AGNPH Stories

Wildfire by abbodon


Story Notes:

I will try and keep a chapter word count of around 1,000 but this will fluxuate depending on my mood. I would also like to warn people that I am dyslexic so please ignore any bad grammer or obvious mistakes you see, my spell checker should catch most of them but the most glaring ones have a habit of falling through the netDisclaimer: I do not own pokemon or any of the realted characters however I do own all of my OC's so mitts off unless you have my permissionNote: This story is also posted at, do not report this as stolen it is my story I am just posting it in two places to get a larger reader base.I would also like to inform readers that although this story has got several warnings it starts very light maybe Pg13ish but it does however get much darker as the plot progresses

Chapter 9

Simon was woken up by Ember early the next morning, smiling he propped himself up on his elbows "Good morning Ember, is Phoenix up?"
Ember nodded smiling happily "Vul vuuul pix?" she asked a little worry in her tone
Simon smiled and rubbed Ember's head "I'm fine just a little tiered, the nightmare didn't come back" Ember relaxed a little.
Simon got up and packed up all his camp supplies, Phoenix was sitting by the waters edge talking to Ember. Simon finally finished the preparations and was ready to go "Come on guys, it's only about 6 hours to town" Ember and Phoenix both stood up and followed him back towards the path. Simon walked ahead but couldn't help noticing the looks Phoenix kept giving him out of the corner of his eyes. Deciding to find out what was going on he pulled off his pack and squatted down by the roadside "Phoenix what's wrong?" he asked
"quil ava ava quil" Phoenix asked, Simon could sense curiosity and maybe pity in her voice.
"Ember did you tell her about my nightmare?" he asked a little annoyed he would have liked to keep it a secret, but then again Phoenix deserved to know. Ember nodded looking ashamed, Simon comforted her "It doesn't matter, I just would have preferred for her to find out from me" Ember smiled and licked Simon on the hand by way of apology.
"So then" Simon turned to Phoenix "I'm guessing Ember told you I had a nightmare but not much about it"
Phoenix nodded and added "quil ava ava"
Simon guessed "Ah, she told you they where frequent too?"
Phoenix smiled and nodded "quil quil avaa?"
Simon laughed "I know Ember very well that's how" his face turned serious "I guess I should start at the beginning then?" Phoenix nodded "I think it was about three and a bit months after I found Ember here" he rubbed Embers head "my Dad died he went out to sea one day and didn't come back, he was a sailing enthusiast but my mother got seasick and so do I so we stayed home." Simon sniffed a little but continued "We think he drowned at sea but they never found his body; that makes it worse however because I still have a shred of hope that my dad still lives"
"Quil ava quiiil?" Phoenix asked
This was an easy guess for Simon "What does this have to do with my nightmares?" he snorted "They started about a week after my dad vanished, they're always the same and they used to come about once a week however they got better as time went on. Now they come maybe once every two months but they also tend to be more regular when I'm near large bodies of water" Simon sighed "The whole thing left me afraid to go into the water, I'm okay near it but not more than waist deep or on a boat" he laughed sarcastically "I would probably totally freak out if I was pushed into a river"
"Quiiil ava ava quil?" Phoenix asked
Simon had to think about the question for a while before guessing "What was my dad like?" Phoenix nodded and smiled Simon thought about it again for a while before answering "The sad thing it I don't remember much, he was quite tall with brown hair and a beard and dark blue eyes, I know he liked sailing but that's the only thing I know about his hobbies. He was quite that distant but he really loved my mum." Simon thought about it a bit more "His name was Archie" he sighed "but that's all I know, I never got close enough to him and I regret it every day" Simon sighed again and stood up picking up his bag "Now can we get a move on?" his voice wasn't unkind but his desire to leave this conversation behind him was evident.
Ember thought about it for a second and decided to try and lighten the mood she knocked the head off a nearby flower and began to chase it around and pounce on it like a kitten. Simon noticed this and a faint smile spread across his face, the smile grew when he looked down to see Phoenix eyeing Ember like she had gone completely insane. He walked up behind Ember and scooped her up "Thank you" he said hugging Ember to him "Thank you for being here" he reiterated before placing her back down and continuing along the road his mood considerably lifted.

The group made good time and before long Simon notice the tree line around the edge of the reservoir closest to Jubilife city, they where still about a hours walk from town the. The urban skyline was obvious against the natural woodland valley it was built ink; Simon stopped walking and took a deep breath before exhaling "Not long now" he declared happily he turned to face the Pokemon "You guys want to take a quick snack break" he asked. Phoenix and Ember flopped to the ground nodding their heads "I'll take that as a yes" Simon laughed he walked over to the side of the road finding a flat place and set his bag down. Reaching in he pulled out a chocolate bar "Phoenix I hope you like chocolate" he joked as he split the bar in three
"vul pix!" Ember added
Simon laughed "that was unnecessary" he said handing each of them their portion of the bar. They sat and ate in silence, the break was over to quickly for everyone's taste but they knew that they had to get going again if they wanted to reach Jubilife city by lunch time. Simon picked up his pack and began walking away when he was interrupted by a squeal from beyond the trees in the direction of the lake. Simon stopped walking and listened, the squeal came again sounding more pleading and desperate this was shortly followed by several worried and nervous shout and squeals probably by others of the same species. Simon didn't know what Pokemon had a cry like that but it was clear it was in trouble "Looks like we've got ourselves a little detour" he shouted as he crashed off towards the source of the sound.
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