AGNPH Stories






"It's about time you got here....i was beginning to wonder if you had had second thoughts..." Jolt said with a cackle as he took a step forward.

"Jolt, you don't have to do this! I know your still in there!" Ashley exclaimed in a compassionate tone.

"I have no idea what your talking about female...there has always been and always will be Joltarious...." Jolt said and suddenly appeared in front of her. "Lets begin shall we?" Jolt said and punched her square in the chest knocking the wind out of her before he threw her over his shoulder sending her flying into the wall fifty feet on the other side of the room and then appeared right in front of her once again and yanked her out of the dent in the wall and slammed her on the ground.

" reek of cum just like that Lopbunny." Jolt said lifted her up and slammed her against the wall."Why aren't you fighting back? Or is mating males your only true skill?" Joltarious said in a malicious tone and jammed a finger up Ashley's Vagina much to her shock.

"S-stop it Jolt!" Ashley cried out feeling Jolt's paw probe her feeling violated and at the same time aroused. As Jolt continued his paw work Ashley couldn't believe it but she felt a climax begin to mount within her."Uhh...stop....please...." Ashley cried out halfheartedly. However Jolt refused to stop as he continued to thrust a digit of his paw into her. Ashley truly did not want to enjoy this...but for some strange reason she didn't want to stop it...even though Jolt had no memories of what they had...his pawwork was exactly as she had remembered it and even stranger was the fact she began to genuinely enjoy it. Before Ashley knew it her cunt was clasping around Jolt's paw as her orgasm hit her sending a gush of her juices from her pussy to the floor with a loud splattering sound.

"No...more....please....Ashley said panting as she recovered from her orgasm.

"Aww..what's wrong? Don't you like it? Don't love it....."Jolt said at which point Ashley felt his paw withdraw and be replaced by something long and thick and knew exactly what it was. It was Jolt's cock.

"" Ashley once again said halfheartedly and moments later began to moan loudly.

"That's it...take my cock like the slut you are..." Jolt said in a malicious tone at which point Ashley's eyes snapped open into a deathly glare.

"What did you call me?" Ashley said in a low tone ignoring the fact she was still being violated.

"You heard me..slut." Jolt replied with a grin. However his grin suddenly went to one of pain as Ashley kneed him hard in the balls.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME, YOUR SISTER....THE ONE YOU LOVED,CHERISHED, AND WANTED TO RAISE A FAMILY WITH A SLUT!" Ashley shrieked and literally bitch-slapped him a crossed the face. "I went through hell for you!" Ashley said as she bitch-slapped him again."I became a pokemon arts I could protect myself and not be a burden to you!" Ashley shrieked as she Bitch-slapped him again. With each slap she was causing jolt to stumble backwards stunning him with each slap." I mastered my hidden power so I could fight along side of you!" Ashley said as she Bitch-slapped him again tears now streaming from her eyes but the look of rage and hurt never left them all the same."I gave my virginity to you!" Ashley shrieked again as she Bitched-slapped him once more and then picked him up by the chest fur and slammed him against the wall."I gave my life,my heart to you...." Ashley said as tears continued to flood from her eyes down her cheeks onto the floor."I GAVE UP OUR LITTER TO SAVE YOUR LIFE FOR FUCKS SAKE JOLT!!!!" Ashley shrieked once more and threw him to the ground hard."But that means nothing to you...." Ashley said as she walked up towards Jolt still trying to recover and stomped on his chest knocking the wind out of him."All the sacrifices I made!" Ashley shrieked as she stomped on his chest again."Everything I did for you!" Ashley continued stomped on his chest again."THEY MEAN NOTHING!!!!!!!!" Ashley bellowed at the top of her lungs stomping on his chest several more times and then stared at him heaving and gasping for air.

"Y-You...think that's supposed to mean anything to me?" Jolt managed to say between pants and managed to cackle as well.

"Of course not..." Ashley said in a low tone, lifted her brother by the chest fur and slammed him aginst the wall"Pokemon art: Lightning chain!" Ashley said at which point chains of electricity formed around jolt's body binding him to the wall.

"That's why we are going to die together Jolt. I can't bare to see you like this any longer...and since there's nothing left of the Chu I loved inside that monster...i have no more reason to continue living." Ashley said and clasped her paws together.

"Forbidden Pokemon art: Devil's advocate blade!" Ashley yelled and slammed her paw into the ground. At which a dark and sinister glyph appeared and a malicious sword rose in it's place.

Meanwhile deep in the heat of battle Kendory's eyes suddenly widened with horror."She couldn't.....she wouldn't?!" Kendory said and instantaneously dashed towards where he sensed the evil aura which he knew all to well....

"What's that little sword supposed to do?" Jolt asked snickering.

"This sword is said to carry Death's power to strip the soul from the person's body is essence killing them instantaneously. But at a heavily price...for once I have completed the task this sword was summoned for my soul will be stripped from me as well." Ashley said as she reached out a paw to take hold of the sword only to be tackled to the ground by Kendory.

"You stupid RAT! I told you to NEVER use that art!" Kendory bellowed."What were you thinking?!" Kendory said as he stood up and looked at her.

"There's nothing left of the Chu I love in that monster! He's the reason I became a pokemon arts master! He's the reason I am what I am today! I did it for him!" Ashley shrieked back at Kendory tears still flooding from her eyes.

