AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 19

As the sun set a familiar figure lurked in the back alley behind the Pokemon centre "That little bastard my have gotten away but that Eevee will be mine" a hint of worry flashed across his hardened features as he sighed "The boss'll have my head if I fail again, I mean how was I supposed to know that last guy had a Nidoking" he glanced down at a small black watch on his wrist the digits glowing an eerie green light read 11:30pm he smirked and slammed a clip into his revolver and placing it back in his pocket "Just in case the kid wakes up" he murmured to himself smirking. Using the windowsill as a foothold he heaved himself up to the second floor window to Simon's room, he tugged on the window expecting it to slide open easily but it was locked tight "Shit" he muttered to himself, he drew out his pistol and flicked it round so he was holding it by the barrel like a club, he hit the window with the butt of the gun smirking as it shattered "Still got it" he muttered slipping through the window mindful of the jagged shards still left clinging to the frame "Now were is that Eevee" he muttered sweeping his gaze across the room "Ah there you are" he smiled spotting a small curled up shape on the pillow of Simon's bed, reaching down he scooped up Ember not realising his mistake. He quietly slipped out of the window again trying carefully to avoid the glass shards; however one large shard nicked Ember's back causing her to cry out in pain and wriggle in her sleep, he let out a sigh of relief when his prize didn't wake up. At hearing Ember's cry Simon mumbled in his sleep "Don't worry Ember I'm here" he rolled over and fell out of the bed onto the hard floor; the impact jolted him awake he swept the room trying to reassure himself that Ember was indeed okay, his dream had been so vivid, but she was no where to be seen a strong breeze drew his attention to the window, or at least the remains of the window. Putting two and two together Simon's eyes narrowed dangerously, he guessed someone had kidnapped Ember, the burning sensation rushed up engulfing his body unstoppable in it's fury "Someone's gonna pay for this" he whispered his voice venomous his eyes flashed red once, twice then turned to red orbs, the iris and even the whites of his eyes swallowed up by an angry blood red a small smirk played on his face as he took a run at the shattered window and dove through it in a graceful leap his body heat obliterating the remaining glass in the window, he hit the wall on the other side of the alley his window had faced and drove his fist into the brickwork creating a small handhold. Using the leverage from the hold he flicked his body upwards in a neat arc landing gracefully on the roof of the building opposite, his eyes swept the horizon, he could just about make out a figure running down a back alley smiling to himself he murmured "gotcha" before breaking into a run over the rooftops towards the retreating figure, leaping gracefully between roofs even clearing a large main street at one point without even breaking his stride; it didn't take long for Simon to catch up and overtake the crook. He leapt down into the alley in front of him a smirk on his face; the crook jumped as he spotted Simon land gracefully only a few feet in front of him " catch me?" he stuttered
"Give me back Ember" Simon spoke his voice dripping with anger and unspoken threats; the crook hesitated "Now!" Simon yelled his voice echoing strangely
The crook matched the smirk on Simon's face and pulled out his gun, clicked the safety off he pointed it at the mass of fur in his arms "Not another step you freak!" he demanded "or I'll blown this stupid creature's head off." he smiled exuberant in his apparent victory "Now you're going to let me go and maybe you'll see Ember again" he sneered her name sarcastically
Simon eyes narrowed and he held out his hand in front of him, his palm pointed at the crook he concentrated and a ball of fire blasted towards the stunned man; he screamed in agony as it engulfed his shoulder and dropped Ember as the arm went limp. Ember hit the ground hard, head first, and gave a weak little cry before falling silent; the smell of burnt flesh hung in the air and the crooks face was a mask of pain, his left shoulder was blackened and in the very centre of the burn the gleaming white of bone could be made out, blood oozed into the wood it's red stark against the black of the incinerated flesh and white of the bone. "You bastard, you fucking bastard" the man gasped "For that you can say goodbye to your fucking pet" once again he levelled the gun at Ember's head; Simon's figure seemed to vanish and before the crook knew what was happening he was being slammed into a wall his gun skittering away across the asphalt, Simon held the man by the throat "You're lucky" he whispered menacingly "I'll let you live tonight but threaten me or my friends again and I'll make sure it'll be the last mistake you ever make" he backed off slightly and casually flicked the man down the alleyway ignoring the screams of agony as he slid a good few feet on his injured arm, Simon walked over to Ember and carefully picked her up he smiled softly, she was breathing, he began walking down the alley casually carrying the stricken Ember but paused remembering the gun, shifting Ember's weight to one hand for a second he tossed a second smaller fireball over his shoulder, reducing the gun to a small puddle of molten slag. As he walked down the alley his eyes began returning to their usual blue as his anger subsided; he blinked a few times and looked around, he was in an alley carrying an injured Vulpix? No wait that's Ember! What happened? He sighed to himself, I really got to stop passing out, he concentrated trying to remember what had happened he could recall a man with a gun threatening Ember and the smell of burnt flesh but it was all hazy and tinged a blood red colour, he sighed and began the trudge back to the Pokemon centre his feet taking him back unconsciously, as if he knew the route off by heart even though he had no idea where he actually was.

