AGNPH Stories

When the Sun Rises and Midnight Comes by kiaace


Story Notes:

Bah. I tried to write this without spoiling the story for the series. I couldn't write this later or I would lose inspiration.

When the Sun Rises and Midnight Comes.

Sunrise, an espeon, lay in her bed, exhausted from the contest earlier today. Apparently, the champion of the contests was some kind of human illusionist. He had changed to Dialga in front of their very eyes! He could even use Dialga's signature move, the roar of time. Of course, they were beaten badly. The other coordinator mysteriously disappeared, along with the ribbon. Strangely enough, there didn't appear to be a trainer. Sighing and exhausted, she closed her eyes to rest. Her mate, a flareon, padded into the room.
"Is there anything wrong, Sunrise? You don't look very happy. I know we lost today, but it was expected. How can we stand our chance against Dialga?" The flareon nuzzled his mate.
"I know...Solace. It's just...nothing. You're always there to comfort me, Solace...I'm grateful."
"That's why I'm your mate." The flareon snuggled beside his mate, still gently nuzzling her fur. Sunrise could smell the gentle smell of arousal in the air.
"Not today...Solace. I'm dead beat, and I'm bruised everywhere." She pawed gently at the flareon's fur. "Solace, I want to ask you something." Her eyes shied away. "Do you still love me like you did?"
"Now come on Sunrise. What are mates for? Of course I still love you! Besides, you know how much you enjoy this..." The flareon licked his lips suggestively. He lay next to the espeon and pulled her closer to him. Sunrise felt the warm feeling of a flareon's pelt on hers. She was just too tired to resist. Also, this was really the only thing that appealed to her anymore.
"Alright, Solace. But I won't go too many times." The espeon stood up in bed, and stretched her hind legs a little wider. "You can take anything you want." She teased. Hopefully, this would clear a day of troubles and defeats.
"Alright...I'll have your breakfast in the morning." Both of them laughed. However, deep down inside, Sunrise instinctively knew that something was missing from her life. Hollow resonance came out of her mouth. She was just not cut out for this relationship. When she first met Solace, the two of them were still eevees then. It was love at first sight, then.
She padded through the musky forest, looking for Bill. It was getting late at night, and she felt a tingle of fear course through her spine. After all, she types did not appreciate darkness, and it was getting cold. She felt her brown pelt shivering, and she huddled under a tree. One final desperate attempt. She was not going to die here.
"Bill! Where are you?" She wailed. "Come...please..." Her breath was condensing in a misty cloud, as snow slowly fell from the sky. She knew that it would not help, as her master would only hear "".
"Cold night...ain't it..." A puff of warm, moist air hit her face. "Kinda makes you want to snuggle up tightly. My name's Solace."
" meet you, Solace." Somehow, she felt attracted to this stranger. She felt herself unconsciously moving closer to him, attracted to his scent. As she took a look at the mysterious person behind the tree, to see a male eevee. The sun had fully set by now, and the moon was at its brightest. It got even colder out, now that the sun had set.
"Cold...need warmth..." Sunrise shivered. Her brown fur did little to aid the chill. She huddled into a ball, next to Solace. He didn't seem to be affected by the chill at all. "You're so warm..."
"I can't explain why I'm not affected by the cold. Is it because of you?" Solace teased playfully. "I know how to make it warmer, while you wait for your trainer to come." He stood up.
They embraced and touched noses in the romantic setting of the moonlit night. It was then when Sunrise had her first exploration into her body. As Solace mounted the virgin, she was filled with fear. "What are you going to do to me?"
"You'll see..." Solace was clearly aroused. He got off. "It's obvious you haven't done this I shall give you a little...taste of it first. Otherwise, I can't get out."
"Get out?" She was getting more afraid by the second. "What do you mane get out? How are you going to get in in the first place....!" She was surprised by Solace's sudden movements. Solace bent over and licked her in between her legs. She squealed in happiness. Solace's warm, slimy tongue ran circles around her cunt. Strangely enough, she had never had any naughty thoughts like this before. She moaned in pleasure. A little bead of her pussy juice slid down Solace's lips, and his saliva trickled slowly down her hind legs. Solace slowly removed his warm tongue from her pussy.
"That...felt...good...hey! Why'd you stop?" Now that the original warmth was gone, the liquid only made her feel colder. Her hind legs were paralysed with cold.
