AGNPH Stories





Josh woke up bright and early the next morning and began to work on his secret project no one new about....for the past three years he had been working on a device that could awaken one who had been rendered into a comma but he didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to get their hopes up. He had been making progress on it but wasn't sure it would actually work...after all he had no one to test it on and he not dare test it on his mother who still lay in a comma.

"I miss you mom....i want you to wake up now...but I don't want to risk hurting you." Josh said aloud staring at his invention as a silent tear streaked down his cheek.....

Josh began to make several adjustments to his invention turning a few gears and working on the device's program code until he heard everyone else began to wake up and walked out of his secret room hidden behind his control panel in the main room and pushed on a touch sensitive panel on the wall that scanned his paw print closing and locking it.

Chikaria was the first to come out."Morning Josh. So what does everyone do around here for fun anyways?" Chikaria asked curiously.

"Nothing....we are constantly working each day to work towards stopping Chris. We don't have time for fun now at days." Josh said in a cold yet depressed tone.

" you guys don't even have sex or at least masturbate?" Chikaria remarked with a grin causing Josh to sweatdrop.

"Since we are all related....we are kind of off limits to each other." Josh said and turned around and began to type into his console.

Chikaria blinked twice."But your all Pokemon...just like me...i mean it's not like we are humans or anything. We don't have to abide by their rules...never have." Chikaria replied still seemingly not following.

"Our father was human....he got turned into a Pikachu by that madman ten years ago." Josh said which caused Chikaria to gasp.

"So you are part human and part Pikachu...i get it now....that explains why there are humans here. They are Ash's family." Chikaria said in a clam tone.

"Actually....Dad doesn't have any blood family of the human kind anymore....his human mother Delia was killed five years ago by one of Chris's creations." Josh said in a low tone causing Chikaria to put paw over her muzzle an gasp.

"I'm so sorry....i didn't know..." Chikaria said in the most comforting voice she could muster even though it was breaking as she held back tears.

"Every human here is a close friend of our family and we treat each other as family because we are so close...." Josh continued turning back to face her."Chris stole our grandmother from us....he took everything from us...our way of life....our joy...everything!" Josh said turning around and slamming a balled up paw on his console in frustration as he struggled to hold back the inevitable tears that began to streak from his cheeks."He put our mother into a comma....that we don't even know if she will ever recover from....that's why we continuously work each day and don't have any get back what he stole from us!" Josh exclaimed slamming his balled up paw on the console again.

Chikaria seemed to be at a loss for words unable to think of anything to say to comfort him when Jolt walked in and patted him on the shoulder."It's okay bro....we'll get day we will make him pay..." Jolt said as his brother looked back at him teary eyed and hugged him.

Chikaria looked on at the two brothers hugging and sighed."What exactly did Chris do to you guys?" She asked as delicately as possible.

"Well for starters...he did this to me." Jolt said making a point to show off his body height."And secondly he killed our mother's family before we were even born. Thirdly he has directly targeted our family on more than one occasion....that's how both of our grandmothers were killed. Delia and Rachel....both the hands of that madman....that's why we fight Chikaria....we fight to regain was was taken form us...even if we can't get it all back." Jolt said in a solemn tone.

Chikaria was once again at a loss for words as Jolt walked off to the right and to the make shift kitchen located about 10 feet from where they stood.

Alexia and camellia both walked into the room ten minuets later in very bad moods."God...every fucking day...the same thing...except this time it's Ashley and not Jolt." Alexia said in an annoyed tone.

Josh looked at Alexia and Camilla and smiled." what's wrong girls? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Josh remarked with a grin when his nose picked up the cause a few moments later.

"Dad, Alexia and Camellia are in heat again!" Josh called out getting a deathly glare from both females.

Ash walked into the room a few moments later and sighed."Great...three days or mental and psychical torture..." Ash thought to himself with a sigh."Okay know the drill...keep yourselves in check and if you find yourself losing control try and give us a heads up so we can stop you from doing anything stupid." Ash said patting both girls on the back with his tail as he walked passed them.

