AGNPH Stories





As the days past in HQ with the girls in heat there had been one close call. of which dealt with Alexia and Koda who Ash had found them both hiding in her room in the middle of mating. Thankfully Ashley had stepped in and yanked Koda out of her moments before he climaxed which unfortunately for Ashley who had lifted Koda up got a chest and muzzle facial as her brother blew his load all over her.

Ash knew he couldn't punish them because he thought the mating had been heat induced...but that didn't stop him from lecturing Koda for the next thirty minuets after he was thinking clearly again while Ashley went to take a shower to clean herself up.

"Heat induced my tail..." Ashley said as she giggled to herself knowing damn well that Koda and Alexia were both thinking perfectly clear for just before Koda blew all over her mouthed the words"I'm sorry" and then blew."Those two have been using Alexia's heat cycles as an excuse to mate monthly..." Ashley thought to herself with a grin as she finished cleaning herself off.

Ashley then walked into Alexia's room after she had finished cleaning up with her fur still wet and dripping and sat next to her sister with a grin on her face that looked like it couldn't get any wider.

Alexia looked at Ashley and gulped silently."Hey it wasn't my fault...i wasn't thinking clearly and neither was Koda!" Alexia said trying to defend herself but Ashley's grin didn't go away..instead it grew even larger if possible."I'm telling you, it was heat induced!" Alexia said getting completely red faced now and blushing. Even though Ashley had done nothing but smile Alexia knew she wasn't buying it and a few moments later let out a sigh.

"Busted." Was all Ashley said in a whisper with a grin to which Alexia grabbed a pillow and whacked her with it still red faced."You are cruel and unusual! You know this right!?" Alexia said still whacking her sister with the pillow who was giggling and laughing loudly now.

"I still need to get back at our brother for coating me like that." Ashley said in a whisper with a grin.

"He whispered to me was going to do that to make it look convincing when you walked in...ya he could have filled me if he wanted to but he held it off till you lifted him up to convince our dad." Alexia whispered back defending Koda.

"You do know right...that if he did you would have gotten pregnant right?" Ashley whispered back to which Alexia reached under her bed and pulled a little bottle out.

"Your not the only one who went to Josh for his Anti-pregnancy pills sis. He doesn't know exactly what I wanted them for but he gave them to me when I told him I needed them for a just in case scenario with my heat." Alexia said with a grin shaking the bottle once and hid them under her bed again.

Ashley then got a very evil idea."I know how to get back at him...hand me that cup on your desk." Ashley said with a grin.

"you better not do anything too mean to him..." Alexia replied apprehensively.

"Nope...nothing too cruel..but still mean..." Ashley said with a grin and began to rub her clit in front of Alexia.

Alexia blushed and gasped."Your not!" Alexia said in a shocked whisper.

"I am...hehe" Ashley replied with a devilish grin and gave off a small moan.

"Oh, I've got to see this one!" Alexia replied with a devilish grin of her own watching her sister's pawwork.

After a few moments Ashley climaxed filling the cup halfway with her juices and walked into the kitchen followed by Alexia and poured some grape juice into it and gave it a stir.

By now Koda and Ash had walked back in to which Ashley began to walk over to Koda and Ash.

"Oh hey better now Alexia?" Ash asked to which Alexia nodded."Oh hey, you poured some grape juice..I'm parched!" Ash said taking the glass that Ashley was about to offer Koda and began to drink it down.

"Dad, wait!" Ashley tried to stop him but it was too late as he had downed the entire cup....

""Hmm...sweeter than usual...maybe we should wait for the grapes to mature a bit more next time." Ash said handling the glass back to Ashley who was standing there with a stunned expression on her face along with Alexia."Something wrong girls?" Ash asked curiously to which both shook their heads at the same time.

"No,nothing at all dad! Your right...we should let them mature a bit more next time." Ashley said trying to make sure their dad did not suspect anything.

"Well, we have a meeting in about two hours girls so be ready by then." Ash replied and walked off to discuss a few things with Meo and Professor oak.

Alexia then began to burst out laughing while Ashley still stood there with a stunned expression on her face."My dad just drank a cup of my cum mixed with grape think I'm going to be sick..." Ashley said in a disgusted whisper to Alexia who was still having a giggle-fit.

"At least we know our dad likes how you taste!" Alexia said trying her hardest not to laugh as she said this."Oh and lets not forget you taste very sweet!" Alexia finished and fell to the ground laughing holding her ribs from laughing so hard.

Just then Koda walked up to the girls"What's so funny?" Koda asked curiously.

