AGNPH Stories






Back at HQ professor oak was working tirelessly as he studied a sample of Jolt's blood he had recently taken and compared it to that of one he had taken before." Interesting.... the gene seems to be dormant now...but Jolt's blood looks nothing like it does in the sample I took looks pitch black..." Professor Oak thought to himself as he took a drop of Jolt's non-gene influenced blood and dripped it onto the blood that had the gene in it. He then looked into his microscope again to view the gene again." Nothing is happening.... oh wait something is-" Professor oaks thoughts were cut off by the horrifying scene that beheld him causing to shriek in fear and back away to the wall of his lab about five feet from the microscope.

"What's all the noise about?" Ash asked walking in and then noticed how professor oak was acting." What happened?" Ash asked in a very concerned tone.

All professor oak could do was point with one trembling finger at the microscope to which Ash jumped up on the chair from the floor and adjusted the microscope so he could look into it. As Ash adjusted his view he finally saw it and gasped in horror. Ash watched in horror as the gene attacked Jolt's clean cells taking what seemed to be a thin claw and tearing at the cell yanking piece by piece of what made up the cell's body and even though the cell continued to regenerate itself the gene did not give up as more Y gene cells surrounded it and began to tear at it from all directions until the cell finally seemed to give up regenerating and died. But the gene did not stop there. The gene cells then began to devour the cell until it was gone and then the Y gene cell that had devoured Jolt's healthy cell split into two cells and began to attack the other healthy cells that the other Y gene cells had not yet began to attack and repeated the same actions as before. Ash then looked to Professor oak and after a few moments spoke." Please tell me this malicious cell is not in my son..." Ash said with his voice breaking as he spoke knowing it was.

"In all my years as a Pokemon researcher... I have never seen anything like this...the only reason Jolt is not dead now is because of his extensive regenerative abilities. But as you could see that won't save him for long." Professor oak replied finally finding his voice.

"But then how does it increase his strength and abilities like it does? And how did he survive the poison then?" Ash asked trying desperately to calm his shaking voice as he spoke.

"It doesn't. From what my studies tell me. It doesn't provide him with any additional strength. But it does shut off the limitation switches in his brain." Professor Oak said and noted the look of confusion on Ashes yellow furred face." There are three limitation switches in the brains of human and Pokemon. One, Muscle limitation which prevents the body from using too much of it's muscle mass at once to protect the muscles from injury. Two, Stamina limitation, which prevents the body from using too much stamina, it needs to continue to function properly. Three, Brain activity limitation, this prevents the brain from overworking itself. The Gene shuts off all three of these at once when activated so it provides the illusion that it is increasing his strength and power when it is actually killing the brain cells that control these limitation switches which allows Jolt to push his body beyond it's limits without even trying. And to answer your question dealing with how he survived the poison.... upon the gene being injected, Jolt's Regeneration abilities went into overdrive as his body saw an immediate threat to itself when the gene began to attack his cells directly unlike the poison which was most likely only slowly killing him to which his body saw no immediate threat and therefore continued to function normally trying to get rid of the poison...if the gene hadn't been injected his body would have realized far too late it was in immediate danger and Jolt would have died. The gene also seems very if it's missing a crucial element that should have been added but wasn't" Professor Oak finished explaining.

"So...can you create an anti-gene to eliminate it?" Ash asked hoping for an encouraging answer.

"I might as well inject acid into the Chu...because nothing else will eliminate this gene Ash...this is far beyond my knowledge as a researcher and even more so as a chemist. Perhaps if I had some help from someone it might be possible...." Professor Oak finished letting out a depressed sigh.

"How long does he have?" Ash asked in a low tone.

"Two weeks...if he's lucky." Professor Oak replied...

Meanwhile Ashley had finally fully recovered and they took the time to set up camp so that everyone could fully recover from their encounter.

"I want to continue my training after we find Mewtwo" Ashley said to Kendory who simply glanced at her then back to the stars that glittered in the night's sky.

"Going to find Mewtwo are you? To ask for aid and restore Jolt's memories no doubt." Kendory said to which Ashley nodded." I can train you on the way there...but things will be different this time...we have no time to cover the we will skip them and move on to using Pokemon arts. However.... these will not be easy to master by any means..." Kendory said at which Ashley nodded.

"What's heaven like?" Ashley asked abruptly causing Kendory to give a slight glance of surprise that she would ask such a thing.

"Hmm.... it's hard to say...from what I remember which is not is a very beautiful place...I can't recall much more than that...I'm sorry." Kendory finished and Ashley let out a sigh.

"It's okay...I understand." Ashley replied." And I am sorry...I took you from that paradise." Ashley said and wrapped her arms around Kendory giving him a hug much to his shock.

"No one has shown me any kind of affection for three thousand years...yet this brown furred Pikachu.... she is not terrified of me...nor afraid to touch me...why?" Kendory thought to himself confused by Ashley's actions." Why do you not fear to touch me as so many have? I may have agreed to train you...but I never ordered you to show me any affection.... I don't understand.... why do you do such a thing? Why would you hold a cold soulless corpse?" Kendory asked causing Ashley to stop hugging him and look up at him.

"You really can't feel anything...can you?" Ashley asked with a sense of pity in her eyes.

"I have not felt anything for three thousand years except loneliness...and I'm not even sure I can feel that or it's just the memory of the emotion lingering." Kendory replied flatly." Go to sleep...I will keep watch all night as I do not sleep." Kendory suggested to which Ashley nodded and went to sleep.

The next morning everyone woke up bright and early to begin to make their way to Goldenrod city.

'The art I am going to teach you is one that will become very useful when fighting a foe who is far more powerful than you are. And it is one I feel you will use quite often in your future battles."Kendory said as they walked through the ruble known as Violet City and stopped.

"We don't have time to be stopping!" Ashley said in an annoyed tone but Kendory refused to take a single step. In the end the brown furred Chu gave an aggravated sigh and walked back to Kendory much to Meo and Jolt's surprise.

"I'm glad you got the hint my young apprentice. Now then. Watch." Kendory said as he place his paws together and spoke in a foreign language."Pokemon art: Replication technique!!" Kendory said aloud and several other versions of him appeared along side of him in a horizontal row of six."You know how to use Double team I presume? It is almost like that except you are creating physical replicas of yourself instead of multiple images." Kendory finished leaving Ashley looking slightly bewildered.

"But even do I make them solid physical replicas?" Ashley asked clearly unable to understand the concept.

"To use double team requires mental preparation and the ability to move this case you skip the moving quickly and focus solely on mental preparation and focus on your entire being instead of just the outer image of will know when you have your entire physical being in mind as if by instinct like when you use double team. At this time you divide your mental state by how many replicas you make. The result is what you see before you." Kendory explained.

Jolt listened intently being the only one able to hear this as they were out of ear shot."So that's all? That's simple to do..." Jolt thought to himself and clasped both paws together in an attempt to perform the Pokemon art.

Meanwhile Ashley was doing the same thing but unlike Jolt could not figure out exactly how to do it.

Kendory's view switched to Jolt with a look of surprise as several versions of Jolt appeared along side of him much to Meo's shock who was standing not far from him.

"wow....this is weird....." Jolt thought to himself seemingly through all versions of himself at once. Then as if in a instant all of Jolt's replicas disappeared with a loud snap and with each snap Jolt felt himself become even more dizzy until he fell to the ground with little swirls in his eyes as Kendory stood in front of him.

