AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 5

Simon woke up and slowly turned his head so he could see the clock on the opposite wall, it was 7:00. Deciding that they would probably have to take it slowly as he doubted either Ember of Quilava could walk fast with their injuries and he didn't want to loose any trust by forcing Quilava into a pokeball before it was ready. He slowly and carefully slid out of the covers so as not to wake the sleeping Pokemon he padded over to the door to pick up his clothes; they had been washed overnight by Nurse Joy, making a mental note to thank her on the way out he got dressed and turned around to wake the Pokemon.
"Hey rise and shine" he leant down and scratched Embers head she stretched and slowly rose up onto her feet.
"Vuul" she yawned sleepily
Simon laughed softly "Yeah I know it's early" Ember stood on her rear legs and licked Simon's face "Yeah, good morning to you too" he said laughing harder and gently pushing Ember away "Next time I'll tell you when I need a wash" he tussled the longer hair on her head as she settled down to wait for Quilava.
Simon turned to Quilava, how could he wake her without scaring her, he decided to try what he usually tried with Ember. He reached out and gently stroked her head "Hey, come on wake up we've got to go" he said softly but loud enough to wake her. Quilava slowly opened her eyes, forgetting where she was she shied away from Simon's hand and pressed herself into the corner of the bed. Simon was devastated, didn't she remember; all that time helping her and she was still afraid, his train of thought was interrupted as he felt Quilava soft fur up against his hand again. He turned his head and saw her gently nuzzling his hand; he began stroking her head half laughing, half crying he said "Don't scare me like that again"
"Quil ava Quiil" Quilava said apologetically lowering her head
"It's not your fault" Simon said reassuringly he lifted Quilava's head so he could look into her eyes; yes there was pain there but there was also hope and something else Simon didn't recognise.
"Listen Quilava you want to come with me?" he asked carefully, he took out a pokeball and laid it on the bed "I promise I will protect you and you don't have to stay in the ball if you don't want to"
Quilava cocked her head to a side the walked over to the ball, touched the button in the middle with her nose and disappeared in a gentle red glow. Simon picked up the ball carefully and threw it into the air releasing Quilava "Thank you" he said
"Quil quiiil" Quilava said
Simon laughed "I guess since you're coming with me you're going to need a name" Quilava nodded her head in agreement "Hmm Simon mused, well I gave it a lot of thought last night; what do you think of the name Phoenix"
"Quiiil ava ava" Quilava said enthusiastically
"Okay then it's settled; welcome to the team Phoenix" he gently scratched her head then lowered her to the floor "I know you've met before but why don't you two get better acquainted whilst I go get us some breakfast."
Ember and Phoenix both nodded and began to chatter away to each other. Simon took one more glance over his shoulder to make sure they where okay then shut the door and headed downstairs looking for Nurse Joy or a Chansey.

Simon quickly located Nurse Joy at the receptionists desk, when she spotted him enter the room she turned and greeted him with a chirpy "Good morning Simon"
"Morning" Simon said back
"So what happened with that Quilava" Nurse Joy asked
Simon smiled "Her name is Phoenix and she's coming with me"
Nurse Joy nodded her head "That would probably be for the best; I know you'll take care of her."
"Thanks" Simon said
Nurse Joy spoke up again "I'm guessing you didn't come down here just for a chat" she paused for a few seconds "You want breakfast right?"
Simon laughed "That would be correct"
Ok then Nurse Joy looked down at her computer then explained "the Chansey have just finished cooking a stack of pancakes, you can take then now or we could cook something else if you're willing to wait."
"No no" Simon said "The pancakes sound fine, just make sure Ember's portion only has a little syrup. Ugh you don't want to know what happens when she gets hyper"
Nurse Joy laughed "Gotcha" she turned and started heading towards the door but stopped just before leaving the room and turned to face Simon again "Say while you're here want me to give your Vulpix and quick check-up?"
"No thank you" Simon politely explained "I usually don't use Pokemon centres for anything other than emergencies; it really helps trust if you and you're Pokemon take care of each other"
Nurse Joy nodded "I understand, I'll be out with your food shortly"
"Ok thank you" Simon said.
True to her word Nurse Joy emerged from the back room moments later carrying a plate laden with pancakes. "Here you go sweetie" she said handing the plate to Simon
"Thanks" Simon said taking the plate from Nurse Joy and heading back up to his room. Slowly pushing open the door he found Phoenix and Ember still sitting where he had left them and still talking. Simon loathed breaking up such a vivid conversation, he couldn't understand what they where saying but judging by their body language they where both having a good time. He put the plate down on the floor a slid it between them laughing at the confused expressions that appeared on their faces "Hey everyone breakfast is served" he announced.
Ember scooted over to Simon "vul vul pix vuuuul?" she asked hopefully
Simon laughed "No Ember there's no syrup remember last time?"
Ember's ears drooped "Hey, hey, hey" Simon backtracked "It wasn't your fault, we didn't know you got hyper" Ember perked up a little but was still disappointed by the lack of Syrup.
"Quiiil ava ava?" Phoenix asked, Simon guessed she wanted to know what had happened, he opened his mouth to explain but Ember cut him off. She took about two minutes to explain it to Phoenix but by the end both of them where laughing. Simon smiled their laughter was contagious "I have no idea what you just said Ember" he scolded playfully "But I'm sure it was horribly biased" Ember looked straight into Simon's eyes and blinked "I thought we agreed no playing the I'm horribly cute card" he asked laughing. Finally they had polished off the pancakes and Simon decided it was time to make a move. Standing up he picked up his backpack and put it on.
"Lets get going" he declared as Ember bounced playfully around his feet obviously happy to get going again.
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