AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 4

It took Simon half an hour to fully explain what had happened, he left out the bits he didn't understand himself; being able to understand Quilava if briefly and how the man had been burned.
Nurse Joy nodded a little dumbstruck by his story "Well I guess you'll want to see Quilava now?"
Simon nodded "yes I'd love to but first I'd better go and get Ember she'll freak if she wakes up and I'm not there."
Nurse joy nodded "Okay then lets get going"
Simon walked out of the back-room and headed over to the seat where he had left Ember and his bags, he gently shook Ember awake "Hey Ember wake up; we can go see how Quilava is doing how"
Ember stretched and slowly got to her feet letting out a relieved sigh when she discovered her burn almost completely healed up. She leapt down onto the floor and followed Simon towards the recovery rooms.
"So what exactly was wrong with Quilava?" Simon asked Nurse Joy
Nurse Joy's face became grave "She had two broken ribs which caused some mild haemorrhaging and her internal body heat had dropped to critical levels, she had used up her internal flame."
Simon's eyes widened in shock he knew it was bad but he had never expected it to be quite as serious as that "Will she recover?"
Nurse Joy looked at her feet "She's stable that much I could do, her ribs have been set and her core body temperature has been stabilized but I doubt she will ever be able to use fire attacks ever again and her ribs will certainly never fully recover."
Simon stood there the news not fully sinking in, "Is she conscious?" he asked shakily
Nurse Joy nodded "Yes she is but I don't know if going in is wise, I doubt she will trust humans again."
Simon shook his head "Listen you can't release her into the wild in her condition and she certainly can't stay here; what kind of life is that for a Quilava. Let me try and convince her to come with me."
Nurse Joy nodded "Ok then you can try" she said impressed at his love for Pokemon.
Simon pushed open the door to Quilava's room carefully thanking Nurse Joy for the opportunity. Holding the door open just long enough for Ember to slip in before him he slowly approached the bed Quilava was lying in. Reaching out gently he stroked the Quilava's head marvelling at how soft her fur was. Quilava shied away from his hand fear in her eyes.
Simon leant down it broke his heart to see any Pokemon like this "Shh, I'm not going to hurt you" he tried to reassure Quilava but it was all too obvious that she was absolutely petrified of him. Simon stood up slowly and pulled off his bag, opening it he started rummaging through for some food or something he could give Quilava. Finally he found his berry box pulling it out he clicked open the metal box and pulled out an Oran berry and held it out to the Quilava. Quilava leant over and gently nibbled at the berry; however as soon as Simon moved his other hand she snapped her head back the fear coming through yet again. Simon sighed and left the Oran berry on the bed for Quilava, he wiped a few tears from his eyes, he had to succeed for Quilava's sake if nothing else. Simon felt a gentle tug at his trouser leg, looking down he saw Ember, she had pulled out her bag of treats and was nudging them towards Quilava with her nose.
Simon Leant down "Are you sure?"
"vul" Ember replied nodding her head "vul vuul pix" she added sounding a little distressed.
Simon got the message, Ember was worried about Quilava too "Okay then we'll try your idea" he said "and if it works you'll be having a special dinner" he leant down, picked up the bag of treats and scratched Ember on the head.
During this exchange the Quilava had finished off the Oran berry, but when Simon approached her bedside again she showed no improvement.
Simon reached into the bag and pulled out one of the small reddish treats. He held it out to Quilava, "Here you go"
Quilava sniffed the air and slowly turned its head towards the treat. She took a tentative first bite but then immediately snatched the whole treat from Simon's hand.
"Wow, those things must be good" Simon chuckled to himself, "Now let's try this again" He slowly reached out a brushed Quilava's head she shook a little but didn't shy away. Simon sighed in relief finally she was showing some improvement, it took five minutes of gentle coaxing but Quilava finally let him pick her up. Simon was beaming as he gently carried Quilava out of her recovery room and past a shocked Nurse Joy. He placed her gently on his table and told Ember to wait there while he got supper. Turning around he noticed Nurse Joy was at the receptionist's desk keeping a close eye on him and Quilava.
"Ah good now I don't have to come looking for you." He declared a grin still on his face "Can I order some supper please?"
Nurse Joy nodded "Sure what do you want?" she was going to ask how he got Quilava to trust him but decided against it after all it had taken him six minutes to do it.
Simon thought about it for a few seconds "Three portions of your hottest chicken curry please." He had promised Ember a special meal so he was ordering her favourite, he reached into his bag and pulled out four of the treats "and could you add these crushed up into the two for the Pokemon please?"
Nurse Joy nodded politely "Of course, it'll be ready in ten minutes"
"Thank you" Simon said turning and heading back towards his table.
He slid into a seat beside Ember "I got you your favourite" he declared petting her
"vul vul pix vuuuul" Ember declared wagging her tails
Simon laughed "No problem" he turned to Quilava "I hope you like curry" he said "if you don't there could be some problems down the line" he added jokingly
Quilava lifted her head off her paws slowly "Quil Quil ava" she said slowly
Simon smiled the fear in her eyes was almost gone he reached forward and stroked her head slowly "good to know" he said assuming what she said was a yes.
Nurse Joy came out a little earlier than Simon had expected carrying three bowels. She carefully sat them down at the table whilst Simon was reassuring Quilava that Nurse Joy meant her no harm.
"Okay everyone dig in" Nurse Joy said as she placed Simon's bowel in front of him
"Thank you" Simon said, "Vuul" Ember added enthusiastically Quilava added a shy and quiet "Quiil"
They all ate ravenously, especially Ember who all but stuck her head in the bowel. Simon laughed as he forced Ember to slow down insisting that it wouldn't taste any worse if she ate it at a normal rate.

After the meal Simon checked them all into a room for the night, chuckling slightly at the irony of spending his first night of his journey only a five minute walk from his house. Pulling off his clothes and quickly changing into his pyjamas Simon climbed into the bed. Ember jumped up after him and wiggled under the duvet. Quilava looked up at the bed almost wistfully "Hey Quilava jump up there's easily room for one more" Simon said.
"Quil ava ava" Quilava said happily before carefully climbing onto the bed, wincing as the bruises on her stomach brushed the wooden frame of the bed. Ember and Quilava quickly fell asleep but Simon lay awake for a while trying to think about how to ask Quilava to join him; if she did she would need a name... he drifted off to sleep thoughts of his Pokemon still buzzing round his head. Oh well tomorrows another day.
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