AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 18

Simon smiled and gently placed his hand on Ember's head, Nurse Joy lifted her head completing her inspection "Well" she scratched her head "If anything your body is coping with the burns even better than your other injuries" she stepped back "I don't see any reason to confine you to this bed any longer" she held out her hand "now grab on and I'll pull you up; but it will hurt"
Simon nodded exuberant, he was finally getting out of this stupid bed, he reached out and grabbed hold of Nurse Joy's hand before hauling himself up into a sitting position wincing as his back cried out in protest; he paused composing himself before standing up with an exalted whoop of joy, the outburst was echoed by Ember, Nuri and Phoenix while Nurse Joy let go of his hand and stepped back a benign smile on her face "congratulations" she said "Now try and walk, it will hurt but you really need to start using your muscles again"
Simon nodded and took a step forward crying out as his entire torso was engulfed in agony he stumbled back his eyes screwed shut Nurse Joy started forward and the Pokemon tensed up ready to spring into action but Simon caught himself and steadied his feet "Ember, arm" he said through gritted teeth. Ember nodded and ran over to Simon's bag lying in the corner of the room, using her mouth to undo the zip she rustled around before emerging with the small black canister that contain pain killers for his arm she padded back over to Simon and threw the canister up with a flick of her head. Simon's arm shot out and neatly caught the canister, Simon ignoring the burning pain from the sudden motion pulled the top off the canister, reaching in he carefully extracted one of the small white pills a small smile on his face "This should help" he murmured
"Wait" Nurse Joy spoke up angrily "What is that?" she motioned to the pill in Simon's hand
"It's a painkiller" Simon explained "My arm occasionally flares up so my mother got me some painkillers" he gestured to the stitches on his arm then to the black metal canister
"Vul piiix vuuuul!" Ember added angrily, Simon chuckled slightly wincing but noting that the pain from laughing had indeed receded slightly overnight
"What did she say?" Nurse Joy asked wondering what was so funny since Ember had sounded so serious
"If it helps me does it matter what it is" Simon translated a large smile on his face "You know she does have a point"
"Eeev veeeeee veee veeeee eeeeev?" Nuri spoke up
Simon spun round on his heels "I'll explain later" he said then noting the confused look on Nurse Joy's face "she wanted to know how I got the scars on my arm"
Nurse Joy eyed Simon suspiciously "You can understand your Pokemon?"
Simon shook his head gently "Not exactly"
"Quiiiil ava quil avaaa?" Phoenix shouted out cutting off Nurse Joy
Simon laughed but it quickly turned into a coughing fit, as he straightened up he smiled at Phoenix "she does have a point, can I take the pill or what?"
Nurse Joy looked surprised at the question but nodded "Sure I can't see the harm just try to take it easy, you're still hurt even if you're not bed ridden"
Simon smiled and swallowed the pill sighing as he felt the familiar numbness override his senses "Much better" he sighed "Now am I free to go now or what?"
Nurse Joy shook her head "No, I would like you to stay here for one more day just so I can keep an eye on you"
Simon nodded "Right, anything else you want to know about me or anything else I need to know?"
Nurse Joy smiled "Well I was wondering what you meant by not really earlier"
Simon smiled "Ember taught me to understand her and since Phoenix and Nuri are so similar I can make very accurate guesses at what they are saying"
Nurse Joy nodded "Can you let me take a look at your stitches?"
Simon frowned a little "What for?"
"Well" Nurse Joy explained "You said they hurt from time to time, they shouldn't do that" she grabbed Simon's arm and looked at the stitching sighing in frustration "I don't understand even the bits that I didn't have to re-do are just fine there shouldn't be any problem" she frowned "especially with your improved healing rate" she sighed and let go of his arm "What caused this anyway?"