"Easy for you to say dad....if it had not been for jolt last time I would have mounted Koda!" Alexia said with a grim look.

"Same goes for the boys...if the Alexia or Camellia's heat scents began to affect your thinking leave HQ for an exceptions! Heat induced mating is one hundred percent avoidable if we all do our parts and take precautions." Ash finished and went to stand next to Josh.

"Not like Josh is ever affected by our heat scents anyways....i sometimes wonder if that Chu isn't gay..." Camellia remarked earning a glare from Josh.

"You know really know how to push a Chu's buttons!" Josh said with a glare and stomped out of the room clearly pissed off.

"Camellia Ketchum! I know your in heat by that gives you no right to make accusations that you know will piss off your brother! To your room young Chu!" Ash said in a authoritative fatherly tone.

Camellia simply glared at her father for a moment"Fine! I'll just go and shove a stick up my cunt! Maybe that will satisfy me! Not like you'd ever let me have a male anyways....god knows how many times Ashley's been fucked by Meo anyways!" Camellia said and stomped over to her room and slammed it shut VERY loudly.

"Where did that daughter of mine pick up such language?" Ash remarked with an aggravated sigh as he rubbed his temple with his right paw.

Alexia simply went and lay down and few moments later winced quietly to herself at the sight of Koda walking out unknowingly with a morning wood which caused Ash to go slightly wide eyed."Koda! The girls are in heat! Go back to your room until your personal problem is taken care of!" Ash literally shouted suddenly without warning causing Chikaria to jump five feet in the air in surprise.

Koda looked at his father groggily for a few moments before the information set in and turned his head to see his "problem" and then back to Alexia who was fidgeting where she lay and went slightly wide eyed."oh my god! I can't believe I did that!" Koda said blushing furiously and ran back to his room.

Ashley was the next to come walking out a moments later."What's all the commotion about?" She asked groggily.

Ash let out a sigh."The girls are in heat and Koda walked out with a morning wood. And we all know in their current state of mind seeing a erect penis doesn't help matters..." Ash explained still rubbing his temple to which Ashley nodded,looked at Alexia and walked over to her.

" long has it been since you and Koda dated?" Ashley whispered into her sister's ear causing her to go wide eyed and blush.

"How could you possibly know about that?!" Alexia whispered back in a shocked tone.

"Lets just say I found out long ago and didn't say anything till now." Ashley whispered back with a grin causing Alexia to give a confused look.

"Me and Koda's first time was when I was having my first heat about eleven years ago..." Alexia whispered back...


Mom and dad had no clue I was going through my first ever heat cycle at that was before all the stuff with Chris started...

"Alexia,Koda,Jolt,Camellia, Josh, Ashley! Breakfast time!" Ash's human voice rounded from downstairs in the Ketchum household.

Everyone came running downstairs except for Alexia who had been slow to wake.

Alexia awoke that morning with her vagina feeling very warm and moist which puzzled her as it had never felt like this before."what the heck? Why does my private place feel like this?" Alexia thought questionably and curiously placed a paw down there and inserted it.

Alexia was not prepared for the feeling that ensued upon inserting a digit of her paw in. Her vagina instantly clinched around it involuntarily and caused her to let out a sudden loud moan. She immediately withdraw the digit of her paw shocked yet still curious as to why it felt so good just to insert her paw in the place she normally went pee from.

"Alexia! Come on downstairs sleepyhead!" Julian's voice came calling from downstairs a few moments later.

Alexia was still curious as to why it felt so good but decided to wait till later to experiment, got out of bed, and went downstairs for breakfast.

As Alexia walked in Koda came walking to her, stood on his hind paws as did she so to and gave him a sisterly hug. However as Koda hugged his sister he caught an odd scent in the air, as he did so his Chu cock began to poke out of it's sheath with out his knowledge and poked the outer lips of Alexia's vagina.

