AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 25

Ember looked down "Vuuul piix vuul piix vuul vuuul vul piiiix" she carefully explained
Simon nodded "Why didn't you just come to me?" he asked feeling slightly hurt that Ember wouldn't tell him her problems
"Vuuul piix piix vuul piiiix" Ember admitted shamefully
Simon sighed and shook his head "I've told you this time and time again, your far more important to me than anyone, you should have just told me you didn't like her and I wouldn't have agreed to come with her"
"Vuuul piix vuul?" Ember asked
Simon's face hardened "I'm going to get rid of her; I won't let anyone get away with hurting anyone I care about" his clenched and gently smoking fists clear evidence of his anger.
"Vuuul" Ember said gently, licking Simon's face
"No problem" Simon said quickly slipping back to his usual self "But you still should have come to me earlier"
Ember nodded "piix"
Simon smiled and gently petted her head "Already forgiven, now shall we get some sleep?" he frowned slightly "I have a feeling morning is going to be...interesting"
Ember nodded and padded back into the tent with Simon following slightly behind, they quickly settled down with Ember curling up next to Simon.

Simon awoke with the sun, sitting up her rubbed his eyes and yawned steeling himself for what was to come. "Hey Ember, Phoenix, Nuri" he called out softly "Wake up girls I've got something to tell you"
The Pokemon yawned and stretched their tired muscles as they woke up "Vuuul piix vuul piix vul piiix piix?" Ember asked
Simon smiled and nodded "Yes it is"
"Eev veee veee eeev?" Nuri asked curious
"Ember told me about Holly so I'm going to get rid of her" Simon explained "That's what this has to do with Holly" he smiled and patted Nuri's head "I just need your help if she decides not to leave"
With that he pushed open the tent "Now you guys go get breakfast started, I'm sure you've learnt enough from last night to do it well" he smiled at Nuri
"Veee eev vee" Nuri responded jokingly
Simon laughed as he pulled the tent flap shut "Hey you liked my cooking last night. I'll be out as soon as I'm dressed"
Nuri turned to the pot that Simon had left out, between her and Phoenix they took it to the small pond a filled it halfway with water before dragging it back. Whilst they were busy with that Ember had gathered up some firewood and had a roaring fire blazing under her careful supervision.
Simon smiled as he pulled open the tent flap, all three of the Pokemon were working together to move the pot into it's place above the fire although Nuri was obviously much more nervous than the others not being a fire type the fire was causing her no small amount of discomfort.
"I see you've got this covered" Simon said smiling
None of the Pokemon had noticed Simon leaving the tent so his voice made them jump slightly "Quiiil avaa quiil" Phoenix said as she heaved the large pot into place
Simon laughed and shook his head "Well consider it revenge for the berries then, I'll take care of the tent you guys can handle breakfast"
Simon quickly deconstructed the tent glancing over his shoulders intermittently to check that everything was fine, fairly soon a wonderful smell wafted across the clearing. Smiling Simon rolled up the ground sheet and turned to his Pokemon "Smells great" he called out "What is it?"
"Vuuul piix piix vuuul" Ember shouted back happily
Simon paused "Rabbit stew?"
Ember nodded "vul, vuul piix?"
"No, no. I heard you. It's just where did you get some rabbit?" Simon replied
Ember grinned at Simon flashing her sharp vulpine teeth
"Right of course" Simon laughed at himself for not realising
Walking over to his Pokemon after finishing attaching his tent back on his bag his face became serious "So, do we do Holly then breakfast or breakfast then Holly?"
"Quiiil ava" Phoenix gave her opinion
"Vuul piiix" Ember agreed
"Veee eev vee" Nuri said agreeing with the others
"Fine food the business" Simon agreed "So is it finished" he leant over the pot and inhaled deeply "It certainly smells good"

Simon sat down with the Pokemon on either side of him enjoying the stew they had made, stew wasn't really a breakfast food but he wasn't really fussed by this "I should get you to cook more often" he joked
"Vuul piix vuul piix piix pix" Ember laughed shaking her head
Simon laughed "My cooking is just as good as this" he appealed to Phoenix and Nuri for support but they both pulled faces and turned their heads.
Simon shook his head "It's a sad day when a trainer is betrayed by his own Pokemon"
Ember turned and pounced on Simon throwing him onto his back as she stood on his chest and licked his face furiously, Phoenix and Nuri soon joined in holding down his arms and licking his hands. Simon was squirming and laughing uproariously "Alright, alright I give" he gasped out
All the noise had woken Holly up "What's going on?" she asked blearily
The Pokemon quickly got off Simon and stood in front of him in a defensive line as he climbed to his feet "Ah good, Holly I need to talk to you"
"What?" Holly asked
"We're going to split up, you were mistreating my Pokemon and I won't stand for that" his face was dead serious "We can't travel together anymore"
"Wait! What? Who told you.." Holly stumbled "It was that stupid fox wasn't it!" she pointed accusingly at Ember
Simon's frown deepened "I will not stand for someone talking to Ember like that!" he snapped
"What is it with you and Ember!" Holly shouted back "Do you love her or something?"
Simon and Ember looked at each other a faint blush on both of their cheeks before they both turned their heads to hide their blushes. "That's it goodbye!" Simon shouted his eyes flashing red. Grabbing his backpack he stormed back onto the road with his Pokemon only a short distance behind, leaving a stunned Holly standing by herself in the clearing.

Holly was stunned, she was certain she had hit the nail on the head. Simon did indeed love Ember, she smirked, well if she couldn't have Simon she sure as hell wouldn't let that stupid fox have him "I wonder what the police would have to say about that" she said not really directing it at anyone. With an evil smile still plastered on her face she flipped open her phone and made two phone calls, one to the police and one to her chauffeur.
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