AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 10

Simon crashed through the last few trees separating him from the source of the sound. As he emerged out onto the edge of the lake, the ground dropped steeply into the water several feet below. Looking left and right for whatever was causing the cries he noticed a large pack of young Eevee looking worriedly down into the water below. He ran towards them wondering what was wrong, the Eevee noticed him approaching at speed and scattered fearfully, disappearing into the undergrowth. Simon ran over to where the ground had been gathered and his vision was drawn downwards by a pitiful cry for help from beneath him. Simon carefully lowered himself to the ground and leant out over the steep drop into the reservoir; Ember and Phoenix took hold of one foot each and held on to him scared he would fall into the cold water below. Simon gasped as he saw a small shape just below the surface, a head surfaced momentarily and let out the pitiful cry that had drawn them here in the first place then submerged again. Simon realised what had happened one of the Eevee had slipped and fallen into the water; being so young it couldn't swim. Simon pulled himself away from the edge carefully scared for his own safety and sat up tears in his eyes "That poor thing" he muttered to himself.
"vul pix pix?" Ember asked wondering what had got Simon so distraught
"There's a little Eevee in the water, she'll probably drown if we don't do something" he said tearfully.
Phoenix listened intently and had a flash of insight she ran off back towards the forest and came back with a large twig "Quil ava quiil avaaa" she declared dumping the stick at Simon's feet.
Simon smiled hope flaring up picking up the stick he carefully lowered it down to the Eevee "Grab onto this" he called down to Eevee. Eevee surfaced again but quickly went back under with a garbled cry, Simon laughed chokingly realising that Eevee couldn't possibly grab the stick, she had no opposable thumbs and she couldn't open her mouth without drowning, his hope disappeared as quickly as it had come. Throwing down the stick in despair he looked back down and guessed the Eevee had maybe a minute or two left before it was too tired to keep itself above the surface. Looking around for anything else that could possibly help Eevee he noticed some of the pack it had come from had emerged at least partially and where watching him from the bushes their faces a picture of worry. Giving one last sweep of the area Simon knew there was nothing he could do for Eevee in the time he had; there was only one way to save her. Walking back to the edge of the reservoir he looked down again estimating distances and trying to keep his fear at bay. Tears sprung up again in his eyes there was no way to save Eevee from this angle, it was just impossible. Simon choked up the Eevee was doomed but still he couldn't help but feel a little bit of relief that he didn't have to dive into the water turning away from the Eevee he faced the rest of the pack their eyes still full of concern but more importantly hope. Turning back around Simon decided he would at least try to save Eevee even if it seemed impossible, walking up to the edge again Simon spotted the large stick laying where he had left it "Looks like Phoenix's idea my just save Eevee after all" he muttered to himself as he picked the stick up. Walking over to the edge again he lowered the stick down and began to slowly push the Eevee further from the shore, Ember jumped in front of Simon "Vul pix vuuul!" She demanded angrily.
Simon smiled a little "No I'm helping her. I've got a plan" he had gotten Eevee just far enough away from the shore he dropped the stick and took off his backpack. Taking deep calming breaths he walked backwards giving himself a run-up to the edge of the reservoir, reaching the tree line he turned to face the water in front of him "Well I guess my therapist was right" he laughed to himself trying to keep calm "I should attack this fear head on". He began running at the water, as the edge approached him and the water spread to fill most of his vision he found himself slowing down he just couldn't bring himself to leap into the water. Sighing he stood at the waters edge, "No! There must be a way to do this" he looked around and decided quickly, he only had maybe a minute tops to save Eevee "Phoenix, Ember come over here please" he asked nicely but his tone bared no argument.
Phoenix and Ember ran over to Simon understanding time was of the essence "Quil?" Phoenix asked
Simon smiled tears in his eyes "Push me in, I can't jump I'm too scared, so push me"
"Vul!" Ember exclaimed "vul pix vuuuul pix!"
Simon looked at Ember "Don't worry I can swim" he lied "Now please do it"
Ember and Phoenix looked at each other then into Simon's eyes they nodded liking this no more than Simon did they began backing off to get their run up. Reaching the edge of the clearing they turned to face Simon who had turned away to hide his fear "Vul?" Ember called
"Yes now!" Simon called back, Ember and Phoenix charged at Simon and hit him in the back at the moment of impact he called out to them "Remember I love you both" as he sailed through the air Simon twisted his body and scooped up Eevee in his arms and catapulted her back towards the shore. Simon hit the water with a huge splash and he remained on the surface just long enough to see the Eevee land safely on the shore before going under. Simon felt his feet hit the bottom of the pool he kicked off the bottom and shot back towards the surface however he came just short and was only able to grab a quick breath before disappearing under the surface.