The feeling of something poking at her private place caused Alexia to instinctively buck forward a little much to her and Koda's shock pushing the tip in slightly but only enough to part her outer lips slightly and withdraw a second later.

Koda immediately broke the hug at this with an awkward expression on his face that matched Alexia's as an awkward silence ensued until Ash's voice snapped them out of their trances beckoning them to the breakfast table.

"Why did I do that for?! Koda's wee-wee was inside my private place! And it felt good! What the heck is wrong with me?!" Alexia thought to herself clearly confused as to why her body acted without her knowledge.

Meanwhile Koda himself was confused by her actions and why his wee-wee was poking out in the first place."What was the scent I smelled coming from Alexia? And why did it make my wee-wee become a little hard like that? It's never done this before...but for that short time the tip of my wee-wee was inside her private place I felt something that felt really good....i wonder why..." Koda thought looking at his sister curiously.

After breakfast was over everyone went to the park for a family outing as they had planed the day before.

The litter instantly ran into the park and began to play with the other trainer's Pokemon as Ash and Julian watched them. Alexia however simply walked over to a swing and swayed slowly looking around at everyone particularly the males which caused the wetness and the warmth inside her vagina to increase making her wince.

Koda who was playing with Jolt at the moment saw Alexia sitting alone on the swing and stared at her leaving himself wide open for a tackle attack from his brother.

"Ha! I win!" Jolt remarked with a grin.

"Hey,no fair! I was distracted!" Koda replied angrily however Jolt wasn't listening as he had begun to "play battle" with Josh now so he decided to see what was up with Alexia.

As he sat down next to her that odd scent crept up his nose again making his penis begin to poke out which he tried to hide as he spoke." Hey sis...are you okay?" Koda asked curiously.

"I don't body is acting funny today..and to make thing even worse my private place feels all wet and warm which is making me feel uncomfortable." Alexia replied fidgeting in her swing seat as she glanced over at Koda's penis which he was trying to hide but was failing miserably as it continued to get harder.

"Why is my wee-wee doing this when I'm near you?" Koda asked with a blush.

"I don't know but if keeps getting bigger it's gonna be hard to cover in a bit. Lets go over to those bushes and hide you before your wee-wee becomes too big and everyone stares at you" Alexia remarked pointing to a dense brush of trees and bushes a crossed the playground.

Koda nodded and they both ran over to the bushes and hid from everyone...

Koda then sat on his rump and looked at Alexia who seemed to be transfixed on his growing member."Sis...are you okay? Why are you staring at my wee-wee like that?" Koda asked in an confused tone.

This snapped Alexia out of her stare and looked at Koda's face and blushed."Sorry...i couldn't help I body is acting all strange and weird. And I don't know how to stop it. I hope i'm not like this forever..." Alexia said and let out a sigh.

"Is there anything you can do to make the warmness and wetness go away?" Koda asked curiously.

"Well...when I touched myself down there it felt really good and come to think of it..some of the warmness began to go away..." Alexia said now sitting on her rump herself and looking down at her vagina which was now leaking something clear onto the grass and looked up at Koda a few moments later with an pained expression on his face and looked downward to see his penis fully erect noe and twitching.

"Maybe your sick and you got me sick too sis....because now my wee-wee hurts." Koda said wincing.

"maybe if you touched yourself like I did it will go let me see if I can help." Alexia said and placed a paw around his penis."Wow...that's an very small hole..i don't think I can stick a digit of my paw in there..your hole is much smaller than mine." Alexia remarked looking at the tip still holding it with one paw.

"Your paw feels funny on my wee-wee...but not bad funny...good funny.." Koda remarked and scooted forward a little bit to become more comfortable which caused Alexia to accidentally pump it once as she tried to make herself more comfortable earning moan from Koda.

"Do that again sis." Koda said in a breathless tone.

