AGNPH Stories





Jolt made his way through the forest cutting down bushes that got in his way as he made his way to a clearing."Odd....why would there be a clearing here in the middle of the forest...unless...." Jolt thought to himself as the sudden realization of what was going to happen hit him."A trap!" Jolt said aloud but reacted far too late and was snagged in a net and lifted up helpless.

Jolt then heard someone laughing from a distance and realized it was getting closer. A few moments later Jolt saw who it was and his eyes widened with shock and surprise."M-mom? You woke up?!" Jolt called out happily but the Pikachu just stared up at him sneering."You wish, you big fat rat!" The Pikachu said in a nasty tone and laughed again.

"Who are you?! And why do you look like our mother?!" Jolt demanded angrily as he struggled with the net trying to break it.

The Pikachu then stood on it's hind paws and extended his right paw out from which something began to extend out."Lets see how invincible you are against a being specifically designed as your ultimate predator..." The Pikachu said with a nasty grin as the object fully extended from her palm like a long white dagger.

By now Jolt had managed to get his right hand paw to move freely."damn it...whatever that thing is I need to get free of this stupid net!" Jolt thought to himself.

"Now bone claw should do it....amazing that Lord Christopher would have such a hard time with you....for so many years and her you are caught like a helpless bug in a spider's web....." The Pikachu said with a cackle and chucked the bone claw at Jolt.

Jolt saw the bone claw coming at him at blazing speed."Damn it! I can't dodge it in time!" Jolt thought as the claw was moments away.... suddenly out of no where something hit the bone claw and deflected it away.

The Pikachu suddenly snapped its head in the direction that the object came from."Who the fuck interferes with my objective?" The Pikachu said in a pissed off tone.

Then a voice called out from where the weapon came from"æ��é��å���?®è��è�"!!!" (The Art Of Glacial Speed) a few moments later figure appeared coming at them with great speed. Just before he reached the Pikachu the figure jumped in the air and cut the net allowing Jolt to drop down safely and speed off just as quickly without another word.

"Who was that guy?" Jolt thought curiously looking down at what appeared to be a sharp spike made of ice as it steadily melted then turned his attention to the Pikachu in front of him."Who are you? I won't ask again!" Jolt said in a demanding tone.

"My name is Jessica...i am your dear mommy's's a shame you don't remember me...because I sure as hell remember may have defeated me then..but you won't this time....i am designed with the powers that slaughtered your family!" Jessica said with a malicious grin."But then again you wouldn't remember that would you? No won't need to..because I am going to kill you hear and now...." Jessica said and put her palms together and began to speak in another language that was not pokespeak."å�?å��モンスター�?�よ�?��?�ç�?æ���?�れるè��è�": é���?®å��!!!" (Pokemon forbidden art: Bone Blade) and began to separate her palms horizontally as a large bone began to extend out of them the farther she extended them until she took a hold of one end which looked like the handle and pointed what looked to be the tip at Jolt."I didn't think I would have to resort to using this Pokemon art but I guess it can't be helped..i didn't count on fighting on even ground but's time for you to die Jolt Ketchum!" Jessica said as she charged at Jolt.

"Pokemon art?! What the fucking hell is that?!" Jolt said shocked as he rapidly dodged each strike from Jessica's weapon.

"You really are clueless aren't you?!" Jessica said as she kicked him without warning knocking him into the tree."A å�?å��モンスター�?®è��è�"(Pokemon art) is what all Pokemon use to perform their attacks! Your thunderbolt, thunderpunch...those are all arts created by your ancestors! Every type of Pokemon has there own types of Pokemon arts they can use natively...and then there are some they learn...such as your Irontail attack. How the hell do you think you master how to use them? Suddenly out of no where you are granted some magical power from above? It takes time and effort to master a Pokemon art! But a simpleton like you wouldn't understand that...all you know is if you practice enough at an'll suddenly be able to use it without fail."Jessica said with a sneer and lowered her weapon to her side.