"Sorry. I forgot that you felt the chill." Smiling, Solace mounted her. "Feel warmer now?"
"Yes...but you're kinda heavy for an this your first time? You know...doing this?" She asked. Solace seemed to know more about this strange pleasure that she felt.
"It's called mating. And yes, this is my first time."
"Then how do you know so much about it?"
"I've seen others." He said matter of factly. He erected, and thrusted deep into her already moist cunt. She squealed harder, his member even more fulfilling than his tongue. As he repeated the motion by moving his hind quarter up and down, letting his member slide in and out of her cunt. The pleasure slowly built up, to a point where she felt like screaming. His weight didn't matter anymore to her, only the pleasure did. Finally, Solace let out a stream of sticky white liquid as he was outside her cunt, spraying his cum all over her. As she climaxed at the same time, she screamed, and she felt her muscles in her body tense. Suddenly, she was filled with an unusual amount of energy, and she glowed. Looking at Solace, he was also glowing, albeit a firey red.
"We're...evolving? But why?" Sunrise was puzzled. Solace's fur was very warm now.
"Because we've matured..." Solace noted. Sunrise absorbed the power, feeling herself becoming more aware of her surroundings. She could hear the butterflies desperately flying around, looking for food in this desperate winter. She could sense each snowflake as it hit the ground. Feeling her body morph, she changed in size and shape, and her fur turned from a dull brown to a lustrous pink. She had turned into an espeon. Solace, having a fiery temper, felt himself becoming larger in size, and was filled with inner fire. He grew a fiery yellow mane, and his fur changed to that of a deep red.
"Sunrise! Where are you! Ahh...Sunrise...?" Bill was puzzled. Bill was Sunrise's trainer. "You evolved!" He looked at Solace. "Who is this beside you?"
"He's my friend. We just met. Now, we've mated with each other." Their tails caressed each other's flanks. Bill coughed uncomfortably.
" come I can understand you now?" Bill was shocked. It was true. Espeon's could psychically communicate with other humans.
"Because I'm an espeon now." He returned to his master's side. "Solace, do you want to join me? It's really a nice life living with Bill. He takes good care of me."
"I don't see why not...especially when we can be together." Solace smiled.
Bill was happy to have another pokémon, and so didn't mind Solace tagging along. At first, their relationship was bristling, but later on, she felt empty inside, as though something was missing. Their relationship was fueled only by these sporadic moments of passion and sex for one another, not the intense emotion that first brought them together. A mix of pain and pleasure brought her back to reality. Solace had erected and thrusted it into her.
However, she felt little pleasure from this, probably because she no longer felt any emotion for Solace anymore. She just no longer liked the feeling of having a hard, rough stick being shoved into her. She whined as Solace's thrusting became more vigorous and quick, and he climaxed with one final thrust. Panting, Solace removed his flaccid member from her moist pussy. She certainly almost never climaxed anymore. Sensing something wrong, Solace asked.
"Sunrise, didn't you enjoy that? You don't seem to be very happy..." He was sincerely worried for his mate. "If you're not feeling well...then I can stop..."
"'s just that..." A tear slid down the corner of her starry eye. "I...don't seem to love you as much any...more...Solace." Her tears burst the dam, and flowed out freely. "This relationship just empty...only moments like...these make it more bearable...and even then...I don't seem to enjoy them anymore!" She closed both her eyes, sniffing on the bed. Solace, flabbergasted, stuttered a faint reply.
"Is it because there's something wrong with me? Are you sick? I don't understand...everything alright...right?"
"You'll never understand! All you think about is using me like a tool. There's no genuine passion anymore ever since we evolved!" Sunrise let out all her emotions in one go. She just could not take it anymore. Getting off the bed, she ran out of the house, tears streaming beside her.
"Sunrise...I...don't..." Solace turned to stop her, but she batted him aside. Solace stared in astonishment
"I'm going to somewhere else. Somewhere where I'm more loved." Sunrise left without any further words, her faint shadow on the snowy ground, reflected by the stars and the full moon above her. "Goodbye...Solace. The ride's been nice...but now...I don't know what to do!" She started to run.
"Waiiit! " Solace screamed in desperation. He ran after Sunrise. "Where are you going to go to? Who will take care of you?"
"I'll find someone...maybe Kiaace will do. He treats his pokémon well, to the extent of mating with them. Maybe he'll show me a little more affection." With that, Sunrise left. Bill, waking up from the commotion, saw only Solace there.
