AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 14

Simon continued down the main street a little while before turning down a small side street. Pausing he turned around and squatted down "So, do you guys want to take the short route or the long way round?"
Ember smiled and darted further down the street before heading back to Simon "vul vuul pix"
"Ok then, that's one vote for short" Simon smiled and turned his attention to Nuri and Phoenix
"Quil quiil ava" Phoenix said
"eev veeee" Nuri added agreeing wholeheartedly
Simon stood up "Short way it is" he continued down the street whistling happily to himself. The field agent couldn't believe his luck; the mark was just walking into his territory, normally he would have to lure them in at great personal risk. Simon got a little nervous as the side street got narrower but shook it off as mere paranoia and continued. The group didn't get much further as a large figure blocked their path; he was a large muscular man with extremely short brown hair and cold blue eyes. He was wearing jeans with a dark blue T-shirt with an odd symbol that Simon didn't recognise on it his attire was completed by a black leather biker jacket. He smiled as Simon approached, and a thought ran through his head: easiest job ever.
"Excuse me" Simon asked politely trying to avoid any conflict
The man scoffed and pushed Simon back roughly, Simon stumbled but stayed on his feet Ember, Phoenix and Nuri jumped in front of Simon taking up fighting stances. The man laughed "Tell you what wimp I won't hurt you or your pathetic excuses for Pokemon if you just hand over that Eevee" he pointed at Nuri and laughed again. Nuri cowered and ran behind Simon for protection. Simon knelt down and placed a hand on Nuri's head comfortingly "Over my dead body!" he spat back at the man
The man smirked "So this one's got courage, well if you want to die I will be happy to oblige" he tossed two Pokeballs into the air and in a flash of light two Pokemon materialised, an Arbok and Ariados both bristling with aggression and tensed up for the fight. "Get the Eevee and dispose of the others" the man snapped Ariados gave a small smirk and shot a string of web at Nuri catching her hind leg and began reeling her in like an angler. Simon tried to grasp Nuri but he was too slow and his hand passed through the air that Nuri had occupied mere seconds before. Meanwhile the Arbok gave a hiss and dove at Phoenix its maw open wide, Phoenix dove backwards and Ember shot a stream of fire into the side of the Arbok's head Arbok reeled in pain its large body thrashing about Ember and Phoenix were too occupied dodging Arbok to notice the Ariados deposit Nuri into the trainers arms and join the fight climbing up a wall and shooting several globs of sticky web at the floor. Ember was the fist to step in one of the globs of web with Phoenix falling into the same trap seconds later, the pair were now stuck in place with an Ariados and a very angry Arbok advancing on them. Simon watched on in horror, he felt a familiar heat rising within him almost begging for release Simon remembered the unconsciousness that came with embracing this strange feeling; he needed all his focus to save his friends this would have to wait. He focused and forced the power back down, feeling in recede he jumped into the fray and dealt a quick punch to the Arbok's head. The punch wasn't enough to hurt the tough snake Pokemon but it was enough to distract it; Arbok looked up and reared back as it aimed an attack for Simon. The Arbok dove and Simon dropped down hoping to avoid the venom coated fangs, he felt a sudden blast of heat and heard a crash of a body hitting the pavement, hard. He lifted his head and spotted Ember looking very smug, he laughed Ember must have hit the Arbok whilst it's back was turned "Thanks buddy" Simon called out "But it's not over yet"
Nuri was still struggling in the mans arms and she had finally found a little leeway, she managed to twist her body and clamp her small jaws down on the mans arm. He howled in pain and dropped Nuri who ran back towards Simon. Simon looked up at the sound of the man's cry and couldn't help but smile as he saw Nuri escape, however his joy was short-lived. The man smirked and withdrew his Ariados "Stop right there" he smirked as he pulled a Magnum out of his inner pocket, he pointed the gleaming silver muzzle at Simon "I will ask you one more time. Hand over the Eevee!"
Simon cringed at the sight of the gun "Sorry girls, it's just too dangerous for you now" he said softly as he pulled out their pokeballs. He withdrew Ember and Phoenix trying to ignore the look of shock and betrayal on their faces, he was doing this for them, as he held up Nuri's ball he heard a sharp crack as the man fired his gun
"Not so fast kiddie" the man smirked and pointed the gun squarely at Simon's chest "the next one is going to kill you."
Simon stood there, the man had destroyed Nuri's pokeball, he couldn't protect her by withdrawing her, there was only one thing left to try. Simon ran forward towards the crook relying on the element of surprise, perhaps if he got close enough he could disarm the man. The man was surprised by Simon's actions but took a shot, the bullet grazed Simon's arm leaving a bloody line; the man fired again and this bullet hit its mark. Simon body crumpled on the floor and blood seeped from the wound in his chest, the man smiled victoriously "That move took guts kid. I admire that, but ultimately I won" he smiled again and began advancing on Nuri "vee eeeev vee!" she called out pitifully. Simon was rapidly loosing consciousness but the message from Nuri got across loud and clear, but you promised!, Simon grunted and forced himself to his feet ignoring the sharp pain from his abdomen as he stood up, he finally managed to get himself onto his feet and was standing shakily, coughing up a little blood he began advancing on the man slowly with unsteady steps. The crook spun around at the sound of the cough and his eyes widened with fear as he saw Simon on his feet and moving towards him. He hastily pulled out his gun and squeezed off three more shots, two missed entirely pinging harmlessly off the alley walls, but the third impacted with Simon's leg spinning him round and throwing him to the floor again. Simon groaned, his body was screaming in protest but he hauled himself to his feet again calling on every last ounce of energy in his body. The man began backing off as Simon rose yet again blood pouring from the two massive wounds in his leg and chest and a small trickle dripping from the small graze in his arm, "Wh..what are you?" the man demanded before turning and running, pausing only to fire off one more shot back down the alley. The last shot hit Simon's chest too and Simon stumbled backwards into the wall of the alleyway and slid down it onto the floor a small smile on his face "see I always keep my promises" Simon said softly before slipping into the welcoming darkness. With the resistance gone the warmth flooded Simon's body the power invigorating his limbs and Simon's eyes snapped open once again this time however they were bloods red orbs.
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