AGNPH Stories





"Now that everyone is back home safe and sound we can finally attack Chris head on!" Josh said as he turned around and pressed a button on his console when caused a large screen to appear showing the Jhoto region.

"Our sources tell us that Chris's HQ is here." Josh said pointing at a section of the screen at which the image began to zoom in as he held his paw there until it stopped however over a small portion of land."This is where we have estimated Chris's HQ to be and our spies have confirmed this." Josh said as he began to pace back and forth."As you know all the rebel leaders have kept in close contact with each other in the underground communications network. We have all agreed. The time is now. When we arrive at our rendezvous point we will be meeting up with other rebellion leaders and their followers." Josh said pointing to another spot on the screen that caused the image to zoom in on that spot as well."After we have met up with the other rebellion leaders,we will then make our way to the attack point. We will need a distraction to make it past the primitive guards to avoid an early warning for Chris until we are ready to strike. That is where you come in Camellia. You and three other females who also have similar skills to your own will provide a distraction to the guards. After we have made it past you will then dispatch the guards and meet up at this rendezvous point with the other females." Farther briefing will be done at the rendezvous point. So we move out now." Josh finished at which point everyone began to prepare to leave.

Josh then walked up to professor oak and Rachel."your job will be to survey the area as we move in using the GPS locators on all of us. They will give you both an in depth view of our surroundings. If you see anything out of the ordinary alert us asap." Josh said and turned around to walked over to Cash. Shortly after Julian walked up to Rachel.

"Come back safely Julian." Was all Rachel said as Julian stood on her hind paws and gave her mother a tight hug.

"I will, don't worry mom." Julian replied with a smile and turned to join the others.

After everyone was ready and prepared they left through the front door and began to make their way to the rendezvous point and met with the other rebel leaders....

Ashley looked around curiously at so many different Pokemon she had not seen before in curiosity."I wonder if anyone here has abilities similar to my own." Ashley thought to herself just before they stopped and everyone sat down to rest.

"Ah,Josh! Welcome to our little camp." An Alakazam said with a smile as he extended a paw at which point Josh stood on his hind paws and shook it.

"So this is all we have?" Josh asked looking around.

"Well, we have about five hundred rebels in all including your group which consists of mostly genetically altered Pokemon. Which we think will give us an edge against Chris's forces." The Alakazam replied.

"Chris's forces are in the thousands. A lot of Pokemon here are going to lose their lives today." Josh said in an undertone.

"Everyone here is ready to give their life in order to defeat Chris one and for all. What has most the rebel's concerned is Chris's top general." The Alakazam said at which point Julian and Ashley walked over both hearing this.

"That's my son your talking about..." Julian said aloud at which point a lot of the rebel's stared at Josh's ground for a few moments and then went back to their private conversations.

"Mom, could you be any louder?" Josh replied with an annoyed tone.

"You mean to say, That General Joltarious is her son and your brother?!" The Alakazam replied in a shocked tone to Josh.

"'s a long story but we will have to cover it later. The point is, my group is ready to deal with him and knows what they have to do if the time comes." Josh said looking back to his family and back to the Alakazam.

"I certainly hope so. Personal emotions can lead to defeat on the battlefield. Briefing is in three hours. The leaders need to now talk about the strategies our squads will be conducting." The Alakazam said motioning for Josh to follow.

As Josh followed the Alakazam to the other rebel leaders Ashley sat down next to her mother and let out a sigh. "I don't know how I will react when I see him after three years..." Ashley said looking at her mother with a saddened look.

Julian sighed and looked at her daughter."There may be nothing left of your brother in that monster Ashley. I know it's hard to accept but-" Julian said but was cut off mid-sentence by Ashley without warning lifting a Scyther up by the throat.

"DON'T YOU EVER LET ME HEAR YOU CALL MY BROTHER A MONSTER AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME?!" Ashley shrieked and threw the Scyther to the ground at which point is skidded for a few feet on it's ass looking at Ashley with a terrified expression on it's face.

"Ashley! What in the world's gotten into you?!" Julian asked in a panicked tone clearly not hearing what the Scyther had said.

"They called Jolt a monster....I heard them." Ashley said in a low tone.

"So you're the daughter of the genetically altered Pikachu I've heard about." The Scyther said standing up after it regained it's composure.

"What of it?" Ashley said turning around to glare at the Scyther.