"There still is a way to save him!" Kendory retorted and turned to face the sword. He then flashed out a sheet of ice and scribbled on it until it lay on the ground.

"Ashley...there is something I must tell you...." Kendory said and looked up at Ashley with a smile."I have realized that I am deeply in love with you...however I could never express this because of the demon in me sealing my emotions...however...i quickly realized that your deeply love your brother...therefore I am going to use an ancient art that I should never have known....this art will permanently seal the evil that posses your bother and will restore his memories from this time the one before....however this art will indeed take everything I have left..." Kendory said as he looked up at Ashley.

"Why did you never tell me this before? And you can't do that!" Ashley exclaimed but she found that she could not move for her feet were sealed in ice preventing her from moving forward to stop him.

"I kept this from you...because....i never had a reason to tell you...till now..." Kendory said in a low tone as she turned to look at Jolt."I have lived three thousand years....that is long enough for me to live....the time has come for me leave this world..." Kendory said as he placed his paws on the sheet of ice.

Ashley struggled to break free of the ice but she could not as the sheet of ice began to glow as well as Kendory."I learned this Ancient art from runes in the land of my village..." Kendory said and then looked strait at Jolt.

"You take care of her Jolt.....don't make my actions here and now in-vain... Ancient art of the Mystic bane part one: The Sealing of ten thousand demons!" Kendory bellowed at which point the sheet of ice grew bright with a holy light until a small shining orb rose from it and launched itself at Jolt who in turn shrieked loudly as his entire body became engulfed in a holy light.

"Kendory please stop! You don't have to do this!" Ashley cried out trying to break free but to avail.

"I can't stop now Ashley...part one if already done.... Ancient art of the Mystic bane part two: The Unsealing of ten thousand memories!" Kendory yelled at which point his entire body flashed in a blinding holy light and disappeared. In his place a floating orb of holy light at which a few moments later shot directly at Jolt who was still glowing brightly and upon impact a wave of holy energy surged through the room knocking Ashley to the ground.

The ice Around Ashley's feet suddenly melted as she was knocked to the ground unconscious....

Ashley looked around herself in a seemly bright room with Kendory who stood there smiling looking MUCH younger as he looked at her.

"It is good to see you one last time..." Kendory said as he walked over to her and kissed her on the lips much to her shock but she did not resist."I will always be with you in spirit..." Kendory said as he walked over to a bright light and stood by a brown furred Pikachu with a Furret's tail that resembled her a lot and held her.

"Thank you for looking after my love for all this time. I am forever grateful to you Ashley." Merry said with a smile.

"So...your the Pikachu who he spoke of?" Ashley asked looking at them both.

"Yes....i was taken from him...but now we are reunited." Merry said and looked at Kendory and then back to her."Ashley....Promise me you will never let the one you love matter what." Merry replied at which Ashley nodded with a smile.

"I will protect Jolt wit my life just as he has done for me....i promise." Ashley said still smiling even though a tear could be seen streaming from her right eye down her cheek as she looked on at them both.

"Thank is time for us to go now..." Merry said and looked at Kendory who smiled and then looked to Ashley.

"Look after yourself...and remember...your toughest battle has yet to come." Kendory said and with that both Kendory and Merry walked into the light and shortly after a blinding flash of light....

Ashley's eyes slowly opened to see Jolt's yellow furred face looking at her with tears in his eyes smiling at her."J-Jolt?" Ashley asked dazed.

"Ashley...." Jolt trailed off and locked his muzzle with hers in a passionate kiss which she returned.

"Y-you remember everything?" Ashley stuttered slightly looking at him smiling to which he nodded silently.

"Thank god...." Ashley said silently and embraced him in a hug.

After a few moments Jolt helped Ashley to her feet and looked in the distance where fighting could be heard."This is it Ashley.....the all or nothing battle...and we fight him together." Jolt said taking hold of her paw to which she nodded with a look of determination in her eyes to match his.

Meanwhile Julian and Chris were in the mist of a fierce battle...

Julian flew back landing on all fours as she skidded back several feet and then charged at Chris again using her Irontail blade to strike at him which he used his bone sword to counter ending in yet another stalemate.

"You've grown strong Julian....your power almost matches my own..." Chris said with an evil grin as their weapons continued to grind against one another.

"I've grown stronger than you think Chris." Julian said as she turned and used her thunder punch attack to strike him in the chest which set him flying back into the wall of his throne room.

"Ha! That was a clever attack!" Chris said rubbing his chest."But Playtime's's time to finish this." Chris said as he rose his fist to face Julian and opened his palm.

At first nothing happened until Julian was stopped mid-charge by an unseen force and lifted into the air.

"I will crush you like the vermin you are!" Chris said with a cackle and begin to close his palm into a fist which caused the unseen force around Julian to begin crushing her mid-air.

Julian struggled to break free of the unseen force but to no avail as it continued to crush her causing her to cry out in agony and pain."That's it....scream...cry out in pain....that's the last sound I want to hear coming from your pathetic muzzle as I crush you!" Chris called exclaimed as he continued to close his palm.

Just then Ashley came barreling in the door way much to the shock of Chris and his guards who immediately charged at her.

