AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 3

Simon sprinted into the Pokemon centre praising Arceus for the automatic doors they had had installed last year. Sprinting up to the desk panting heavily he called out "Nurse Joy, we need help now!"
Nurse Joy came out of a back room and turned to face Simon, her face paled as she saw the condition of the Quilava. Calling for some Chansey she carefully took the Quilava out of his hands and placed it on the stretcher the Chansey had brought out. "I'll be out to have a word with you later" Nurse Joy said accusingly poking Simon in the ribs with her finger "How dare you let your Pokemon get into this condition." And without letting Simon say a word she ran into the operation theatre following the Chansey. Simon went over to a table and carefully placed Ember down.
"Now then lets take care of the burn shall we?" he asked concerned at the amount of pain Ember appeared to be in.
"vuuuul" Vulpix moaned feebly as Simon carefully applied the burn heal to her leg.
Simon shook his head "I know it stings, but it'll feel better in the end" he reassured her stroking her head lovingly. Ember relaxed and let Simon apply the salve to her leg still letting out quiet vuls when he got to a particularly tender area. Soon enough her entire leg was coated.
"There we go" Simon said relieved he hated seeing Ember in pain and could barely stand being the one to cause it even if he did know it was preventing further injury. Reaching into his bag he pulled out the bag of treats his mother had given him and popped one into Embers mouth.
"You're going to have to rest for a few hours to let that burn heal do it's job, k?" he looked down at Ember who was happily chewing away at the treat her leg seemingly forgotten. Simon chuckled to himself he had forgotten how much she enjoyed these things. Pulling ember onto his lap he mulled over the day's events absently stroking her.

They where both still sitting in that position when Nurse Joy finally emerged from the operating room an hour and a half later. Ember was asleep in Simon's lap and he was sitting gazing off into space absently scratching her behind the ear. Noticing the burn heal applied to Ember's leg Nurse Joy walked over to him slightly confused, how could this boy treat one Pokemon so well but let another get in such a bad way.
"So what happened to your Quilava?" she asked still angry but willing to give this boy a chance.
Simon shifted Ember off his lap and carefully set her down on the couch so as not to wake her, then stood up, "First off it's not my Quilava and can we take this into another room Ember is sleeping and I don't want to wake her."
Nurse Joy nodded; it made a bit more sense now "Ok then we'll go into my office" she walked off towards the second door that led off from behind the reception desk.
Simon followed close behind but had to make sure "I assume the Quilava is okay then?"
Nurse Joy nodded "Yes she'll be fine..." She searched for his name "I never got you name"
Simon sighed with relief then answered "It's Simon" he glanced around the Pokemon centre the only other people in the centre where a teenage couple sitting in a corner; their Nidarino and Nidorina rubbing up against each other happily and an old man sitting by himself slowly drinking from a large cup of what Simon assumed to be tea.
"Slow night" he asked
Nurse Joy nodded "Yes it's never that busy around here because there is no local gym but still.." she trailed off as she reached the door to her office, pulling her employee key card off from around her neck where it normally hung she quickly swiped it into the lock on the door. With a hydraulic swish the door slid open. Simon looked around the room it was fairly small; there was maybe enough room for four people to move around. The room was sparsely decorated; in the centre of the room was a large coffee table with couches on either side providing seating, in the far right corner a small bookcase stood and opposite that was a small sink with a kettle sitting next to it. The walks where a soft pink and there were a few photos of the town past and present dotting the wall. Nurse joy sat down on one sofa and gestured for Simon to sit on the one opposite her.
"So tell me what happened, you know that Quilava was practically dead when you brought it in here."
Simon nodded sadly "I know, as for the story it's quite long are you sure you've got the time?"
Nurse Joy nodded "Well if something urgent comes up I can leave but the Chansey should be able to run things without me."
Simon sighed and began to recount the events leading up to Quilava's incarceration.
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