AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 15

Simon's body slowly rose to it's feet the large red pool of blood on the floor bubbling and boiling. He pushed off the fall and stood up, he started moving back towards the main street and the Pokemon Centre; just as his body started to gain speed their was a noise from behind him in the alley "vee eeev"; Nuri was following Simon carefully wondering what was happening. Simon's conscious mind came too slightly, an intense burning sensation covered his entire body; he was on fire? But there was no pain, Nuri called out again. Simon's body continued walking towards the road; No! Simon's mind called out, get Nuri! his body slowed down and turned; the last thing Simon saw before sinking back into unconsciousness was Nuri nestled gently in his arms. Simon's body started walking again keeping a gentle hold on Nuri as it gathered speed, he was running, then sprinting his legs moving at incredible speeds despite the horrible wounds he had suffered, as he came back onto the main street he sprinted down the pavement, head lowered, barging past people. The large white walls of the Pokemon centre came into view and Simon put on a great burst of speed his legs became blurs as he shot down the last section of street leaving a trail of heat distortion both from the friction and his own body heat, he reached the main doors and skidded into the main lobby before the power receded totally. His legs no longer invigorated by the strange force; gave way but his body continued forward spurred by the momentum of his run he managed to turn his body so he didn't land on Nuri, even unconscious Simon wouldn't let anything happen too her but his body still skidded across the white and black tiled floor leaving a long red skid mark before crashing to a stop when he impacted the main desk, everyone in the room had turned to watch this spectacle and Nurse Joy and Chansey came running to transport Simon to one of their emergency wards.

Simon groaned and slowly opened his eyes "Wah, Where am I?" he mumbled; the last thing he remembered was holding Nuri and a strange burning sensation "Was I on fire?" he mused quietly. He shifted slightly to get comfortable and a searing pain assaulted his nerves; he screamed out in pain and lay as still as he could. The noise woke up his Pokemon who were sleeping outside the room Ember jumped up and pulled the door handle down with her paws; the door swung open and Ember shot in a worried look on her face that quickly changed to a look of happiness when she spotted Simon on the bed "Piiiiix vul pixx!" Ember called joyously as she jumped up onto his bed taking care to avoid landing on his body.
"Hey girl" Simon said happily "They wouldn't let you into my room huh?"
Ember's face flashed with anger briefly "Quiiil ava quiil ava" Phoenix said from the floor
Simon smiled a little "Hehe, yeah Ember has slept in my bed and been by my side for as long as I've had her. I hope you didn't hurt them too much" he added jokingly
"veee eeeev eeev veee eeev" Nuri said sadly from the floor
"I promised I would protect you with my life and I meant it" Simon said seriously "and never say you aren't worth it, because you guys are all everything to me" he smiled and made to lean down to stroke Nuri but as he moved his body exploded with pain, he gave a weak gurgle and fell back onto the bed, unconscious. Ember padded gently up Simon's body and gently licked his head giving a silent prayer to Arceus then jumped back to the floor and curled up to try and sleep, maybe Simon would talk more the next morning.

Simon slowly opened his eyes, his head was swimming. He moved his arms and tried to push himself up so he could get a good look at what damage had been done to him but the moment he began moving an intense pain shot through his abdomen he cried out and flopped back onto the bed panting "Okay bad idea" he sighed and decided to just try and relax. His relaxation was broken about ten minutes later when a Nurse Joy entered his room and approached the bed, when she saw his eyes were open she gave a broad smile "So we're awake today"
"Today?" Simon gave a little frown "How long was I out for?"
"You've been unconscious for a full day" Nurse Joy informed him unaware of his brief waking the previous night "I must admit I expected you to be out for much longer but your body seems to heal exceptionally quickly"
Simon gave a weak smile "So what's wrong with me?" he asked
Nurse Joy's face became serious "Well you had three major bullet wounds; one on your left leg and two on your chest; these wound were however cauterized when you arrived," Simon's smile reappeared at this statement; he bet the Ember had done that "one large graze on your right arm that we had to stitch up, the stitches on your left arm had opened slightly and had to be restitched, you've lost a lot of blood, in fact if your wounds hadn't been cauterized you would have defiantly bled out before we could get to you" Simon's face broke into another smile and he made a mental note to thank Ember for all of this "you received some impact trauma to your head that may have caused some minor problems but we don't I don't think there will be any lasting problems, finally you have some minor first degree burns to your back but we can treat those easily with burn heal."
"So how long will I be in here for then?" Simon asked
"Hmmm" Nurse Joy thought about it for a second and checked Simon's chart "You should be bedridden for about a week but you should take it easy for about a month or two; and it's quite probable you will have some permanent scarring from the entry wounds."
Simon put on a brave smile "Oh well, at least it could be worse"
Nurse Joy gave a small smile "I know it seems bad but you're right it could be a lot worse; most of the people who get into a fight with team aqua don't come out of it alive"
"Team aqua?" Simon asked his voice weaker than before, this conversation had taken a lot of his energy
Nurse Joy sighed "I'll explain later, right now you need some rest"
Simon nodded "Okay then; just one more thing"
Nurse Joy smiled "What is it?"
"Can you let my Pokemon stay in the room with me?" Simon asked
Nurse Joy nodded "You got it; now get some rest and I'll talk to you tomorrow"
Simon gave one last smile then closed his eyes to try and get the rest he needed; his smile grew slightly as he heard Nurse Joy letting his Pokemon in but warning them to let him rest.

Later that day whilst Simon was still asleep in the Pokemon Centre's ward. Holly arrived at the park at 6o'clock just as she had agreed with Simon; by half past she was fuming "I bet that man blew me off for his Pokemon again; those stupid animals keep standing between me and my man" she sighed "I'll find out were he is then I will see what could possibly be more important than a date with me."
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