AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 2

Simon stepped outside his house and took a deep breath, the familiar scent of the flowers for which his home town was famous hit his nostrils. Turning he locked the door and began to make his way to the poke mart. Although Simon lived on the opposite end of town it was a fairly short walk. He smiled as he rounded the corner and spotted his mother waiting outside the store. Lots of people claimed Simon looked just like his mother; she had long brown hair and the same striking blue eyes, stooping down he picked up Ember carefully before running down the street.
"Hey mum!" he called
She turned around to see her son running up, "Good morning honey, good morning Ember"
Simon sighed "Morning"
Ember added a happy "vul"
"I got some presents for you before you leave" his mother said before pulling him into a hug.
"Wow, really?" Simon asked pleasantly surprised
His mother smiled and nodded "Here you go" she handed him three things; a largish brown box, a small black cylinder and a red bag with a large orange flame embalm on it, "I got you a bike so you can get around quicker, it's fold up for easy storage too, the bag contains some of Embers favourite treats." She leaned forward and scratched Ember behind the ear affectionately, "and finally I got you some painkillers in case your arm plays up again."
"Thank for the stuff mum" Simon says, he glances down at his watch "well I better be going if I want to get to Jubilife city by sundown"
"Ok take care honey" his mother gave him a kiss on the forehead eliciting an embarrassed groan.
"Bye mum" Simon says giving her one last hug before heading off towards route 204. Simon took a small detour to grab a bite to eat for him and Ember and to double check his map. Finishing off his sandwich he unfolded his new bike.
"Hmm we may have a problem" he said thoughtfully "I don't think there's enough room for you" he sat mounted the bike "you think you can get on?"
Ember cocked her head to the side then gave a happy "vul vulpix" before leaping up onto the bike between Simon and the handlebars.
"Ok" Simon laughed "but how do I steer now?"
Vulpix hung her head sadly "Hey, hey it's not your thought you tried" Simon said trying to cheer her up "look if we can't get you on this thing I'll just walk"
Ember gave a happy nod a leapt down from the bike, Simon folded the bike back up a slid it onto his backpack sighing "Well Ember lets get going" he declared.

The pair had only been walking for a short while when they spotted another person coming up the route towards Floaroma town, he was quite tall and had short black hair and was wearing jeans and a khaki vest, and Simon couldn't make out his eyes behind his sunglasses. As he approached he spotted Ember.
"So you're a Pokemon trainer are ya?"
"Yes, my name is Simon. Who are you?"
"My name's not important kido, I challenge you to a battle."
Simon leant down "Hey Ember you feel up to a fight?"
Ember nodded and leapt forward in a fighting pose, "Ok you're on but I have only got Ember here"
"Fine by me" the man replied "I'll crush that runt" The man pulled a pokeball off his belt and tossed it into the air. In a bright flash of light a Quilava appeared.
"Ember is not a runt" Simon shouted his eyes flashing red
"Vul, vul vul pix!" Ember added angrily
"Quilava take down now!" the man ordered in a harsh voice, the Quilava charged at Ember his head lowered.
"Quick Ember jump and use ember", Ember waited until the last second before gracefully leaping above Quilava's attack, twisting in midair Ember brought her head round and hit Quilava in the back of the head with a powerful burst of flame. Quilava skidded to a stop wincing from the pain.
"Quilava fire blast now!" The man yelled furious Quilava looked scared for a second but a loom of determination quickly appeared on it's face, the fires on it's back grew larger and hotter as it sucked in air. Exhaling a large man shaped blast of fire the Quilava stumbled backwards and fell over shivering violently it's fire almost completely gone.
Simon was shocked "Ember dodge it quickly" Ember dove to a side but the blast still caught her hind legs, she fell to the ground crying out in pain.
"Good it's down finish it off" the ma n shouted to his Quilava seemingly oblivious of it's condition, Quilava struggled to rise but couldn't get up it flopped pathetically back to the ground shaking violently, "get up you worthless piece of shit!" the man yelled furious.
Simon watched this getting angrier and angrier but his concern for Ember came first kneeling down he checked her up "You okay?"
Ember nodded feebly "vul pix vul"
Simon laughed understanding Ember's tone of voice, "I think it's a bit worse than that" he leant down to pick her up but was interrupted by a feeble cry from Quilava. Simon jerked his head up to see the man kicking his Quilava yelling at it.
Simon stood up his fists clenched his eyes no longer their usual blue where a shade of angry red and his fists where gently smoking, "Leave her alone" he yelled at the man.
He turned to look at Simon and scoffed "What good is a fire type that can't even use fire blast!" he aimed another kick at Quilava.
Quilava squealed in pain "stop it please!" Simon didn't have time to dwell on the fact he had understood her.
"She almost kills herself helping you and this is how you repay her!" he yelled walking slowly towards the man smoke pouring profusely from his fists
The man kicked Quilava one last time "This Quilava is mine and will do what I bloody well please, now get up or I will kill you" he directed his last statement to the Quilava lying broken on the floor.
Simon gritted his teeth and quickly closed the gap between him and the man "You will leave her alone!" he spat at the man vehemently.
"Or what?" the man asked "What is a little shit like you going to do about it." He swung a foot at the Quilava's head.
Simon grabbed the mans foot "This" he spat back, the man yelled in pain as he felt a sudden heat on his leg. Tearing it away from Simon he looked at him fear showing in his eyes "Fine keep it then you little bastered" he shouted before limping away.
Simon knelt down at the Quilava's side his eyes returning to their normal colour as the anger drained from his system. He looked it up and down, it had horrible bruises all over it's stomach and a thin trickle of blood leaked out of its mouth, scooping it up into his arms Simon realised that it was freezing. He ran back over to Ember who had picked herself up "Jump up, I've got to get this Quilava to a Pokemon centre fast and you're in no condition to run"
Ember jumped up into Simon's free hand and he took off at a dead sprint back towards Floaroma town the Quilava cradled in one arm and Ember in the other.
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