"You don't belong with us! I've heard of your power! I bet you even made a deal with Chris to gain that power! There's no way any normal Pokemon could be born with even greater power than Chris!" The Scyther retorted.

Ashley was just about to go beat the living shit out of it when to her shock Julian suddenly dashed forward and clocked the Scyther square in the face sending it flying twenty feet away from her and just before it landed on the ground she appeared under it and grabbed it by the chest and slammed it on the ground and looked down on it holding the Scyther there."If I EVER hear you talking about any of my children like that again....fighting my son will be the LEAST of your worries! Do you understand me young Scyther?!" Julian said in a very pissed off tone at which the Scyther nodded shaking in fear."And just so you know. I did not use my full strength when I punched you." Julian said and stood up and walked away.

As Julian walked away another Scyther walked up to her."I'm sorry for my brother's actions. He has a lot of issues." The Scyther said and bowed.

"My Children are all I have left in this world...and if it comes down to it....i will end Jolt's life myself. I brought him into this's only fitting I take him out of it." Julian said in a low tone and walked back to Ashley who stood there looking shocked.

"We are certainly making a grand impression with the others..." Kendory said in a low tone.

"Tell me about it. But everyone is tense because of the up coming battle. I mean this is it you know? The all or nothing battle." Meo said fidgeting were he sat.

"Try to calm yourself. Remember, unlike the others we can't be killed by anything less than having our heads sliced off." Kendory said calmly.

"How can you be so calm?" Meo asked still fidgeting.

"I have seen many wars in my time, many of which I fought in. I'd be lying my tail off if I said I wasn't nervous. But I have learned to control my emotions even before I was turned.

Meanwhile Misty was looking over curiously at the group of humans who were talking amongst themselves."I thought me and professor oak were the only humans left..." Misty said to Charlie who glanced over at the group of humans.

Just then one of the humans walked over to Misty and smiled."It's nice to know there are other human's still alive in this world other than us..and a good looking one at that. My name is Richard." Richard said and extended a hand.

"My name is Misty. And thanks for the complement." Misty said with a smile and shook Richard's hand.

"So, I'm willing to bet your single." Richard said with a grin.

", I have a boyfriend." Misty said with a blush.

"Oh? Who?" Richard replied with a confused expression looking around at which point Charlie stepped up.

"I'm her boyfriend." Charlie said placing his around around Misty at which Misty's blush became even more apparent.

Richard looked at Misty and Charizard in disbelief for a moment until he regain his composure and cleared his throat."I'm sorry. But you can't be serious." Richard said with a chuckle at which point Charlie growled and Misty's face went from blushing to pissed off.

"Now I know what Ash went through." Misty thought to herself with a sigh."Yes, Charlie is my boyfriend. If you got a problem with it, then take a hike!" Misty said retorted with a glare.

Richard was taken back by this statement and then let out a sigh of his own."My apologies, Misty. I just never heard of a Pokemon and human in a serious relationship before. It's kind of a hard pill to swallow if you get my meaning." Richard said and looked to Charlie."I'm sorry for insulting your relationship...Charlie was it?" Richard said in a genuine apologetic tone extending a hand.

Charlie glared for a moment before Misty elbowed him in the side whispering."Be nice! He is saying he is sorry for peats sake dear!" at which point he looked at Misty then to Richard and extended a paw shaking Richard's hand.

"Apology accepted." Charlie said in a calm tone.

"So, that device around your neck lets you speak our language I take it?" Richard asked curiously at which Charlie nodded.

"It's called the pokespeak translator. It translates what we say in real time so everything we say comes out in plain English. Without it. This rebel alliance would not exist." Charlie said at which point Richard nodded.

"Too true. I must admit I was shocked when I first heard your leader's Voice over the underground communications network. I knew it was a Pikachu's voice just by hearing it but it being spoken in plain English is what blew me away." Richard replied with a smile.

"You can thank Professor oak for this device. He truly is a Genius." Charlie said with a smile.

"The legendary professor oak is still alive eh? We didn't know if he was killed or age got to him." Richard replied.

"He's still alive and hard at work trying to find a cure for the Pokemon gene. Those two over there are victims of it." Misty said pointing to Meo and Kendory.

"Those poor souls....but are you sure they are safe to be around?" Richard asked curiously.

"I've lived with them for quite awhile. And I trust them with my life." Misty replied with a smile.