Alexia had managed to stop laughing for a few moments to whisper in her brothers ear the whole scheme and how it went wrong causing him to gasp and his face to go a slight shade of green that could be seen through his yellow fur.

"Am I the only one who finds this absolutely hilarious?" Alexia asked curiously having finally stopped her laughing fit.

"Apparently so...." Koda said and looked to Ashley."So you know eh? Not sure how you found out but promise me you'll keep it a secret...if dad finds out we've been mating without being heat influenced we will be so deep in trouble we won't be able to leave our rooms till we evolve!" Josh said with a desperate expression on his face.

Ashley knew that none of them wanted to evolve as it would erase their father's genes from them so she knew what he meant by that as she smiled and placed a paw on his shoulder."Don't worry bro...I've managed to keep this secret for the last ten keeping it long won't be a problem." she replied with a sisterly smile."I am curious about one thing though....are you two dating again?" Ashley asked curiously to which both Koda and Alexia looked at each other and back to Ashley.

"We haven't decided yet." Koda replied with a sigh."But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun in the meantime." Koda added with a wink to which Alexia grinned mischievously.

This caused Ashley to remember back to her and Jolt's first time when she had blackmailed him into being her slave and the moments of passion they shared later on in that time and let out a depressed sigh.

"What's wrong sis? Your being glum all the sudden." Koda asked in a concerned tone.

"It's nothing." Ashley said trying her best to sound like nothing was bothering her and walked to her room leaving Alexia and Koda with worried expressions on their faces.

"I want to make love to him again..." Ashley said to herself looking at a photo of her and Jolt then to her calendar. Among the many things she had scribbled on there one of which was when her heat cycle that she estimated would start. It was only a week away."Maybe if I got a hold of him during my heat cycle...." Ashley said thinking aloud then shook her head." wouldn't be right...even if I did manage to get him to mount would be heat induced....he wouldn't have a clue what he was doing till after he climaxed...there would be no passion or love in it." Ashley said thinking aloud again and let out depressed sigh and lay down.

Ashley lay in her bed reminiscing about what she and Jolt had for a few moments till she heard moaning sounds coming from Camellia's room."I better make sure she isn't getting banged by any of the males..." Ashley said with a sigh sitting up and walked to Camellia's door and opened it.

The sight that beheld her was one she was no where near mentally prepared for...

Jolt was banging Camellia's pussy like a mad Pokemon, all the while Camellia was moaning in ecstasy clearly all there while Jolt was not.

As if on impulse filled with a mixture of rage and jealously used her Irontail attack to clock Jolt a crossed the forehead literally sending him flying through Camellia's wall and through her own right to it into the main room landing on the floor unconscious. She then turned to Camellia with a look of pure fury in her eyes."What the fuck are you playing at?! He's mine, you hear me!? DON'T TOUCH HIM EVER AGAIN!" Ashley literally shrieked at Camellia looking stunned along with everyone else in the main room staring at her at this statement.

"Oh,shit....i shot off my muzzle without thinking..." Ashley thought to herself with an awkward expression on her face.

Later that day during the meeting....

The entire Ketchum family with the exception of Julian who was still in a coma sat at the meeting table.

"Up till now Jolt has been the one going on missions because he was as far as we knew the only one with the ability to face Chris's creations and his robots..however in light of Ashley's newly discovered strength and for some unknown reason her experience in dealing with them I would like to nominate her for field ops until Jolt is fully stable again. All in opposed?" Ash asked finishing to which Meo and Jolt who had an icepack on his head raised their paws."All in Favor?" Ash asked a few moments later to which Charlie and Misty raised paw and hands along with Koda, Alexia, and professor oak."And Finally....Ashley do you accept this position?" Ash asked a few moments after tallying the raised paws and hands.

"Yes I do dad...i feel I can take Christopher's lackeys and his robots with ease." Ashley said with a confident smile.

"Careful's okay to be confident in your abilities but being over confident can lead to disaster on missions." Professor oak said in a matter of fact tone.

"Keep in mind Ashley that this position is only temporary until professor oak finishes the Anti-gene unless decided otherwise." Ash said to which Ashley nodded."Okay then the decision is final." Ash said in a matter of fact tone."Next is new business. I can't help but worry about Camellia and her recent actions. According to Ashley she was fully competent while Jolt was Influenced by her heat while I'm no female, professor Oak has informed me that a female can intensify their heat scent on their own in an effort to court the targeted male in which this case being Jolt." Ash said looking to Camellia who blushed.