"Eavesdropping is not a sin...but attempting to perform arts of my clan when you are not my apprentice...." Kendory said and let a low growl escape his maw."Angers me" Kendory finished after a moment.

"Then make me your apprentice too! My sister won't be the only one fighting ya know!"Jolt retorted as he managed to stand up returning Kendory's glare with one of his own.

After a moment of silence and glaring Kendory simply turned around with his back to Jolt."You lack control of the art and you did not take enough time in your mental your replicas were weak." Kendory said and began to walk back towards Ashley.

"So you'll train me?" Jolt said with a smile to which Kendory turned to face Jolt from where he stood.

"No. But since I can not stop you from eavesdropping I might as well give you advice so you don't wind up killing yourself." Kendory said with annoyance VERY obvious in his voice." Also with each replica defeated it has a impact on your mental state of mind that causes you to feel must learn to create mental barriers to protect your mental state or with one replica defeated the enemy will know instantly which is the real you." Kendory finished and turned to walk to Ashley.

"Your Brother is quite would you say it in this modern age?" Kendory said ending his sentence on a questioning note.

"Nib-shit" Ashley said flashing a glare at Jolt.

"Now then...are you ready to give it a try?" Kendory asked to which Ashley nodded.

At first it looked as if she had the hang of it as replicas began to appear until a few moments later they all disappeared suddenly with a loud snapping sound and Ashley fell to the ground with her eyes swirling.

"Oi....maybe this art isn't for you...." Kendory said rubbing his right temple. Meanwhile Jolt had once again created replicas of himself much to Kendory's annoyance.

"That Chu is going to wind up being a mid-day snack if he keeps this up...." Kendory said with a glare and dashed over at the replicas to dispatch them again only this time something was different as he approached them with lighting quick speed.

"Impossible! I can't tell the replicas from the real one! How could someone who has never even performed a Pokemon art till now had mastered in a mere two attempts?!"Kendory thought as he through a punch at one of the replicas only to have it stopped by it's open palm.

"If you won't train me for asking nicely..I'll just have to get you to train me by seeing how well I can kick your ass!" All of the replicas said at once as the one who had stopped his attack swung an iron tail attack at him which he blocked by crossing his arms in front of him at the last moment forcing him to skid back still managing to stay on his feet.

"Your arrogance will be your downfall....i will show you just how unskilled you are." Kendory said and clasped his paws together and began to speak in a foreign language."Pokemon art: Icy Mist Technique!" Kendory said and a mist began to sweep around them.

"Do you know why my clan calls itself Icebane Jolt? Because we were known as the masters of the frozen wastes of this world...we can kill our enemies with sheer cold alone...the the Icy mist technique is our bloodline trait that we enhanced ourselves from "Hailstorm" Bloodline trait our type share. In this mist everything appears to me as clear as if there was no mist at all....but for my enemies....they can't see a thing and the sheer cold of the mist usually paralyzes them from the sheer shock of sudden cold hitting them...which gives me more than enough time to dispatch of them before they recover. Now...allow me to show you just how unskilled you are." Kendory said and dashed at one of the replicas."If I can take out just will reveal the real one. And then I can get back to training my real apprentice." Kendory thought as he threw a punch at the replica."It's over." Kendory said just before his fist connected with the replica but not in the way he thought it would."Impossible! How could he possibly see me coming?!" Kendory thought to himself in a shocked tone.

"Usually, you'd be right...a normal Pokemon would be rendered blind in this fog...but I'm no ordinary Pokemon!" The replica said in a cocky tone and used a thunderpunch attack on him which at first seemed to hit dead on until he shattered into a shards of ice.

"I see how you defeat most of your foes not only attack them Physically but mentally as well.... you render them into a state of insecurity by making yourself seem far more powerful than you are." Kendory said in a matter of fact tone.

"I admit I myself doubted my own ability for a moment when you stopped my initial attack and the second one just now. But then I thought about when you had over heard my instructions to Ashley for performing this art and it came to HEARD me coming with your genetically enhanced hearing and was able to block my attack easily because of such and then came the psychological part of your attack by bragging about how your not a normal Pokemon which caused me to doubt my ability and pause for a moment in time giving you an open window to strike. Any other Pokemon would have not be able to dodge the attack but as you are well aware of..i am able to perform an art with a simple thought which is how I used an ice substitute in such a brief and short amount of time." Kendory said and clasped his paws together.

"Now then...since this mist is practically useless thanks to your hearing I'll have to use an alternate means." Kendory said as he spread his paws apart causing a small sheet of ice to appear between them as he extended each paw away and float to the ground and lay there.

"I'm going to have to be careful with this....if I don't watch myself I will kill him." Kendory thought to himself as he used a small chisel he created with ice to inscribe something into the sheet of ice.

"What are you up to Kendory?" Jolt called out feeling slightly uneasy by the sudden silence and faint scratching sounds he could barely hear.

"You'll find out soon enough...and farther more I'll make a deal with you...if you can dodge my next attack and land a strike on me..i will not take you on as my apprentice...but I will teach you one Pokemon art of your choosing." Kendory called out as he finished inscribing into the sheet of ice.

"You don't strike me as the type to make deals unless your very confident I won't be able to dodge this attack....fine...I'll bite...what do I have to do if I can't?" Jolt called out into the mist in reply.

"Never again perform that Pokemon art." Kendory said with a hint of anger in his voice as he spoke.

Meanwhile all Ashley and Meo could do was watch from the sidelines into the misty cloud that surrounded Jolt and Kendory."That brother of mine is going to get himself killed one of these days...he too overconfident!" Ashley said with a look of sheer annoyance on her brown furred face.

"Ya...he's too cocky..." Meo added which caused Ashley to giggle loudly."What?"Meo asked clearly not getting the joke until it finally dawned on him."Ashley...get your mind out of the gutter for peat's sake." Meo said looking annoyed but Ashley didn't seem to be listening to him as she stared at him as if in a daze.

" there?" Meo asked questioningly snapped his paw in front of her face which seemed to be staring at his lower regions with her eyes looking very glossy.

"Oh hell...i know this look..." Meo thought to himself realizing what the exact cause of her weirdness was."She had to have one of her Heat episodes now? Ugh..." Meo thought to himself knowing it was only a matter of time before she tackled him.

Meo knew from personal experience that Ashley's heat cycle dealt in what he called Heat episodes, at which point and time Ashley's mental state is rendered all of but gone with only one lingering thought....mating...unlike her sisters these episodes could occur without warning through out her entire heat cycle and unlike her sisters who's bodies build up to that state, she could be shot into that state at any point of time during her heat cycle.

There was only two ways to snap her out of this,allow her to achieve orgasm by intercourse or otherwise. Or two, dowse her in freezing cold water. One of which was unavailable and the other would be very awkward to do in front of Kendory and Jolt regardless of a big mist covering them from view or not.

All Ashley would do was giggle sweetly as she moved up on him suddenly groping him much to his surprise at the sudden advancement."She has no idea what she is doing and if I let myself become aroused the moment her eyes catch a glimpse of my cock she'll knock me to the ground and slam me into her..." Meo thought to himself and backed away quickly.

Meanwhile in the dense mist Kendory looked up at Jolt and then back to his sheet of ice that he had wrote a strange writing into."Are you ready Jolt? Because here I come!" Kendory said and bit his thumb causing it to bleed and streaked his blood a crossed the icy sheet which began to glow now."Metronome Art: Hyper Beam!" Kendory said in a foreign language slamming his open paw onto the icy sheet at which point a flash of light surged out and faded leaving his open paw glowing and a few moments later the icy sheet shattered into thousands of small icy shards.