Jolt saw his chance and took it."You let your guard down!" Jolt shouted as he used his thunderpunch attack to connect to her directly in the chest with a grin. But instead of Jessica being knocked back she didn't move. Jolt looked up to see her paws connected again but differently this time. One digit of her paw was wrapped around the other while the others simply clasped each other. Then he heard her speak." å�?å��モンスター�?�よ�?��?�ç�?æ���?�れるè��è�": é���?®è�...ç"�. (Pokemon forbidden art: Bone Armor)" She said aloud in that same foreign language again.

Jolt then suddenly felt something very sharp pierce his back and felt it withdraw causing him to fall down in agony."You forgot about my tail jolt.....that was very reckless of you" Jessica said with snicker as she took her weapon from her tail which had held it moments before.

"You truly are are all of today's Pokemon...they have forgotten their heritage...and there bloodline based abilities connected to them. But you have the potential to become as powerful as I am...which is why I am going to let you knowing how truly weak you are and unable to protect the ones you love most....hate me....despise me...let that anger fuel you...and become as powerful as me!!!

Jolt's back at this moment was in sheer agony as he shook uncontrollably."I have never felt this kind of pain before! It's as if my entire body is being stabbed all over by thousands of needles!" Jolt thought to himself as Jessica looked on.

Jessica then pulled out a vial with a needle on the end of it."A gift from Lord Christopher...he told me that the chip by now had lost it's power to increase your power so he made this just for you....but I won't force you to take it...however if you don't the poison from my bone blade will surely kill you." Jessica said with a sneer and threw the vial down next to him.

"I don't....WANT ANYTHING MORE TO DO WITH HIM!" Jolt said aloud in a loathing tone. But as he stared at that vial the more he became tempted to use it.

"That vial itself will increase your regenerative abilities ten fold and your power as well...but the catch is you have to tap into's not like your usual has to be you. However Lord Christopher told me to warn you that there will be side effects after each use...but if your not going to use it then I guess I'll leave you here to die then...i was sent here as a delivery Pokemon but I wanted to test your abilities against mine...and if I killed you....i would simply tell Lord Christopher you left me no choice....I'm not even tapping into my own power that he gave me...i simply used my Pokemon arts to defeat you...quite pathetic really."Jessica said and walked away leaving Jolt laying in agony staring at the vial.

"I'm going to die here if I don't use that vial...but if I do...i might lose my life to Chris anyways....damn it! Damn it all to hell!" Jolt thought in a pissed off tone.

Jolt's vision began to blur as he felt his entire body go numb...

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Jolt's voice echoed out throughout the forest and then suddenly quieted...

Meanwhile back at HQ....

Ashley was resting peacefully until a sudden ping of dread and fear suddenly hit her and overwhelmed her causing her to sit up suddenly and clutch her chest."Jolt...." Ashley said in a worried undertone."Why do I feel like this? Why would I suddenly feel so worried about him for no reason...i know I worry about him...but not like's a different kind of worry..." Ashely said and looked over at Meo who was taking an afternoon catnap and then shook her head"Ya fucking right..why the hell would I feel that way about my own brother?! But still....this happened for a reason...i need to find out if he's ok..." Ashley said and sneaked out of the HQ to go find her brother.

Ashley ran through the forest following his scent. As she the scent grew stronger and stronger she also caught the scent of blood in the air."Oh god....Jolt!" Ashley thought in a panicked tone and used her agility and sped through the forest until she came to the clearing and saw Jolt laying on the ground unconscious.

Ashley immediately ran over to Jolt and put her ear to his chest."Thank god...a heartbeat." Ashley thought relieved. Ashely then picked up a scent in the air."Why does that scent smell so familiar?" Ashley said aloud as a figure walked into view.

"It should smell familiar me you have memories from the time line that I created when I had my psychic powers...thanks to you Mewtwo removed little bitch rat!" Jessica said with a hateful tone and shot a thunderbolt at Ashley to which she dodged.

"How do you know me?! Tell me! Why is your looks and scent so familiar to me?!" Ashley said as she dodged yet another attack trying her damnedest to figure out why she recognized this scent and these looks.