Simon smiled and sat down heavily on the bed only a small twitch of his eye betrayed the throb of pain that ran through his body despite the painkillers "Well since you both want to know what happened I guess I can tell you at the same time" he patted the bed besides him, Phoenix and Nuri jumped up onto the bed one on each side of Simon leaning into him for support whilst Ember just jumped straight onto Simon's lap, Simon wrapped his arms around Ember pulling her closer in a hug; Nurse Joy took the guest seat smiling at the scene that was unfolding in front of her "I guess you and your Pokemon are close then"
Simon laughed "Yep, I got all of my scars defending them" he smiled and began to explain "Put simply the cuts in my arm were from a Mightyena I was fighting"
"You fought a Mightyena!" Nurse Joy exclaimed
Simon nodded a silly smile on his face "yep and I won" he punched the air heedless of the pain
"But why!?" Nurse Joy said ignoring for now the fact he had beaten a Mightyena single handed
"He was trying to hurt Ember" he smiled at the memory "That was how I met her, the Mightyena got one good bite in on my arm and I the end I beat it by kicking it in the face"
Nurse Joy nodded "And how often have you done things like this?" she decided not to question how a child had beaten a fully grown Mightyena
Simon thought about it for a second "Only three times" he replied
"vuuul piix vuuul pix" Ember objected
Simon nodded and squeezed Ember affectionately "Right I had forgotten about that"
"What?" Nurse Joy asked, Nuri and Phoenix both gave Simon an inquisitive look echoing her sentiment
"Well about three months after we had met Ember had gone off into the forest" he laughed "of course back then she had no idea that it was the Vileplume mating season
"The pollen?" Nurse Joy asked
Simon nodded "Yup, got it in one. I ran after her and caught her up, she had already breathed in too much of the pollen and was completely paralyzed, luckily I had my pack with me so I had some doses of full heal, I got her moving again and we ran out of the forest"
"So what's so bad about that?" Nurse Joy asked impressed by his loyalty but confused as to why this particular event ranked with the other two she had heard about and the third one she had on idea about
Simon continued "Well by the time we stumbled out of the forest my legs were beginning to lock up I had, like Ember, inhaled too much pollen"
"Piiiiix vuul pix" Ember said proudly tilting her head up and licking Simon's chin
Simon laughed "Yep you repaid the favour all right; Ember saved me" he explained "luckily she had seen how to apply the full heal so she got it out of my pack and somehow got it into my bloodstream" he shook his head "I have no idea how she did that because I couldn't turn my head" he smiled "but it did the trick and we both got back"
Ember chuckled "vuuul piix vuuul pix" Nuri and Phoenix both giggled and Simon blushed a little
"Hey you never went back in the forest either" he retorted cuffing her head playfully
Ember blushed slightly too and opened her mouth to reply but she was cut off by a stunned Nurse Joy "Wait the full heal worked on you?"
Simon nodded "Yeah; what of it I thought all of those products were designed to work with humans too"
Nurse Joy shook her head "No they aren't, they're for Pokemon only" she frowned "What else has worked for you?"
Simon thought about it for a second "Potions work on minor injuries like small cuts and bruises and I know full heals and antidotes work as does burn heal"
Nurse Joy nodded "Well out of that list only burn heal is designed to work on humans too" she sighed "You know there's much more to you than meets the eye Simon but still it's not my place to pry, though if you're dropping by Professor Rowans I would recommend telling him what you told me maybe he can help you figure this out"
Simon nodded "Ok sounds good" he leant back and shifted back into the bed
Nurse Joy stood up again sighing "Well I'll see you tomorrow just remember to take it easy"
Simon nodded smiling "Don't worry I don't think these guys will let me do anything to hurt myself" he gestured to his Pokemon
Nurse Joy nodded smiling "Well see you tomorrow for the final check up" she left the room the door swishing as it shut
Simon sighed as he leant back into the bed, now he had even more mysteries on his mind maybe the Professor could help answer some of his questions "Well goodnight everyone" he mumbled before closing his eyes quickly falling asleep relishing the though that when he awoke he would be free to get back to his travels.
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