Kendory then stood up and charged at Jolt and his replicas."Hyper beam attack!!!" Kendory shouted at the top of his lungs and shot the hyper beam attack from his open palm point blank resting on a replica's chest obliterating it with a loud snap followed by several more snapping sounds which stunned Jolt with each replica destroyed until the beam had finally reached him and unable to dodge it due to his dazed state.

Jolt braced for impact closing his eyes but after a few moments he opened them again to see the hyper beam mere feet from him."What the hell?" Jolt said aloud in a confused tone. "Move you fool!" A voice boomed in his head and he obeyed and jumped out of the way of the attack to see it suddenly fly past him. The sheer heat of the attack has left a clear path of view for him to see Kendory in which he used to his advantage and dashed at him and struck him in the face with a Thunderpunch attack which Kendory could not dodge nor use a ice substitute in time and send him flying back into a backward roll until he got to into a kneeling stance with a foot on the ground and knee and skid to a halt about ten feet away from where he had been struck.

"I win that bet!" Jolt said with a cocky grin and a wink striking a peace sign with one paw.

"It's not possible...." Kendory said aloud as he allowed the mist to dissipate."No one has ever been able to dodge that attack..." Kendory said in a stunned tone as he stood on two feet.

"Hey Kendory! Can you please hit Ashley with your water gun attack please?! She's not in the right state of mind at the moment and this is the only cure! Meo said running around comically as Ashley chased him still giggling sweetly.

Kendory stared for a brief moment at this scene with a look of disbelief on his face."She's in heat....why me?" Kendory thought in a dreading tone as he blasted Ashley with a Water Gun attack sending her into a side roll and then stood up suddenly with a "who,what,when, and where?!" expression on her face as she looked around frantically for a moment.

"What happened? Did I get knocked out?" Ashley asked curiously.

"More like you went into one of your heat episodes." Meo said taking a towel out of his backpack and tossed it to her which landed over her back.

"Your kidding me?! I'm not due to enter my heat cycle for another five days!" Ashley said incredulously as she dried herself off with this towel by standing on her hind paws and used her front ones to dry her fur off.

"Jolt has won in our bet and as agreed I shall teach him one art of his choosing...but how he managed it is beyond one has ever dodged my metronome arts." Kendory said giving Jolt a suspicious glance.

"Something weird happened though during our battle though. Kendory's attack seemed to freeze mid-air and some voice shouted out of nowhere to move." Jolt said to which Kendory gave a look of shock and Ashley grinned.

"What's with the grin sis?" Jolt asked questioningly.

"Looks like we won't have to go to Kanto after all..." Ashley said which earned confused looks from them all until Ashley turned around.

"Show yourself Mewtwo! I know it was you who froze time to allow Jolt to dodge!" Ashley shouted out with a grin on her face.

"Mewtwo did that?!" Jolt asked incredulously.

"I knew he couldn't have dodged my attack under normal circumstances...." Kendory said in a calm yet angered tone.

For sometime nothing seemed to happen. Then in a mere moment Mewtwo appeared in front of Ashley as if he had suddenly popped into existence out of nowhere catching everyone off guard.

"How long have you been watching?" Ashley asked curiously.

"Since Kendory used his icy mist technique....I was curious as to how Jolt would fair..." Mewtwo replied in a calm tone.

"You're the one who interfered with our battle....prepare yourself legend!" Kendory hissed and clasped his paws together."Pokemon Art: Ice blade!!" Kendory said in a foreign language and extending his paws revealing a sword made of ice and charged at Mewtwo.

Mewtwo glanced at Kendory and his eyes turned icy blue and used his Psychic power to shatter Kendory's sword."I am well aware of your abilities am i aware that my psychic powers do not affect undead....however..." Mewtwo said as he rose a three pronged paw which pointed at him at which point Kendory gasped and fell to the ground."You have one organ that my power can affect....advance on me as such again and i shall send you back to the pits of hell where you belong!" Mewtwo said bellowed at him.

"'d be doing me a favor....but as you wish." Kendory said and stood up.

Ashley simply ignored this and walked up to Mewtwo."Listen up, you owe me big time for your fuck up with Jessica!" Ashley said in a confident tone.

"You chose to turn back the hands of time....not I....i only followed your decision." Mewtwo said calmly causing Ashley's eyes to flash into a deathly glare.

"You fucked up!" Ashley yelled throwing a punch which hit Mewtwo's barrier."You let Jessica murder my family!" Ashley continued in the same yelling tone throwing another punch hitting his barrier once again."You took took Jolt from me!" Ashley yelled once more throwing yet another punch which seemed to ripple his barrier at which Mewtwo raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "YOU TOOK MY LITTER,THE LITTER THAT ME AND JOLT HAD CREATED WITH OUR LOVE FROM ME!!!! YOU ARROGANT,EGOTISTIC, ASSHOLE OF A LEGEND!!!!!!" Ashley shrieked at the top of her lungs throwing one last punch shattering Mewtwo's barrier much to everyone's shock but even more so to Mewtwo who only had milliseconds to react and used his Psychic power to stop her punch mere inches from his chest.

"Was that my imagination, or did Ashley just shatter Mewtwo's psychic barrier?" Jolt asked aloud in a stunned tone.

"That wasn't your imagination...." Kendory replied in the same stunned expression"I knew she had raw untapped power...but enough to shatter Mewtwo's barrier?! A legend's power seems to have no bounds....yet Ashley broke through it with sheer brute strength alone...she may be stronger than even Jolt...." Kendory thought to himself staring at Ashley who's fist was still held in place by Mewtwo's power.

Ashley huffed and puffed for a few moments until her expression changed from very pissed off to a look of regret."I'm sorry,you're was my decision...." Ashley said and glanced back at Jolt as tears formed in her eyes"But it hurts so much....knowing what could have been and now possibly could never be..." Ashley said then turned her head to face Mewtwo again with her eyes streaming with tears now."If you won't help least restore Jolt's memories....i want him to remember what we had and can still at least owe me that much..." Ashley said as her voice cracked and broke with each word now.

Mewtwo released his psychic grip on Ashley's paw which she let fall to her side as she lowered her head so that she seemed to be looking at the ground now, tears still streaming from her brown furred cheeks and dropping to the ground as she stood there sobbing in front of Mewtwo."Please....give me a chance to win back what I lost...." Ashley said between sobs and a few moments later snapped her head upward flinging tears up with a look of part desperation and part determination in her still tear streaming eyes."I'LL DO ANYTHING!" Ashley almost shrieked again looking at Mewtwo dead in his eyes.

"I can't recover what was never there Ashley...." Mewtwo said plainly which caused Ashley eyes to widen and gasp slightly."The reason you have memories from that time is because you lived it...Jolt died...Only those who lived through that time would remember it." Mewtwo finished at which Ashley let herself fall forward so that she was on all fours again eyes still widened with a look of pure disbelief and sadness in them as tears continued to stream from them looking at the ground."No....I refuse to believe it....there has to be a way to make him remember." Ashley said between sobs clinching the dirt in her front paws as she balled them up.

Jolt,Meo and Kendory looked on at this unable to say anything for they were all lost for words as they looked from the sobbing and trembling Ashley to the seemingly calm and collective Mewtwo.

"I refuse to believe we came all this way for nothing..." Ashley said and stood up once more on her hind paws and looked up at Mewtwo with the same tear filled and streaming eyes."There has to be a way....and I'll bet my life on it that you know of at least one way....i don't care how dangerous it is....I'll take the risk." Ashley said with sheer sincerity in her voice.