"You don't remember? Allow me to jog your memory then!" Jessica said and stood on her hind paws and connected two digits from her paws together while making sure to keep the others separated."å�?å��モンスター�?�よ�?��?�ç�?æ���?�れるè��è�": é���?®ç��å���?®å��å��!(Pokemon forbidden art: Bone dagger barrage)"

Jessica said and separate her paws to reveal two sharp bones in the shape of daggers.

"That's the language of our ancestors who used Pokemon arts but-" Ashley suddenly gasped at the side of the bone daggers as she recalled memories from a life she had no idea she had lived before.


"Jolt, what the fuck did you just do?! You just killed nurse Joy!" Ashley said with a shocked yet horrified look on her face.

"Look again Ashley! That's not nurse Joy! Think about it! She resented our relationship and was very rude to us, what would change her opinion of us now?!" Jolt said readying himself for anything.

Ashley stood there for a moment trying toi collect herself. "she was acting odd but-" Before Ashley could finish she was whisked away just in time by Jolt before an ice beam hit her.

Nurse Joy then stood up and snapped her neck to the side causing it to pop and then snapped it to the other side causing another loud pop." Very perceptive Jolt...impressive. However my master will not tolerate failure." Nurse Joy said as stood staring at them.

"Why don't you show us who you really are....You Gengar!" Jolt said bravely.

Nurse Joy's form then began to change revealing a human looking haunter." The name is Huntress.....and this is the last face will you ever see." Huntress said with an evil smile.

Ashley then looked at Jolt and gave a panicked look" Jolt....Our family!" She said in a terrified tone to which Jolt nodded silently.

"Ashley listen, I'm going to throw you through the open hole in the roof. Go warn Mom and dad and the rest of our family!" Jolt said to which Ashley nodded just before Jolt chucked her though the roof's hole and tackled Huntress before she could react.

Ashley flew though the roof and used her Irontail attack to soften her landing which was just outside the Pokemon center and Ran using agility towards their home." Please be ok..I'm on my way!" Ashley thought as she ran as fast as she could...


"The Haunter......and my family was...." Ashley said in a spaced out tone as Jessica posed to throw her bone daggers at her...


As the door opened and swung to the side the sight that beheld her caused her to look on in shock and horror as only audible sounds could be heard emitting from her mouth.

" god......" Ashley thought to herself as tears of anguish and pain began to stream down her cheeks.

"NOOOOOO!" Ashley shrieked finally as she ran over to Josh and held him sobbing who had been laying on the living room floor in a puddle of blood with what looked to be a large claw in his back starring blankly in horror with one paw extended out towards the door.

"Please god, noooooo!" Ashley shrieked again holding Josh tightly in her arms not caring at all that his blood as now staining her brown fur.


After a few moments Ashley turned her head to look into the living room to see Alexia who had been impaled through the chest by what looked to be another large claw hanging from the living room wall with her head laying limp as her blood dripped from her hind paws onto the floor.


Ashley immediately dashed up the stairs the rest of the way to see Camellia laying in the upstairs hallway earless sprawled on her back and what looked to be a streak of blood from where she was dragged which was the Boy's room.


Ashley stood on her hind paws and opened up the door to the boy's room to see Koda laying on the floor his head looking as if it had been turned in a 360 degree angle with a look of shock on his face.


Ashley as if by impulse ran as fast as she could, ran though the broken door to see her father laying on the ground impaled though the chest on the bed and looked over to see her Mother being gagged by what looked like a Jolt version of a Gengar hold her up by her throat.


the Gengar jabbed her through the chest causing her to cough up blood as her eyes widened in shock and horror.


"I found them dead with my own eyes...." Ashley said in the same stunned tone just as Jessica chucked the bone daggers at her."Then I....took revenge and saved my brother...." Ashley said still dazed as the bone daggers sailed mid-air towards her.