"Briefing starts in five minuets! All personnel please report to the meeting area." Alakazam's voice echoed in everyone's head.

"Leave it to a psychic Pokemon to send a loudspeaker announcement through telepathy." Richard said with a chuckle."I guess that's our cue. I'll hopefully see you again after this is all over." Richard said with a smile and walked over to the others in his rebel group.

"If he keeps on flirting with you I'll make sure he doesn't have anything left to flirt with." Charlie said in an undertone at which Misty giggled.

"Jealous much dear?" Misty said with a giggle.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Charlie said in an annoyed tone as everyone began to gather at the meeting spot.

"Just a little." Misty said with a grin.

Once everyone was in the meeting area the Alakazam then spoke."As you all know, this is our final stand against Christopher. There is a very good chance that many of your may not return alive, so if any of you have any doubts, I suggest you leave now." The Alakazam said and paused for a moment waiting to see if anyone stood up to leave. When no one did he then continued.

"After many hours of combing our strategies and forming better ones we have finally devised one that will allow us access into Christopher's fortress. We will all split into squads of which each squad will be assigned a squad leader. You are to follow your squad leader's order's without question. Failing to do so could result in our entire offensive being destroyed if a single order is not followed. I will now assign squad's and their leader's." The Alakazam said and began to point out each individual member for each squad.

After the Alakazam had appointed everyone to a squad he then began to appoint the squad leaders until he got down to the last few."Ashley will be Squad twenty-five's leader. Julian will be squad twenty-six's leader. And finally, Josh will be Squad twenty-seven's leader. Will each squad leader please report to me for a paper detailing your briefing on your personal assignment for our offensive please.

After the Alakazam handing everyone their briefing papers Ashley gasped as she looked at her's."Why am I assigned to the distraction squad? And you expect me to do this?!" Ashley said with a angry look on her face.

"I tried to explain it to them Ashley...but since you're female the majority of leader's thought it would be best if you were leader of the distraction squad." Josh said and sighed.

"You do realize that I am the most powerful of all everyone here right?" Ashley said still not happy with her orders.

"Exactly, which is why we assigned you to the distraction squad. We want a Pokemon with the ability to protect the weakest of the offensive with ease. Do not worry. You will get your chance to fight once your initial mission is complete." The Alakazam said and placed a paw on her shoulder.

"Just so you know...i do not enjoy playing slut for anyone...but I will do it if it means helping the rebellion make it past the guards" Ashley finished with a growl.

Ashley then went to meet up with her squad which consisted of a .Azumarill, Leafeon, Umbreon,Floatzel,Glaceon, Eevee, Charizard,Lopbunny , and Camellia. Which were all female.

"so, how many of you actually wanted to play slut for this mission?" Ashley asked in a sour tone.

Camellia instantly raised her paw with a grin."I don't mind it sis. Plus it's always fun to get a new cock in me." Camellia said with a grin at which the Lopbunny giggled.

"I know what you mean Ashley. However I wish I could find a male to settle down with. Sure the sex is great...but where's the love?" The Lopbunny said and let out a sigh.

"I never thought of it like that..." Ashley said with a thoughtful glance.

"Okay, enough idle chat. Our mission is to meet the male guards at the gate and seduce them. Let's pray there are no female's among them or we are screwed...and not in a good way." Ashley added making a pun but no one laughed."Our cover is we are a group of female's who are scouting along the path and unintentionally stumbled upon them. After the rebel forces have successfully made it past the gate we are to dispatch the guards without hesitation. In other words if your close to orgasm when I give the signal...too bad...rub yourself to climax if you have to afterward but when I give the signal we kill the guards no waiting. That's if you are actually going to be enjoying this mission....also...I must make it control your sex not lose control of yourselves. Remember this is a distraction not an orgy. If you get lost in your lust then you can potentially miss my signal and endanger our mission. That CAN NOT happen." Ashley finished making it a point to emphasize the words"can not" in her sentence.

"After we have killed the guards we are to meet up with Josh's Squad and assist them. I assume you are all combat able, so this won't be hard to do." Ashley finished.

"What do we do if the guards catch on?" The Eevee asked nervously.

"If they do catch on then take care of them immediately. And in any case where things go from bad to worse...well lets just say I was assigned to be squad leader for a reason." Ashley said at which she looked to everyone else whose squads which were preparing to leave.