"Okay...i admit it....i heat induced him! But dad cut me some slack! I have never been with a male in all my whole 2 years of heat cycles....i mean I broke my Hymen with a stick for Christ's sake!" Camellia said looking for sympathy but Ash did not give her any.

" do realize that if Jolt had climaxed inside you, you would have had a nighty-nine percent chance of getting pregnant due to you being in heat....and furthermore he's your brother Camellia! I will not tolerate two things as long as you live under my roof. Mating knowingly and mating with ken. In this case you have violated both rules. Therefore I confine you to your room under watch until your heat cycle ends and then you will resume your normal duties with no time to enjoy yourself as the other have the privilege of doing." Ash said in a strict tone.

"But-" Camellia began but was cut off by Ash.

"No buts!i am commanding officer and you WILL do what I say! Got it?!" Ash said in a even stricter tone.

"You may be my commanding officer...but your no father to me, that's for sure!" Camellia shouted outraged and ran to her room sobbing as she ran closing her door with a loud slamming sound that echoed in the now quite main room.

Ash stared down the hall from where he sat. Her words had not only been harsh but stung like having a Beedrill stabbing his heart.

Ash cleared his throat."Next business..." Ash said with Ashley noting a slight crack in it.

"She hurt him bad....not many things can shake up dad like that." Ashley thought staring at her father until he looked at her.

"Ashley....your outburst from earlier has me worried. Are you attracted to your brother like that?" Ash asked in a concerned tone upon which everyone stared at her.

This had caught Ashley off guard causing her to go beat red with embarrassment."Should I tell them what I told Jolt and Meo? I's not like i have much of a choice unless I make up a quick lie..and even then dad would know I was... unless..." Ashley thought to herself remembering her heat cycle was only week away and still silent.

"Ashley...please answer the question." Ash asked in a more concerned tone this time.

"I-I-I-think I may be starting my heat cycle early this month actually dad...i did not know what I had said until a few moments after I said it." Ashley lied hoping he would buy it.

Ash looked at his daughter for a moment and then let out a long sigh."Then you can't go out into the field either." Ash said finally after a few moments causing Ashley to let out a mental sigh of relief so as not to let her dad suspect her of anything.

Ashley knew she would now have to force herself to release her heat scent regularly now, knowing it was a pain to do when not in heat but still manageable. She just had to keep herself aroused constantly which wasn't too hard. She also knew by doing this, when her heat cycle hit for real it would be ten times worse and dreaded this...but she had managed to convince her father to keep her secret safe and that was enough for now.

"Dad....i have been thinking....maybe we should try a different approach to stopping Chris." Ashley suggested to which everyone looked at her curiously.

"How exactly do you propose we do this?" Ash asked curiously.

"What about contacting the legends? You know most of them having met them already once." Ashley continued.

"There are two problems with that idea, we do not know where the legends currently are. And two, we have no idea if they have been captured by Chris or not." Ash said in a confirming tone.

"What would you say dad if I could arrange a meeting with at least one?" Ashley asked in a suggesting tone.

"I'd say, how on earth could you manage that one?" Ash said with everyone looking intently at her now.

"Mewtwo owes me big time! He took my litter and my life with Jolt away from me because of his fuck up with Jessica!" Ashley thought to herself in a pissed off tone."Give me a week...and I'll get you a meeting with one...but I have to be allowed to leave...don't worry about my heat cycle...i can manage it at least for the next week." Ashley said in a confident tone.

This above all left everyone but Jolt and Meo perplexed as to how Ashley could possibly manage to get a hold of a legend.

"I will go with her." Jolt said standing up.

"Out of the question Jolt...your still unstable" Ash said upon which Meo stood up.

"I'll go as well. If things get out of hand me and Ashley can both Manage Jolt together." Meo said with a look of confidence.

Ash looked to Meo and Jolt curious as to why they would volunteer for such a mission but dismissed the thought." have one week....pack your supplies and leave immediately and keep your com devices on at all times so we can locate you in case things go wrong." Ash said and let out a aggravated sigh.

Ashley, Meo, And Jolt packed their things and left thirty minuets later....

"You were talking about Mewtwo weren't you sis?" Jolt asked as they walked on."How do you plan on getting a hold of him?" Upon which Ashley turned and sighed.

"I have no idea....but I have a theory. We'll have to get over to the Kanto region though." Ashley said at which both Meo and Jolt gave skeptical looks.

"Umm sis....I'm not sure if you realize or not...but the Magnet train has been out of commission for the last ten years!" Jolt said in a informing yet mocking tone.