"As sincere as your intentions are....i can not restore what did not exist in this time. The one thing I could do...was allow the ones who were still alive to retain memories of what happened." Mewtwo said in a confirming tone.

This new set of information caused Ashley to turn to Meo."You knew....from the moment I told you over a week knew I wasn't lying..." Ashley said barreling down on Meo who was now backing away slowly until he was backed against a piece of ruble."And you never said anything to back me up!" Ashley yelled at Meo who looked very pale at the moment.

Ashley then lifted him up by the fur standing on her hind paws with one front paw."WHY?! Why did you not say anything?!" Ashley yelled at him still holding him up in the air.

Meo looked into her eyes and let out a sigh."I didn't at first....but over time the memories did come back....and I was scared I would lose you...but it looks like I already did from the moment your memories returned." Meo in a depressed tone then his expression turn to that of a angered one.

"Looks like I was a fool all along...." Meo said in a low tone and did a sudden back-flip off the ruble ripping himself from her grip."I was a fool to think i had any chance at all of finding true love....I should have never tried to forget who I really am....a loner.....always have been...always will be....friends....who needs em...and family....the only family I had was my brother who was killed by team the end I suppose I should be thanking Chris for carrying out my vengeance through Jolt...."Meo said at which point Meo turned and began to walk away."Fight your little rebellion on your own...I'm through risking my neck for a lost cause...." Meo said and walked off slowly fading out of view to all.

Mewtwo looked on at Meo until he faded out of view."The path your on will lead only to your own destruction...." Mewtwo thought to himself and then turned to Ashley and Jolt."I can not do anything to help...i am sorry...the most I can do is tell you were to find the other legends..." Mewtwo said simply.

"So it really was all for nothing? And to make matters worse...I drove Meo away from us...." Ashley said wiping at her puffy eyes and matted down cheek fur from all the tears she cried.

Mewtwo then pointed south "If you follow this path it will lead you to Ecruteak City . There you can find the three canine legends Suicune,Entei,Raikou...however they will be not swayed easily..." Mewtwo said with the same calm expression on his face.

"why can't you help us?" Ashley asked in a frustrated tone glaring at Mewtwo.

"I have....other duties to perform....i am sorry." Mewtwo said and as seemingly as he had popped into existence earlier when he first arrived he disappeared in the same method.

Jolt and Ashley then looked at each other for what seemed to be an eternity..."Mewtwo can't bring back his memories...but I won't give up..." Ashley thought to herself staring into her brother's eyes.

"Even without my memories....can we really rekindle what we had from that time? If it is possible....I want to try...I don't want to be alone anymore...." Jolt thought staring back into his sisters eyes.


Jolt: Hello,I'm sure your all thinking right now"what the fuck is this author doing?!" right? Well, so am I! But I'm just reading from a piece paper she gave to me, so bare with me.

Ashley: Well the author did state this is a "Pikachu's unexpected love three special" didn't she?

Meo: Why am I here?(looks very pissed off)

Jolt: Because apparently this chapter break is about you.

Meo:Oh?(raises eyebrow)

Jolt: Apparently a lot of readers have had a few questions about you. Like this one,Where was Meo born?

Meo:Viridian City in an empty ally....(Looks very annoyed)

(Jolt and Ashley sweatdrop simultaneously)

Ashley: Okay here's another, Is Meowth your real brother or just someone you adopted?

Meo: If People actually read the story,they would know we are blood related.(Flashes a deathly glare and slashes the paper into shreds with his claws)

Ashley: Maybe it wasn't wise to have a chapter break just after he was very pissed off at us in the story?(begins to back up slowly as Meo starts to charge at her and Jolt)

Jolt: And that's all the time for we have in this chapter break! Back to the story!(Is currently running from Meo along side of Ashley all over the studio knocking over lights and camera equipment.)


After what seemed to be forever Kendory cleared his throat loudly snapping there gaze from one another to him."We should get going." Kendory said in a calm manner to which both of them nodded

"To Ecruteak City!" Ashley said with a smile that clearly could be seen as a fake but no one said anything.

"So when are you going to teach me a technique of my choosing?" Jolt asked as they continued to walk towards Ecruteak City.

"The battle was rigged, so the deal is off" Kendory said simply.

"Oh come on!" Jolt retorted

"I said no." Kendory replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Your just a sore loser!" Jolt replied and stuck his tongue out at Kendory.

"Don't make me bite you...." Kendory replied as the annoyance in his voice was clearly obvious.

"I thought you didn't drink the blood of the living? Besides I taste terrible!" Jolt said in a taunting tone.

"Your right...i don't eat junk food anyways..." Kendory said at which Jolt flashed an annoyed glare.

"Hey! That was below the belt!" Jolt retorted as they continued down the path through some grass.

"Actually Jolt, from what I remember, you tasted quite good..." Ashley said with a flirty grin at which Jolt could have swore Kendory's face went more pale than it was already even though his was beat red at the moment.

All Ashley could do was giggle for a short time as they continued on and picked up pace as they began to run more than walk now....

Meanwhile back at HQ about three days later....

"Julian......wake up Julian......" A voice spoke into a seemingly endless void.

" that?" Julian replied and stood up on all fours and looked around into the endless void."Where am I? What happened to me?" Julian asked aloud into the darkness.

"Help me....i don't know how much longer I can hold out...." The voice replied into the void.

"Mother? What wrong? What happened?! Where are you?!" Julian exclaimed aloud running through the seemingly endless void.

"I am trapped in Chris's domain....please save me my daughter...." Rachel's voice echo'd and seemed to begin to fade.

"Chris's domain? I thought I killed him that day?!" Julian called back running towards what looked like a faint light now.

"Please save me.....I'm in.....Blackthorn............." The voice seemed to fade completely at the last word spoke by Rachel's voice. By this time Julian had ran to the point that the light was only ten feet away.

"I'll save you mother! I swear it!" Julian yelled out as she jumped into the light causing it to flash brightly until....

Julian's eyes snapped open as she sat abruptly up in a room she did not recognize much to Chikaria's shock who had at that moment checking up on her."Where am I? And who are you?" Julian asked in a dazed tone to Chikaria.

Chikaria did not reply...instead she dashed out the door into the main room."Julian's awake!" Chikaria exclaimed followed by a loud shattering sound coming from the make-shift kitchen and Alexia dashing from it, a clatter from Josh's console which was caused by him dropping a invention he was working on, And the sound of Camellia,Ash, Koda, and professor oak dashing from respective rooms. Moments later everyone dashed Past Chikaria leaving her laying on her back with one paw in the air comically twitching as she had been trampled unintentionally by everyone going to see Julian."Ow......." Was all Chikaria could muster to say as her eyes were swirling at the moment as she lay on the ground.

Ash was the first to make it to the door frame followed by everyone else who had slammed into him comically wedging themselves in the door until Alexia headbutted them from behind knocking everyone onto there faces on the floor with Ashley on top.

"Mom! You're awake!" Alexia said as her eyes filled with tears of joy and dashed at her giving her a hug shortly followed by everyone else with the exception of Professor oak who stood and watched in the door frame.

Julian looked at everyone around her hugging her with a smile on her face."How long was I out? And what's been going on while I've been out?" Julian asked curiously.

"We've got a lot of cover dear...I'll explain after we've made you a decent meal and eat." Ash said smiling as he motioned for everyone to get off her so she could get up.