"Okay, we need to go ahead of the others so lets move out." Ashley said and her Squad followed her."Squad twenty-five is now heading to it's destination. All Squads stand by for confirmation." Ashley said into her come device at which all the squad leaders replied"affirmative".

Ashley's squad then made there way to the gate stopping just before they got close."Okay's action time. Take these to prevent any unplanned pregnancies." Ashley said handing the girl's each a anti-pregnancy pill.

"Remember...if things get bad give the signal immediately." Ashley said and motioned for them to all follow.

As the females approached the gate they began to create a fake conversation which they all devised on the way to the gate.

"HALT! Who goes there?!" One of the male Guards shouted approaching them.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. We are a Pokemon scouts group and we were just exploring this place off-limits or something?" Ashley replied in the sexiest tone she could muster as other guards began to approach them.

"Yes it is. I suggest if you value your lives you walk in the opposite direction now." The guard said in an ordering tone.

" seem very tense...and so do your male friends..." Ashley said with a seductive grin as she walked up to the male Houndoom with a sexy walk to match her voice at which the Lopbunny then spoke up on cue.

"These guys are hot." The Lopbunny said in a fake whisper making sure that the guards could hear as the other females agreed also in fake whispers.

"Ahem, well yes..this is a very tough job. We are very tense because we have to guard this area from gets pretty lonely....if you know what I mean..." The guard said in a masculine tone clearly starting to take the bait.

" must be pretty lonely our here with no way to find a way to release all that tension..." Ashley said in the same sexy tone as she brushed her tail up against the Houndoom.

The other female's then used this sentence as a cue and began to begin the next part of their fake conversation.

" you know how long it's been since I've been mated? And just looking at these males is making me wet." The female Eevee said in a fake whisper.

"I know....but they would never go for us. They are too busy with their jobs." The Azumarill replied in a fake whisper.

"You think we could get some action out of these guys?" The Umbreon replied in a fake Whisper.

"Doubt it. They are probably not interested in us." The Charizard replies in the same fake whisper.

"You don't know till you try." The Floatzel said with a giggle in the same fake whisper as the others.

At this point the guard motioned for his fellow guards to come over to him."If you'll excuse us for a moment females." The Houndoom said with a smile and walked over to the other guards.

Ashley listened intently able to hear every word they whispered amongst each other with her power hearing ability.

"These females totally want us." The Houndoom whispered with a grin.

"You sure about that? Maybe it's a trap of some kind." The male Growlithe guard replied in a whisper.

"Aw, come on...these females lay a trap for us? Come on. They look like they could barely harm a butterfree!" The male Zangoose guard replied.

"I say we mate them and if they look like they are laying a trap of some kind we kill them. Either way we get some good mating and I could use some Pikachu cunt." The male Houndoom said with a grin looking over at Ashley.

"Alright. I'll get the others over here and we'll mate the hell out of them." The male Zangoose guard replied.

The Houndoom then turned and walked over Ashley and the other Females."From the looks of female's are looking kind of lonely yourselves. If you want we could have a nice fun time....if you get my drift." The Houndoom said with a grin.

"Mmm....i like your thinking...what you think girls? Should we give these males some fun?" Ashley asked looking over at the others who on cue all nodded in agreement.

"I want that Zangoose....he looks hot." The Lopbunny said in a seductive tone as she fluffed up the fur around her breasts revealing her erect nipples.

"Okay. You got yourselves some cunt...but we are not going to mate in the open...i mean it would be embarrassing if anyone caught us. Can you meet us over there?" Ashley asked in a sexy tone pointing in the direction of a thick forest.

"Sure." The Houndoom said with a grin.

At which point Ashley and the females then headed into the thick forest.

"Okay girls. Remember. Does lose yourselves and when I give the know what to do." and all the female's nodded.

About ten minuets later ten to twenty male guards walked into the brush were they stood.

Ashley then discreetly turned on her com device for a moment and said"Alright. The Fun is here!" And shut it off just as discreetly giving the cue to the other rebel's to begin to advance.

"I swore i'd never let any cock inside other than Jolt's once I got my memories....i guess i'm going to have to though...i'm sorry Jolt." Ashley thought to herself as the Houndoom positioned itself to enter her.

Meanwhile Camellia wasted no time in allowing the Growlithe to enter her and began to moan in ecstasy with each thrust.