"What did I do?" Alexia asked curiously clearly unaware of the momentary pleasure she gave to him.

"Move your paw up and down on my wee-wee...that made it feel really good." Koda instructed her.

"Okay...." Alexia replied and began to stroke his length earning moans from Koda.

"Does it really feel that good?" Alexia asked still stroking him.

" feels really good...." Koda stuttered feeling the immense pleasure of his sister stroking his penis.

As Alexia continued to stroke her brother she noticed something clear appear on the tip of his penis that looked like what was now dripping from her vagina. Curiously she licked the tip of Koda's Chu cock earning a loud moan from him. The taste was slightly salty and sticky yet at the same time very addicting. Normally this kind of taste would make her go "eww!" But her body wasn't listening to her mind as she instinctively engulfed his member in her muzzle in an effort to taste more of that taste that her muzzle seemed to now be craving earning rapid moans and panting sounds from her brother.

"what the heck is wrong with me?! I'm trying to tell my muzzle to stop sucking on my brothers wee-wee but my body won't listen to me!" Alexia thought to herself as she continued sucking all the while the warmth and wetness in her vagina was getting to the point that her vagina was leaking fluids now like a leaky faucet with a small stream of water continuous streaming out.

" wee-wee is starting to feel really funny!" Koda exclaimed panting loudly now.

Alexia continued to suck her brother's length savoring the taste of each drop of pre that touched her tongue encouraging her to suck even more so.

" wee-wee feeling really funny right-uhh!" Koda began to say but was cut off by his sudden first ever climax shooting a load of cum into his sister's muzzle catching her off guard. Even though he was mature enough for a wet orgasm he could not as of yet produce semen not that either of them knew what it was that shot out of Koda's penis.

This sudden explosion into her muzzle caused her to gag and choke forcing her to take her muzzle off of her brother's cock allowing a few streams to coat her cheeks,nose and forehead in cum.

Koda's erection then began to subside as he panted smiling at his sister."your right...that did make it go away and it felt really good!" Koda remarked and noticed what was on her face."Did that stuff come out of me?" Koda asked curiously looking at Ashley who was now cleaning off her face and paws.

"Ya, it did...and even though I didn't mean to suck your wee-wee my body wouldn't listen to me...that stuff that came out of your tasted yucky to me but for some reason I wanted more...It was like my body was craving it." Alexia explained and moments later winced loudly instinctively jabbing a digit into her vagina and moaning loudly.

"L-like right body is making this...uhh..I'm not telling it to....uhh..." Alexia said moaning with each thrust of the digit of her paw into her vagina which was clenching the digit of her paw with each thrust.

Koda's penis was beginning to become hard again watching Alexia do this and groaned." Great you got my wee-wee hard again...can you make it go away again?" Koda asked curiously.

"I private place is feeling really good right now with my digit in it...after...uhh..I'm done...uhh..i will..." Alexia said between moans.

Just then Koda remembered what Alexia did earlier."Hey, sis I got an idea...i know ho we can make each other feel better at the same time. Remember Earlier today when you pushed my wee-wee inside your private place a little bit? It felt really good and I want to try to it all the way in if you want.

Alexia stopped thrusting her digit into her at this and stared at Koda's fully erect member....for some reason her body simply ached to have it inside her private place...yet she didn't know why."My body is telling me to let him put his wee-wee inside my private place...but I don't want him to shot that sticky stuff in would probably be a pain to clean out....but then again...i don't give a darn! If it will make my private place stop feeling so uncomfortable I'll let him shoot as much of that sticky stuff in me as he wants!" Alexia thought to herself and removed her paw." Go ahead and stick your wee-wee inside my private place bro." Alexia said spreading her legs wide for him.

Koda crawled over to her and stuck his penis inside her vagina without hesitation earning a loud moan from bother of them at the same time."It feels so good sis....and your private place is squeezing my wee-wee...but what do we do now?" Koda asked curiously.