"Pokemon art: Thundering Tundra!" Ashley called out slammed her paw onto the floor at which point a huge wave of electricity sailed at the guards electrifying them and incinerating them moments after.

Chris immediately threw Julian to the wall after seeing this and looked at her."How? There's no way he could have been defeated!" Chris said looking at Ashley.

Just then Jolt stepped into the doorway much to Chris's shock looking like his old self."Fun's over Christopher...You will never have me ever again." Jolt said as he leaned on the door frame.

Ashley used this as a cue charge forward disappearing in a burst of electricity and reappear in yet another burst and roundhouse kick him from behind a crossed the head knocking him forward only to have Ashley appear in yet another burst of electricity in front of him"Pokemon art: Lighting strike!" Ashley called out as she balled her paw into a fist and struck him square in the chest.

Chris cried out in pain as electricity burst out of his back as he flew back which Jolt used this as a cue to charge at Chris.

"This should bring back some old memories Chris!" Jolt exclaimed as he used his irontail to uppercut him through the roof of his throne room."ONE!" Jolt called out and jumped seemingly disappearing in a blur and reappearing above Chris who could only look on in shock."TWO!!!" Jolt called out as he used his irontail attack to strike him square in the chest sending them plummeting towards the ground.

"He's all yours sis!" Jolt called out as he disappeared in a blur from on top of him. Chris turned himself around to face the ground still falling to see Ashley's Tail glowing brightly.

" I created this Pokemon art just for you Christoper! Bloodline Pokemon art: Ketchum bloodline Irontail blade!" Ashley called out and her tail then morphed into a long, glowing Scimitar. "Your rein of terror ends now!!" Ashley yelled and jumped up to strike him.

"NO!" Came a voice from no where as Jessica appeared out of nowhere using her irontail to knock her son to the side and took the attack from Ashley head on as it slashed through her like a hot knife through butter.

Ashley landed back on the ground as her tail morphed back to it's original shape and looked on in shock at Jessica who lay dead on the floor with a gaping slash a crossed her chest.

Chris stood up dazed and still injured and looked at Jessica who now lay dead. Upon seeing this his eyes widened in horror much to Ashley, Jolt's and Julian's shock who was now able to stand up.

Without warning a surge of psychic energy blasted all three of them to the wall dazing them as Chris ran over to Jessica and lifted her up and held her." can't be dead...please tell me you aren't dead!" Chris wailed with REAL tears streaming from his cheeks"Please mommy...don't be dead...i can't clone you again!" Chris said sobbing loudly now.

Ashley despite her hatred for Chris and everything he's done could not help but feel sorry for him and at the same time shocked that he was showing REAL emotion.

After a few moments Chris laid Jessica down on the floor."I'll avenge you mother....i swear it..." Chris said as he stood up and looked at them.

"You..........." Chris said trailing off in a deep loathing tone and moments later extended a palm at all three of them.

At this exact moment several guards came running in"Lord Christoper the rebels....they are-" one of the guards began to say but could not finish his sentence for him and every other guard who stood in front of Ashley,Jolt, and Julian suddenly had their skin ripped from their bodies and shortly after there organs seemingly were incinerated leaving only bloody skeletons which moments later were shattered into thousands of fragments which scattered through out the room hitting the ground and walls with a loud clattering sound.

Jolt,Julian, and Ashley's eyes widened in horror at this sight that beheld them and immediately ran out the doorway only to hear a loud blast from behind them which could only have been the wall as a ten foot wave of Psychic power sailed behind them.

"What happened to him?! He wasn't nearly as powerful as this before!" Julian exclaimed as they ran looking behind herself to see Chris in the doorway with yet another open palm."HIT THE FLOOR NOW!" Julian yelled at which they all obeyed instantaneously falling to the floor. In front of them several rebels and Chris's forces that were doing battle suddenly suffered the same fate as the guards in the throne room.

"I think..the pain and shock of seeing the one thing he cared about dead awakened the true demon in him." Ashley said as they all got back to their feet and ran out the door into the mist of a battle between rebels,guards, and Deathroids.

"What does that mean?!" Jolt yelled as they narrowly evaded yet another attack from Chris which set several guards and rebels in flames screaming in agony before they fell to ashes moments later.

"It means Chris's true demonic power has awakened!" Ashley exclaimed as they made a swift turn into the forest as the trees and plants behind them burst into flames.

"English please, Ashley!" Julian yelled as they all jumped over a river bank and landed on the other side which moments later began to boil and suddenly explode in a wave of searing hot steam that hit all three of them which knocked them to the ground with a loud thud.

"It fucking means we are fucking dead if he hits us with a single attack!" Ashley practically shrieked as she lifted both Jolt and Julian up and dashed forward with all the speed she could muster.

"We can't run forever Ashley! We have to face him at one point!" Jolt exclaimed looking behind himself to see smoke and ash rising up and cries of Pokemon who were in Chris's path as they suffered a similar fate to everyone else who had been unfortunate enough to be hit with his attacks.

"I'm thinking! I'm thinking damn it!" Ashley retorted in a panicked tone as she continued to run.

Just then Ashley's com device began to blare with Josh's voice."Ashley, what the fuck is going on over there!? I have just recently got reports about Chris annihilating our forces and his alike with a single attack! And how they described it wasn't pretty!" Josh voice exclaimed through her com device.