Meanwhile Ashley,Jolt, and Kendory had finally managed to make it to Ecruteak City in three days time.

"I honestly didn't expect anything in this town to be standing still...." Jolt said looking at what looked like the very top of the Burnt tower laying on the ground in front of them as they entered the outskirts of town."But I at least hoped people survived." Jolt said as he looked around with a grim look on his face.

"The entire Pokemon world was hit all at once in one massive strike all at once after that night..." Ashley said with a saddened expression her face.


"Is mom going to be alright?" Alexia asked in a worried tone looking at her mother's charred fur covered body along with the rest of the litter as Ash lay her down on the couch.

"I don't know sweetie...." Ash said looking at his wife then looked upward at Misty who looked on with a saddened expression on her face.

"What is going on out there?" Meo asked looking on as he stood in the door frame of the front door of their house to the flashes and faint explosions from the distance where Jolt and Chris were fighting.

"I don't know....i wish I did." Ash said not shifting his gaze from Julian.

Ashley walked up next to Meo and stared into the distance along side of him."Jolt...." Was all Ashley could say as she looked on.

"If I had only known the monster I was raising...." Professor oak said in a low tone looking at his palm for a moment until he balled into a fist and punched the wall."I WOULD HAVE PUT AN END TO THIS OVER TEN YEARS AGO!" Professor oak yelled punching the wall with his other fist with his head lowered.

"There's no possible way you could have known!" Misty exclaimed and walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I should have seen it! The murderous intent, the signs that he was going to do what he did to that poor Vulpix! That's what started all of this!" Professor oak exclaimed angrily as his entire body seemed to be shaking with anger and frustration right now.

"There's no use dwelling in the past. What's happening now is what we should be worried about." Meo said turning to look at them briefly then back outside.

After what seemed like forever the faint explosion sounds and flashes disappeared and things became very quiet outside.

Ashley looked on in curiosity and then saw a figure rise up on a flying Pokemon out of the area Jolt and Chris had been fighting in and gasped in horror.

"J-J-Jolt.....lost?" Meo said with a look of pure disbelief on his face.

"No!" Ashley shrieked and dashed out before Meo could stop her. "Jolt, hang on I'm coming!!!" Ashley called out followed by everyone else who was not far behind on paw or foot.

"Charizard! Let do it!" Misty yelled out and Charizard turned to her and nodded bending over as he ran. Misty then jumped on his back and held onto his neck just as he began to take off into the sky.

"Misty! Take this!" Professor oak yelled tossing a radio to her which she caught mid air just before Charizard ascended into the skies.

Ashley was first to arrive on the scene and gasped in horror at Jolt who lay sprawled out on the ground. Meanwhile Misty and Charizard had caught sight of Chris who was flying away.

"Oh no you don't, you fucking little shit! Charizard, use Flame thrower!" Misty yelled to which Charizard responded with a mighty roar and exhaled flames from his mouth at the Fearow and Chris.

"Oh,looky's the girl who has a thing for Charizard cock....." Chris said in a taunting tone as he easily evaded Charizard's flame thrower attack.

Misty blushed beat red with her eyes wide open in shock at this witty reply along with what sounded like a cross between a grunt and a gulping sound."Shut the fuck up you psychotic prick! Charizard, use Fire blast!" Misty retorted to which Charizard gave yet another mighty roar and shot a star shaped flame at the Fearow and Chris.

Meanwhile below them Ashley was shaking Jolt trying to wake him up."Wake up bro! Come on! Quit faking it!" Ashley said with tears in her eyes.

Professor oak then ran up next to them both."Ashley, please stand aside! I need to examine him!" Professor oak exclaimed to which Ashley nodded and crawled off him and walked on all fours next to Ash who shared the same worried expression that she did.

After a few what seemed to be forever professor oak looked back at them."He's alive..but it looks like he pushed his body beyond even it's own limits....I'm not sure of Chris's design but it looks like it rendered him into a coma as a type of defensive mechanism....for how long I can not say..but he has to be moved.

" look up!" Rachel said as she pointed to the sky.

Everyone looked up to the sky to see it now filled with Dragonite, Dragonair, and other flying types which all seemed to be staying in one place."What in hell is going on?!" Professor oak said with a look of shock and fear in his eyes as he looked into the sky.

Meanwhile in the sky the battle waged on between Chris,Misty and Charizard....

"Quit running away from us! Fight like a man!" Misty yelled outraged as Charizard shot another flame thrower attack at him which he dodged yet again.

"Oh, I'm not running....I'm preparing." Chris said with a cocky smile.

"For what?!" Misty yelled back as Charizard shot yet another flame thrower at him which he dodged once again with ease.

"For the destruction of this world....and the birth of my world." Chris said in a malicious tone."Look around you...." Chris said at which Misty did so and gasped along with Charizard who clearly hadn't noticed yet. "The most powerful Pokemon in the world have filled the skies all over the planet.....and on my command.....will obliterate every major city and town in the world with their most powerful attacks." Chris said with a evil smile at which Misty put a hand over her mouth and gasped in horror."There's no stopping it plan has been in motion for the past five years....and now...." Chris said trailing off as he pushed a red button on his watch."I WILL RULE THIS WORLD WITH UNPARALLELED POWER!!!!!" Chris exclaimed with his eyes widened into a deathly glare as the Pokemon that had been doing nothing but flying in place now began to power up their attacks.

Misty looked around herself in horror and then back to Ash and the others who were still standing in place."Relax....and enjoy the show...." Chris said and began to laugh manically.

Misty then spoke into her radio."Get out of there! Chris is going to literally annihilate every major city in the world with those flying Pokemon in the sky!!!" Misty yelled into her radio.

Professor oaks shocked and fearful expression went to one of horror with a gasp as Misty's voice came blaring out of the radio for everyone to hear.

I didn't know how I did it back then....but upon hearing that my first impulse I reacted on was to run back to our house and grab our mother....i suppose in the mist of the chaos of exploding buildings,screaming voices of both Pokemon and human alike, dad nor anyone else noticed I had done this with such speed as I rejoined everyone with mom on my back as we ran into the forest near newbark town....


"ya...i was foolish to think anyone who was in the towns at the time had any chance at all of surviving." Jolt said in a depressed tone.

"Is it foolish to hope? Or is it foolish to dream? We may never know...but this hope you's the only weapon you have left..." Kendory said wisely.

"Right...well, where are these legends at?" Jolt asked curiously.

"You expect them to pop out and say, you found me?'s not that simple....if there's one thing legends pride themselves's keeping their presence hidden." Kendory said looking around.

Ashley took a few steps forward when suddenly she felt a sudden feeling of dread hit her causing her eyes to widen.

"What's wrong sis?" Jolt asked curiously.

"Something is wrong.....i can feel it...."Ashley said and turned her gaze to behind them.

"Were we followed?"Kendory asked quietly.

" has nothing to do with us..." Ashley said slowly as her mind was quickly putting two and two together in her mind."Did you ever find it odd that we only got attacked when you were with us? Or how Jessica found you so easily?" Ashley asked in an almost demanding tone.

" is a bit odd now that I think about it...but what are you getting at?" Jolt replied clearly confused.

"As you and mom share a very close close in fact we can often tell when one is in immediate or impending danger...i can't explain how....but I know mom and the rest of our family is in danger!" Ashley exclaimed.

"We are over a five days journey to our home Ashley! How the hell do you expect to get back there in time?" Jolt asked incredulously.

"How indeed......" A voice spoke causing Jolt and Ashley to gasp and look behind them.