This question perplexed Alexia as well until she got an idea of what to do a few moments later."Remember when I was moving my paw up and down on your wee-wee? Try doing the same thing except my private place will be holding onto your wee-wee while your move it in and out." Alexia suggested.

"So you want me to push my wee-wee in and out while your private place holds onto my it like your paw did?" Koda asked curiously to which Alexia nodded."Okay..." Koda said and thrust his penis in once hard breaking Alexia's Hymen without realizing it causing her to give a high pitched"Pika!" that made Koda stop immediately and withdraw from her.

"Oh,no..i hurt you and made you bleed! I'm so sorry sis!" Koda said with tears in his eyes and hugged her tightly

Alexia's vagina stung terribly right now but for some reason despite the pain she wanted him to stick it back in."Put it back in Koda...please?" Alexia asked desperately.

"But what if I hurt you again?" Koda asked in a scared tone.

"It's doesn't hurt as much now..maybe it was because that was the first time anything has been stuck in there is why it hurt so much...please..can we try one more time?" Alexia asked in an even more desperate tone now.

Koda nodded and reluctantly put his penis back inside her casing them to both moan once again." more time but if I hurt you again we stop okay?" Koda asked and Alexia nodded silently.

Koda then thrust into her again but this time she didn't cry out in pain instead she moaned loudly."Keep doing that feels so good!" Alexia remarked between moans.

This reassured Koda as he began to pick up a rhythm now thrusting in and out of her giving off moans of his own. Alexia could feel his entire length inside her pushing in and out causing her body to shiver as her vaginal muscles clenched his Chuhood tightly with each thrust.

Koda was now on cloud nine as he began to thrust out of instinct more than anything now moaning loudly with each thrust feeling his sisters warm walls clench his Chu cock with each time he pushed his cock into her."It feels so good sis..and my wee-wee is starting to feel funny again...i think it might be almost ready to shoot out more of that sticky stuff like earlier!" Koda said pumping her wet cunt harder and faster now with his Chu cock.

"Uhh..don't stop....keep pushing it in and out of body starting to feel funny too!" Alexia replied gripping Koda's rump as if to try and push him in farther if possible."His wee-wee feels so good inside my private place! I don't know why this feels so's like my body is on fire now! My private place is clamping down on his wee-wee like a Krabby's claw and I don't know why! Is this what male's and female's are supposed to do? I bet this is what mom was talking about before when she spoke of mating with daddy when I was listening in without them knowing...if this is what mating is...i want to do it with Koda everyday!" Alexia thought to herself moaning in ecstasy now gripping her brother's rump so hard now it caused him to wince slightly but not slow his thrusting at all.

" wee-wee is about to shoot that sticky stuff again, I'm sure of it!" Koda exclaimed and moments later grunted loudly as his Chu cock exploded inside his sisters cunny filling it with his warm Chu cum.

Alexia felt Koda's cum gush into her filling her belly with his seed."Don't....uhhh...stop....almost......AAH!" Alexia's Climax hit her like a ton of bricks as her entire body shook uncontrollably as her vagina muscles began to spasm and something very wet gushed out of her vagina all over the grass and Koda's Chu cock along with his lower belly.

Koda simply collapsed on top of his sister exhausted."What was that stuff that came out of your private place sis? It wasn't like mine it was much more wet and not as sticky." Koda asked curiously.

"I...don't...know...but my private place... is not...feeling uncomfortable...anymore" Alexia said between pants.

Shortly after our first time mating we mated almost daily without mom,dad or anyone knowing until we found out exactly what we were doing about two months later from a the vulpix next door. When we found out I could get pregnant with a litter we realized that mating was meant for people who cared about each other on a level of love like mom and dad have and wasn't meant to be done just for fun. So me and Koda began to get into a relationship like mom and dad did...but about four more months down the road...we realized we loved each other but not on that level we called it quits....


"And that's what happened...i don't know how you found out but please don't tell mom and dad..." Alexia whispered.

