AGNPH Stories





Ashley stared for a moment at this new development and stared at her for a few moments then positioned herself on all fours with bolts of electricity surging from her cheeks as Jessica charged at her.

"DIE YOU LITTLE BITCH RAT!" Jessica roared as her fist connected with Ashley's open paw with such magnitude the ground beneath them began to crack and fracture beneath them.

Ashley held her ground holding Jessica's fist but was struggling to maintain her ground as her paw ached in agony as fresh blood began to trickle from it to the ground."She strong....ten times stronger than when we last fought...even with my dormant power reawakened this is going to be tough..." Ashley thought looking over at Jolt briefly then back to Jessica."I won't let you die again Jolt.....never again...." Ashley thought to herself as she recalled the memories of what happened on that day...


"Too weak eh?" Jolt said in an undertone. Jolt then walked over to Ashley's side limping and placed a paw on front right paw as he stood beside her and with all he had left in him began to muster an electric attack.

"I just have one thing to say to you Jessica. I pity you...and I am sorry for what Chris did to you...and because of what he did you had forgotten what it's like to have the one's you care about stand at your side..and for that I am sorry...but now...with all I have left..i will put an end to your rein once and for all!" Jolt exclaimed and yelled at the top of his lungs"PIIII-KAAAA-CHUUUUUUU!!!!!!" as he shot his own thunderbolt along side of Ashley's combining their power.

Jessica's own attack suddenly was being repelled back at her too fast for her to muster the power to repel it back."No,this can't please stop!" Jessica cried out in terror as the her attack plus the entire Ketchum family's hit her full force.

"NO!NO! AAAAHHHHHHHH!" Jessica shrieked followed by an ear piercing scream of sheer terror and agony before she was suddenly silenced as the attack incinerated her and blasted through the wall behind her and shot into the sky. Those who looked up at the sky at that moment would swear they saw a shooting star flying a crossed the sky for a few moments before the attack finally faded.

Jolt now having used up all his strength could not stand up any longer and fell forward flat on the floor only to be caught by Ashley mid-fall.

Jolt...please don't leave're my world....i can't live without you!" Ashley said with tears streaming from her eyes as she held Jolt lifeless in her paws."God,please no! Not him too! Please don't take him away from me! Please! I'm begging you! Let him stay with me!" Ashley screamed out at the top of her lungs and held him tightly in her arms sobbing.


"Never again...." Ashley said aloud as a tear streaked down her left cheek which Jessica looked on sneering.

"Scared of dying aren't you? Your terrified of should be...." Jessica said with a cackle.

"The only thing I'm scared of...." Ashley said in a low tone but enough for Jessica to hear."Is your face!" Ashley shouted with a grin and grabbed her by the arm and threw her into the tree that she had knocked Jolt into earlier.

Jessica immediately got back to her feet and stood up."Why you little...." Jessica said with a low growl."I was going to play around with you..but it's clear to me that you don't wanna"Jessica said and connected her paws together once with middle digit grasped around the other,cupped them completely, and finally wrapped her fore-digits of her paw together."è��ç��å�?å��モンスター�?®è��è�": é��æ��!!!(Bloodline Pokemon art: Thunder vortex) Let's get down to business!" Jessica said aloud and her electrical sacs began to emit large sparks which traveled down her cheeks covering her body in mere seconds. Jessica then began to spin very fast in a three sixty motion and charged at Ashley.

Ashley braced herself for the attack until a horrifying fact just hit her....Jolt was dead in the middle of the crossfire of this battle and right in Jessica's destructive path. She then without hesitation jumped in front of Jolt and took the attack head on without any preparation to defend against it and was knocked backward in a burst of electricity and landed on the ground a few feet away,rolled for a few moments and a few moments later stopped laying unconscious on her back.

" took a blow to save you dear" Jessica said with a sneer as she walked up to the unconscious Ashley."Now your just as helpless as he is..." Jessica said grinning for a few moments then without warding her eyes widened as if her entire body pulsed with pain."I can't keep the X gene active much longer..I'll have to wrap this up quickly..." Jessica said aloud and clasped both paws together."å�?å��モンスター�?�よ�?��?�ç�?æ���?�れるè��è�": é���?®å��.(Pokemon forbidden art: Bone Blade)" Jessica said aloud and separated her paws to reveal another bone sword.

"I told I would not lose to you this time Ashley Ketchum..." Jessica said as she took hold of her bone sword with both paws and aimed the tip right at Ashley's chest. Jessica was about to strike downward when a voice stopped her.

"Hey bitch! Get away from my sister!" The voice said which was cold and shook Jessica's very being down to her core. Jessica turned around to see Jolt standing up..but he looked completely different from before.