"Solace, where's Sunrise? Isn't she in bed with you?" Bill asked Solace.
"Flare...flar...flare..." Solace whimpered between sniffs.
"Well, we're gonna find her. Hopefully, she'll come back." Bill was worried that something bad would happen to sunrise. "Any idea where she's heading?"
"Flare...fla...Kia...Kia...ace...flare." Solace crouched on the ground.
"Kiaace? You mean the trainer who won the contest?" Bill was surprised. He just could not see the relationship between the two of them. "Well...that's my only lead. We leave tomorrow."
"You're right...we leave tomorrow. For my mate!" The flareon roared, his master unable to understand him.
Sunrise cried. The chill was haunting her. As she lay on the undergrowth, almost passing out from the cold, she stared at the sun setting above her. "I won't die here. It's just...this scene feels so familiar to me." She closed her eyes, remembering how she had first met Solace. Suddenly, a gust of steam hit her face. A hot spring! What luck! She padded into the hot spring, feeling revitalized for the first time in days.
"I sense someone yourself." A cold, female voice sounded. "Espeon, am I right? Not a good time to come here. What is your purpose?"
"Who are you?" Sunrise was filled with fear. "What do you want with me?" She looked around. "Firstly, where are you?" A yellow ring appeared.
"I apologise for concealing myself. I like to come alone in my spare time." The umbreon replied. "My name is Midnight. I've always been solitary, and so I overreacted to you. My sincere apologies." She lowered her head. Sunrise noticed that she looked beautiful. Shaking her head, she reminded herself.
-"I'm a female...I can't have emotions for another..."-
"Why must you hide yourself? There's nothing to fear from me..." Sunrise asked, disguising her uncertainty. Midnight was a peculiar umbreon.
"I just...don't like company. I've no use for friends. Friendship causes pain." She lifted her front paw to show a large scar on it.
"Why? It's fun to be with friends...and they lighten the mood..." She found herself unable to defend this point.
"If that is true, then why are you also alone?" Midnight raised an eyebrow.
"I...broke up with my mate recently. I needed to cool down..." At the mention of mate, Midnight snarled, dashing towards Sunrise, who was unable to defend herself. Midnight leapt up in the air, curling up into a ball in mid air. She rolled twice, and was going to land on her forepaws. Sunrise cowered, unable to react. Fear had paralyzed her. Midnight, expression changing all of a sudden, unrolled herself and landed on her forepaws, creating a dark V-shape of pulsing darkness that rippled the earth itself. Due to her absolute control, it merely grazed Sunrise's fur, a few strands in the air. As they stared at each other face to face, their conflicting emotions cancelling each other's. Strangely enough, Midnight was blushing, and she felt herself heating up as well.
"That...s a good...move you're using..." Sunrise was quivering with fear and excitement. "How did you learn it?" She wanted to get stronger. When she had executed the move, Midnight just looked so elegant in mid air, Sunrise found herself liking her more every second. Shaking her head again, she reminded herself once more of her sexual orientation.
"I lead a solitary life. I must defend myself. In my free time, I practice." Midnight murmured.
"Midnight, why did you have such an adverse reaction when I said..." Midnight raised a paw. Sunrise, sensing the tension, quickly adapted her words. "You know what I mean..."
"Please don't talk of love...I had a mate once. We mated as eevees. Solace, his name was. It was then I realized that he did not really care about me...he just wanted the sex. I was just a toy to him. It's a lie that females like us feel pleasure from having hard sticks shoved into us. He abandoned me when he found out I was pregnant. I never got over the pain, and loss that I felt when he left me. That's why I'm an umbreon now." A tear slid down the corner of her black fur, glinting. Sunrise had other thoughts.
"The mate I just broke up with was called Solace too...could he be the same one?" Sunrise needed to know more, her espeon nature making her go on a quest for knowledge.
"Is he an eevee? If he still is, then his fur should be warmer than usual. If he's evolved, most likely he would become a flareon." Sunrise, nodding, told her the story. Midnight spat on the floor.
"Typical. Good that you broke up." The sun was setting once more. Sunrise had found another friend, one who was true. "It's going to get cold later on. We better make a move on if we are to get shelter." Following her, Sunrise padded after the umbreon. The emotions in her heart were so conflicting right now, she could not separate right from wrong. She felt strangely attracted to this female umbreon, which she knew was unnatural. Her line of thought was broken when her muzzle nudged into the umbreon's pussy. It smelt so nice to her...
