AGNPH Stories

Neko by zingricochet


Story Notes:

Yes, another Riolu/Lucario story. You'll have to deal with it, sorry.Sexless until chapter 5. I wanted to develop the characters' personalities first.

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Other standard stuff applies as well. You don't like Pokemon smut or are under 18, leave now. Otherwise, enjoy.


"Grandma, what is that?"

"Not what," came the response, "but WHO."

"All right, then WHO is that?"

I had just stumbled upon (well, "nearly tripped on" would be a more accurate choice of words) a mass of blue and black fur lying on the rug in the family room. And it was ALIVE! Very much alive, as I discovered when it woke up nearly underneath my feet and immediately scampered away behind the couch. Boy, I've never seen something run as fast as that. The creature hid behind the couch, waited for a few moments, then cautiously slid its head around the side of the armrest as if to say 'Who just disturbed me?' Meanwhile, I was frozen in my place, trying not to make any sudden noises while at the same time craning my neck to try to see around the corner of the couch. Now what did they say about curiosity and cats? And who was the cat in this situation, the creature or me?

"Why that's our Riolu. She's one of the rarer Pokemon out there. But dear, how could you have lived in this house for two weeks and not notice her?"

"I... I don't know," I replied. "I guess I wasn't paying attention."

More like too absorbed in my misery to take in my surroundings.

I had heard of Pokemon before of course. Half the TV channels were devoted to them after all, given their impact on our world. And what kid was allowed outside without a stern warning about staying out of the tall grass? Furthermore, one year prior, my father had bought me as a gift an official Pokedex Encyclopedia, a paperback book containing all the latest data from trainers worldwide, minus the fun talking voice (the audio-enabled version cost $50 more). I had merely skimmed through it at first, but I soon regarded it as one of my most precious posessions and studied it nightly. Yet something didn't make sense.

"Grandma, how come I never saw this Re--Reealum Pokemon in my Pokedex Encyclerpedia before?"

"It's 'Riolu' dear, and she's a fairly new discovery," she told me. "Your book is nearly ten years old after all."

"But daddy gave it to me last year!"

"It's an old edition then."

"Oh." Accursed logic, my immortal enemy.

I was silent for another moment. The Riolu, apparently sensing the calmness of familiar voices, slowly slid out from behind the couch. My hands itched to pet her, but I was scared she'd run away again. My grandma must have noticed my dilemma, for she smiled and said "It's alright Justtyn, I'm sure she'll let you pet her."

I held out my hand, and she slowly inched toward it. She gave a reluctant sniff, and upon finding nothing distasteful she immediately switched gears and started nuzzling my hand. "Well that was easy," I muttered as a smile crept over my face. I scratched between her ears, making her giggle slighty, before looking up at my grandmother.

"Does she have a name?"

This time it was my grandfather who answered, in a rather dark, gruff voice. "Nope. Friend o' mine gave me 'er egg as a gift couple 'a years ago. She only responds to 'Riolu.' Think I tried naming her once, but she 'parently didn't like the name Ezbaleena."

'No kidding, that's a horrible name,' I thought to myself. Weird names must run in the family or something. Rather than voicing that thought out loud though, I contented myself with an indifferent "Ah."

I continued to pet the Riolu for yet another moment until Grandma broke the silence. "So, who wants some sandwiches?"

"I do!" I exclaimed (Grandpa just grunted, his way of saying yes). Giving the Riolu's head one more stroke, I stood up and made way for the kitchen. On my way though, I was suddenly struck by a flash of... happiness? It was a strange feeling, almost as if it wasn't my own emotion. I stopped in my tracks and looked back at the Riolu, who gave no sign that anything had just happened. Confused, I headed back into the kitchen.

"Must have been my imagination."
Chapter End Notes:Keeping characters consistent is harder than I thought =/

Next chapter is also going to be more plot development, then I think after that they'll finally start their journey
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