AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 7

Simon stepped across the threshold and into Ravaged Path Phoenix and Ember slightly behind him. The pathway continued onwards at a slight angle then went around a corner and out of sight, the entire place was lit by lamps placed at intervals along the walls unfortunately this meant some places where lit and others where the natural inky darkness of the cave the road had been built in. The cave was surprisingly noisy, the shifting of Geodude and Onix could be heard echoing around the cave and the high pitched squeal of Zubat and Golbat added to the cacophony, to top it all off the roar of fast moving water added a constant background noise. Simon increased his walking pace slightly; he wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. They made it to the bend in the path when their ears where assaulted by a horrible metallic screeching Simon clamped his hands over his ears feeling sorry for Ember and Phoenix who would be suffering far worse due to their sensitive canine ears. The noise stopped as abruptly as it had started Simon breathed a sigh of relief and leant down to make sure the Pokemon where okay. However with his back turned he didn't notice an Aron emerge from the inky blackness of the cave, it charged at his back with a tackle attack knocking Simon over, he hit the cave floor pretty hard but he didn't think he was that badly hurt. Ember and Phoenix both shouted challenges to this Aron as they took a fighting stance; Simon struggled to his feet and turned to face the Aron, he could taste blood in his mouth now. Aron shifted the metal plates on its back to create the same high pitched squeal and Simon this time recognised it as a metal sound attack. Gritting his teeth through the pain he ordered Ember forward, she leapt forward eager to get revenge both for the assault on her ears and the sneak attack on Simon. Simon couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the poor Aron as Ember let fly with a flamethrower attack. Aron struggled back to it's feet however and leapt at Ember the claws on his feet unsheathed and gleaming in the light from the lamp on the wall "Quick dodge it Ember" Simon called out, Ember however had other ideas. She dropped down so the attack scratched across her back rather than her face like Aron had intended then she hit Aron in the stomach with an ember attack as he passed over her. Ember watched with a smug grin on her face as Aron collapsed unable to fight any further, Simon smiled at Embers victory as he went over to congratulate her. As he approached Ember he noticed the three long gnashes in her back, he hadn't seen the Aron hit her because his view had been blocked by it's body. Leaning down his face now a mask of concern he pulled a potion out of his backpack, "You know the drill" he said jokingly "this is going to hurt but it'll help" Ember nodded and braced herself as Simon used about a third of the potion on the scratches on her back he took the rest a applied it liberally to the downed Aron, even if it had attacked them he couldn't leave it there to be eaten by an Onix or something. He gave Ember one quick check over to make sure that she had received no other injuries then stood up again.
"What do you say to getting out of the cave?" he asked trying to keep the mood light, Phoenix and Ember both nodded their heads enthusiastically and they set off again, Simon setting a slightly slower pace this time as he didn't want to aggravate the wounds on Ember's back he knew the potion would accelerate the healing process but it would still be a few hours until they healed over completely.

It took longer than Simon expected to get out of the cave the path was quite winding and was only sloping very gently. Simon couldn't help but feel that a lot of time could be saved by building a simple flight of stairs. The group happily exited the cave and stood for a few moments at the exit letting their eyes adjust to the twilight and letting their ears rest after the constant cacophony of the cave. Simon glancing at the setting sum realised how late it was getting, they would probably have to set up camp soon. They continued their journey towards Jubilife city but their pace had decreased to a tired trudge, Simon was keeping his eyes open for a possible camp site.