"Don't worry...your secret's safe with me" Ashley whispered back and gave her sister a hug.

"That's why I was wincing and fidgeting so much when he walked out with a morning's really hard not to tackle him during my heat cycles remembering how good he is..." Alexia remarked with a blush which caused Ashley to giggle quietly.

Suddenly the proximity alarm began to blare loudly causing everyone to jump."Everyone get ready! You know what to do!" Ash called out running to the weapons room along with Meo.

"Do you think it's Chris?" Meo asked taking his com Device out and putting it on his wrist.

"I don't know...if did there's going to be trouble...Jolt's still unstable and even though Ashley can hold her own with her new strength and power she's too inexperienced to handle a genetically altered creation of Chris's." Ash replied taking standing on his hind paws and strapping his com device around his neck.

Meo and Ash walked back out to the main room to see Ashley on the elevator pad with a look of determination on her face."Are you sure your ready for this sweetie?" Ash asked standing next to her on the elevator pad along with Meo.

"I have more experience in fighting Chris's lackeys and creations than you know dad....lets do this." Ashley replied and looked up as Josh pushed the button on his console activating the elevator.

"Be careful, it looks like it might be a Pikachu breed!" Josh called up just before the pad reached the top.

Ashley,Ash, and Meo dashed out from the pad to the coordinates that where less than twenty feet away from HQ and stopped slightly shocked at what they saw.

There stood in front of them smoking what looked like a tabaco rolled into a leaf a grey Pikachu with black electrical sacs and black tipped ears."Oh, hey there! I didn't mean to steal from your tabaco patch but I need a cigerate badly." The Pikachu remarked taking another hit off of it.

"Tabaco patch?" Ash asked curiously then it hit him.....he had busted Josh a few times smoking in his room."JOSHUA KECTHUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ash yelled at the top of his lungs loud enough to make Josh Gulp loudly staring into his console monitor.

"Fuck....I'm dead....." Josh remarked and ran to his room to hide his cigerate stash in better location.

A friendly conversation later....we as friendly as it could possibly be considering this Pikachu was rude as hell they were back in HQ.

"You still haven't told us your name...." Meo commented sourly.

The Pikachu however seemed to not want to reply to that and looked as if he was completely ignoring Meo.

"I should warn you...two of my daughters are in heat at the moment." Ash said coming back from the weapons room.

"As if any female would ever catch my eye...." The Pikachu retorted rudely to which Ash signaled for Meo to come over.

"This Pikachu is too laid back to be working for Chris...despite his attitude." Ash added in an annoyed tone.

"Well either way it's good we blindfolded him right?" Meo replied glancing over at The Pikachu who now rolling up some tabaco in a leaf.

"Please don't smoke in here." Ash said in the most polite manner he could muster."which reminds me....." Ash said under his breath and turned around"Joshua Ketchum! Get your tail in here this instant young Chu!" Ash called out in a strict tone.

"Coming..." Josh remarked from in his room and walked out of it and into the main room and froze at the sight of the grey Pikachu.

"Come here young Chu!" Ash demanded but Josh wasn't listening as he continued to stare at Cash as if in a daze.

"JOSHUA!" Ash shouted snapping him out of his trance.

"Who-who-who is that?" Josh stuttered in a voice that sounded all too much like someone who had just developed a crush on a cute female which caused Meo to raise an eyebrow.

"We don't know his name yet...he refuses to tell us...hell maybe you can.." Meo remarked upon which Josh instantly turned around and walked up to the grey Pikachu much to Ash's annoyance.

"You know Meo...i was trying to lecture and give out a punishment to him and you just gave him a reason to avoid me..." Ash said in an annoyed undertone to Meo.

Meo then huddled Ash away to the other side of the room while Josh walked over to where the grey Pikachu stood."I-I-I'm Joshua....i mean...I'm Josh!" Josh stuttered blushing very much so at the moment looking down rather quickly then back up absentmindedly.