"Not to mention to get to Goldenrod city would take at least five days to get to if we used agility for the entire five days strait and did not encounter any of Chris's robots or creations on our way there and then we'd most likely pass out from exhaustion and be caught." Meo added.

"I know,I know! But I heard rumor that Mewtwo had placed residence there after the incident with Giovanni." Ashley said frantically trying to think of a way to get to Kanto in as little time as possible.

After a few moments she let out a sigh and looked at them both."For now lets just head toward Goldenrod city...I'm head of this operation, so lets move out!" Ashley said in a commanding tone to which both Jolt and Meo let out a sigh and followed her.

One day later they where about three-fourths the way there and Ashley decided to make camp for the night....

"Okay..Camp is set up and we'll take shifts keeping watch through the night...I'll go first, Jolt second, and Meo your third." Ashley said to which they both nodded.

Later that night Meo had already Gone to sleep while Ashley sat awake at the campfire she had made when Jolt walked up and sat next to her."You know...i remember a night just like this one....It was just after our family had been murdered from that other time...except it was I who had walked up to you.." Ashley said letting out a sigh and laid her head on his shoulder with her paws in her lap."I know it's not the most pleasant of memories...but was one of the few moments we shared before you and I went off on our own separate paths to find who we thought was Chris behind all that..." Ashley finished nuzzling his shoulder.

"You've got another reason for finding Mewtwo don't you?" Jolt asked looking up at the star filled sky to which Ashley let out a sigh.

"Well,yes...i do...I'm hoping he can restore your memories of what we had." Ashley said quietly upon which Jolt gently nudged her head off his shoulder and looked into her eyes.

"Ashley....what your wanting from me, I may not be able to give you....even if Mewtwo restores those memories. Times are different now from the one you and I shared from that time." Jolt said and stood up upon which Ashley did so as well.

"You don't know what we can't say that without knowing!" Ashley exclaimed as tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"Ashley....I'm not the Chu you knew then...I'm different now then how you described me." Jolt said and turned to stare up at the stars.

"How will we know without trying?" Ashley asked taking his right paw in hers and turning him to face her."How will we know if we are not destined for each other without trying?" Ashley continued moving in closer to him so that her muzzle was mere inches from his."How can we assume this when we don't know what fate has laid out for us...." Ashley said slowly moving her muzzle closer to his."We ...will....never....know....without...." Ashley trailed off as her muzzle locked with his only he did not reject her this time and she broke it a few moments later."Trying." Ashley finished smiling at him.

"Ashley I..." Jolt trailed off upon which Ashley put a single digit of her paw on his muzzle shushing him.

"Shh.....I know there is a chance we aren't meant to be in this time...but I want to know first paw out of that legend's muzzle himself." Ashley said with a smile."And who knows...maybe we can rekindle that old flame we had without your get some sleep....your shift is up next in three hours." Ashley said smiling sweetly and watched him walk over and lay down next to Meo."He didn't reject me...." Ashley said quietly to herself smiling as she felt filled for the first time in her life since her memories had returned with hope that she could once again be with the Chu she loved....

The next morning everyone continued on towards Goldenrod city with Meo unaware of the momentary yet blissful kiss she had shared with her brother the night before which had caused her to be a chipper mood this morning.

"Wow....Ashley's in a really good mood this morning...i wonder why." Meo asked curiously eying Jolt.

"Nothing happened, I swear!" Jolt said defensively.

"Nothing at all?" Meo asked his curiosity perked even more by Jolt's sudden defensive attitude as Ashley ran ahead.

"Well....we did have a kiss...but I kind of didn't have a choice! She was there and talking about what we had from the time she remembered and it just happened." Jolt said still trying to defend himself hoping Meo would not get pissed.

"Just remember Jolt...until she decides for sure and your memories return....she's my mate." Meo said in a calm yet intimidating tone.

"Look...I'm not even sure what will happen when and if I do get my memories back...I told her this last night." Jolt retorted still defending himself.

"Alright....I just hope you keep that in mind...I'm not trying to be the jealous type...but you can't blame me given the circumstances." Meo said in a matter of fact tone to which Jolt nodded.

Jolt looked up ahead and saw that Ashley had ran a bit far ahead of them."I think we should catch up to our commanding officer.." Jolt said in a joking tone looking at Meo who chuckled in reply then back to Ashley only she wasn't standing anymore much to Jolt and Meo's horror.

"FORESIGHT!" Meo shouted looking around with his transparent vision as Jolt ran up to Ashley who was laying on the ground.

"Ashley! Are you alright?! Answer me!" Jolt said running toward her.