As the Houndoom began to thrust it's cock into Ashley she tried her best not to enjoy the feeling, However her body was saying otherwise as her fake moans soon turned to real ones."Uhh..damn it....i shouldn't be enjoying this....but it's been so long....i guess I better enjoy the ride...." Ashley thought shamefully as her moans became more intense with each thrust.

Ashley looked over to the other females who were now getting their cunts fucked or giving blow-jobs to the other male guards.

The Lopbunny was now riding the Zangoose screaming in ecstasy with each time she thrust the Zangoose's cock into her. While Eevee gripped the dirt as she moaned with each thrust from a male Flareon as the words"Harder...." and "Faster..." Escaped her muzzle ever so often in a lustful whisper.

Glaceon however was screaming"Fuck me harder!!!" between loud moans as a male Raichu thrust into her.

"Damn it...i told them not to get lost in their lust!" Ashley thought to herself in an annoyed tone. However she was beginning to find it very hard not to get lost in her own lust as the Houndoom's thrusting became even faster and harder.

After a few moments Ashley got lost in her own lust and began to scream as loud as the Glaceon as the words"Fuck me faster! Make me cum!!!" came out in almost a shriek as she clamped down on the Houndoom's cock.

Meanwhile Umbreon was bucking to a male Typhlosion's thrusting rubbing her clit between her hind legs as the Typhlosion continued to thrust into her.

Leafeon and Floatzel were now in foursome with a male Sneasel and a male Ursaring. Leafeon screamed out in ecstasy as her cunt was being thrust into by the Sneasel while she licked Floatzel's cunt as Floatzel gave the Ursaring a blow-job which moaned as she sucked it greedily.

Ashley was the first to climax having not been mated in so long her ability to hold off orgasm was a bit rusty...not like she wanted to though as she clenched on the Houndoom's cock with her vaginal muscles as her Chu cunt squirted it's juices shortly after she felt the Houndoom's cock knot her and shoot hot cum into her shortly after causing her to grip the dirt as her cum fetish she had forgotten about came back ten fold as the feeling of the Houndoom's cum shooting into her sent her into a second orgasm moments after the first.

Ashley panted loudly as she recovered from her double orgasm. A few moments later her mind then began to clear remembering she was in fact still on a mission."Time to wrap this up...but I got to wait for this Houndoom's knot to go down before I do I need to wait for that or I will be in serious trouble if they catch on while I'm knotted like this." Ashley thought to herself.

While Ashley waited for the Houndoom's knot to go down she watched as the other female's one after the other hit orgasm as did the males shortly after.

Finally after what seemed to be forever the Houndoom's Knot slipped out of her cunt which immediately began to drip with the Houndoom's and her cum sliding down her hind legs and onto the ground as well.

However Before Ashley could react she felt two cocks intrude into her cunt and tail hole sending a wave of pleasure through her body that fogged up her mind once again as she began to moan and feel her climax slowly build anew. "T-That's...n-new....never had two cocks inside me at once before..." Ashley said between moans not taking the time to look behind herself to which males were inside her this she couldn't. she was two far gone to the world due to the feeling of two cocks inside her that felt so good as they thrust in and out of her causing her to scream out in pleasure as each one reentered her holes filling what seemed to be the deepest depths and hitting every single pleasure button inside her at once. Ashley did not last long as the most powerful orgasm she could honestly ever remember having was now occurring as she clamped down like a vice grip on the male's cock inside her cunt, gripped the dirt VERY hard, and screamed at the top of her lungs"PIII-KAAAA-CHUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" as wave after wave of her climax hit her. At this precise moment her cunt was little pouring with her fem juices like a faucet left on in the kitchen.

Ashley panted loudly as her heart raced while her body felt as if it had another orgasm it would explode. However Ashley had little time to recover as the two cocks continued to thrust into her sending more waves of pleasure throughout her body. A part of was screaming for this sex fest to end while another part of her was screaming even louder"GIVE IT TO ME HARDER!" in fact these words are exactly what came thundering out of Ashley's muzzle as her pleasure continued to mount.

After a few moments she heard the male Houndoom say"suck it." her eyes jolted open to see the Houndoom erect cock inches from her muzzle. Ashley without hesitation took the Houndoom's cock into her muzzle as the sudden ambition to have all three of her holes stuffed with cock surprised even her own self with this new desire.

