AGNPH Stories

Dungeon of Control by another_generic_reader



Chapter 3: Insane


"If we couldn't laugh,
we would all go insane."
-Jimmy Buffet


I awoke to a loud sound echoing through the musky room. I stood up, head thumping violently, pain pulsing down throughout my body. I was so dizzy, I was getting quesey just by standing in that one spot. What the hell happened? I thought, grabbing my head tightly.

I looked around. I was back in the cell. Then, the sound that woke me up got even louder. I scuffled over to the bars, looked around the room, and discovered the source of the noise.

A few cells across the room, in another cell, there was a Marill. I watched him for a few seconds before I noticed that the sound he was making, was a sound I thought I'd never hear in this place. He was...laughing? I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but upon a closer look, I realized it wasn't what I thought.

Upon further inspection, I noticed that he was laughing like some insane lunatic from an asylum. He was on the floor, pounding his fist into the floor, and clutching his stomach. He must have been through a lot for him to laugh like that. I had also noticed that he had more wounds on his body than me, suggesting that he had been here for a rather long time.

This little show went on for about 6 minutes or so, until security finally came bursting in. They rapidly opened his door, took him out, and then dragged him out of the room, through a different door on the other side of the room, him still laughing every second.

There was a long silence after he was taken away, until I finally said, "Ok, that...was messed up!" I looked around the room again. Other Pokemon in cells had went up to their doors and watched the bizzare scene in surprise. Most of them were still staring, eyes widened. Then, a small thought crossed my mind.

" far am I from ending up like that guy? From going completely insane and being dragged out to who knows where?" I thought, still absorbing what I had just seen. Of course, I knew what would happen if was dragged out of here.

That's when I heard it. A really loud bang. It rang throughout the room, echoing off the rusted walls and through all the cells. Instantly, I knew what the sound was, and an ice cold feeling swept down my spine, and I became almost completly paralyzed with fear. That was a gunshot!

Thats when terror set in the room. Everyone heard that! You could tell by the horrified looks on their faces. All the Pokemon had now become nervous looking with terrified gazes on their face. Some had even backed up against the cell walls and huddled up in a corner, mubbling to themselves. This was one of the worst sights I had ever seen, and one of the most terrifying sounds I had ever heard.

"Don't worry, it wont be too long before we all end up like that. Laying on the floor, huddled into a ball, quivering like souless jelly molds, mumbling to ourselves like some insane lunes trying to keep our sanity, while unknown to us, it is so far from gone. Get someone to talk to, you might last a bit longer than the loners. Loners are always the first to go..." said a nearby voice. I thought it was Sparks, so I went over to the hole to talk, and try and keep my sanity. I definitly didn't want to end up like that crazed Marill. There was something wierd about his voice today. It sounded higher pitched, almost female...but I ignored it. When I looked through the hole, I was stunned at what I saw.

Sparks wasn't near the hole. In fact, he was all the way on the opposite side of the cell, asleep. I noticed that he was in a funny position. He was in the corner, huddled up for warmth. He was pushing his ears down to his head, as to block out every sound he could, and he had a strained look on his face as he slept. It was obvious that he was cold and had heard the insane laughter and gunshot, and was desperatly trying to ignore it and remain asleep.

Now only one thing confused me. Who was just talking to me? I thought. "Oh, please don't say I'm hearing imaginary voices! Am I losing it too!?" I said aloud.

"No, your not hearing imaginary voices and I'm not sure, but you might be losing it. I'm in the cell next to you." the voice said again. I was sure that the voice was female now. So, I went over to the source of the voice. It was very great satisfaction to know that I wasn't losing it, or hearing voices.

There wasn't a hole on this side so I couldn't see her, but somehow she knew I was there. Finally, she said, "Well, I thought you'd never find me. Of course, I also thought that everyone here had already snapped and become mentally unstable, but I guess that I can be wrong twice in the same day. So, are you going to give me some details about yourself or what?."

She was definitly a strange one. She used lots of sarcasm, attempting to make jokes out of everything she could. She also, seemed a bit demanding, but I blamed this place for that. Although, she was sarcastic and bossy, she had an innocent sound in her voice, which sounded calm and quiet. I could tell that she was only acting like this. I wondered what kind of Pokemon she was, but because her cell was right next to mine, I could not.

"Well?" she said, snapping me out of my daze of thought. I shook my head to wake myself up and then answered, "Well what?"

"Boy, that was a stupid question!" I thought, smacking myself in the head. She sighed and said, "Just tell me your name and where your from...."

"Well," I started, "My name is Raik, I'm a Raichu, and I used to live in the forest until I was brought to this place." I had lied about where I lived because I really didn't have a home. Sadly, I was a loner. I never wanted to stay in one place. I traveled mostly in the mountains and forests, very rarely near fields or clearings near cities. I found it too open and it would put me at the risk of encountering trainers. I never wanted to be imprisoned in a ball and forced to fight other Pokemon just so the trainer could get some cheap plastic badges that allows him to battle harder trainers. Thats all trainers did. But none of this was really important. I then asked her, "What about you?"

She simply replied, "Well, my name is Mikka, and I'm a Squirtle. I used to live by the ocean, in a small quiet grotto. I really do miss it, and I would give anything to get back there....." Well, it was nice to know what Pokemon she was, so my curiousity could now stop pestering me.

"So, what experiments they got you doing?" she asked out of curiousity. I should have known this was going to come up. Asking others what experiments they've got you in was like some game around here, probably the only thing keeping most prisoners sane. I simply answered what I always did when asked this question, "MCTS14. I'm still not sure what it stands for..." She sighed again, sounding dissapointed. I knew that she must not have the same number.

She then replied, "I haven't found anyone with the same number as me yet.....I fell like I'm the only one..." Now she sounded depressed. I thought that I may be able to help her out if I knew what her's was.

So I asked, "What's yours?"
She replied, "PDITS02, and before you ask, it stands for Power Draining Injecton Test Subject." Well, she read my mind because that was exactly what I was about to ask. I didn't have to ask about what that meant because I had been injected with the stuff according to those 2 guys. I wanted to know one question though.

"So, if you've been injected with the same stuff I was, then you must know how long it lasts, right?" I asked. There was a short silence until she finally said, "Well, it depends. You were injected when?"
"I have no idea. I just woke up. They could have injected me while I was asleep."
"Well, how long were you out?"
"Ok, when were you brought here?"

I had to think for a while because I wasn't sure. I just made an estimate and said, "I'm guessing somewhere around a day or 2...." She then said, "Well, it should have worn off already. The newest ones only last about 15 hours. Try and use an attack." I didn't want to know how she knew it took that long. I attempted a Thundershock, but nothing happened besides a few sparks, followed by quiet crackling. "Nothing." I said unhappily.

"Well, they must have given you a fresh injection while you slept. So, 15 hours of no power whatsoever. Welcome to my life here." she concluded. I was pretty disappointed now knowing how long they actually last.

"Great...15 hours! Just perfect...and then after that wears off, I can go for ANOTHER 15 hours..." I thought, now sitting in a slump.

I had to get out of here, but I had no ideas. Everything here seemed to work perfectly. I saw no flaws in security, and I saw no way of escaping. The only things that seemed to be exits were the 2 doors at each end of the room, and the "window" in my cell. Of course, it didn't look like a window. It never produced light, and it never opened. And if it wasn't a window, then why was it barred up like one?

I sat there and thought about everything for a long time. I thought of everything that I learned about this place, and everything I saw. Then, it hit me like a sack of rocks. I knew instantly what it was. Everything added up! Now there was only thing left to do. I had to plan the escape...
Chapter End Notes:There. Ill put up another later
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