"A little busy trying not to get the flesh ripped off our bones at the moment bro! Talk to you later!" Ashley exclaimed as they barely dodged yet another blast from Chris knocking Jolt and Julian to the ground next to her and moments later al three stood up and began to run again.

"We have got to find something to even out the playing field for us!" Ashley exclaimed as they continued to run.

"But what? What could stop that?! It would have to nullify all his abilities to be able to even stand a chance against him!" Jolt exclaimed as they continued to run.

"P.O.K.E......." Ashley said aloud thinking to herself.

"What?" Jolt asked confused as they barely dodged yet another attack from Chris hitting a a mountain behind them obliterating it.

"It's one of Josh's inventions! Pokemon offensive attack eliminator is what that stands for! I wonder if the device still works back at the old HQ..." Ashley said aloud.

"It's worth a shot! And it's all we've got left to work with! So lets head that way!" Julian exclaimed at which point the three made a sharp left turn heading in the direction to their old HQ.

"How far is it to our old HQ?!" Jolt asked as they ran past several Pokemon who looked on curiously and then panic and begin to run as they saw Chris soaring after them.

"About ten to twenty miles give or take." Ashley said aloud activating the GPS on her com device.

"I don't know if we can keep dodging him for that long!" Jolt exclaimed and suddenly cried out in pain as his shoulder suddenly was gashed open but an unseen force.

"I missed them by a few inches....." said in a low tone "you three will not escape my revenge for my mother's death!!!" Chris yelled at the top of his lungs which the three clearly heard as they ran.

"That was too close!" Jolt exclaimed holding his shoulder which throbbed in pain as it bled.

"We're nearly there! Just three more miles!" Ashley exclaimed as they ran through familiar a forest.

As they all ran and neared the clearing the ruins of their old HQ came into view at which point Ashley spoke into her com device."Josh, I need to know where P.O.K.E. Is located at in our old HQ! Directions...NOW!" Ashley exclaimed as their old HQ became closer and closer.

"It was located in B4 behind a secret panel...why?" Josh's voice asked in confusion.

"Mom...i need to you distract Chris from us so that we can get to the P.O.K.E device and try to reactivate it." Ashley said aloud which Julian nodded.

"Hey, nutcase!" Julian shouted sending a thunderbolt in Chris's direction to get his attention.

"Die, you rat!" Chris said as he pointed a palm at her which she dodged barely as a dark beam of psychic energy shot past her.

"What are you planning to do dear?" Jolt asked curiously as Ashley punched into the ground several times until she finally punched through what was the roof of their old HQ.

"I'm going to reactivate P.O.K.E. It might give us a chance against him." Ashley said jumping in through the hole which Jolt followed her through shortly after.

Ashley looked around at what used to be her home. As she looked over to a spot of the room that now lay covered in dirt and moss the image of seeing their father Ash playing with them when they were still younger before they became teenagers and became rebels seemingly appeared in front of her eyes.

"It doesn't seem like so long ago.....yet it's been over thirteen years since we were all young and having fun as a family here...before we joined the rebellion...." Ashley said thoughtfully as she looked on until Jolt placed a paw on her shoulder snapping her out of her trance.

Ashley and Jolt made their way to the room Josh spoke of to see the device in shambles."To repair this would take someone with Josh's skill and three years worth at that!" Jolt said incredulously.

"And mom's up there risking her life for this....this piece of garbage!" Ashley screamed punching the device once and then again and again over and over as tears began to stream down from her eyes."I was an idiot for even thinking this thing could even work again! Damn me! I'M NOTHING BUT A STUPID FAT FUCKING RAT!" Ashley shrieked at the top of her lungs giving it one last punch which caused her fist to fly through it and into the wall behind it at which point Jolt placed a paw on her shoulder.

"It's okay Ashley...we'll find another way." Jolt said softly putting his paws around her.

"There is no other way....we are finished..." Ashley said softly crying silently now.

"If I still had my vampire form...i might stand a chance against him..but that did more harm than good..." Jolt said looking up at which point Ashley's eyes flashed open with an epiphany.

"Jolt....i want you to bite me...and make sure you pierce my skin!" Ashley said suddenly turning around and looking at him.

"What?! What good will that do?" Jolt asked at first until it dawned on him." way lost me to that evil gene....i won't do it!" Jolt said after a few moments.

"Jolt, there's no other way! The gene's evil aura was sealed away but it still flows through your blood. Right now I don't stand a chance against him...but if I have the ability to regenerate at rate one hundred times faster than I already do then I might have a chance! Plus it will make me stronger than I already am." Ashley said walked towards Jolt while he backed away.

"No! I refuse!" Jolt exclaimed backing away.

" don't have a choice in the matter! Forbidden Pokemon art: Vampire unsealing!" Ashley said and slammed her paw on his chest."Because of Kendory's seal this will only last for a moment...but it will be long enough to get the job done!" Ashley thought as Jolt's Fur suddenly went dark as night again.

"You want to be one of us...then so be it!" Jolt said with a evil smile and as if by instinct Jolt lunged at Ashley and bit into her throat.

