AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 23

Simon carried Ember for the rest of the day as she drifted in and out of consciousness, even though he knew she was only tired Simon always seemed just a little happier when Ember was awake and disappointment flashed across his face every time she drifted off again. They made fairly good time but they couldn't make up for the time they had lost with the battle and its aftermath. Simon spotting a clearing pulled everyone over "This should do" he announced glancing around the patch of open ground
"Quiiil ava quiiiil avaaa?" Phoenix asked
"I know this isn't the campsite I had planned but we'll just have to move extra fast tomorrow if we want to get to Sandgem in good time" he smiled a patted Phoenix on the head, he walked over to the middle of the clearing and sat down "Hey Nuri can you do me a favour"
Nuri padded over to where Simon was sitting "eeev vee?" she asked
Simon smiled "I just need you to open my pack and pull the sleeping bag out please"
Nuri nodded and went behind Simon grabbing the bag's zipper in her mouth she yanked it open with a few sharp shakes of her head, with the bag open she quickly located the black bag that Simon's sleeping bag was in and pulled it out of the pack. With the bag in her mouth she trotted back round to Simon her tail wagging proudly as she deposited it at his feet "Thanks" Simon said scratching her behind an ear as he talked "Now you may need Phoenix's help for this part, but can you set the sleeping bag up"
"Vee?" Nuri asked tilting her head to a side
"I want a place to set Ember down" Simon explained smiling
Nuri nodded and turned her attention to the sleeping bag, between her and Phoenix they managed to open the bag and spread the sleeping bag out in fairly short order, Holly was looking on feeling fairly left out and wondering why Simon hadn't asked her to help with the task since she was the only other person here with opposable thumbs, she finally reached the conclusion he just doesn't want me to have to work and sat there with a small smug grin on her face. With the sleeping bag laid out Simon gently placed Ember on it making sure she was comfortable he placed a hand on her head "I'll be right back girl don't worry" with that said he stood up, glancing down at Ember he could of sworn the peaceful grin on her face had grown larger.
"Right back? Where are you going?" Holly spoke up snatching the question from everyone's mouth
"Simple" Simon replied acknowledging Holly for the first time since Ember was injured "I need to find a water source since there's not one nearby" Holly looked a little lost as if she didn't quite understand the importance of a fresh water source "Phoenix, Nuri" Simon continued "can you guys come with me, this can double as a scavenging trip and you'll have an easier time finding water than me since your senses are so much sharper"
Nuri and Phoenix nodded and took their positions on either side of Simon "Wait!" Holly called out fear flashing across her features "What about me?"
"Holly I need you to keep an eye of Ember for me" Simon said seriously "and you can use this time to set up your tent if Ember doesn't wake up" Holly nodded accepting her task, Simon turned and headed off into the forest with Phoenix and Nuri following at his feet, he felt a twinge of doubt about leaving Ember in the care of Holly who hadn't really earned any trust yet but he was sure Ember could take care of herself if the worse should happen. Simon stopped at the edge of the clearing and looked down "So who's going to lead the way"
After a brief discussion Nuri stepped forward, despite being the youngest member of the group she had the most experience with foraging and the sharpest sense of smell "Veee eeev vee" she declared before padding off into the underbrush
"I've never heard of Pumkin berries" Simon replied "Are you sure?"
"Veee eeev veee!" Nuri replied defensively
"Alright, alright" Simon backtracked "I trust your nose, but what does this berry have to do with water?"
"Quiil avaaaa quiiil ava quil" Phoenix explained carefully
"Okay but even if it only grows in wet soil that doesn't mean there's a viable stream" Simon smiled and shook his head "No I've got to stop being pessimistic, it's the best lead we've got so lets go"
Nuri and Phoenix nodded and they quickly set off with Nuri leading them on a winding path through the undergrowth.

Back at camp Holly had just started trying to set up her tent, she had no idea what she was doing; her preparation for this trip had consisted of sending a servant out to buy all the gear she would need for a two day trip. In retrospect she probably should have at least tried to set up the tent before she set out, she sighed and returned to trying to wrestle the support poles together finally throwing them down in frustration when they sprung apart for the umpteenth time. She glanced over at Ember who was still resting peacefully on the sleeping bag Simon had had set out for her and couldn't help feel a small twinge of jealousy, no matter what she did Simon always put his Pokemon first, it almost seemed a pity to tear apart such a close friendship. She sighed and shook her head, those thoughts were counterproductive, turning her attention back to the parts that she was sure would become a tent eventually she picked up the support poles and returned to the task of slotting the stubborn pieces of metal together.

In the forest although the thick undergrowth had forced them to take a rather haphazard path Nuri had finally located the Pumkin berry bush. Nuri pointed at the bush with her nose nudging it's thick leaves "So this is a Pumkin bush?" Simon asked intrigued
Nuri nodded "Veee eeev vee"
"I'll just check that" Simon replied gently parting the thick bush he peered through the gap, his face lighting up as he was greeted by the sight of a small pond, the water seemed to be clear and the churned up edges betrayed this as a popular water hole for the local wildlife "Yep your right" Simon smiled as he withdrew his head from the bush and gently patted Nuri's head
"Veee eev veee veee" Nuri responded playfully
Simon laughed "No I never doubted you, but don't let it go to your head" he turned to the bush noting the fat yellow berries that clung to the end of it's braches in small bundles "I guess we should gather a few Pumkin berries whilst we're here" he reached out a plucked a berry off the tree surprised by it's weight "I wonder what it tastes like" he muttered out loud popping the berry into his mouth
Phoenix and Nuri exchanged amused looks knowing all to well exactly what a Pumkin berry tasted like "Eeeev vee eeev eev?" Nuri wondered
Phoenix shook her head "Quiiil avaaa quiil" she sniggered a little and they both turned their attention to Simon waiting for his reaction to the berry
Simon bit into the berry, the outer shell cracked and a copious quantity of the berry's juice squirted into his mouth. His face puckered up as he hastily swallowed the offending berry "Ahhhh!" he cried "It's so sour!" Phoenix and Nuri both giggled quietly trying to conceal their amusement from Simon.
"Quiil ava quiil?" Phoenix asked innocently trying to keep a straight face
Simon turned on the Pokemon "That was a mean trick" he said his eyes betraying his humour "So how many of these should we get?" he asked turning back to the bush
"Eev" Nuri suggested
Simon nodded pulling ten of the biggest berries he could see off the bush and depositing them into the berry case before continuing forward, following the bush, looking for a path that would lead them to waters edge.
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