"H-how? No one can match my strength!" The Gengar said in a shocked tone but Ashley was not listening the only thing that could be seen was her eyes which were filled with a deep rage.

Ashley then snapped the Gengar's arm breaking it with a single twist of her paw causing the Gengar to cry out in agony and drop it's claw and then threw the Gengar to the wall.

"T-t-this can't be possible!" The Gengar said fearfully holding it's arm still as Ashley picked up the claw the Gengar dropped and walked over to it.

"you can't beat-" But the Gengar was cut off by Ashley lifting it by the throat.

"Ironic isn't it...that you die the same way you killed my mother!" Ashley yelled and rammed the Claw through the Gengar's chest so hard that the wall behind it could be seen cracking. But Ashley wasn't finished she dropped the Gengar who was coughing and gasping for breath as it gagged on it's own blood and walked over to her mother and took the claw out of her walked back over to the Gengar and lifted it up again and jabbed a second claw into it's chest causing the Gengar to cry out in pain.

"Still not dead yet....good! Because I'm not done with you!" Ashley said dragging the Gengar by it's ears down the hall and stopped in front of her sister." This is for Camellia!" Ashley yelled as she literally ripped the Gengar's ears off it's head causing it to shriek in pain. Ashley then knocked the Gengar down the stairs and followed it slowly on all fours she then saw Alexia still impaled on the wall and took her down with the up most care and took the claw out of her as delicately as possible and then walked over to the Gengar once agin picking it up by the throat and slammed it against the wall.

"This is for Alexia!" Ashley shrieked and jabbed yet another claw through the Gengar's chest "nailing" it to the wall. The Gengar by now was looking barely conscious gasping in agony with each breath it took as tears of fear and pain dripped down it's cheeks. Ashley then walked over to her brother and took the claw out of him as carefully as possible, walked over to the Gengar, and yanked him off leaving the claw still in the wall as she dragged him over to where Josh laid at and though it down next to him.

"This is for Josh!" Ashley yelled and threw the claw down impaling the Gengar though the back causing it to give another shriek of agony. Ashley then got on it's back and lifted it's head up choking the Gengar.

"I...was...only...following...orders..."The Gengar managed to say between gags as blood seemed to be pouring from every part of it now.

"And this......" Ashley said straining against the Gengar's neck as it attempted to stop her from doing what it knew she was planning to do." Is for Koda......BURN IN HELL!!!!" Ashley yelled as she twisted the Gengar's neck snapping it.


"HEY BITCH!" A voice came from the torn door way which caused huntress to turn her head in that direction to see a very blood stained Ashley holding a claw in her right paw standing on her hind paws with a look of pure rage in her eyes." DROP MY BROTHER!" Ashley yelled and threw the claw which impaled Huntress right though her skull killing her instantly causing her to drop jolt to the floor as she fell to the ground with her head gushing blood.


By now the daggers were merely 5 inches from her face which she suddenly deflected then with her Irontail catching Jessica by surprise.

"I remember......EVERYTHING." Ashley said calmly but a rage could been seen in her eyes that Jessica all too well remembered.

"Damn it! I should have killed her when I had the element of surprise! If she remembers everything she's going to be a pawfull!" Jessica thought to herself as a bead of sweat dripped down her cheek.

"You killed my family....killed Jolt...but Mewtwo reversed your time-line...i lost my save everyone......." Ashley said as she felt the rage within her begin to rekindle her dormant power.

"Your going to die here and what does it matter if you remember everything anyways!" Jessica said in a cocky tone."Allow me to show new power...that Lord Christopher bestowed upon me...our last battle I may have lost to you..but I won't this time!" Jessica said as she began to glow.

Ashley looked on in surprise as Jessica's fur began to change color from yellow to a dark red with black streaks appearing on her fur until they formed the shape of a skull on her chest fur."Behold! The power of the Pokemon X gene! Each of us are given a specific gene to increase our powers and abilities ten fold! They are gifts from Lord help us crush our foes! I may have lost last time....but this time....YOU WILL DIE ASHLEY KETCHUM!!!!
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