AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 12

Simon let out a relived sigh as the archway that declared the border of Jubilife city loomed ahead "We're finally here" he laughed happily gently rubbing the back of Ember's head. Ember and Phoenix giggled a little understanding how much they had been sidetracked but Nuri hadn't been with them earlier and just gave them an inquisitive glance. Simon noticed this out of the corner of his eyes and squatted down "I've been sidetracked a lot" he explained laughing "Of course every time I have it's got me a new friend so I'm not complaining" he laughed and stood up but not before gently patting Nuri on the head. Fairly soon the path beneath their feet changed from dirt to the cobblestones Jubilife was paved with, realising they only had at most another minute or two before they actually entered the city Simon halted and squatted down again "Nuri, Phoenix" he put his hands on their heads "I know you're scared, but just stay close to me and I'll protect you. Okay?"
Phoenix nodded "Quil ava avvva" she said
Simon smiled broadly "Thank you, I won't let you down" he gave Phoenix a quick pat on the head and a scratch behind her ear before turning his attention wholly to Nuri "What about you?" he asked worried "Are you up to this?"
Nuri bowed her head for a bit but when she raised it again she looked Simon in the eyes "veee eeev eee" she said happily giving Simon a lick on the cheek
Simon smiled and tousled Nuri's head hiding his annoyance; he couldn't understand Nuri as well as Phoenix and Ember, but he reasoned he had only just really met her and she wasn't a fire type. Finally turning to Ember he gave her a quick pat on the head, he knew she was fine with the city but he didn't want her to feel left out. The group continued towards the city Phoenix and Nuri both walking with an air of confidence; however Simon had a sneaking suspicion that this was just a show to hide their nervousness.

Simon passed through the arch smiling with Ember wagging her tails happily as she walked along beside him, Phoenix and Nuri had lost their confident stride at their first look at the busy streets, they had no idea that this many people even existed, let alone in one place! Simon looked down and saw them cowering "Guys come on, no one will hurt you" Phoenix and Nuri relaxed a little but remained steadfastly behind his legs. Simon made his way to the Pokemon centre fairly quickly, he wanted to triple check Phoenix and Nuri were fine plus they had some decisions to make about their stay here. As they entered the Pokemon centre Nuri and Phoenix visibly relaxed, the centre was much busier than Simon's local one but compared to the streets outside was completely deserted, Simon went and claimed a small table in the corner. Ember and Phoenix both jumped up onto the seats and Nuri followed after realising that she was allowed up on the seat herself "Okay you guys hold the table, I'll go get some lunch" Simon said as he pulled off his backpack and wandered off towards the main desk. Simon returned after ordering hot dogs all round smiling to himself as he saw all the Pokemon holding an animated conversation, he was too far away to tell what it was about but they all seemed to agree on whatever it was. Phoenix noticed him approaching and the table quickly fell silent, Simon looked at everyone "Don't let me interrupt, please by all means continue your conversation I won't feel left out" he smiled but none of the Pokemon began the conversation again. Luckily the slightly awkward silence was broken by Nurse Joy arriving with their meal smiling she placed the plates down "There you go" she said
"Thanks" Simon smiled and inclined his head slightly Ember copied his movement and everyone else said thanks too in their own way. Nurse Joy did a small curtsey before heading back to her desk leaving the group to tuck in. Simon decided to field his idea over lunch "Hey" he said "I've been thinking, since I have some spare change do you guys want to stay in a hotel rather than a Pokemon centre for our visit"
This question was met with an enthusiastic response by everyone so Simon promised they could get checked in after lunch assuming they could find the hotel of course. They were just polishing off the meal when a teenage girl walked over to the table; she had long flowing blonde hair and sparkling green eyes, she was wearing a simple black top and mini-skirt. She had the air of a spoiled only child about her and the diamond necklace around her neck made it clear she usually got what she wanted "Hello" she said with a wave as she approached the table. She cast her eyes over Ember, Phoenix and Nuri then let her gaze wander over to Simon where it lingered "My name is Holly" she introduced herself smiling broadly
Simon grinned "Hello. I'm Simon and these are Ember Phoenix and Nuri" he pointed to each of them in turn.
Holly smiled and waved to the Pokemon, Ember responded by waving her tails but both Phoenix and Nuri shied away slightly "Don't worry about her" Simon said kindly "She won't hurt you I'm sure of it" he reached across the table and scratched them both behind their ears before turning to Holly "I'm sorry they're still a bit shy around others"
Holly was still smiling however "Don't worry about it" she said
Simon smiled back "Well it was nice meeting you, I should get going if I want to find a hotel with any rooms left" he shouldered his bag and made to get up
"Wait" Holly said quickly blushing slightly she asked "Can I meet you again later"
Simon glanced down at Ember then took a quick look at the others "Not tonight" he replied "My friends here obviously need a bath" he laughed at the horrified look Ember gave him and tousled her hair "I know you like it really" he joked
"vul vuuuul pix vul!" Ember shot back
Simon just laughed "I'd like to see you try" he turned back to Holly "Sorry"
Holly was a little taken aback that Simon would turn her down to bathe his Pokemon "How about tomorrow?" she asked
Simon smiled "I don't think I'm doing anything then; let me check" he bent down to Ember's level "Hey any of you guys want to do anything tomorrow night or am we free to meet up with Holly"
Holly stood her mouth slightly agape realising that if the Pokemon said no he would actually go with them, after a brief exchange Simon stood up, Holly had regained a little of her composure since then and awaited his answer "Yeah that should be fine, I'll meet you here at about six-ish" he smiled broadly and Holly blushed slightly
"Yeah that would be great" she replied
Simon smiled again "Okay see you there then" he said casually before walking out of the centre his small group following close behind him.
Holly sat down at the table Simon had just departed thinking to herself she was sure she had seen jealousy in the Pokemons' eyes when Simon had accepted their 'date' but she wasn't about to let some stupid little animals stand between her and her latest object of affection, one way or another Simon would fall for her. Smiling to herself she stood up and headed back to her large house on the wealthy side of town.
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