"Please look where you're going." Midnight said coldly. Strangely, there was a smell of arousal emanating from her. "Anyway, we're here." She pointed her muzzle towards the sheltered alcove. As the two of them took refuge in it, they found themselves huddling for warmth. "This...feeling is so strange..." Midnight muttered. Sunrise caught her chance.
"You were brilliant today...Midnight..." Sunrise beat about the bush. "You looked so beautiful in the air, I found myself attracted to you. Is this...feeling mutual?" Midnight smiled.
"I thought you'd never ask that..." Midnight moved to Sunrise's naughty bits. She licked them tentatively. "Not bad...the taste. You're getting aroused...aren't you?" Sunrise squirmed under Midnight, sensing her equal arousal. Midnight's pussy had a strong smell that was very stimulating. Stuffing her muzzle in, Midnight gave a startled yelp. "I need to warm up first..."
"Sorry...I've never had lesbian sex before." Sunrise was apologetic.
"Neither have I." Midnight commented. The moonlight rippled off their pelts. "Shall we continue?" Midnight continued to lick Sunrise's pussy. Her tongue moved in a circular motion, first massaging her vaginal muscles before sticking it in. Inside, her saliva mixed with Sunrise's pussy juices, creating a wet environment. Midnight, enjoying the flavor, started licking more vigorously. Sunrise, returning the favor, licked Midnight's cunt once or twice, enjoying the taste and stimulating Midnight at the same time. When Midnight was wet enough, Sunrise, once again, shoved her muzzle up Midnight's cunt, making her yelp again. When she was inside, she stuck her own tongue out and started rubbing the walls. The liquid spilling from her muzzle was mingling with Midnight's. She felt pleasured for the first time in days, and she understood why now. Midnight actually cared about her, and so the feeling was so different. Midnight was careful to avoid any pain, and she also did the same.When she climaxed, she let out a shrill pitched whine, feeling her muscles contract and relax again. Suddenly, she heard a yelp coming from inside the alcove. Midnight stopped as well. It wasn't her imagination.
"Did you...hear something?" Sunrise asked. She sent a gentle psychic wave out into the dark alcove, to sense three figures in the alcove. One was hers, and one was Midnight's. But who was the third one? Midnight padded over and grabbed the figure's snowy fur by its pelt.
"Some absol was watching." Kiaace reared his head in desperation, trying to hurt her with the horn on his head.
"I'm sorry...I was sleeping in the alcove, hiding from the cold, and then the two you started doing strange things to each other. The noise woke me.up" Kiaace freed himself. He stared at Sunrise, with fear. "Don't eat me!" Kiaace whimpered gently.
"Who are you?" Sunrise asked the strange absol. She had heard that voice before.
"I...don't know. Nice to meet you...aren't you Sunrise? You know, the espeon owned by Bill?" Kiaace replied.
"I no longer have a trainer." Her gaze shied away for a moment. "Are you a human by any chance?" Sunrise asked on. "Why are you an absol now?" Midnight, obviously confused, asked Sunrise.
"You know each other?" Midnight's tone became cold again. "Another guy? I thought you got over traitor!" Midnight snarled.
"He's not my mate! I just know him because he reminds me of a very kind trainer." Sunrise was also confused. She thought Kiaace was human. "what's up with those cute booties?" Midnight almost laughed as I blushed in embarrassment.
"I...don't know!" He stared at his own paws fearfully. "I passed out, and when I woke up, I just...well was surrounded by strangers. They took good care for me, except fot the..." Midnight cut him off.
"You have an absol mate." Midnight finished.
"What's a mate? I...don't understand..." Kiaace tilted his head to one side.
"Your arousal is all over the air. Besides, there is a smell of another female in the cave, and you're still a little wet from your recreation." Midnight replied, matter of factly.
"I what? I thought it was natural to act like this near a female of the same species. That's what she told me...!" Kiaace found himself strapped to the floor by invisible buckles. He struggled, his limbs futilely twitching against the strong psychic grip. His eyes glowed with fear now. "What is this!? Please! I'm not good to eat!"
Sunrise, eyes glowing, said gently. "Since you've watched us mate, we deserve a little...payback." She turned to Midnight. "Head or tail?" She teased. His eyes widened impossibly.