"It-It can't be?!" Ashley said stuttered looking on in disbelief.

"Christopher..." Jolt said and balled up his paw into a fist as he turned to face him.

"How've grown a lot haven't you my precious experiment..." Chris said with the same cocky smile he remembered.

Without warning Jolt charged at Chris with the Pokemon Y gene fully activating as he dashed forward at him in the blink of an eye in a black blur."I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!!" Jolt screamed in an demonic voice much unlike his own as his fist connected with Chris's psychic barier literally catapulting him from where he stood sending him flying backwards over one hundred feet from where Jolt stood.

For about five minuets there was nothing by an eerie silence until a purple gas appeared in front of them causing Jolt to jump back along with Ashley. Anything the purple gas touched seemed to be literally eaten by the purple mist as if thousands of small mouths were eating at everything the gas touched.

Within that purple gas a figure appeared and walked out of it."I call it, The mist of a one billion hungry of my more destructive's a shame though....because I had to use one billion living female Pokemon to make a single batch....a shame because....i do love females..." Chris said with a malicious grin staring at Ashley.

Ashley suddenly felt something begin to probe at her vagina and instantly looked and saw nothing but she felt something pushing into her her all the same...even her lips were being parted as if something was being pushed in and out of her."S-stop it!" Ashley shrieked halfheartedly.

"Oh,come now....what could I possibly be doing by just standing here?" Chris said with a evil grin.

"what are you doing to her?!" Kendory yelled outraged.

"Giving a new definition to the term,Mind fuck." Chris said and began to laugh manically.

Jolt could not get close to Chris due to the gas that surrounded him. With each time he tried the mist seemed to lash out at him which made him retreat.

"S-Stop! Please!" Ashley yelled out now sprawled out flat on her chest trying her damnedest not to enjoy the sensation of being violated like this. To her on shame however, her body was loving the attention as her vagina seemed to clamp down on the invisible cock inside her.

"No wonder her body is reacting like it is.....she's in that just takes the fun out of raping someone when that's exactly what their body craves...." Chris said with a frown and the feeling inside her vagina vanished as quickly as it appeared leaving Ashley huffing and puffing.

"I've had enough of this!" Jolt said with the gene still active and clasped his paws together as the mist around Chris dissipated. After a few moments nothing seemed to happen then without warning over three hundred versions of Jolt appeared on all sides of Chris much to his shock.

"You've learned a new trick!" Chris said in a happy tone with a mock proud smile on his face. "This is going to be fun...." Chris said with an evil grin....


Ashley: Hello, again! This time we are going to take the time to answer a few more questions!(Holds up a piece of paper and becomes very red in the face)

Ashley: Who was the pervert who wrote this question?!

Jolt: Let me see that.(Take the paper and reads from it) How is Ashley in bed?

Jolt: If you all read the story Jolt and Ashley's forbidden love, you'd know that already. But if you must know.( Gives a cheesy grin until Ashley abruptly yanks the piece of paper from Jolt's paw.)

Ashley: Wait a sec....this is your handwriting Jolt!(Looks at Jolt and balls up her paws)

Jolt: Can't a male brag once in awhile?(Is knocked skyward with an uppercut by Ashley shortly after saying this.)

Ashley: Well I guess that's all the time we have to answer these questions!(Jolt lands next to her on the ground with his eyes swirling.) Back to the story!


All of Jolt's replicas charged at Chris at once piling on top of him. Loud punching sounds could be heard as the ground around them seemed to crack and crumble after sometime.

Ashley finally recovered from the sexual assault but she couldn't hide her shame in that fact that she actually felt disappointed she didn't reach climax."Stupid heat cycle! I shouldn't have enjoyed that!" Ashley said to herself pissed off at her body for actually enjoying the unwanted assault.

"But now my body wants sex more than ever....ugh! I'll just have to suppress the urges and take out my sexual frustrations on him!"Ashley thought to herself balling up her paws and charging at Chris who had blasted the dog pile of Jolts off him only to see Ashley's fist connect strait with his Psychic barrier shattering it and moments later with his jaw which a loud "CRACK!" could be heard as her fist connected with his jaw and moments later sent him flying.

"Since when did this female get this kind of strength?! It's greater than Jolt's even! And I would know if I had experimented on her.." Chris thought as he sailed backward staring at Ashley's face which looked very pissed off until she went out of view moments later.

Ashley stared on at the line destroyed trees and ground that had be unearthed as a result of her punching Chris square in the jaw and sending him flying in that direction."That's for sexually assaulting me!" Ashley yelled out at which Jolt looked on in shock as the gene began to deactivate.

Kendory looked at Ashley then to the path of destruction left her wake by a single punch and gulped silently to himself"Thank goodness I'm already dead....i don't have to worry about getting any urges to stare under her tail...i can only imagine what would happen if she busted me doing so...." Kendory thought and gave a slight shutter as the image of him getting the living shit beat out of him with her insane strength went through his mind.

Ashley then turned to face Jolt and smiled. "I'm going to have to have some alone time after all this is over...Chris's attack got me riled up." Ashley said trying not to sound creepy but as she could tell by the looks on Kendory's and Jolt's faces she had failed miserably."Hey,it's not like I wanted to enjoy that! But I am in heat ya know!" Ashley pipped up a few moments after which crossing her paws looking red faced.

Jolt couldn't help but laugh."Hey! It's not funny!" Ashley said in a pissed off tone.

"Your face is what's making me laugh!" Jolt said holding his sides.

"I don't know how you can laughing right now Jolt, when the man who responsible for the destruction of our world is our current opponent. Ashley's attack may have stunned him...but he's far from defeated." Kendory said in a low tone which seemed to kill the fun and caused Jolt to look up at Kendory.

"I know....but I'd rather not activate the gene again...and happy emotions help me keep it suppressed." Jolt said in a solemn tone.

"Which was why I hadn't decked you either." Ashley added irritably unaware of the sudden presence of Chris behind her.

"Ashley,look out!" Jolt cried out which caused Ashley to turn in time to see Chris with a bone claw diving at her.

"Not good!" Kendory exclaimed clapping his paws together. "Pokemon art: Ice spike eruption technique!" Kendory said in a foreign language and slammed his open paw on the ground which caused a huge ice spike to erupt right under Chris at which point Ashley jumped out of range of the attack next to Jolt.

Chris noticed this far too late as the ice spike impaled him midair and rose up to about ten feet tall. "Oh! Now get it!" Chris said with a grin as he used his bone claw to shatter the ice spike that held him up and yanked what was left of it, out of it out of his chest with a grunt and the wound seemed to regenerate instantly leaving no trace that the ice spike had ever impaled him."You're a Pokemon arts user....and you've been teaching these little rats how to use them as well." Chris said with a grin.

"Just what is he exactly?" Ashley thought to herself staring at him with the same smug grin on his face that she remembered from over ten years ago except it was a Gengarish face making the smile now instead of the human one she remembered.

"I'm afraid you're only half right....I've been teaching Ashley....however her strength has nothing to do with my training." Kendory said in a calm tone and looked to Jolt."Jolt has only been listening in and being you say....nib-shit....however ironically he perfected the replication technique long before Ashley could.

"Two super powered rats and a Pokemon arts master....this could get ugly..." Chris thought to himself staring at the three."I wonder how your dear mother who has only just awakened will deal with an onslaught of my greatest creations......" Chris said with a malicious grin.

"Mom's awake?!" Jolt blurted out in a shocked tone.

"I knew something was wrong...." Ashley said and turned to look behind her.

