AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 16

Simon slowly returned to consciousness he was aware of something else breathing close to him; he opened his eyes a fraction and saw Ember lying on his pillow just inches from his face. He smiled; a familiar weight on his legs told him Phoenix had taken up her spot at the foot of his bed Simon twisted his head looking for Nuri he was worried about her she seemed to be blaming herself for his injuries and he doubted his speech last time had done anything to change that he let out a sigh of relief when he spotted Nuri curled up in a little ball on the chair next to his bed.
Simon reached out and gently stroked Ember's head "Hey girl wake up"
Ember opened one eye and when she saw Simon was awake she sprung up licking his face "vuuuul piiix vuuuuul" she said happily
Simon smiled "Nah I'll be fine, though I think I'll have some new scars joining the ones from when I found you" he scratched her head
Ember sat down on her haunches "vuuul pix vuuuuul piiix vuuuuuuuuul"
Simon smiled "I won't promise I won't do that again" he stroked her head lovingly "If anyone threatens you guys again I would probably do the same thing all over again; but I will be careful"
"vuul pix vuuuul piiix" Ember said rubbing her head against Simon's
Simon gave a small smile "I feel the same way" he assured her "I don't know what I'd do without you"
Phoenix lifted her head as she had heard Ember and Simon conversing "Quiiil avaaa quiil" she spoke up as she carefully padded up the bed
Simon smiled "That's exactly what Ember asked" he chuckled a little but winced as laughing caused a sharp pain to flare up in his chest "Well I'll live, but we could be here for a while"
Phoenix nodded "Quill avaa quiiil ava quil"
"No problem I bet Ember was driving you crazy sitting outside" Ember shot him a dirty look and Simon laugh wincing as the sharp pain returned "So should we wake Nuri"
"Quiiil avaa quiil" Phoenix said sadly
"Vuuuuul pix" Ember agreed nodding slowly
"I knew she was taking it badly; can you two talk to her or should I?" Simon asked
"Vuul" Ember said with Phoenix agreeing
"Ok then I'll talk to her but you two have to wake her" he smiled again "I'm afraid I'm a little wounded"
Ember nodded and jumped over to the chair Nuri was sitting in, she nudged her sleeping form gently with her nose "vuuul vuuul" she called softly
The door to Simon's ward flew open Ember and Phoenix both jumped and whipped round to face the door, flames flared in Embers' mouth but she let the attack dissipate when she recognised the figure; Holly ran in and up to Simon's bed "What happened? Who did this to you?" she demanded in a loud voice; at her loud questioning Nuri began to stir
Simon winced as her loud voice caused his headache to resurface "Keep it down a little please, Nuri is asleep and I've got a splitting headache"
"Oh sorry" Holly dropped her voice "So what happened and who did this?" she asked again a tinge of annoyance entering her voice
"I was shot by some guy who tried to steal Nuri" Simon said bluntly
"Vuuul piix vuul!" Ember spoke up
"I am not selling myself short Ember" Simon smiled reassuringly
"vul piiix vuuul" Ember insisted
Simon resisted a laugh "It doesn't matter exactly how many times I got shot all that matters is that someone threatened Nuri and I defended her"
"You got shot defending that pile of fluff" Holly practically shrieked
Simon clutched at his head whimpering as the sudden movement aggravated the wound on his left arm "vuuuuul piix vul" Ember demanded angrily shooting Holly a nasty look
"I have no idea what your saying" Holly said simply before dismissing Ember and turning back to Simon "Why would you risk your life for some stupid animal" she spat out the last word
"My Pokemon are my life and I would gladly defend them with my life if necessary" Simon responded sharply
Holly stalked over to Nuri's curled up form "So it's all you fault that my man is injured you stupid little thing" he said vehemently
"I'm not your man!" Simon called out his eyes flashing red
"vuuul piiix vuuul!" Ember called out at the same time glaring daggers at Holly
Holly turned to Simon flicking her hair and gazing at him seductively "Are you sure you don't want to be my man" she asked "All you need to do is leave these stupid animals and you can have me instead"
Simons eyes narrowed and his hands dropped down to the bed smouldering slightly "I won't leave my Pokemon they are my life, and how dare you speak to Nuri like that she's done nothing wrong!"
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" Holly suddenly changed tact "I'm just upset"
Simon's eyes softened and his fists returned to normal "Good now apologize to Nuri"
Holly grumbled a little, Simon didn't hear this but Phoenix and Ember certainly did and their eyes narrowed, Ember was still glaring daggers "I'm sorry Nuri" Holly began trying her hardest to sound sincere "I didn't mean it, it's not your fault" after making her apology she turned to Simon again "I'm sorry" she said holding her fake sincerity "Get better soon, I'll come check up on you tomorrow"
Simon smiled a little "It's okay, so I'll see you tomorrow I guess"
"vee eeev" Nuri muttered under her breath sobbing slightly
Simon heard this and turned his head to Nuri "Nuri" he called out weakly "come here"
Nuri uncurled herself and padded over to Simon slowly "vee eev" she kept repeating over and over
Simon looked at her sadly, he was feeling weak but he knew he had to make sure Nuri was okay "There's nothing to be sorry about Nuri, it's not your fault" he continued "trust me I don't balme you and neither does Phoenix or Ember," he stopped his eyes drooping as unconsciousness beckoned but he forced himself to continue his voice barely a whisper "Nuri these things happen, it could have been any of us" he paused again "Please Nuri don't blame yourself, I promise you it's not your fault" with that said Simon finally allowed his consciousness to slip away, his head hit the pillow and he was out like a light.

Holly stalked back to her home "That stupid fluff ball got my man injured, it's all her fault." She seethed "Stupid animals take up all of Simon's attention" she flicked her hair over her shoulder "Oh well I'm sure I can persuade him to leave them, but it may take longer than I had hoped" she sighed a little "Oh well Simon will be mine eventually, no man can resist me"
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