"I want the head." Midnight, understanding, smiled.
"What are you gonna do to me? I don't want to die! Leave me alone!" Kiaace was terrified. "I'm sorry I intruded on your privacy." The light from his gauntlets glowed, but were contained in an imaginary sphere of force. "You're gonna eat me alive!" Kiaace whined gently.
"Relax." The espeon licked his horn gently. "We're not going to harm you. In fact, you might enjoy yourself." Their sweet scent filled the room, and Kiaace obviously found them attractive. Shaking his head, his breathing rate sped and his heart beat faster as he tried to struggle free with renewed vigor.
"She told me not to meet any other females. I can't have two more! What will people think of me?" He whispered, half to himself. Midnight's ears twitched. She lowered her hind quarter, making sure to avoid his sharp horn. Sunrise pawed at his white belly, making him laugh, and he opened his mouth. Midnight, sensing her chance, slammed her rump down on his mouth, letting his breath condense on her already moist pussy. Kiaace, eyes wide open now, kept his muzzle tightly clamped. Midnight did not have a strong, tangy taste like Adelina, but a gentler, more subtly sweet taste. He found himself liking this more and more every second. Sunrise, on the other end, lapped at the absol's member to erect and harden it, making the absol whine in surprise and pleasure that he had only just felt today. Tentatively, Sunrise started to ride the absol's white member, letting her juices flow freely. All three of them were sweating now, despite the bitter chill that haunted them earlier. Midnight was yelping, panting violently. As the three of them neared climax, they became rougher with one another, enjoying it as much as they normally would. Sunrise then understood. It was a poor relationship that ruined the feeling, not that the feeling was becoming less pleasurable. Whining loudly, she climaxed, vaginal muscles tensing to the point of squeezing Kiaace's cock dry. Midnight let out a startled groan as she had her first orgasm in ages. Kiaace was too labored to speak, the psychic cuffs that bound him loosening as Sunrise lost her focus. Rolling over, he lay on his back; paws pointed towards the sky, feeling his member slowly shrink in size again. Gauntlets glowing once more, he felt the unfamiliar feel of power, but this time, he did not change much. His fur changed color to a pinkish tint, and the horn on his head disappeared. As espeon, he was.
"You're one of us now. An eon." Sunrise nudged him. As he stood up, a beam of light hit his face.
"That certainly...was a new experience." Kiaace said between labored breaths. As he looked into the horizon, the sun slowly rose. The beauty of refracting light on crystalline snowflakes reared its head, making the sunrise even more beautiful. "Look..." He said, half awed. The female couple stared dozily at the sunrise.
"That's you..." Midnight commented. Sunrise playfully nudged her in the face, her tail caressing the length of her black pelt. The sunlight and the warmth that came with it rippled off their pelts, as the three of them stared at the beauty of nature.
"Anyway, I need to go. Adelina's gonna kill me!" He looked at his pink fur, stained with cum and pussy juices. He whimpered at the thought "I'm gonna find it hard to explain why I'm firstly, an espeon now, and secondly, why I'm covered in love juices, and thirdly, why there's two females following me who are also covered in love juices. She's gonna kill me." He shook his head. "Mother!" He cried out.
"What do you mean by following you?" Midnight asked suspiciously. "I don't recall saying anything about that." Sunrise answered her question sadly.
"Yes. I plan to go with him. If you do not wish to go, then I have to say goodbye." The espeon turned to leave.
"Will nothing change your mind about leaving with this trainer?" Midnight asked, tears in her red eyes. "Then I must follow you there." She nodded at Kiaace. "Lead the way. I may not trust you fully yet, but then, I hope this will change over time." The three of them turned to head back to Kiaace's tent, that Kiaace knew as his only home. "Why do you speak and act like a child? You look fully grown up to me..."
"Trouble." Orland sensed. "Three unrecognized figures are approaching. One is an umbreon, the other two are espeons." He turned to the recovering lucario. "Do I engage them?" He asked.
"Take no chances. They may be followers of Darkrai." The lucario struggled to his feet. "I don't want anyone to get hurt again. I'll follow you." He beckoned Adelina to his feet. "You come along. This will even up the numbers." The three of them set off to meet the approaching trio.
Chapter End Notes:Hopefully this will help me organise my thoughts before I lose the plotline of my story
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