Simon frowned and paced back and forth, the waiting was killing him, the door slid open and Nurse Joy emerged "How is she?" Simon asked anxiously
Nurse Joy smiled kindly "She's fine she just got knocked out"
Simon let out a sigh of relief and glanced at the clock, it read 1:34 he sighed; he had only been waiting for half an hour or so yet it still felt like an eternity "So can we get my physical done now too?" he asked smiling
Nurse Joy laughed "Eager to get going huh?"
Simon nodded smiling "Yeah I hate being confined to a room"
Nurse Joy shook her head "Well you still managed to find trouble even in a recovery room, so at least it wasn't totally dull"
Simon laughed, bearing the pain in his chest, "True, well I guess I'll see you and Ember in the morning then"
Nurse Joy nodded "Goodnight then"
"Night" Simon said heading back to his room, smirking slightly when he spotted the cardboard covering the shattered and melted remains of the window he slid back into the bed smiling when he thought of Nuri and Phoenix's responses when they heard what had happened. Nuri would panic and Phoenix would worry he guessed smiling to himself as these thoughts carried him off to sleep

Elsewhere a badly wounded criminal propped himself up on one of the alley wall and pulled out his radio, the casing had been slightly distorted by the heat from Simon's blast and he was unsure about whether or not it was still working; he pushed the button waiting with bated breath after a hiss of static a voice spoke through, a little distorted but understandable, "This is control please state your rank and number"
He let out a sigh of relief before replying "field agent 5463"
"Hey Tox" the voice replied now sounding much friendlier
Tox smiled at the nickname "I thought we agreed you'd use my whole codename when we talk on the radio"
"Ha! Toxicroak is such a mouthful, I prefer Tox"
Tox smiled "Tox it is then, anyway down to business"
"Well last I checked you got the Jubilife assignment" the voice sent back clearly unimpressed "You must have done something the really piss of the boss to get that patch"
Tox cringed "Yeah, I got completely had by some kid with a Nidoking" he braced himself for the laugher and wasn't disappointed
After he had calmed down the voice from the radio continued "Anyway so what's the report on.." the sound of shuffling paper and typing could be heard "the Eevee" he finished
"Well I couldn't get the Eevee but I found something even more interesting"
"Hmm" the voice was clearly unimpressed "Lets hear this excuse then"
Tox shook his head a little "That thing's trainer his not human, here look at this data" he fiddled with the buttons on his watch sending the recording on the tiny camera concealed in it to the main base
He smirked as he heard a low whistle come over the radio "You weren't kidding, well I'll inform the boss. Stick to that kid; you're mission is now reconnaissance we'll send a team in to capture him once we can work out how to beat this thing"
"Rodger" Tox smiled and clicked off the radio, that dumb kid wouldn't know what hit him
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