AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 13

The small group walked down the main street keeping their eyes peeled for a likely hotel they could stay in. Unnoticed by them they where being observed from a small side alley, the shadowy figure smirked as Simon passed and pulled a small intercom from the breast pocket of his jacket "Hey this is field agent 5463" he said "Yeah, I've found one" he listened for a while "It's an Eevee, the guys also got two others but they are worthless" he smirked again "yes...yes understood" he flicked off the radio and disappeared back into the shadows in the alley. Simon finally spotted a good looking hotel, it wasn't really fancy but it was definitely better than the Pokemon centre rooms "What do you guys think?" he asked without turning around. Smiling at the chorus of agreement they headed towards the entrance; it wasn't over the top like most of the hotels they had seen it was simply large glass double doors bordered with two small potted shrubs. Simon glanced around the lobby there where people everywhere, he sighed they probably no spare rooms, he walked over to the teak check in desk, a cheery man in his late forties greeted Simon "Do you have any rooms free?" Simon asked already preparing for a no
The man smiled and looked down at a small black booklet "Yes we have four rooms free" he looked up "would you like one of them?"
Simon quickly wiped the shock off his face "Yes please" he thought a bit "if possible one with an en-suite please" he shot a look down at Ember who stuck her tongue out
"Of course, of course" the man said writing something down in his book "can I have your pokedex please?"
Simon smiled "of course" he reached into his bag and pulled out the pokedex
"Thank you" the man smiled "how long will you be staying?"
"Just two days, unless I find something interesting to occupy my time" Simon laughed
The man smiled politely "Here's your pokedex back"
"Thank you" Simon smiled and walked away from the desk. He walked over to a small lounge area in a corner and sat on one of the black leather couches, Ember jumped right onto his lap and curled up whilst Nuri and Phoenix climbed up on either side of him. "So girls?" Simon started "what shall we do for the rest of the day"
"quil ava quiil ava" Phoenix asked
Simon scratched her head "No I don't think we should use our mini-vacation time to train, we can do that on the road if you want"
"Vul piiix vuuul?" Ember spoke up
Simon laughed and cuffed Ember on the head lightly "I do not need cooking lessons!" he said "Nuri, what do you think?"
Nuri blushed a little at the attention "eee veee eev" she suggested softly
Simon smiled "I'm game for just relaxing, how about you two?"
A laugh cut off the response from Ember and Phoenix "Can't find anything to do in the city huh?" a man came and sat down on the couch opposite Simon a massive Nidoqueen looming behind him "I can tell you where you can go have some fun"
Simon smiled; the man appeared to be in his late twenties or possibly early thirties he had short cut blonde hair and brown eyes "Ok then" Simon said "Where is this place?"
"Well" the man continued "there are only two places in town you can go to battle; firstly there is the radio station. They hold a daily Pokemon battle competition"
Simon smiled "Sounds good but I'm not in their league yet, what's the second place?"
"There are some massive warehouses on the east side of town" the man explained "they used to be a Devon Co. distribution centre but it was closed down. The council converted them into Pokemon arenas and nowadays local people and visiting trainers go there for casual matches"
Simon nodded "Sounds good" he turned to the Pokemon "You guys want to battle?" After receiving a confirmation Simon turned back to the man "How do I get there?"
The man laughed "That's the hard part, it will take you ages to get there by following the roads, but you can cut a good ten or twenty minutes off the journey time if you take short cuts down side alleys"
"Ok then" Simon smiled and pushed himself to his feet, Ember jumping gracefully out of his lap "Thanks for the info.. what was your name?"
"Dan" Dan replied smiling "Just call me Dan"
"Okay then" Simon smiled again "Thanks Dan"
Simon's group headed out back onto the crowded streets with their destination firmly in mind.
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