"Jolt look out! It's a trap and Ashley's the bait!" Meo yelled out suddenly as he saw the thin ropes that looked like web on the ground were she lay causing Jolt to skid to a halt as Meo ran up to him.

"but what about Ashley?!" Jolt replied frantically upon which Moe gave a decent look at her and saw a powdery substance coated on her as she twitched slightly.

"She looks like she's been hit with stun spore....which means we are dealing with bug or grass types or possibly both." Meo said in a calm manner as he could manage given the situation.

"why haven't they attacked us yet?" Jolt replied looking around.

"That's not a bug type's style....they don't attack strait forward....and considering we haven't been ambushed yet..I'd say we are dealing with bug types. This is going to be down to you Jolt...i may be a decent fighter..but I have a type disadvantage to psychic bug types." Meo said looking around.

"How do you know their secondary type is psychic?" Jolt asked curiously.

"I am very strong minded and one of them has been trying to use their psychic ability to pierce my mind for what I have been thinking but I've been blocking my thoughts from them ever since I used foresight. I'm a close range fighter...not long range...and if you think I'm going to use Payday then you give me too much credit...i never learned that." Meo added with a smirk.

"Of all those techniques you've didn't bother to master the one that matters in modern society?" Jolt replied jokingly trying to keep his nerves calm.

Without warning both Meo and Jolt were instantaneously hit with a Future sight attack sending them flying forward upon which string shot attacks began to shoot at them in all directions.

Meo got to his feet as fast as he could manage and began swiping at the string shot attacks with his claws having little luck stopping them from binding him. Within moments both Jolt and Meo had been covered in webs as a bunch of butterfree and beautifly flew within range. Of them."well that was easier than we thought... it would be." One of the beautifly said with a smirk.

After a few moments however the Cocoon that bound jolt suddenly burst to flames in an explosion of electricity." thought that could hold me?" Jolt said with a smirk giving a slight thundershock to the cocoon that held Meo leaving a small rip in it that a few seconds later was shredded open by Meo's claws.

The bug types instantly fled realizing they had failed in capturing them with one screaming"Boss, they escaped!" Upon a few moments later a charmelion walked out and glared at them.

"Never send a bug to do a fire type's job.." He said with a look of annoyance at the beautifly and butterfree.

"Who are you?!" Jolt asked in a demanding tone.

"It won't matter to you anyways because your as good as dead anyways." The charmelion said with toothy grin.

"You have no idea how many foes I've faced and beaten have spouted off the same bulshit line!" Jolt exclaimed charging at the charmelion with a thunderpunch attack.

"ah, friend...i'm not you average charmelion..." He replied forming what looked like a type of sign language to Jolt and Meo and began to speak in a foreign language that Jolt recognized strait away causing him to skid to a halt mere feet from the charmelion."Pokemon art: Replication technique!" The charmelion said and ten copies appeared around Jolt.

"A double team attack?" Jolt said looking around.

"Be careful Jolt! That's no ordinary double team! My foresight can see through Double Team attacks and those are solid copies!

"You're meowth friend is right....this is not your average double team attack." one of the charmelion copies said and moments later charged in to strike. Jolt easily blocked the on coming Fire punch attack and retaliated with an Irontail attack knocking the copy to the ground on it's back upon which a few moments later seemed to fade and disappear after a moment in a loud snapping sound.

"So you can take on one replica with about three?" All the charmelion copies said at once upon which a few moments later three charged in at him.

"Meo, can you spot the real one from the fakes?!" Jolt asked as he blocked two fire punch attacks with his two paws open pawed feeling his palms char and burn causing him to wince only to have the other hit him directly in the back with an Fire Punch attack rendering him weakened for a moment which the other two copied took advantage of both kicking him at once sending him stumbling backward only to be knocked back forward by the one behind him with a swipe of it's tail sounding and feeling like a crack of a whip to his back as it connected.

Meo frantically looked for what could help him tell the difference from the replicas and the real one but saw none.

"Look as hard as you like with your foresight attack...but you'll never discover which one is the real me." All the replicas said at once."Not even a true Pokemon arts master could find the real me." All the replicas said at once and laughed as they continued to strike at the defenseless Chu.

"He's holding back....he terrified to fight for fear of activating that Pokemon Y gene.." Meo thought to himself as he painfully watched Jolt continue to get pounded and then looked over shocked at the Warturtle that seemingly appeared out of nowhere next to him.