"Look at me...I've become a slut...." Ashley thought shamefully as she moaned in ecstasy as she sucked the Houndoom's cock with each thrust into her holes."But....this feeling....this feeling of having every part of me that could be filled with feels so body just doesn't want it to don't don't want it to stop...i love this feeling...I guess...doing this just once....the desire to have every part of me filled that I didn't even know I had.....fulfilling that desire just this once...and never again. Yes, that will be okay." Ashley thought to herself and a few moments later screamed out again in ecstasy however this scream was muffled by the Houndoom's cock in her muzzle at the moment as yet another climax hit her.

Camellia meanwhile was now riding a male Charizard as she looked over to her sister"Damn...Ashley is genuinely having a blast over there.....poor Chu...i wonder if she's ever been in a foursome before....then again..judging by her sudden shriek in pleasure awhile back when she screamed our Pokemon name and the fact she looked as if she had the most powerful climax of her life..she's probably never experienced anything like this before. I know it took me a few times to be able to control myself in a threesome...Then again..Ashley probably is feeling guilty that she is enjoying it so much, knowing her. She's not a slut like I am." Camellia thought to herself then turned her head back to face the Charizard as she continued to ride the Charizard's cock.

"I-I-I need to wrap this up...." Ashley thought to herself as she panted loudly recovering from her powerful orgasm. However much to her horror/delight the two cocks that were thrusting into her holes suddenly erupted with hot semen once again propelling her to yet another climax like a bullet-train as she screamed out in ecstasy once again only to practically gag as the Houndoom's cock began to shoot it's hot seed into her muzzle which Ashley swallowed and began to suck greedily for every last drop.

After what seemed like an eternity to her she suddenly felt each cock one by one withdraw from her holes leaving her laying on the ground panting VERY loudly as cum dripped from every hole down her hind legs and her muzzle. Ashley clung to consciousness as she lay there clearly with a feeling of satisfaction and a smile on her face to match it.

After about ten more minuets she finally felt strength return to her as she stood up on all fours looking around.

This was Ashley's cue to wrap this up."Fun's over Girls!" Ashley said aloud at which point Ashley used her Irontail Blade attack to kill the Houndoom and any other guards within range of her attacks at which point the other female's followed suit dispatching each of the males with their own special attacks.

After a intense battle all the females stood next to each other panting many of which were still recovering from their orgasms despite being able to kill the guards in this state.

"Gawd...that Raichu's cum is still dripping out of me!" Glaceon said looking behind herself as cum continued to drip down her hind legs.

"I think most of these guards hadn't mated in a long time..." Ashley replied still feeling the cum drip from each of her holes.

"Everyone who still has male cum dripping from their cunt say aye!" Camellia said with a grin at which point all the females including Ashley said "aye" and all giggled shortly after including Ashley who hated to admit she missed the feeling of cum dripping down her hind legs.

"I told you girls not to get lost in your lust." Ashley said after a few moments in an annoyed tone.

"Oh, don't even sis! I distinctly remember you screaming, Fuck me faster! Make me cum!!!" Camellia said trying to strike her best Ashley impression at which point Ashley blushed beat red and the other females giggled.

"I couldn't help it! You do realize it's been three years since I have been mated right?" Ashley retorted trying to defend herself.

"And by a three Pokemon at once at were clearly lost to the world in your own lust sis. Camellia replied with a grin.

"Well fun's over. We need to now go and assist Josh's Squad. From here own out things get lethal. So be ready to fight at your best." Ashley said aloud and all the females nodded and followed Ashley as she made her way into the fortress where the faint sounds of combat could be heard.

Meanwhile Josh's Squad was in battle with many of Chris's forces...

"Take this!" Josh said as he threw a small device on the ground which after a few moments exploded into thousands of small spikes impaling the group of robots and many Pokemon killing them instantly.

Cash charged at several Deathroids along side of Erick reaching into his small pack and pulled out several cards."It's a full house baby!" Cash called out charging electricity into the cards and through them at the Deathroid stunning it momentarily at which point Erick jumped up claws bared and began to stab repetitively at the Deathroids's head.

Erick then charged at the a group of ten Deathroids and stood in place."CLEAR A PATH!" He yelled out giving the cue for several rebels to quickly move out of the way as his left arm converted into a laser cannon."Hey, Tin-cans! I got a message for Chris! Tell him this is what he gets when he hurts innocent Pokemon!" Erick yelled out and fired his Laser cannon.