After a a minuet or two however Jolt suddenly withdrew his fangs from Ashley's throat looking horrified at what he had just done as Ashley fell to the ground and began to shake uncontrollably."What have I done?" Jolt asked aloud as he watched Ashley continue to look as if she was in a seizure.

Meanwhile above Julian was not doing too well as she dodge yet another attack barely."What's happened to them? Did they get hurt?" Julian thought as she lunched a thunderbolt at Chris which had no effect on him.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Chris yelled and suddenly Julian realized to her horror she could not move."You will be the first to die then your little rat offspring!" Chris excalimed and was about to slam his palm shut crushing Julian when he felt two fangs pierce his neck which made him release his Psychic grip on Julian.

Chris then without hesitation sent a wave of Psychic energy blast out from around him which knocked what ever was biting him off his his and immediately turned to see a Pikachu laying on the ground and slowly stand up.

(Play shadow OST: Chosen one now)

"What the?!" Chris said in shock as he stared at the Pikachu.

"Ashley?!" Julian exclaimed in shock and horror.

Ashley stood before Chris looking nothing like she had before. Her fur was now ghostly white colored instead of it's usually brown color with Angelic symbols streaming in black a crossed her fur. On her forehead was what looked to be a crooked cross with a snake wrapped around it on her forehead."Your blood tastes like shit!" Ashley said with an evil grin.

"What is this?! How did Jolt turn you?!" Chris asked in shock.

"You should be more worried about what I am going to do to you!" Ashley snarled as she dashed at him with a speed nothing like he had ever seen before and struck him through the chest with her fist poking out his back in mere seconds.

"Enough of this! Die you little rat!" Chris exclaimed lifting her up, throwing her into the air and extended a palm out.

"Ashley no!!!" Julian shrieked but she was too late as Ashley's fur and skin was ripped from her body...but much to Julian's shock and Chris's the second part of his attack never occurred as her skin and fur seemingly regenerated as quickly as he had obliterated it off her body as she landed in the ground staring at him with a malicious grin.

"Heh...i wasn't sure if becoming a vampire would save me from that attack of yours or not..but I guess it did...heh...too bad for you Chrisy-boy. Your ace-in-hole is useless against me." Ashley said with a cackle."THAT HURT LIKE A FUCKING BITCH!" Ashley thought to herself.

Chris growled in a demonic tone at this and shot the same attack at her again and again with the same result each time."Why...won'!" Chris yelled in a demonic voice with each blast he shot at her became even more enraged with each time she regenerated her skin and fur each time.

"Face it Christ-boy! I've become more powerful than you!" Ashley yelled as she once again punched through his chest and then followed up by using her ice tail blade to slash at him horizontally making him gasp as his body fell apart at the waist.

Ashley then turned around and laughed manically."This power is amazing...." She said aloud and began to laugh manically.

"Ashley! Don't forget why you even made me turn you! Don't forget who you are like I did!" Jolt called out to her from afar.

Jolt's words suddenly caused Ashley's maniacal laughter to stop and place a paw on her forehead as her fur began to return to it's normal brown color."Oh, my god...i almost let it take control of me like it did Jolt! I have got to be more careful..." Ashley thought to herself panting.

"Ashley, behind you! Look!" Julian practically screamed at which point Ashley looked behind herself and disappeared in a burst of electricity just in time to see a large long bone claw extend just past where she once stood on all fours.

"This battle isn't over by a long shot you little rat!" Chris's demonic voice echoed as his upper half of his body floated back to the lower have and fused back together as the large bone claw retracted and morphed back into what would be his arm and hand.

Ashley's fur immediately turned back to it's ghostly white color and looked at him with a evil grin."Still hadn't had enough Chrisy-boy?" Ashley said with a cackle.

"If I can't kill you with my psychic powers then I'll simply rip your heart out of your little body with my only two hands!" Chris retorted in a demonic tone and thrust his right fist towards her which morphed into a large bone claw as it extended towards her.

Ashley swiftly dodged this attack only to have Chris's left fist extend forward at her also morphing into a bone claw and impaling her in the chest which extended out of her back causing her to shriek out in a demonic tone.

"ASHLEY!" Jolt and Julian both screamed out in horror as the claw impaled her through the chest.

Ashley lay there limp still in the air with Chris's claw through her chest as he began to laugh in his demonic tone."Ha! So much for being so much more powerful than me! In the end it was nothing but all talk! Your still the same weak little rat I remember from three years ago!" Chris bellowed as he laughed manically.

"" Jolt said trailing off until he saw her left ear twitch slightly and then point up erect.

"What the-AHHH!" Chris shrieked out in agony as Ashley without warning grabbed hold of his bone claw and snapped it off with the end still impaled through her chest and landed on the ground smiling evilly.

"You missed me Chrisy-boy." Ashley said as she pulled the bone claw from her chest spurting blood as it came out only for the hole in her chest to regenerate until it looked like she had never been harmed at all."That was TOO CLOSE! A little more to the left and he would have gotten my heart." Ashley thought to herself as she looked on at Chris who's left arm was now bleeding heavily as it morphed back into it's original form."I need to stop fucking around and kill this asshole..." Ashley thought to herself as she watched his arm begin to regenerate until it was whole again."But he regenerates as fast as I do....we are at a stalemate that could last for years!" Ashley continued thinking to herself as she looked on at Chris.

