AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 8

Simon felt an eerie breeze on his face. He slowly opened his eyes; his tent and his Pokemon where gone instead there was an endless expanse of beach. Everything seemed off the sand was pitch black and the sky was completely empty, no sun, no moon, no clouds, no nothing. Simon turned around quickly, the scenery seemed to follow him, no matter where he faced the sea line was in front of him stretching off into infinity. Just to Simon's left was a taller figure he hadn't noticed him until just then, it was his father. "Dad it's good to finally have you back" Simon says hugging him. His dad slowly and sadly shook his head and began slowly moving towards the ocean leaving Simon behind on the beach "No dad! Please don't go! Not again!" Simon cried out as his father reached the water line and began sinking slowly into the sea fading from view. The waves on the shore got bigger and rougher Simon father disappeared below the surface the waves where now huge and a tsunami was heading straight for Simon who was on his knees sobbing.

Just as the wave hit Simon woke up with a start covered in cold sweat he sat up straight breathing heavily. The sudden movement woke up Ember who "vul"ed tiredly as she stretched. Simon slowly pulled his feet out of the sleeping bag jogging but not waking Phoenix he stumbled out of the tent and flopped onto his back outside by the lake sobbing quietly. Ember knew Simon was distressed she followed him carefully out of the tent "Vul pix pix vuuuul?" she asked worried.
Simon looked up tears still evident on his face he saw Ember and forced a weak smile "no, no I'm fine" he insisted
Ember wasn't fooled she knew Simon too well for that she slowly approached him and licked a few of the tears off his face "vul vul pix" she insisted.
Simon shook his head sadly "It's that damn nightmare again, I thought I had gotten over it but I guess the proximity to water has brought it back with a vengeance." He sighed.
"vul vuuul" Ember said worried, for about a year after his father had died Simon had been plagued by these nightmares and they still came occasionally when he was near large bodies of water or sometimes with no apparent reason.
Simon smiled a proper smile glad that Ember still understood "Go get some sleep I'll be fine" he insisted
"vuuuul pix vul!" Ember scolded jumping onto Simon's stomach
Simon smiled again the sadness however not leaving his eyes "So? You're not sleeping until I do?"
Ember nodded smiling happy that he had understood "Fine then" Simon grumbled gently lifting Ember off his chest he sat up a shifted forward towards the lake. Ember saw that he was shivering in the cold night air so she moved up to him, being a fire type her body could warm him up. Simon noticed something brushing up against him and looked down, Ember was right next to him sitting and leaning against him. Simon gently stroked her head "Thanks" he mumbled.
"vul vuuul piiix vulpix" Ember replied
Simon nodded "Yeah you're right I would do the same for you" he scratched her head and stood up "So shall we head back in"
Ember nodded and gave a curt "vul" before following Simon back towards the tent
"Oh and one more thing" Simon stopped and turned to face Ember "Thank you again, you're always there when I need you"
Ember lowered her head slightly hiding her face then jumped into Simon's arms "vul vuuul pix" she declared
"Huh? What?" Simon hadn't heard this tone of voice before and was at a complete loss as to what Ember had said. Ember thought about it for a few seconds before reaching up and giving Simon a peck on the cheek and jumping back to the floor. Simon reached up and gently touched his cheek; he couldn't help wondering if that was something more than a friendly kiss. He slowly ambled back into the tent in a daze, Ember was waiting patiently inside and Phoenix was still curled up on the bottom of the sleeping bag. Simon lay down slowly and closed his eyes, Ember took her usual place right by his head, Simon lay like that mulling over the possibilities of that kiss; what did it mean? Was it right to be this confused over it? What did Ember say just before the kiss and why was it he hadn't heard that tone before? These questions still bouncing around his head he slowly drifted back off to sleep.
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