The beam sailed down impaling five Deathroids through the chest which exploded shortly afterward and severally damaged many others.

Josh suddenly found himself surrounded by several Deathroids and looked around himself in fear as they all armed their guns and prepared to fire.

"Pokemon art: Lightning strike!" Ashley's voice called out as she appeared above the group of Deathroids in a burst of electricity and charged at one impaling it through the head." Bloodline Pokemon art: Lightning vortex!" Ashley called out as her entirely body began to become engulfed in electricity as she spun around very fast creating what looked like a small electrical tornado to Josh. And sailed through each Deathroid's Chest in a circular motion until they all fell down and self-combusted shortly afterward.

Ashley then landed next to her brother shortly afterward and drew her sword she held on her back in a sheath."Having a little trouble bro?" Ashley said as she defended herself against a Pokedroid.

"Just a little. And your late." Josh replied.

"Sorry, I got held up." Ashley replied as she killed the Pokedroid with one finally slash.

"I'll smell like male cum." Josh said waving a paw as he held his nose causing Ashley to blush.

"It's not my fault the males wouldn't stop." Ashley retorted with an annoyed expression on her face as Camellia ran up to them.

"More like Ashley here got to experience a foursome for the first time in her life and loved it!" Camellia chimed in with a grin at which point Ashley's face went beat red with embarrassment.

"Do you have to say everything?!" Ashley exclaimed angrily at her sister.

"Umm...females.....FOCUS!" Josh said as he pointed to two Deathroids approached them.

Ashley then jumped up, balled up a paw into a fist, and clocked one of the Deathroids in the face literally sending it's head flying off it's shoulders into the outer wall of Chris's fortress with a loud explosion. She then turned around and punched the second Deathroid midair still in the chest leaving a small hole in it's chest as it went flying back into the outer wall as well and exploded upon impact.

As Ashley landed on the ground she looked at Camellia who gulped loudly."Sorry, sis...i didn't mean to piss you off." Camellia said with a sweatdrop.

Meanwhile Julian's squad had successfully infiltrated Chris's Fortress and were sneaking around...

"Remember...our job is to locate Chris's throne room and kill him...our mission is the most important of them we can't fuck up..if we's all over." Julian said to her Squad which consisted of a Poliwrath, Kadabra, Golem, and a Scyther.

"Umm..Miss. Julian...I'm sorry for insulting your daughter like that..." Scyther said in a whisper.

"It's alright...i suppose I acted a tad rashly myself....but for now we need to focus on the mission. Remember...Pokemon and humans alike are fighting together as one and giving their lives to save our world from Chris's rein of terror. We can't afford to let their sacrifices be in vein. After this is all over...i hope we can all live in peace..." Julian said as they made their way through a small hall and past a few guards thanks to Kadabra using his psychic power to distract them.

"Okay, were once a prisoner you know where to go?" Julian asked not sure where to go.

"Yes, follow me." Scyther said and everyone followed him through several more halls narrowly evading guards.

" easy..." Julian thought to herself feeling uneasy about how well they had sneaked through the halls with little or no security.

"There! That's Chris's throne room!" Scyther exclaimed in a whisper.

"Okay, everyone...this is it! Be ready!" Julian said as they all dashed for the door. Julian punched the door down with her paw balled up into a fist to see a seemingly empty room.

"It's empty?!" Julian exclaimed confused.

"No, Chris's throne is right there see!" Scyther said leading them in.

"He must have left to do battle with the rebels or something." Golem said looking around.

"Something's not right here....our intelligence said that Chris almost never leaves his throne room..." Kadabra said in an uneasy tone.

"I couldn't agree more Kadabra...something is not right here....could it be a-" Julian began to say but was cut off by Poliwrath yelling"IT'S A TRAP!!!!" as she whirled around to see everyone in mere moments with the exception of her and the Scyther being held by Vampire Pokemon.

Moments later a faint clapping could be heard until a figure step in from the shadows of the door frame."Well done Scyther....just like we always planned." Chris said with a malicious grin at which point Julian's face snapped in Scyther's direction with a feeling of shock and betrayal at she looked at him.