"How much would you like to wager on that bet my old apprentice?" A voice spoke up which caused the replicas to stop ganging up at Jolt and look over in the direction of the voice. Jolt simply stood dazed for a moment before falling forward to the ground not unconscious but still weakened from the seemingly endless pounding.

"Even with all my strength I couldn't even land a strike on him..." Jolt thought trying to make his body move but the slightest movement caused him great pain."I'll wait for my body to regenerate then it's no more Chu. If I let my self get pissed off that Gene will activate again..and I don't know what will happen if it does..." Jolt thought to himself.

"Kendory you undead fossil...i didn't think you would come out in truly are a fool." All the charmelion said at once.

"I could defeat you even in my weakened state in the sunlight..." Kendory retorted with a slight hiss in his voice.

"We'll see about that!" All the charmelion shouted and charged at him.

Kendory then began to speak in a foreign language."Pokemon art: Mass replication technique!" Kendory said upon which over twenty replicas of himself appeared and all began to speak in the same foreign language at the same time."Pokemon art: Mass Ice Kuni strike!" upon which what looked like to Meo an Icy dagger appeared in each copy's paw.

All the copies then charged at once at the charmelion copies and within in a few moments multiple loud snapping sounds could be heard as each side traded blows defeating each others replicas until only three remained on charmelion's side and two on the warturtle's side.

"i commend you my old've gotten better since our last encounter...tut then know no sooner a single cloud covers it, that your fate is sealed." Kendory said with no change in his expression.

"You truly underestimate my abilities you undead fossil..which is going to be your down fall....look above you....not a single cloud in the sky...and all thanks to my bloodline trait that allows me to produce a "sunny day" effect without even trying having to activate it." The charmelion replicas retorted with confident smiles on their faces.

"And you clearly have forgotten honestly think after thousands of years I didn't develop a counter art to a fire type's sunny day bloodline trait?" Kendory said and began to speak in the same foreign language again."Pokemon art: Icy mist technique!" Kendory said upon which a cold wind began to blow in the air that made Meo's to shiver as his fur stood on end the sudden cold chill in the air.

In mere moments Kendory faded out of sight within the cold Mist."With this Pokemon art the mist that clouds your vision also prevents the sun from piercing through rendering my weakness all but gone in the sunlight....." Kendory said followed by two loud snapping sounds leaving only the real charmelion left."Any last words?" Kendory said within the mist as the charmelion frantically looked around and then suddenly grinned evilly.

"Just one thing...unlike out last encounter you undead fossil...Lord Christopher gave me a nice gift...a gift I will share with you...but not in a way you will enjoy...." The charmelion said and suddenly without warning the ember on it's tail erupted into a large flame dissipating the mist around him. The charmelion's skin went from dark red to a pale green color as dark blue streaks could be seen appearing on his body followed shortly by an image of a blue snake with a red dagger through it forming on it's back all the while the flame on it's tall continued to erupt in a fiery blaze until the mist have completely dissipated revealing the Warturtle to be mere feet in front him.

"Not only has your weakness returned Kendory...but now you face the power of the Pokemon C gene!" The charmelion shouted and without warning struck Kendory in the chest only to see him shatter into ice a few moments later.

"An ice never let your guard down for a second do you? No can only dodge my sheer power for so long." The charmelion said with a cocky grin.

"Relying on an artificial power to boost your abilities is no is a weakness." Kendory said from behind the charmelion to which he turned around ans shot a flamethrower attack that looked more like a ten foot tall wall of fire as it shot at Kendory only for him to melt away in mere moments and dissipate.

"Another Ice substitution....your beginning to annoy me with your tricks you undead fossil!" The charmelion shouted in a frustrated tone.

By this time Jolt had stood up and stared at the charmelion."Another Pokemon gene.....even if he can user the same abilities as that charmelion...he doesn't stand a chance with charmelion's power now....i have no choice...." Jolt said as his fur began to darken.

"Jolt,no! Don't activate it!" Meo shouted.

"Shut the fuck up Meo! I know what I'm doing! Besides..i think I can control it better this time! So shut your mangy mouth up and let me kick this fuckers ass!" Jolt retorted in a cruel tone and realizing what he just said tried his best to smile only to make and evil looking one..but a smile none-the-less."Sorry about that...heh...this gene is hard to control." Jolt said trying his damnedest to keep a clear head as the crescent star appeared on his forehead.

"I don't like this Jolt..." Meo said apprehensively.

"Look, I said shut your trap and don't distract me! It's hard enough to keep in control with your mangy mouth spouting off bulshit!" Jolt retorted angrily.