The grey Pikachu took a hit off his cigerate and eyed Josh curiously." Name's Cash....or at least that's what everyone used to call me in those slave facilities...i can't remember my real name anyways." Cash replied with a smile.

"Cash...that's a neat name...I-I-I-I mean cute...I-I-I mean cool!" Josh rambled on and stuttering clearly flustered causing Cash to chuckle.

"You said you name is Joshua right?" Cash asked to which Josh nodded timidly.

"But everyone calls me Josh." Josh replied attempting to muster a meek smile despite his shyness.

"That's a very nice name you have there Josh" Cash replied with a smile causing Josh to blush red as a cherry.

"Y-Y-you really think so?" Josh replied shyly.

Meanwhile over to the other side of the room out of earshot...

"You think he's WHAT?!" Ash asked incredulously.

"Shh! Not so loud! He'll hear you..." Meo said attempting to calm Ash down.

Ash looked over at Josh talking with Cash acting very odd and back to Meo"Think about it Ash...he's never been affected by the female's heat scent and then today he sees that male and goes from how he normally is to about as insecure and shy as a school girl with a high-school crush!" Meo exclaimed in a whisper.

"I always knew he was the oddball of the family but I didn't know he was THIS MUCH of an oddball." Ash replied looking back over to Josh who was now shifting his left hind paw and looking back up and saying a few non-audible words back to Cash with a blush clearly seen on his face.

"How do I confront him about this?" Ash asked Meo hoping for some kind of advice.

"Simply don't...he'll tell you when he thinks he's ready to." Meo replied.

"Do you think that Chu he's talking to is as well? He's been acing awfully rude with us up until he saw Josh then changed his tune." Ash remarked looking over at Cash carrying a full conversation with Josh.

"He might be...we'll have to get to know him better to find that out." Meo replied shrugging.

"Either that or I bust him humping my boy's rump...which in that case he's a dead Chu." Ash remarked popping a knuckle or two on his paws.

"Well look on the bright least he can't get pregnant." Meo said with a grin which caused Ash to flash a glare at him causing Meo to sweatdrop.

"I just can't believe I didn't figure out before that Josh is gay..." Ash said with a sigh rubbing his temple again with his right paw.

"How could you know? It's not like Josh is gonna walk up to you and go; Hey, I'm gay! He might be scared what you might think of him." Meo remarked and patted Ash on the shoulder."Give him time...he'll come around." Meo said and walked up to where Cash and Josh were talking.

"So did you manage to get a name out of this Chu yet?" Meo asked curiously.

"Ya, his name is Cash! He escaped from a Pokemon slave facility in fuschia city. Can he stay dad? Please!?" Josh said with the cutest expression he could manage.

Ash looked at his son, to Cash who simply gave him a slight glance and took another drag off his cigerate, then Meo who was mouthing the words"I wouldn't!" and then back to his son again and sighed.

"As long as he don't cause any trouble I don't mind..." Ash said finally to which Josh gave him a big hug.

"He can stay in my room! We'll be roommates!" Josh said excitedly at which point Meo and Ash exchanged panicked glances.

"I'm not so sure that is the best idea..." Ash replied in a panicked yet fatherly tone."He'll stay with Chikaria in the guest room." Ash said in a confirming tone which Josh's ears dropped and let out a sigh.

"Fine...." Josh replied in a let down tone. Then his ears perked up again as he motioned to Cash."Come over here! I'll show you my inventions!" Josh said proudly to which Cash walked over to him and listened to him start to brag about his inventions.

Ash scratched the back of his head and let out a sigh."Two daughters in heat, a new visitor I let move in on the flick of the dime for my son's sake , and to boot finding out my son is gay....." Ash remarked under his breath and facepawed."This is going to be one hell of a week....." Ash said with a sound of dread in his voice as he walked over and sat down completely forgetting to lecture and punish his son for growing tabaco outside HQ....
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