"Oh,yes....and the locator cells began to work no sooner she awakened...." Chris added.

"Locator cells?" Ashley said questioningly.

" of my less effective creations....they only work for a short time after they are activated...but they did their job...exploiting your precious headquarters....i injected them into your mother and you Jolt when I modified both of your DNA's...Jolt's locator cells were already dead....however your mothers I had not bothered to activate...till a few moments ago..."Chris said with a malicious grin.

Suddenly the memories of that horrifying event began to shoot through Ashley's mind of when her family was murdered once before causes her to gasp with her eyes widened in horror as tears began to streak from them.

"What's the matter,terrified of what is going to happen to your precious family?" Chris said as he crossed his arms."Well....YOU SHOULD BE!" Chris exclaimed as he flashed a glare in his eyes as he spoke.

"Never again......" Ashley said in a low tone.

"What was that? I could her you over your pathetic mumbling..." Chris said with a cackle.

At this Ashley looked up and stared Chris dead in the eyes with a look of pure fury and rage that Chris all too well remembered from looking into Julian's eyes and recognized the look right away."NEVER AGAIN!" Ashley exclaimed and began to dash at Chris as her tail began to glow.

"The signature Ketchum family Irontail attack....seriously...can you pathetic rats think up anything new?" Chris said striking a fighting stance.

"If I know Ashley, that's not going to be a regular Irontail attack..." Kendory thought as she dashed forward and jumped in the air.

"IRONTAIL....." Ashley exclaimed above Chris to which he smirked until the last word came out of her mouth"BLADE!!!!!" at which his smile turned to one of fear and jumped out of the way barely and witnessed Ashley's Irontail Blade attack literally fissure the ground upon impact creating a large crack in the ground that seemed to extend for miles in front of her.

"Okay...this female is not one to fuck around with...." Chris thought to himself as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his head staring at the result of her attack.

"You left yourself open by the way Chris...." Kendory said in a calm manner at which point Chris's eyes widened in surprise as he looked behind himself to see Jolt mere inches away from him with a Thunderpunch attack that he could not dodge.

"Take this!!!" Jolt exclaimed as his Thunderpunch attack connected with Chris's back sending him flying strait at Ashley.

Chris could do nothing as he gasped staring at Ashley who's tail was once again glowing."Your not gonna dodge it this time! Never again will I allow you or anyone else to harm my family!" Ashley exclaimed with the same look of pure fury and rage in her eyes.

"Damn it all to hell!" Chris said aloud as he place his hands together midair"Forbidden Pokemon art: Ghostly mist technique!" Chris said in plan English and merely five inches from Ashley exploded into a black mist causes her to shield her face and eyes with one paw as the black mist flew past her and reformed a few moments later in psychical form landing on the ground in a sidewards roll until he jumped to his feet mid roll and skidded to a halt huffing and puffing."Jolt I knew I could handle.... even that pokemon arts master was not a problem for me....what I didn't count on what this female Pikachu....." Chris staring at Ashley who had now turned around to stare at him. "Her traits she shares with her mother are almost exactly the same. The determination in her eyes, the rage....and not to mention her uncanny ability to pull immense strength and power from nowhere! This is getting too dangerous even for direct hit from that irontail blade of hers and I'd be done for!" Chris said still staring at her but not with the same cocky expression he always seemed to have....instead it was a look of frustration and anger as beads of sweat dripped down his forehead and down his cheeks.

"How....and more importantly where did she get this much power? Her strength and power rivals my own....which should be scientifically impossible! I gave myself the greatest abilities of all the most powerful Pokemon in this world! No one should be even remotely in my league of power....yet she is....i need to get rid of her before she manages to master this power....right now it's powered solely by her inner rage...i can not allow her to tap into it beyond that!" Chris thought in a frustrated tone as he pointed his palms up so that they faced Ashley and lifted her into the air and began to close his palms crushing her causing her to cry out in agony.

"Ashley!" Jolt exclaimed in a worried voice staring at her and looked to Chris and began to charge at him as the gene fully activated once again without his knowledge this time."DIE!!!!!!" Jolt yelled in a demonic voice as he charged at Chris with a thunderpunch that looked more like a basketball of electricity around his fist as he charged at him.

Chris looked at Jolt charging at him and let Ashley drop unconscious and be caught by Kendory and looked at Jolt once again striking the same cocky smirk."I'LL ERASE THAT COCKY SMILE OF YOURS FROM EXISTENCE!!! Jolt yelled in the same demonic tone as he threw his fist at Chris which very quickly took hold of his wrist in the blink of an eye twisted it and threw Jolt behind him with his attack hitting the ground with a mighty explosion which left a small Crater in it's wake.

"As much as I'd love to play around with you all longer...i have a previous engagement to attend to with your mother...." Chris said with an evil grin and waved saying"Later!" as he vanished in a flash of psychic energy.


Chris: Hello,pathetic mortals....apparently it's my turn to answer a few questions...(Makes a piece of paper appear in front of him with his psychic power.)

Chris: So you all want to know how I became who I am today...(grins evilly) A funny tale....i was found by Professor Oak near the silver cave at the mere age of five...he raised me and taught me the basics of Pokemon science...however I desired I secretly created a lab hidden within Mount Moon and experimented on countless Pokemon....there was one event however that opened my eyes to the true possibilities of Pokemon science...a pregnant female Vulpix....after my initial experimentation...her litter that still lay within her womb seemed to be reacting rather I dissected her alive to find that her litter had reacted far differently than she had...unfortunately for the Vulpix...i had done this while she was fully awake and without any life support for her....she died mere moments later howling in agony after I extracted the specimen from her...(Cackles) Although the specimen died a few days after extraction I found that offspring were greatly affected by my experiments more than their adult in closing I struck a deal with Giovanni for finical support of my experimentation...I hope that answers your feeble question. If it doesn't then too bad for you!(Laughs manically and uses his psychic power to make your brain explode.) Now back to the story...that is...if your still breathing...(Laughs manically and disappears in a flash of psychic energy.)


By now Ashley had regained consciousness and was looking at Jolt who stood up with his fur still pitch black."Hey,Jolt! Chris is gone! Deactivate the gene already!" Ashley called out to him in a worried tone but Jolt did not respond...he simply stood there for a few moments motionless until he looked dead at them and grinned evilly.

"Oh,this does not bode well..." Kendory said still holding Ashley in his arms as they both looked on at Jolt.

"Jolt?" Ashley asked questioningly in a concerned tone."Oh,no....I've lost him again..." Ashley thought to herself and jumped out of Kendory's arms."Don't worry Jolt,i'll bring you back like I have so many times before!" Ashley said aloud running up to him.

"Ashley,wait! He's not like he was before! This isn't like the chip that controlled him, it's a living gene that is altering his thinking!" Kendory yelled out but Ashley didn't seem to be listening.

As Ashley approached Jolt a truly wicked smile formed on his face casing her to stop in her tracks a few feet from him."'s me....your sister,Ashley..." Ashley said taking a cautious step forward."Kendory may be right...this isn't like it was before..." Ashley thought looking at the malicious smile on Jolt's face and took a step back.

Kendory's eyes widened with a sense of fear and terror."My soul was ripped from my body....and I feel no emotions...but just staring at him makes me want to run in fear from the bottom of a heart I thought I no longer had...." Kendory thought to himself looking at Jolt.

Jolt simply cackled and advanced on her lifting her up by the throat causing her to gag and choke."I'm thirsty....." Was all Jolt said in a demonic voice and threw her to the ground creating a small hole with the sheer impact of her body hitting the ground.