The gene was clouding his thinking and he knew it....he had to get this over before the gene clouded his thoughts completely.

Without any farther hesitation he dashed forward at the charmelion who saw him coming and turned to face him."Ah! I knew there was something special about you! Lord Christopher gave you a gift of your own...." The charmelion said with a evil grin stopping both of his attacks with open palms.

"That fucker is no lord of mine!" Jolt said angrily using his irontail attack to attempt to hit the charmelion upside the head but he wasn't caught off guard as he used his own tail to block the attack.

" won't catch me off guard that easily..." The charmelion said with an grin then mere moments later let out a gasp of pain as an ice kuni was jabbed through his chest.

"Is that old apprentice...." Kendory said from behind him and jumped backward to avoid the charmelion's large flaming tail as he swiped at him from behind.

"The ice Kuni had melted mere seconds after penetration but it had done it's job wounding the charmelion. Jolt used this to his advantage and uppercutted the charmelion into the air with an evil grin on his face."ONE!" Jolt shouted after he sent the charmelion flying then disappeared in a blur and reappeared in another above the charmelion who could only look on for mere moments as Jolt connected punched him through the chest in and out of his back a surge of electricity causing the charmelion to cough up blood as the sheer force of the attack sent him flying to the ground."Your finished!!! THREE!!!!!" Jolt shouted upon which a huge lighting bolt shot down over him and down to the charmelion who could only look on at his impending death then looked to Kendory."In the end the thirst always wins you undead fossil...." The charmelion said and although Kendory could not hear him...he knew what he said just before the bolt shot down and incinerated him.

"But it will not win today my old apprentice....." Kendory replied silently and walked over to Ashley who was still twitching from the paralyze powder she had been hit with.

"This is bad....if Ashley is not treated soon, the paralysis could become permanent..." Kendory said looking at Ashley who's eyes that were leaking tears of sheer agony even though she could not cry out.

Jolt who had just landed on the ground fell to his knees as his fur began to return to it's normal yellow color and punched the ground weakly."Damn it! I lost control at the last second!" He said aloud.

"That is not a power you should be trying to master is very evil work of science....and not to mention every Pokemon who has this is their greatest weakness...not strength." Kendory said with a hint of wisdom in his voice.

"I beat him didn't I?! And how do you know my name?" Jolt asked as he attempted to stand up but fell back to the ground on his knees as a twinge of pain pulsed throughout his entire body once again.

"Without my aid you would have lost...and as to how I know your names...well...i'm sure Ashley has already told you who I am if she still has memories from that other time..." Kendory said and turned to the still Ashley."speaking of which...Jolt...i need a sample of your blood." Kendory said looking at Ashley intently.

"What are you going to do?" Jolt asked curious as he bit a digit of his paw forcing it to bleed.

"I'm going to use your blood's regenerative abilities to heal her paralysis." Kendory said simply. Mixing a few drops of Jolt's blood with a clear blue liquid in a vial.

"But his blood carries that gene in it! It could kill her!"Meo pipped up in a worried tone.

"Do not take me for a fool chemist...this clear blue liquid I mixing his blood with is cleansing it of the a few moments I can truly begin to administer an antidote." Kendory said calmly which Jolt went wide eyed at this.

"Could it cure me?" Jolt asked curiously.

"If it didn't kill you first, yes....but I'm afraid it would kill you long before it cleansed your blood of the gene." Kendory replied in the same calm manner as he began to pour the now dark purple liquid into a vial with a light pink color and shake it lightly mixing it which caused Jolt to let out a depressed sigh. The liquid then turned from a dark brownish color to a light red upon which he took one one last vial and poured the light red liquid into and shook it causing it to turn into a light green color now.

He then forcefully opened Ashley's muzzle and poured the light green liquid into it and forced her to swallow it."And now we wait..." Kendory said in the same calm tone.

Jolt and Meo sat next to the twitching Ashley for about ten minuets until she suddenly screamed out in agony." What did you do to her?!" Jolt yelled outraged.

"I cured her of you expect someone who had lay into paralyze powder for thirty plus minuets to sit up and be perfectly fine? no... the powder causes immense pain along with paralysis." Kendory replied in the same calm manner.

"I'-I'm Okay Jolt, really....I'm just in a great deal of pain at the moment." Ashley said in a pained tone and turned her head wincing as she did so to Kendory.

"Thank you....Sensai...." Ashley said with the best smile she could manage despite her immense pain she was in.

