's corpse feeling anger and rage. Instead of sadness which he knew he should have felt but did not.

After a few moments he then recalled the vampires words."You are far too powerful to let I shall bestow on you the gift of our can thank me later...because now you can spend an eternity searching for me to slay me Kendory......heh, name is.....Deathmaker...."

Kendory then stood up and ran off in the opposite direction leaving his clan members behind as well as his past...


"Why do you show me such painful memories?!" Kendory called out into the darkness only to open his eyes moments later to see Professor Oak and Meo standing over him looking worried.

"Are you okay, Kendory? You gave us quite a scare there." Professor ask said calmly.

"Yes, I am alright...sorry for worrying you..." Kendory said and then paused as his eyes widened."I just cared about the fact you worried about me...." Kendory said in a stunned tone.

"I knew it would work!" Professor oak shouted with a smile on his face.

"I....can...feel god.....thank you so much Samuel!" Kendory exclaimed and gave Professor oak a hug."Oh, look at this. I am feeling grateful now!" Kendory exclaimed absolutely delighted at the new feelings he could now feel again.

Professor oak simply chuckled at this"Your welcome my friend. We are now one step closer to making you a normal Pokemon again.

Kendory then ran out to everyone in the meeting room with a genuine smile on his face"I can feel again!" Kendory said aloud happily.

"That's great news, Kendory!" Ashley said with a smile as she ran over and hugged him.

" is."Kendory stuttered trying to back away and fell onto his shell unable to get up due to stumbling over his own footing.

"Are you always this much of a klutz around females?" Ashley giggled as she helped him back to his feet.

For a brief moment Kendory could have swore he saw his love Merry standing before him but after a few moments he realized it as only Ashley. It was then at that moment he had realized why he trained Ashley and hung around her so much....she reminded him of Merry...

"I know this is a time for joy and such..but we need to be thinking how we are going to launch a full offensive on Christopher's HQ now that everyone is back." Josh said calmly with a smile.

"Understood. I should head back to the and help professor oak research that gene." Kendory said and turned and went back into the lab.

Meo came out a few moments later but didn't act the same as Kendory did...he simply sat down with a smile on his face as Josh began to explain how they were going to front an offensive on Christopher's HQ...

"This how we are going to do this..." Josh said and began to explain the battle plan......

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