AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 11

Simon followed the group of Pokemon occasionally glancing suspiciously over his shoulder at the reservoir as if afraid it would somehow sneak up on him. It was only a shot walk back to the raised ledge where this had all started. The Eevee was lying on the floor where she had landed still waterlogged and apparently unconscious; Simon leant down and gave her a quick check up "She'll be fine from what I can tell" he announced cheerily "She just needs to rest and dry off"
"Vul piiix vul" Ember spoke out walking closer to the Eevee
Simon nodded and laughed "Okay you can dry her off but be careful she's smaller than me and covered in fur"
Ember nodded her head and with practiced ease let loose a tiny jet of flame, not nearly enough cause any serious burn. She aimed it just about Eevee and passed it back a forward across her body heating the air surrounding her and evaporating all the water off her, this took about five minutes because Eevee's fur was harder to dry than human skin. When Ember finally stepped back Eevee was a lot drier, there was still some wet fur on her belly as she had been lying on it but at least it was an improvement "Thanks Ember, I suppose you should do me to as I've been in the lake" Simon suddenly realised that he was as dry as a bone "Well I suppose you did it earlier" he said rubbing Ember on the head. Ember didn't have the heart to tell Simon otherwise she knew he was confused about what had happened already. Simon walked over to his backpack and pulled out an Oran berry "This should help" he muttered to himself as he shouldered his bag and turned back to the Eevee leaning down he gently shook her awake. Eevee woke with a start, she obviously had no idea where she was Simon gently restrained her to prevent her from doing something stupid whilst she was still so weak "Shhh, calm down. I'm a friend" Eevee was still a little panicked and looked around for the rest of her pack; finally she spotted them behind Simon locking eyes with the pack leader she notice him giving a slight nod of approval, clearly this human could be trusted. Eevee relaxed and noticed Simon was holding something in his hand, Simon realised Eevee had calmed down and released his hold, "Here eat this it will help you feel better" he coaxed placing the Oran berry on the floor just in front of Eevee. Eevee sniffed the berry timidly then recognising the scent quickly wolfed it down, her ears pricked up as Simon began laughing "I guess you're hungry huh?" he tussled Eevee's head and reached back into his pack drawing out two more Oran berries "Here you go" he placed the berries on the ground then straightened up. "Ember, Phoenix shall we get going." He laughed "I'm sure you two want some proper food not the garbage I cook"
"vul" Ember laughed as she bounded over to Simon
Simon laughed harder and playfully cuffed Ember's head "You're not supposed to agree!"
Eevee finished eating the berries and looked up just in time to Simon, Ember and Phoenix leaving the clearing, she had some questions to ask her pack about these people.

Simon's group was walking towards town and the woods on either side where beginning to thin out "I can't wait to see the biggest city in Sinnoh!" Simon exclaimed happily "I bet there'll be all sorts of cool shops and places to visit"
"quiil ava?" Phoenix asked
Simon smiled and suppressed his laugh "Yes and restaurants" he agreed. Simon was pleased with Phoenix's progress she had come out of her shell a lot since he had rescued her, sighing a little he wondered how she would cope with all the people in a big city; he hoped he wouldn't be forced to keep her in her ball all the time.
Ember picked up on Simon's sigh "vuuul pix?" she asked
"Oh" Simon looked at Ember "It's nothing"
"vul vul pix" Ember scolded
Simon laughed despite himself "You know me too well" Ember continued to stare at him "Fine!" he conceded "I'm a little worried that Phoenix" he stroked Phoenix's head reassuringly "won't be able to cope with all the people in the big city"
"Quil ava quil?" Phoenix asked her eyes widening with fear
Simon nodded solemnly "yes lots of people, hundreds possibly thousands"
Phoenix froze in her tracks "Quil ava ava Quiiiil ava!" she demanded
Simon shook his head "There's no way round Jubilife it's grown to fill the valley side to side"
Phoenix looked petrified "quiiil" she said worried
Simon smiled reassuringly and leant down to look Phoenix in the eyes "Listen, I will protect you with my life if necessary. I promise nothing will happen to you"
Phoenix relaxed visibly "avaa" she said
"Don't mention it" Simon said "that promise goes for all my Pokemon present and future"
The little group began moving again but Ember's ear perked up "vul pix piiix" she declared
"Where?" Simon asked. Ember pointed over at the now thin layer of trees bordering the path "What do you think it was?" Simon asked.
Ember flicked her tails in her version of a shrug and slowly began advancing on the spot she had heard a noise from. As she pushed her nose through the bush Simon heard her surprised "vul!"
"What is it?" Simon called out a little scared for Ember's safety. Ember pulled her head out of the bush and turned to face Simon. He noticed an amused grin on her face "Well?" he asked "What was it"
"piix" Ember said simply as Eevee emerged from the bushes
"Eevee!" Simon called out surprised "Why did you follow me?"
Eevee turned and held a quick conversation with Ember who then began explaining it. "vul vuuul piix pix vul piiix vuuul pix vul" Simon looked at Ember who seemed to look a little bemused then at Eevee who was staring intently at the ground obviously tying to avoid eye contact and trying to hide her face.
"So," Simon began "let me get this straight. Eevee heard what happened from her pack and now she..." he trailed off "what was the last bit?"
"vuuul pix vul" Ember repeated obviously finding something very amusing
"She somethings me?" Simon said "I still don't understand the middle bit"
Phoenix tried to help "Quil avaa quiil"
Simon shook his head "Nope sorry"
Ember thought for a second "vuuul piix vul?" she tried
"Ah" Simon said "She likes me, why didn't you just say so" Ember sighed but decided to let it go. Simon walked over to Eevee who seemed to be trying to disappear into the ground "I assume this means you want to travel with me?" he asked kindly.
"veeee!" Eevee exclaimed jumping for joy
Simon laughed at her enthusiasm "Okay then here you go" he placed a pokeball on the ground and watched as Eevee happily tapped the middle button and disappeared in a soft red glow. Simon smiled and picked the pokeball up again releasing Eevee in a bright flash of light. "Welcome to the team Eevee!" he laughed, Ember and Phoenix adding their own congratulations "Well I suppose now you're on the team you're going to need a name" Eevee nodded her head in agreement "How about Nuri?"
"Veee eeeev" Eevee shouted
"Okay you like it but next time not so loud" Simon laughed "Oh, and next time don't bother getting Ember to translate unless I can't understand you the first time" he smiled "I should be able to tell what you're saying most of the time anyway"
The now slightly larger group set off towards the city it's skyline now looming over them, they where no more than half an hour's walk away and the Pokemon could already smell the menagerie of smells wafting from the city, some pleasant others foul. "Not long now" Simon declared "We should be there in time for dinner!"
Chapter End Notes:Btw for those who want to know Nuri means Flaming Lights in arabi
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