Chris then without hesitation thrust both fists at her which morphed into bone claws as they neared her which she dodged."THINK ASHLEY! What edge do I have over him?! What can I do that he can't?!" Ashley thought to herself as she dodged one attack after the other.

"Your vampire powers may allow you to regenerate as fast as I me....but that won't save you for long! Even with your precious little Pokemon arts" Chris said with a grin as he continued to attack her without stopping for a moment.

"Pokemon arts...THAT'S IT! The Devil's advocate blade! But I already summoned it once and I can't do it again..and it's sitting back at his fortress where me and Jolt fought! Damn it!" Ashley thought as she continued to dodge Chris's attacks.

"This is growing tiresome...." Chris said as he withdrew his bone claws which morphed back into his arms as they retracted back to his body. Chris then extended smaller bone claws from his palms and began throwing them at her switching between that and using his fists to shoot a larger bone claw at her from time to time trying to catch her off guard as she did a mid-air spiral dodge of one of his smaller bone claws only to have her disappear in a burst of electricity a few feet above the attack.

"And at this point I can't get close enough to him to strike at him like I did before because he's using a barrage of miniature bone claws and his larger ones when he thrusts a fist at me! I'm stuck on the defensive with no way to attack...damn it!" Ashley thought to herself in a pissed off tone as she continued to dodge his barrage of attacks.

"Ashley's stuck on the defensive mom...and I'm not sure she can keep dodging his attacks for long.." Jolt said as she stood next to Julian as they both watched helplessly knowing they would only get in the way of this battle between the two seemingly vampire gods of this world.

"I think you may be right Jolt....she may now have the powers of a vampire...but that power is useless if she can't get in to attack with it. Even with the vampire power giving her godly regenerative abilities...she can't regenerate her head or her heart if they get separated from her body like Chris can..." Julian said as they continued to watch."So in the end....even with all that power she now's useless unless she can find a weakness....i mean it's not like we know of any of Chris's weakness or anything...for all we know he could be weak against a silver sword! But we don't know anything for certain." Julian said allowed as they watched.

At these words Jolt remembered what Ashley had said before...


"Forbidden Pokemon art: Devil's advocate blade!" Ashley yelled and slammed her paw into the ground. At which a dark and sinister glyph appeared and a malicious sword rose in it's place.

What's that little sword supposed to do?" Jolt asked snickering.

"This sword is said to carry Death's power to strip the soul from the person's body is essence killing them instantaneously. But at a heavily price...for once I have completed the task this sword was summoned for my soul will be stripped from me as well." Ashley said as she reached out a paw to take hold of the sword only to be tackled to the ground by Kendory.


"The Devil's advocate blade...." Jolt said aloud in an almost stunned tone.

"The devil's whatcha-ya-ma-call-it?" Julian asked in a confused tone.

"Mom, let me use your com Device!" Jolt asked in which Julian gave it to him still confused.

"This is Field mouse! Come in Lab-Rat! I repeat, This is field mouse! Come in Lab-Rat!" Jolt said into the come device.

Meanwhile back at the fortress the rebels had finally won the battle for when Chris left they lost their will to fight....

Josh,Cash, and Meo all sat next to each other when their come devices began to blare with Jolt's voice.

"Lab-Rat?! That was my old code name when Dad was the leader! And field's can't be?!" Josh said and pressed the button on his com device.

"This is Lab-Rat, You have no idea how nice it is to hear your voice bro!" Josh said with a smile into his com device.

"Like-wise bro. Listen, inside the there an evil looking sword poking out of the ground still?" Jolt's voice asked.

"Let me look." Josh said and motioned for Cash and Meo to follow.

They all walked inside the fortress and to their shock stood a malicious looking sword with a skull on the tip of the handle."That's would be a an affirmative field mouse....but I have to ask..what the fuck is this thing doing standing up in the middle of a place like this?! Is it Chris's or something?!" Josh replied into the com device.

"The Devil's advocate blade....only Ashley could have summoned this...but where is Kendory? Surely he would have dispelled the summon by now." Meo thought to himself looking around.

"Listen up, don't touch it! I'll be there to get it in a bit Brown rabbit is in deep shit at the moment! She is fighting Chris head on but we don't know how long she'll last!" Jolt's voice came from the com device.

"Affirmative field mouse, we'll guard till-MEO, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! PUT THAT DOWN!" Josh cut himself off to yell at Meo who had removed the sword from where it stood and dashed off through the door way.

"Field mouse, Meo just picked up that evil looking sword and I think he's heading your way!" Josh exclaimed into the com device.

"HE WHAT?!?!?!" Jolt's voice blasted through the speak of their com devices.

As Meo dashed towards their location using the GPS locator on his com device Jolt's voice blared through it."Meo! Do you have any idea what you've just done?!" Jolt's voice blared out.

"Fully aware my friend....I think things are better this way anyways. I'll finish Chris off and you and Ashley will be able to live happily together. Just keep Chris busy till I get there!" Meo said aloud as he continued to speed toward there location with his vampire power allowing him to move even faster.

(Play FFXI's Distant worlds song now if you have it!)

"Ashley, can you hear me?" Meo said into his com device as he sped towards them.

As Ashley continued to dodge Chris's attacks she nearly jumped at the sound of Meo's voice."Yes, I can." Ashley replied as she continued to dodge attacks.