He noticed a thinning of the trees and decided that they should investigate, they had found the first of the three large reservoirs on the northern side of Jubilife city, Simon sighed this landmark was about a six hour walk from the town. Simon decided that it would be a good idea to camp on the bank of the reservoir, they would have clean water and the nearby forest would have an abundance of firewood. Placing his backpack on the ground he pulled the tent off its straps and began to set it up, "Hey Ember, Phoenix whilst I'm doing this can you two get some firewood" the Pokemon nodded and headed off towards the wood. Simon final wrestled his tent into position "This is what I hate about camping" he muttered under his breath aiming a half-hearted kick at the tent. Pulling a trowel out of side pocket of his bag he set about digging a fire pit. Ember and Phoenix returned whilst he was still digging carrying a good quantity of firewood between them Ember had also managed to find some Chople berries somewhere. Simon laughed as Ember dropped the berries at his feet after dumping the firewood next to his half finished fire pit "Okay it get it." Simon knew Ember lover Chople berries for their spicy flavour. He quickly finished off the fire pit Ember and Phoenix lending a helping paw, walking over to the pile of firewood they had found he picked a few small dry sticks for tinder and placed them in the bottom of the pit, he turned to Ember "ok you know what to do" Ember nodded and shot a small gout of flame into the pit lighting the sticks; Simon waited for the fire to grow slightly then added a lot more fuel. Simon made a quick meal using the remainder of the chicken and the Chople berries Ember had found. The group was just about polishing the meal when Ember's ears pricked up, she had heard something. Simon whirled in a quick circle and spotted the source of the sound a figure was approaching from further around the lake. The figure emerged into the soft firelight it was a fairly young girl, Simon let out a sigh of relief "Hello" he said politely "What can I do for you"
"Hello" the girl replied "My name is Helen I saw your campfire so I came to investigate" she looked down and saw Ember and Phoenix, who was cowering behind Simon "Wow you must be a Pokemon trainer"
Simon nodded laughing "Yes, this is Ember and this is Phoenix, she's a bit shy" he gestured to each of the Pokemon in turn.
Helen nodded "Wow cool a Vulpix!" she knelt down and gently patted Ember on the head "Hey I'm a Pokemon trainer too want to battle"
Simon smiled "well you're asking the wrong person ask the Pokemon"
Helen laughed but obliged "Either of you want to fight my little Skitty?" she asked
Ember shook her head but to Simon's surprise Phoenix accepted the challenge. "You don't need to do this" Simon whispered to Phoenix. She turned to Simon
"Quil ava ava quiiil ava" Simon understood she wanted to prove herself
Simon shook his head sadly "Okay then but please if you get too hurt let me know"
Helen walked away a couple of paces to give their Pokemon room to fight "Go Skitty" she called out tossing her Pokeball up in the air in a flash of bright light a Skitty appeared heckles raised ready for a fight. Phoenix jumped forward without Simon saying anything and took it's own fighting stance.
"Skitty doubleslap!" called out Helen; Skitty ran forward it's hand like tail raised menacingly
"Quick dodge and counterattack with takedown" Simon called out to Phoenix, she dove to a side avoiding Skitty's attack and charged at him a determined look on her face. Phoenix's attack struck home and both Pokemon went flying head over heels, Skitty slammed into the ground hard but got back up; Phoenix landed on her feet and skidded round to face her foe.
"Skitty sing!" Helen called out after a moments pause, Skitty opened it mouth and began to sing a beautiful melody, Simon saw Phoenix's eyelids droop and looked down Ember wasn't faring much better.
"Phoenix quick attack now" Simon called out hoping Phoenix could put a stop to the song before it managed to take full effect. Phoenix charged forward as fast as it could and dealt Skitty another powerful blow but it stayed on it's feet. Skitty charged back with a double edge attack.
"Phoenix you've got to get out of the way!" Simon called out scared for Phoenix's health. She tried to dodge the attack but the song had left her movements slow and awkward; she was unable to get out of the way in time. Skitty connected and sent Phoenix skidding backwards across the ground Simon gritted his teeth as he heard her howls of pain "Phoenix you still want to fight?" he called out. Phoenix answered by struggling to her feet and hitting Skitty with a tackle attack, it wasn't very strong but it knocked Skitty into the lake. Helen was forced to withdraw Skitty since it couldn't swim.
"That was quite unorthodox but good match" she called across to Simon
"Thanks" Simon called back he wasn't really paying attention to her he was more worried about Phoenix who was now laying in a crumpled heap in the middle of the battlefield. He ran over to her a picked her up "You okay?" he asked concerned.
Phoenix opened her eyes "Quil...ava" then she closed them again Simon laughed relived she was just tired.
"Well I guess its time to go to bed" he told Ember "tent I mean" he added jokingly
He opened the tent flap and lovingly placed Phoenix's sleeping form down on the sleeping bag before getting in himself and falling asleep with Ember beside him and Phoenix resting gently on his legs.
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