AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 6

Simon yet again set out from Floaroma town; he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of deja-vu. They walked slowly down Route 204 admiring the beautiful surroundings; the path was bordered by a thick tree line and there was an abundance of beautiful white flowers on the thin grassy verge at the edge of the road. Ember and Simon walked along drinking in the sights and smells of nature but Phoenix seemed on edge,
Simon noticed this and leant down to try and help her "Try to relax" he coaxed, Ember adding her own encouragement. Phoenix looked a little calmer and licked Simon gently on the chin as if to say thanks; Simon stood up again grinning ear to ear. They had only been walking for a few minutes when Phoenix froze staring into the flowers on the left of the road, Simon stopped and turned, "What's wrong?" he asked anxiously. Ember ran up to Phoenix and after a short exchange also began eyeing the flowers nervously. Simon noticing this behaviour decided to take a look and slowly approached the flower patch, as he got closer he saw a small patch was moving slightly. He leaned in closer and carefully parted the flowers to get a look at what was there; he stood up laughing "Don't worry it's just a Budew" he glanced back down at it "probably a baby one at that" Ember relaxed immediately but Phoenix stayed alert and Simon noticed her shifting into a fighting stance, he ran up to her "Hey, there's no need to hurt him, he's done nothing to you and he's just a little kid" Phoenix looked a little confused and cocked her head to a side but backed down nevertheless. Simon heaved a sigh of relief he wasn't sure that he could get her to back down "I don't know what you where taught by your last trainer but I do things differently to most" he explained carefully, he didn't want to upset Phoenix by reminding her of her previous trainer but at the same time she needed to understand his ethos. Phoenix settled down to listen whilst Ember went over to make friend with the little Budew
"I don't fight any Pokemon that doesn't want to fight and I won't make any Pokemon that doesn't like fighting fight" Simon explained "That Budew didn't want a fight; in fact it was terrified. I won't make anybody fight if they don't want to and I won't judge anybody on their willingness to fight" Phoenix nodded rather moved by Simon's beliefs; they seemed almost the complete opposite to her old trainer's idea that power was everything. Simon glanced over at Ember who was playing with the little Budew, they seemed to be enjoying themselves so he settled down by the roadside to wait for them to finish. Phoenix sat down next to Simon and shot him an inquisitive look, Simon noticed her out of the corner of his eye and shook his head "No, I'm not catching him either; he's too young it would be cruel to take him away from this place so young." He looked down at Phoenix who was staring at him incredulously and laughed "I guessed that pretty well didn't I?"
Phoenix nodded and inquired "Qui lava quiiil?"
Simon again shook his head but he was grinning "No I can't understand you but I have spent so long with Ember that I can take very good guesses at what she's saying, I guess that most fire type Pokemon must share a lot of body language and tines of voice as I can guess you're questions just as easily" he laughed "Of course I have always felt closest to fire types but it may be something more than just educated guesses" Simons grin faded as his face took on a pensive look. Simon's musings where interrupted when Ember came bounding up to him, his face quickly went back to the grin that appeared whenever he saw his Pokemon happy "So you had fun I gather?" he asked rhetorically scratching Ember behind her ears. Ember let out a happy "vul" and licked Simon's hand, Simon's smile grew wider "Shall we get going then?" he laughed "At this rate we won't reach Jubilife city by the end of the week"
He pulled himself to his feet and set off pausing only to check that Ember and Phoenix where following. They walked for the rest of the morning and Simon soon noticed the entrance to the Ravaged Path looming ahead of them; the Ravaged Path was an underground tunnel that joined the upper and lower sections of Route 204. Glancing up at the sum Simon realised that it was past noon, so he decided that they would stop for lunch at the next good place they found. It took mere minutes for Simon to spot a clearing through the trees; it was a little out of their way but he was sure he could just about make out the bubbling of a spring. Stepping off the path Simon began heading for this clearing, Ember and Phoenix gave him odd looks but followed nevertheless. Emerging into the clearing Simon realised it was better than he had expected; it was big enough for the group to sit comfortably, the ground was covered with wild grass and other small wildflowers dotted the floor with spots of colour, in the far corner a small spring bubbled from an outcrop and flowed gently off deeper into the forest. He turned to his friends and leant down "can you two see what you can find around here I'll prepare some lunch" he smiled and explained more carefully to Phoenix "We need to keep our supplies up and since you two can scavenge better then me you both collect berries, useful plants anything in the area whilst I make lunch" then straightening up Simon called after them "Be back in five minutes or I'm coming looking ok!" Ember and Phoenix both shouted back their replies as the disappeared into the underbrush. Humming to himself Simon reached into his bag and pulled out his supplies; he decided on a simple lunch, sandwiches.

Five minutes later Ember and Phoenix emerged from the bushes laden down with berries and plants. Simon smiled as he carefully took their burden off them, he didn't recognise everything but what he did recognise was useful; Oran berries, wild mushrooms and some Salvya weed. He decided he would keep the rest anyway and get it identified in Jubilife city that is if it wasn't mentioned in his survival guide.
"Ok then everyone dig in" he announced as they approached the plate of chicken sandwiches he had prepared for lunch. He took three sandwiches for himself and ate them whilst watching Ember demolish her share. Phoenix was eating much slower relishing the taste Simon smiled, she must really like this if she's eating it like that however his smile soured when he realised she had probably not tasted much other than low grade Pokefood before she had met him. All too soon they had finished their meal and where ready to continue on their journey. Simon invited Ember and Phoenix to drink from the stream and re-filled his canister. Then they exited the clearing and headed onwards towards the Ravaged Path.
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