"It's amazing....when I first met you...i was confused by how you treated me..." Meo said as he remembered when they first met.


Meo sat there for what seemed like hours looking as if he was deep in thought." How could I have been so blind?" Meo thought to himself as he slammed his paw on the floor just as Ashlie began to walk up to him.

"Mr. Meo..." Ashley said timidly.

" What is it?" Meo asked in an irritated tone.

"I want to thank you for taking us back home...and if means anything...I think you're the coolest Meowth I have ever met." Ashlie said catching him by surprise with a hug causing him to go wide eyed in shock."Y-your welcome." Was all Meo managed to say still stunned by Ashley's actions.

Ashlie then went back and sat with the rest of the litter and continued to watch tv leaving Meo looking slightly bewildered.

"I know she overheard me and Ash's conversation...She saw how I acted towards her mother in the why is she so kind to me?" Meo thought looking at the litter trying to make sense of Ashley's kind words and actions.


"Back then....I had no idea...that I would fall in love's funny how our paths crossed thanks to your father....your father was like a brother to me....i would have given my life for him...just like I am you now..." Meo said trailing off.

"What do you mean?!" Ashley replied slightly distracted and confused by what he was telling her.

"I hold in my paw...The Devil's advocate blade...with it...i am going to end Chris's rein of terror once and for all." Meo said with a look of happiness and at the same sadness on his face as he ran.

"YOU IDIOT! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THAT SWORD WILL DO TO YOU WHEN THE PURPOSE YOU HAVE FOR IT IS COMPLETE?!" Ashley shrieked aloud much to Chris's confusion for a moment but he ignored it and kept on attacking.

"I know very well what is going to happen to me....even if the cure is perfected...i couldn't continue living knowing that I could never be in your paws again....heh...i suppose it is pretty selfish of me isn't it?" Meo said smiling as he grew closer and closer now able to hear the faint sounds of battle.

"I suppose it's no more selfish than my ignorant revenge for my brother..." Meo said recalling his first encounter with Julian, Ash and their litter.


"And it's too bad I wasn't here to kill them" Came a voice from behind the gravestone.

"Who's there?!" Ash said in a brave tone sparks emitting from his cheeks.

"I would be Meo; I am Meowth's twin brother. And you are?" Meo said eying ash suspiciously.

"Ash Katchem, it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for what happened to your brother." Ash said bowing his head at Meowth's gravestone.

"Team rocket will pay dearly for this; I have left the gang in search of them for my revenge." Meo said bawling up a paw.

"Jessie and James have apparently turned a new leaf. So I'm sure-"But Ash was cut off by Meo slashing a leaflet next to him.

"No! They will never change! They must die for killing my brother!" Meo said with a look of pure hatred in his eyes.


"In the end...i suppose I get what I deserved..." Meo said as he neared the battle now he could see Chris and Ashley in the heat of battle from a few miles away.

"Everyone....this is Meo....i am happy to have met you all..." Meo said as he neared them."You made me a better Pokemon...." Meo said as he came even closer able to see Chris's back clearly now with Chris completely unaware of his swift approach."I know it's selfish to be asking...but can you bury me next to my bother? I hope you all don't mind a selfish mangy cat's last request....but that would be nice.." Meo said just before he jumped into the air behind Christoper and pointed the tip of the blade at his back as he charged downward upon him."YOUR REIN ENDS NOW CHRISTOPHER!!!!!!!!" Meo yelled at the top of his lungs as he was mere feet from Chris's back who turned and look on in shock and terror.

"T-That's the-ACK!" Chris exclaimed cut off by the sudden piercing of his flesh through his chest.

"That's right's the Devil's advocate blade..." Meo said as he looked on at Chris who stood there paralyzed by the swords demonic power."Your Purpose is this Devil's advocate blade, RIP THIS MORTAL'S SOUL FROM HIS BODY AND TAKE IT FOR YOUR OWN!" Meo called out at which point the sword began to glow a bright red aura which ejected Meo off it onto the ground.

Ashley,Meo,Jolt, and Julian could only look on at Chris's body became engulfed in the bright red aura as he shrieked out in horror."No, it can't end like this! I was going to rule this world!" Chris yelled out in horror as he was now trying to rip the sword out of him but it would not budge."No! Please! I'm begging you! Don't let it take me! I'll do anything! ANYTHING! PLEASE! NOOOOO!" Chris shrieked as tears of fear and horror flooded from his eyes and moments later a transparent version of him which could be nothing but his soul could be seen being slowly sucked into the sword's blade as he continued to struggle to yank it out.

Ashley looked on horrified at the sight that beheld her. From her point of view she could see Chris's terrified soul shrieking in horror along with him as it was sucked in until Chris's red eyes turned a ghostly white and the face of Chris's soul could be seen trying in vainly to flail and squirm to break free only to disappear moments later within the blade.

Mere seconds later, Chris's body spontaneously burst to flames and turned to ash mere seconds later with the sword falling to the ground laying on it's side.

Ashley slowly walked up to it and looked at the sword's side where Chris's soul could be seen pounding at what would most likely be the prison in which his soul was held for a few moments until the image swirled away and faded.