Jolt fur had turned Pitch black with white streaks running a crossed his entire body and on his forehead a white crescent star could be seen.:You took Lord Christopher's gift I take does it-" But Jessica could not finish her sentence for Jolt's fist was poking out of her back.

"How does it feel you ask?" Jolt said in the same cold and chilling tone as Jessica coughed up fresh blood."Pretty damn good....but you aren't looking so hot yourself." Jolt said with a cold sneer as he withdrew his fist leaving Jessica to fall to her knees gasping and coughing up even more blood with every breath she attempted to take.

"You little...."Jessica said an coughed up more blood."Rat!" Jessica finished and coughed up more blood.

Jolt's eyes narrowed at these words."Very bad choice of words for your last moments of life..." Jolt said in a low tone but it was still cold which caused Jessica's eyes to widen with horror and fear.

Jolt then balled up a fist and held it in front of him as large volts of electricity formed on it smiling evilly at Jessica."No...please..I'm begging you!" Jessica said pleading for her life.

Jolt then without hesitation punched her square in the chest grinning evilly as his fist connected feeling her body slowly incinerate along side with Jessica's blood curdling scream followed by silence moments later as Jolt looked into Jessica's eyes still wide open with horror just before her head was incinerated.

Jolt stood there for a few moments enjoying the pleasure of taking her life until his senses kicked back into him full force as the effect of what he had just done hit him causing his eyes to open wide with shock and horror as he fell to his knees. Jolt's fur then began to change back to it's normal yellow color as his eyes filled with tears."Who was I just now?! What have I done?!" Jolt thought to himself in a panicked tone staring at his blood stained paws.

Ashley was just beginning to come to when she opened her eyes and stared at Jolt for a few moments realizing the look in his eyes."Jolt...what happened here?" Ashley asked in the most concerned tone she could muster in her weakened state as she stood up and walked over to him.

"I....I....I don't know! I mean I do know...but...." Jolt said in a panicked tone trailing off."I killed her! And I enjoyed it! But I didn't want to! I mean I did wasn't me! I would never kill someone without a reason! Why would i-AAAAAHHHHH!!" Jolt's panicked rant was cut off as he felt a surge of pain surge throughout his entire being as if like a sudden pulse that he could feel emitting out of every pore of his body causing him to scream out in pain and agony as he fell face first to the ground unconscious.

Meanwhile back at HQ....

"I can't find Ashley anywhere!" Meo said in a panicked tone to Ash which caused him to look up from his gaze at his wife along with Chikaria who looked up in surprise as well.

"Is Jolt back yet?" Ash asked as calmly as possible.

"No he hasn't come back yet don't think..." Meo started.

"Yes I do...have Misty and Charlie fly ahead for lookout and we'll follow. That's an order!" Ash said in a matter of fact tone.

"Yes,sir!" Meo replied promptly and ran out of the door to notify Misty and Charlie.

"I'm going to go out for awhile Chikaria...look after my wife would you?" Ash said in a kind manner to which Chikaria nodded."Of course!" She replied.

Ash ran to the Equipment closet located just down the hall from their rooms and took out server gadgets including a small sword and ran back to see Meo was already equipped and ready."Status?" Ash asked as he ran next to Meo to the platform.

"Misty and Charlie just flew out from the cave exit and should be flying above us momentarily." Meo said as they both stopped on the platform.

"Good. Take us up Josh and your in command while I'm gone." Ash said in a authoritative tone.

"Yes,sir!" Josh replied and pressed the button on his console which caused the platform to raise up.

Chikaria looked on in amazement at all of them."They are so organized...far more organized then my resistance group ever was." Chikaria thought to herself as she watched Ash and Meo go out of sight as the platform reached the top.

As the platform stopped which it reached the top level Meo and Ash both instantaneously burst off it with great speed both using agility as they ran.

"What kind of trouble has that Chu of mine gotten himself into this time?" Ash thought to himself as they ran and spoke into his com device around his neck.

"Status report, Flying Valkyrie!" Ash said into his com device as they ran.

"All clear from the heavens,Lightning Mouse!" Misty's voice replied from the com device.

"This is white fur blade, If you spot the targets before us do not perform recon on targets, I repeat do not perform recon on the targets! It could be a trap and we do not need any unnecessary causalities. Am I clear Flying Valkyrie?" Meo said as he spoke into his com device on his wrist.

"Crystal clear white fur blade, we will not perform recon until all units have arrived at the targets position!" Misty's voice replied.

Since Jolt hasn't replied to any of our calls we can only assume he's either been captured , unconscious, or..." Ash trailed off.