Jolt and Meo both looked at Kendory with confused expressions on their faces."I do believe introductions are in order...for the second time might I name is Kendory...of the Icebane clan...and as I'm sure you've already figured out by what Ashley as told you and my name.....yes I am a Vampire....but I'm not about to bite your necks...I'm on a special diet..." Kendory added with a toothy grin showing off his fangs.

"What kind of diet may I ask?" Meo asked apprehensively.

"I suck the blood of those who are either dead or near death....however for one who is merely inches from death even..from moment my fangs pierce their flesh the transformation begins....which is why I only drink the blood of the recently deceased...i do not wish my life upon any unfortunate soul...even if they beg for it...i will not grant it...i made that mistake with my old apprentice which was the charmelion you slayed was in eight-teen thirty two...i found him left for dead covered in a pool of his own blood....


I walked upon him barely gasping for breath...he had been beaten and left for dead by his ken...the very sight of his blood caused me to lick my lips in anticipation for I did not intend on making him what I was...that is until he spoke....

"I know what you are....please...i don't want to die...make me like you please..." The charmelion pleaded coughing up more blood and gasping for air.

"If I make you what I will become something worse than a is best for you die now than live an eternity of pain and anguish as I have." Kendory replied in a calm tone.

"But your just like me....alone...i have always been alone....just as you have....if you make me like you...we will have each to keep each other company and no longer be alone..." The charmelion said and coughed again spiting up more blood.

His words rang true to me like thousands of church bells to the very core of my empty being.

Kendory then bent down and spoke quietly into his ear."Once it begins....there's no turning back...." Kendory whispered in the charmelion's ear and he nodded silently.

I took pity on him and turned him into what I was...a soulless corpse who only lives for one thing...the blood of the living.


"Things started out friendly enough....but his true intentions were made clear as I began to train him in the arts of my clan...." Kendory said looking at them and seeing the confusion in their eyes.

"Perhaps I should make things a bit more clear...from the moment the transformation begins your soul it stripped from your body to very pits of hell...however the empty shell that is left behind retains all it's memories and abilities from when it was alive. This empty shell you see before you is merely a shadow of who I was...i know at this very moment my soul is being tormented by the powers that be in the very pits of now the question that is most likely protruding your minds is why even bother to go on? Simple...i can not put and end to my existence me..i have tried many times over the past three thousands years of my wretched existence. This is the punishment to those who choose to become among the undead....we are cursed with continuing to exist until we are slain.

So about two thousand years ago I decided to give my existence a put those of my kind to their eternal rest they so richly deserve. I found out from being slain myself from that time....a fact not widely known or believed among my kind...upon being slain...our soul is released from hell's grip and allowed to go to heaven....human and Pokemon kind alike are not meant to live was dark arts that created the first of our kind....and god punished him for defying the laws of nature by stripping his soul from him weakening him to that of an old crippled Pokemon and forcing him to exist without a means of ending his own existence...however something god did not intend happened....the thirst....he found out that drinking the blood of the living restored him to his former youth the strength and allowed him to create more of his kind...because of this act that god did not intend...he gave the living weapons against our kind and inflicted us the weakness to sunlight, the Holy cross, and wood when pierced through the heart to slay us...however what we did not know at the time and what I found out was that this was indeed an effort to correct a mistake god himself made by creating our kind the first place and allowing us to come to heaven once our empty shell was slain on this plane." Kendory said and looked over at Ashley who looked horrified.

"Do not blame yourself could have never known that by turning back the hands of time that my soul would be ripped from the gates of heaven back down to the pits of did what was best for your family...and actually want to thank you...because now...if you will allow it..i can meet your entire family." Kendory said with a smile.

Jolt looked at Kendory and back to Ashley then back to Kendory and once last time back to Ashley....this clenched it...there was no shadow of a doubt now that what she said was true and not something she had made up...Jolt simply stared at Ashley...and even without his memories for some strange reason....the thought of him and her coming so close to having a family longer being alone....made him curse Mewtwo's name for turning back the hands of time for a moment....then in the same moment he had just cursed Mewtwo's name he praised it realizing..that with a little effort he could once again rekindle what he had with Ashley...even if he never got his memories back....he still wanted to give it a shot for a chance at true happiness.

But he wanted to wait to tell her...he wasn't ready just thing held him back from leaping into her arms and kissing her. She was still his sister...and even if they had something then...he would have to figure out he overcame that moral barrier of his that kept him from kissing her and the thought of mating her making him sick to his stomach."I'll take little pichu steps if I have to...a little peck on the cheek here or there and work up to kissing flat out and see what happens.." Jolt thought to himself.

For the first time in his life....he had a chance at never being alone again......
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