"You never had a chance like this do you think the information of the location of my fortress got out? Surely you don't think I would allow such vital information to float around my kingdom unchecked...Scyther was my spy...i gave him the information and told him to give it to your pathetic rebel leaders...i lowered my security to allow you to easily get to my throne room" Chris said with an evil grin clearly enjoying the fact that this new information was having such a horrifying effect on her. " was all planned from the start.....what better what to wipe out the rebellion against me then bait them into a trap and exterminate them like the pests they are...." Chris said with an evil grin and signaled his vampire guards at which point Julian watched in horror as the vampire Pokemon sunk their fangs into her fellow rebels growling loudly as they all screamed out in agony.

"YOU BASTARD!" Julian shrieked and charged at Chris faster than he predicted and slammed him into the wall."Where's my son, you fucking freak of nature!?" Julian exclaimed with a paw around Chris's throat.

Chris's guards began to charge forward until he motioned for them to stop."You can't choke me to death Julian....but if you must know...General Joltarious is on a special assignment..." Chris said and used his psychic power to eject her five feet from him."Since your clearly in the mood....and I'm the sporting type...let us have one final battle..." Chris said with a grin motioning for his guards to stay put."No one interfere! This battle is between me and Julian!" Chris exclaimed at which point Jessica walked into the room.

"Oh this should be good...." Jessica said with a grin as she jumped up and sat in Chris's throne.

Meanwhile as Chris's and Julian's battle began Ashley was still in battle with Chris's forces outside the Fortress...

"It looks like we are winning!" Cash said with a smile as he ran up to Ashley and Josh.

"Looks that way but don't let your guard down for a second!" Ashley exclaimed.

As the Deathroid Ashley had just defeated fell to the ground...who she saw as the the Deathroid fell to the ground walking forward towards the battle made time seemingly freeze around her as she continued to look on. "J-Jolt......." Ashley said aloud as the black furred Pikachu walked towards her with a malicious smile on his face to match Chris's ignoring everything around him as he continued to look at Ashley.

Josh turned his head for a moment a nearly dropped the explosive device he was holding as he looked on in shock."No can't be him....but I'd know my brother from has to be him!" Josh thought as he looked on.

"Well,well....your face seems familiar....did I burn your village to the ground?" Jolt said with an evil grin.

Ashley was still in shock to even manage a reply.

"Oh well, it doesn't matter anyways....I was ordered by Lord Christopher to fight you one on one...." Jolt said and pointed at Ashley.

"I-I don't want to fight you Jolt!" Ashley managed to choke out after a few moments.

"If you refuse...." Jolt trailed off and in mere seconds disappeared and reappeared with the Lopbunny from earlier in his arms.

Ashley looked on in shock as Lopbunny looked at her terrified and unable to move having been parlayed with fear. Jolt then took both paws and placed them around her head."This will happen to everyone here..." Jolt trailed off.

"JOLT, PLEASE DON'T!" Ashley cried out but much to her horror Jolt twisted her neck quickly and powerfully to the left snapping Lopbunny's neck and let go of her head shortly after letting her lifeless body fall to the ground.

"Heh...she reeks of cum....what a waste of a good slut....oh well." Jolt said with a grin as he looked down at Lopbunny's lifeless corpse and then back to Ashley.

"Make a choice...but remember...for every minuet you take to decide another dies..." Jolt said after a few moments.

"Fine!...have it your way" Ashley said after a few moments.

" me inside..." Jolt said and disappeared in a cloud of black mist.

Ashley knelt down beside the lifeless Lopbunny as tears filled her eyes."She was apart of my Squad....i was supposed to protect her...but I did nothing!" Ashley exclaimed as she began to sob uncontrollably as she looked on at her lifeless companion.

Ashley cried for a few moments more before she finally stood up on all fours and stared in the direction of the entrance to the fortress."It's time...." Ashley said trailing off as she stood on her hind paws"Time to stop running away....I failed to stop him twice....i just watched him hurt those I cared about....i ran away from him...afraid to fight him..." Ashley trailed off and began to walk towards the entrance."But I refuse to run away any longer...Jolt....if it comes down to it..." Ashley trailed off again as she approached the door. "I will kill you myself to give you peace!" Ashley exclaimed as she punched the door which flew off it's hinges and sailed fifty feet away from her and skidded to a halt deep inside the fortress. She then stepped inside to find herself in a mostly empty room except for one figure who stood at a distance from afar.

"It's about time you got here....i was beginning to wonder if you had had second thoughts..." Jolt replied in a malicious tone...
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