On the shore the Eevee had emerged completely and were crowding around the Eevee that Simon had rescued who was lying on the floor soaked and exhausted. Ember and Phoenix however stood together on the edge of the reservoir looking out for some sign that Simon had resurfaced, he had said he could swim so why hadn't he come up yet? Minutes passed and some of the Eevee joined them in their silent vigil for Simon. Simon was underwater he had been able to resurface a few times to get air but his strength was rapidly fading and each time he had to come up for air quicker.
Ember perked up, she noticed something emerging from the water she stared hard at the dark shape in the middle of the lake, it was moving fast whatever it was. However her hope soon vanished; the shape was too big to be Simon in fact it looked more like a boat it was speeding across the lake towing a man shaped silhouette behind it, this interested Ember but her focus was on finding Simon not whatever it was that boat was doing on the lake. More time passed and more Eevee joined the watch Phoenix and Ember began to loose hope.

Simon didn't have the strength to resurface again and the urge to breathe was almost overwhelming, finally he just had to breathe despite the fact he was underwater. His mouth opened as the last few precious bubbles of air escaped his lungs water rushed in Simon's world began spinning and turning dark. As his consciousness faded a strange warm feeling seemed to radiate from the core of his being, it spread throughout his body as his conscious mind faded. Finally to Simon it all went black; however his body continued to move his eyes shot open once more this time they where red orbs, the water around his body began to bubble and evaporate as he rapidly heated up. Great flaming wings sprouted from Simon's back and he shot out of the water leaving a trail of steam in his wake, he flew into the air and sailed over the water. Now that he was out of mortal danger the power quickly receded the wings got smaller then vanished altogether his eyes slowly closed and his body landed on the gentle sandy beach on the far side of the reservoir. He hit the ground quite hard but the sand absorbed the worst of the impact as he came to rest leaving a groove in the sand where he had slid up the beach, his body had been so hot that the beginning of the groove had been fused into glass.

Simon's eyes slowly flitted open to the familiar feeling of Ember licking his face "It's too early to get up" he mumbled tiredly but Ember was persistent and Simon slowly sat up and looked around. "What happened where am I?" he asked "The last thing I remember is the cold water..." he slowly trailed off shivering at the memory. Looking himself over quickly he looked around him, he was on a large beach at the end of an impact groove the only other people on the beach where Ember, Phoenix and the pack of Eevee. "Is Eevee okay?" he asked suddenly thinking of the little Pokemon he had rescued.
Ember smiled and nodded "Vul pix vuuul" she said proudly
Simon smiled happily "I can't take all the credit, you guys helped" he ruffled their heads "So how did I get out of the lake?" he asked seriously. Ember and Phoenix along with all the Eevee had a look of shock plastered on their faces "What?" Simon asked nervously.
Ember walked up "vul pix vul vul pix vuuuul piiiix vul piiiix vuul pix pix vuuuul" she explained carefully
Simon smiled sadly "Sorry I don't know what you just said"
"quiiil" Phoenix said
Smiled laughed "That I understood" but he had to double check "Don't worry?"
Phoenix laughed and nodded. Simon pushed himself to his feet a little shakily "Can I go see the Eevee I saved please?"
All the Pokemon nodded Simon could see respect and fear in the Eevee's eyes and he was sure he had seen some fear in Ember and Phoenix's eyes. Sighing to himself and wondering what could have happened to make Ember and Phoenix fear him he followed the group of Pokemon back up the beach.
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