At these words Kendory's eyes widened even more so if possible." Christopher, you didn't!?" Kendory said and clasped his paws together and formed a thin sheet of ice as he drew them apart and began to immediately inscribe something on it very quickly midair before it could float to the ground."I must act fast, or Jolt will never be himself again!" Kendory thought as he continued to write something on the sheet of ice until he finished moments later." Hey, freak! Over here!" Kendory called out drawing Jolt's attention to Kendory and caused him to charge at him.

"Ancient art: Demonic seal!!!!" Kendory yelled out in a foreign language slamming both paws on the sheet of ice which caused it to glow brightly for a moment until a large beam of light shot from the circle inscribed in between his paws and hit Jolt directly in the chest a mere few feet from Kendory causing him to screech in pain."I'm sorry Jolt....i certainly hope I can extract the demonic energy being spawned by that gene before it kills you...." Kendory said in a calm tone as Jolt continued to screech in pain.

Ashley once again regained consciousness as she lay in the small hole Jolt had created by throwing her with such force into the ground. She then jumped out and winced loudly falling onto her chest."My right hind paw is broken..." Ashley said looking at it and then looked to see what was happening to Jolt.

Jolt's fur slowly began to revert to it's normal color starting from his ears and also from his feet working in. As Jolt's fur reverted back to it's normal color on his face his screeching was replaced by his normal voice screaming in agony. After what seemed like forever Jolt's entire body fur had returned to it's normal color and the beam of light retracted from his chest and back into the sheet of ice which shattered moments later in leaving a dark vapor emitting from where it once lay.

Jolt then fell flat on his face on the ground unconscious.

By now Ashley had managed to limp next to Jolt and lay her head on his chest noting that he was still breathing then looked to Kendory who looked more pale than he usually did.

"Just exactly who are you? Your more than just a Pokemon arts master,aren't you?" Ashley said with a slight wince in her voice as she spoke.

Kendory looked at Ashley and let out a sigh."There's a reason why I was assigned to watch over you two by Mewtwo..." Kendory said looking at Ashley with a grave expression on his face.

"Mewtwo assigned you to watch over us?!" Ashley asked in a shocked tone.

"'s also the reason why I was taken from my place in heaven and put back on this plain...In my clan...i was part of an elite group known as, The demon tamers." Kendory said at which Ashley's expression became even more shocked if possible."In the time I was alive before I was turned into this creature....i fought and slayed Vampires and other demonic Pokemon of the middle ages...we were taught the ancient arts that could seal or destroy demons and our ability to create sheets of ice to inscribe these ancient writings on the fly was a vital part of how we did so. Mewtwo assigned me the duty of watching over you two because of this ability knowing what was happening to Jolt and what he would become if left unchecked." Kendory said and paused to let Ashley take this information in completely.

"Become what?" Ashley asked dreading the answer.

"What I am...." Kendory said simply which caused Ashley to gasp as tears formed in her eyes."Chris somehow found out the ancient formula which the very first of our kind used to create it an added his own diabolical twists to it." Kendory said in the same grave tone at which point Ashley could only stare in horror and disbelief as tears of sheer horror dripped from her eyes onto Jolt's fur."Mewtwo told me...that my knowledge of my kind along with my knowledge in chemistry might be enough to create a cure if combined with that of Professor Oaks knowledge.

"So that whole thing between you and Mewtwo three days ago..." Ashley said recalling it.


"You're the one who interfered with our battle....prepare yourself legend!" Kendory hissed and clasped his paws together."Pokemon Art: Ice blade!!" Kendory said in a foreign language and extending his paws revealing a sword made of ice and charged at Mewtwo.

Mewtwo glanced at Kendory and his eyes turned icy blue and used his Psychic power to shatter Kendory's sword."I am well aware of your abilities am i aware that my psychic powers do not affect undead....however..." Mewtwo said as he rose a three pronged paw which pointed at him at which point Kendory gasped and fell to the ground."You have one organ that my power can affect....advance on me as such again and i shall send you back to the pits of hell where you belong!" Mewtwo said bellowed at him.

"'d be doing me a favor....but as you wish." Kendory said and stood up.


"Was just for show?" Ashley said after recalling the memory to which Kendory nodded.

"It was vital that you two did not know my true intentions for being with you...Otherwise Chris might have been able to read your minds and find out my exact reasoning for being with you if we encountered him...which we did." Kendory said in the same grim tone.

Suddenly Ashley's thought reverted to what Chris had said prior to his disappearance."Our family is in grave danger and we are over an five day walk from HQ!" Ashley said blurted out suddenly in a panicked tone.

"Once Jolt awakens and your injury heals we can begin to make our way there...we just have to hope and prey they can hold out till then." Kendory said looking at Jolt but moments later Ashley grabbed him by the rim of his shell and yanked him so he was face to face with her."THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH! USE YOUR ARTS TO GET US THERE NOW!!!" Ashley exclaimed with the sound of panic and anger in her voice.

"I am a Pokemon arts and ancient arts master,not a magician!" Kendory snapped back at her ripping himself from Ashley's grip and walked away from her."We leave as soon as Jolt is awake and able to more thing.....He can not know of what lies within would have a horrifying impact on his already fragile mental state." Kendory said turning his head to look back at her as he spoke.

This caused Ashley to look back at Jolt then back to her broken hind paw."Ever since my dormant power had reawakened I seemed to be impervious to injury....but Jolt broke my hind paw with sheer brute force by throwing me into the ground like that....what ever is happening to you Jolt.....i won't let it consume you....i promise...." Ashley said looking back at her brother and gently kissed him on his muzzle.


Ashley: Well that was one hell of a ride eh?

Jolt: Speak for yourself.....your not the one who practically became a Vampire....(Looks very depressed at the moment)

Kendory: Hey! I resent that! Not all of us are vile demons who drink the blood of the living and enjoy the pleasure of killing another.

Jolt: Maybe your just the black sheep of the Vampire community....because from what I just saw...i was pretty evil there...(Views the scene when he looked at Ashley and lifted her up and threw her into the ground creating a hole were her body had impacted.)

Meo: Just curious....where am I when this all happened?!

Ashley: You left all pissed off and heartbroken remember?

Meo:Ya I know that. But I'm talking about while this was happening...what was I doing?

Jolt: Who cares....i almost became a blood sucking corpse....(Is curling up in a corner right now with a dark blue contrast hanging over him with light blue depressing streaks seemingly pouring down on him infinitely)

Kendory: Don't make me turn you into one for real....(Temple is pulsing at the moment as he looks at the depressed jolt with a pissed off glare)

Jolt:(Stands up and runs) NO! I don't wanna become a legion of the undead!!!

Kendory: That's it! Come here!(Bares fangs and chases Jolt around the studio as Jolt continues to run screaming knocking over lights and camera equipment.)

Ashley:(looks on along side of Meo both sweat dropping at the sight.) That brother of mine....

Meo: sure know how to pick em and Jolt are made for each other!You got enough problems between you two to keep a shrink busy for years!(is giving a mocking grin as he says this and is clocked skyward a few moments later by Ashley)

Ashley: It pays to be the daughter of a super powered Pikachu....(gives a content smile and a blissful sigh and moments later Meo comes crashing down landing on his head with his hind paws twitching in the air)

Jolt: Anyways, keep on reading to find out what happens in the next chapter!(is currently throwing different objects at Kendory in an effort to keep him away still running around the studio)

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