"It's over....He's dead....Chris will never hurt our family or anyone ever again..." Ashley said finally after a few moments."Meo you did it! You....." Ashley began to shout happily after he fur returned to normal only for her happiness to turn to sadness at the sudden realization of what he had just done as she looked at the lifeless body that was Meo's.

"Chris may be dead...but the damage he has done to our family will stay with us forever..." Jolt said looking at himself in the reflection of the sword.

"I don't understand though...the sword is supposed to leave this plan after the tasks the user gave it have been fulfilled..." Ashley trailed off looking at it.

The sword then began to glow bright red again and suddenly a large beam of red aura hit Jolt causing him to cry out in pain much to Ashley's and Julian's horror at first then they gasped at what they saw.

Jolt's body slowly began to shrink until a few moments later his body was now that of a perfectly normal Pikachu and then moments later the beam hit Ashley and Julian causing them to scream out in pain as well.

Ashley and Jolt then fell to the ground as the sword began to float in place."The tasks of Taking this mortal's soul,returning this mortal to his original form, and removing the demonic forces that possessed both these mortals has been fulfilled! I will now return to my realm until I am summoned again. But remember the price...." A voice echoed from the sword and disappeared in a red mist.

Ashley and Jolt then awakened and looked at each other in confusion."What the hell just happened?!" Jolt asked in a confused tone.

"Jolt, your normal again!" Ashley exclaimed happily.

"I am?!" Jolt replied in a shocked tone and looked at himself and tears of happiness could been seen dripping from his eyes."I-I'm normal again....I'M NORMAL AGAIN!" Jolt exclaimed happily as he embraced Ashley in a hug and kissed her passionately which she returned.

Ashley and Jolt both then realized at once that their strength and power they had was now gone as they hugged each other."Mom....our's gone!" Jolt exclaimed in shock.

Julian stood up wearily and looked at herself."Mine is too...apparently Meo asked that demon sword thing to revert us to our original form before Chris had ever touched us." Julian said in a shocked tone.

"I don't care if it's long as I have you is all that matters to amount of strength and power could ever come close to how much I love you Jolt...." Ashley said looking at him with a warm smile.

"I couldn't agree more..." Jolt said just before Jolt and Ashley locked muzzles again in a long and passionate kiss.

"You two do realize this is going to be one hell of a major adjustment for me right?!" Julian exclaimed with a smirk at which point Jolt and Ashley looked at their mother for a few seconds and then all three of them broke out into strait out laughter....


Several young Pichus were playing in the park along with human children laughing happily as a brown furred Pikachu and a normal one watched them.

"Ash Ketchum! Your human English make-up class is in thirty minuets! Time to wrap up your game with your friends and your brother's and sisters!" Ashley called out to the pichus at which point a pichu with who had a brown furred tail looked up from the crowd of pichus and groaned.

"Aw, mom! Can't it wait?! I'm winning!" Ash wined looking at his mother with a pouty look and then looked to his father."Come on dad! Can't I skip it!?" He called out.

"Sorry son, I learned long ago not to argue with your mother. And it's not my fault you have to take make up classes. And if you don't learn to speak proper human English then you'll never be able to enter the Pokemon league." Jolt replied in a stern tone.

"Aw,man...." Ash replied with a wine and slowly walked over to his mother and father with a pouty expression still on his face.

"Don't worry son. You'll get the hang of it." Jolt said as he placed a paw on his son's shoulder and looked to Ashley as he ran off to Julian who was standing at the sidewalk waiting for him.

"Hey, grandma do I really have to go to my make-up classes? I want to be the best battler in the world! And I can't do that if I'm studying human English!" Ash said looking up at Julian.

"You should know better than to try and try to use me to get over your mother and father's heads young get your tail moving." Julian said with a stern yet kind expression on her face.

"Crud...." Was all Ash said as he walked down the sidewalk with Julian following him not far behind.

"He acts just like his grandfather did at his age..." Julian thought to herself smiling as she looked at the young pichu. Julian and Ash walked until they slowly faded from sight.

"Rachel, Ericka, Krystal, Merry, Kendory, it's time to get going home!" Ashley called out to their litter.

Just as Mewtwo had said....the world had been forever changed with Christoper's defeat....Pokemon and humans now live side-by-side working together to make the world a better place. While many towns and cities still lay in ruble many humans and Pokemon are hard at work rebuilding them. The Pokemon league still exists except now it is no longer humans ordering the Pokemon to attack. Each and every Pokemon has a chance to participate in the league now for their own fame and fortune. The pokeballs were discarded and never used again having been outlawed a mere six months after Christoper's defeat. Pokemon and humans both have equal rights to follow the paths they choose...which is how it always should have been and now will always be....but the Pokemon will never forget the ones who gave their lives for this bright and wonderful future younger generations will now be able to live in. The gravestones off all who fought and gave their lives lay in a memorial for all to see in the middle of new bark town except one.....the one gravestone that is not there lays in the forest next to a long time friend of the ketchums next to his brother....the one who they will never forget gave his life to give them theirs......

THE GRAVESTONE READS: in peace our will always be remembered as the hero of us all....may you be reunited with your brother as you always wanted...

It is rumored that if you happen to visit these gravestones you may see two young meowths standing playing with one another laughing and playing around the gravestones and the grass that lay around them....but this is only a rumor after all....or is it?


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