AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 20

Simon woke up early, after explaining the situation to Phoenix and Nuri, he walked down the main stairs to the lobby flanked by Phoenix and with Nuri nestled in his arms having to use the wall for support several times as his legs gave out or the pain became too much to bare, his slow progress across the lobby drew a few odd glances but with each step Simon forced the pain further to the back of his mind, so by the time only the occasional wince or involuntary twitch of a muscle would betray the pain he felt. He smiled when he saw the look on Nurse Joy's face when she turned around and saw him "I know, I know" he cut her off before she could begin "I just came down to see whether I could see Ember and to ask how she was doing"
"Well since you put all that effort into it come with me" she beckoned for Simon to follow and walked towards a door with a red cross on it, Simon swallowed preparing for the worst "Ember will be fine" Nurse Joy said, the words' effect was almost instantaneous; Simon's face lit up and his eyes gleamed with renewed life "but" Nurse Joy continued "she has amnesia; she can't remember what happened that night beyond a few very vague feelings" Nurse Joy put a hand on Simon's shoulder as she stopped outside a small door with the number 431 on the door in red writing "She's in here"
Simon gave a curt nod "Thanks" he said before touching the door release pad, the door opened with a small hydraulic hiss and Simon gingerly stepped across the boundary followed by Phoenix and Nuri, he immediately spotted Ember sleeping peacefully on a small bed Simon approached slowly and gently shook her awake "Wake up Ember it's time to go" he whispered
Ember stirred with a small groan "vuul piix vuuul?" she asked stretching her legs
Simon's face turned serious for a second "That guy who shot me came back and kidnapped you"
Ember nodded accepting the explanation and jumped lightly to the floor besides Simon "vuul piix piix?" she asked
"I'm fine" he said tousling her hair "But I'm not allowed to take another painkiller until after I've checked out so don't make me laugh alright"
"vul" Ember nodded
"Alright then" Simon turned around and headed out of the room he stopped in front of Nurse Joy "So can we get my physical done now?"
Nurse Joy nodded "Ok follow me"

Half an hour later Simon stepped back into the main hall with a clean bill of health, well mostly clean he thought to himself; Nurse Joy had warned him again to take it easy and his body temperature had been higher than usual but no other anomalies had been found. He scanned the room quickly, people carrying Pokeballs of all kinds were rushing around usually accompanied by a Chansey or two but he found who he was looking for standing in the corner of the room with a light pink rucksack leaning against the wall next to her "Hey Holly" Simon said with a wave as he approached her, behind him Ember made a nasty face but this went unnoticed by everyone
"Simon" Holly spun round "So you're better?" Simon nodded smiling "That's great news shall we start off for Sandgem town now then?"
Simon shook his head "No not right now" he leant down to his Pokemons' level, "I promised these guys a bath and they will get one, we'll head up to the reservoirs first then back down through town to Sandgem" he laughed at the face Ember pulled grateful of the painkiller for numbing the pain
"Oh..ok then" Holly agreed annoyed that Simon had once again put the Pokemon first

Simon laughed as he half dragged Ember into the shallow water, she was putting up playful resistance but Simon knew she wasn't trying, when she was in the water she splashed around a bit as Simon lovingly washed her fur out for her. Behind them Holly, Phoenix and Nuri were watching on with interest; Simon finished washing Ember at let her go laughing again as she flicked water at him with her tails as she padded back onto the shore "Phoenix you're next" Simon called out smiling; Phoenix came over a little apprehensively but quickly relaxed when Simon began his ministrations. Holly smiled Simon seemed to enjoy the playful side of his Pokemon, well she would prove she could be playful too, maybe she could play a joke on him he seemed like the type to take it well; her smile twisted into an evil smirk as she decided to push Simon into the water; if nothing else it would give them something to talk about on the way back. Simon finished up cleaning Phoenix being careful of her ribs just in case they were still sore despite all the evidence speaking otherwise and called Nuri over, Nuri trotted over happily a small blush forming on her cheeks as Simon washed her; behind them Holly snuck up behind Simon, unnoticed by Ember and Phoenix who were too busy shaking themselves dry. Simon smiled and stood up letting Nuri wander back over to the shore and Holly chose that time to strike she pushed Simon into the water laughing, Simon fell with a yell and thrashed around in the water. Holly watched still laughing, believing that Simon was just fooling around, when a gout of flame passed dangerously close to her face she spun around and saw Ember and Phoenix both absolutely livid, Embers jaw was still smoking slightly betraying her as the source of the blast "vuul piiix vuuul piix!?" she demanded
"quiil avaa quiiil avaaa!" Phoenix yelled a torrent of abuse at her before turning to try and help Simon "Quiiiil ava quiiiil" she shouted to him
Simon heard her advice and nodded, he stopped thrashing and straightened his legs, his feet touched the bottom of the river and he realised he could keep him head above water by standing on tip toes so he began his slow walk back to shore trying his hardest to keep his head above water at all times.
"eeev veee eev?" Nuri asked a little confused
"quiiil avaaaa quiiiil quil" Phoenix said simply explaining why he was so angry
Nuri's eyes widened and she turned on Holly growling lightly from behind Ember "Help!" holly screeched at Simon "They've gone crazy"
Simon, who was now on the shore though still sopping wet shook his head "No they're defending me," he frowned at Holly "why did you push me in?"
Holly was a little worried "It was a joke" she said quietly
Simon frowned "Well I can't swim so don't do that again" he turned to Ember his expression and voice softening "Can you help with this" he asked jokingly gesturing to his sopping clothes
Ember tore her angry glace from Holly and bounded over to Simon using her flame to dry him off quickly "vuul pix?"
"Much better thanks" Simon smiled and gently patted her head
"I'm so sorry" Holly apologized desperately "I didn't know you couldn't swim"
Simon shook his head "Don't worry you couldn't have but please don't do that again" he began to set off back towards town and Sandgem "Now come on" Ember, Nuri and Phoenix flanked Simon throwing the occasional angry glance back at Holly who was following a little way behind, they weren't quite as forgiving as Simon. Simon smiled as he looked down at his friends "Hey Phoenix?"
Phoenix looked up "Quilll?"
"What did you shout at Holly after she pushed me into the lake?" Phoenix gave Simon an odd look and glanced at Ember who shook her head
"Vuuuul piix vull" Ember explained quickly
Simon laughed "I guess you didn't teach me many rude words did you"
Ember shook her head laughing
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