"Don't even think Jolt could die that easily..he's too hard headed to be killed." Meo said with a grin which caused Ash to smile."Have you tried contacting Ashley yet?" Meo asked.

"Ya but she didn't reply..but we can always try again I suppose." Ash said and spoke into his com devise again."Brown Rabbit, Come in Brown rabbit! This is Lighting Mouse, Please respond!" Ash said into the com device and waited for a reply.

Ash and Meo were now making their way into the the deeper parts of Ilex forest now as Misty and Charlie flew ahead looking onward over the deep brushes of forest for any trace of Jolt and Ashley."Knowing that Hard headed Chu, he probably got himself captured." Charlie said in an annoyed tone as he flew only to get knocked over the head by Misty who was on his back."Seriously keep this up and no sex for a week!" Misty said balling up a fist with her right temple pulsing.

"Sorry dear,but you know how much trouble Jolt gets himself into on a regular basis without missions." Charlie said in a calm tone which caused misty to let out a long sigh and her head dropped past her shoulders seemingly."Don't remind me..." Misty replied in a depressed tone.

Meanwhile below Ash and Meo continued to run threw the forest cutting bushes and small trees down with ease."Still no response huh?" Meo asked dimly.

"Nope...." Ash replied and let out a sigh."I'm gonna try Jolt once more..." Ash said and began to speak into his com device once again...

Meanwhile on the other side of Ilex forest Ashley was sitting next to Jolt waiting for him to awaken putting her ear on his chest ever so often to make sure she could hear a heartbeat.

"I remember everything love for Jolt...our litter everything we had...but I'm with Meo now...." Ashley thought to herself feeling torn between her love for Meo and her newly rediscovered love for her brother.

"I don't even know If Jolt even remembers what we had...i could try and help him remember but..." Ashley thought to herself and sighed."I feel so lost..." Ashley said aloud as she began to cry silently to herself.

Sudden;y Ash's voice began to blare out of Jolt's com device on his wrist"Field Mouse, do you read me?! Come in Field mouse!" Ash's voice shouted from the com device which shattered Ashley's depressed thoughts as she took the com device off his wrist and spoke into it.

"This is Brown Rabbit, I'm with Field mouse right now! Requesting reconnaissance asap at position A-B-22!" Ashley replied into the com device.

"Location confirmed Brown Rabbit. Reconnaissance is already on the way and we are heading to your position now!" Ash's voice replied.

"Understood! Brown Rabbit out!" Ashley replied and looked at Jolt and felt her thoughts and sadness begin to return to her.

"Who do I choose? I mean I've been with Meo for about 3 months now...but me and Jolt...we were together for much longer...but that was also another time....can our love truly stand the test of time itself? Or was what we had not meant to be? Why was it only I remembered and not Jolt?" All these questioned come to her hitting her all at once which didn't help her at all.

"Then again...i could be jumping the gun...maybe he does remember like I did when he saw her..." Ashley thought to herself just before she heard a rustling sound come from the bushes and posited herself in a combat stance.

"Calm down,'s just us." Ash's voice called from behind the bushes just before he came through them along side of Meo."How is he?" Ash asked in a concerned tone.

"He's unconscious at the moment but just before he did..he was in a very panicked state...i can give you a full report when we make it back to HQ." Ashley finished to which Ash nodded and spoke into his com device.

"Flying Valkyrie, Reconnaissance is a go, I repeat reconnaissance is a go!" Ash said into his com device.

"Understood Lightning Mouse, Performing reconnaissance now!" Misty's voice replied followed shortly by a loud rustling of trees from above and Charlie and Misty descending down and landing next to Ash and Meo.

Meo looked at Ashley who in turn looked away which caused him to give a concerned look and walked over to her as Ash helped Misty hoist Jolt onto Charlie's back."Something wrong dear?" Meo whispered into Ashley's ear.

"N-no....nothings wrong.." Ashley lied and turned to look at Jolt who had been strapped to Charlie's back.

"We'll get Jolt back to HQ and do a full body checkup on him to make sure he's ok." Misty said with a smile.

"Alright...and also have Chikaria lend a paw in that as well..she seems very skilled in the medical aspects of Pokemon anatomy." Ash replied back and Misty nodded."Will do." she replied and flew off leaving Ashley staring up at them, more so at Jolt then the other two.

"Jolt...." Ashley thought to herself as they flew out of sight.

"Ash then placed his paw on her shoulder."He'll be fine...and we are gonna have a nice long talk young Chu when we get back about you running off like that. Understood?" Ash said in a strict fatherly tone.

"Yes,dad." Ashley replied with a frown.

Ashley,Meo, and Ash then began to run back towards HQ all the while not knowing the conflict of emotions clashing within Ashley as they ran back....
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