AGNPH Stories

J. O. by vidmaster


Story Notes:

From now on i'm not going to say "standing on hind legs". It's annoying. For know on all pokemon with four legs shall now be standing on two legs. The only time they'll convert back to standing on four legs is when they run. This applies to everyone with the exception of, all of the grass pokemon starters(except treecko, chikorita and their evolutions),rhyhorn, mareep, phanpy, donphan, lotad,torkoal, trapinch, metagross, shieldon, bastidon. I also have this at the end of chapter 1. I decided to place it here as well to fully stress out the point. Yes i coulda just edited the chapter but im too fucking lazy for that so deal with it. Holla.

Chapter 3-Many Enemies, Few Allies

John slowly wiped the spit from his face. It stung a little. Probably because he's a fire-type, he thought. He addressed his attention back to the houndoom. It seemed to be staring past him now. He turned around and saw Tidus and Elliot cowering behind Speedy who had a surprised look on his face. He turned back towards the houndoom. Its body had a perfect muscle tone. The horns didn't seem to curve like an adult indicating that it was still a teenager. Its eyes were an unusual purple and gave off a chilly feeling from staring in them (even though it was a fire-type). It's most terrifying feature was its power level. It was monstrous 450,000,000. He turned back to see Speedy shivering behind Tidus and Elliot now. It seems he read the power level as well, he thought, I guess it's normal to react that way against a power level like this but I've seen worst.
"So you must be the great crusader, Jason," said John.
"What's it to you ya lil pussy," said Jason.
"Well a lot. As you know I'm the-"
"A guy who made the best of his time to enslave pokémon from an accident. I know."
"Saving and slavery are two different things."
"We didn't need your fuckin help," said a mightyena who strolled up to the side of the mightyena. It seemed to be the same height as the houndoom. The only difference between them was the power levels. The houndoom's was bigger than the mightyena's.
"Well actually from my point of view, you guys had pretty much given up on-"
"Who the fuck asked you ya lil shit," said a typhlosion who joined the group. A ninetails, vaporeon, raichu, tyranitar, and absol joined the group as well. Sweat started to form at the top of John's head. Shit, they're ganging up on me, he thought, this is bad. They all have power levels around or over 400,000,000. And they're fricking giants compared to me.
"Okay. What's with all the hostility here," said John.
"You wouldn't understand," said the raichu. It seemed to be a female. "With you being human and all, you wouldn't understand how hard it is for us to keep from killin' your weak little ass."
"What's with all the short jokes?"
"What wrong? Insecure about your height midget. Well, let's me break it down for you." The raichu started to approach John and stopped 2 feet in front of him. "No one likes you. And if you don't release us, there can be some big trouble buddy."
"Hmm trouble," said John as he turned around and rubbed his chin and started walking back towards Speedy and the others. "Well as intimidating as it sounds and by the fact that you guys could beat the living shit out of me without breaking a sweat I guess I should give in to your demands." He turned around and stared at the group of pokémon. The raichus had switched places with the houndoom. Damn their quick, he thought, probably trying to throw me off with their speed. A few more pokémon joined there group and were all giving him the stare. "But I didn't get this scar on my face through make-up artists. So, no deal. And if you got a problem bring it on."
Speedy's, Tidus's, Elliot's, and Jeremy's jaws dropped.
"Heh-heh-heh," Jason chuckled, "Okay." He disappeared and reappeared in front of John and gave him a head butt. John body flew straight past the house.
"Now to other matters," said Jason as he looked at Tidus who was shaking violently, "Ahh the traitor who brought that bitch." He rushed towards Tidus and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off of the ground. "I won't kill you because you're one of us, but that doesn't mean you're not gonna hold some torture." He began to smile sadistically towards Tidus.
A huge ki blast knocked the houndoom straight in his head, causing him to let go of Tidus and slide backwards. John walked back into the scenery. His hair was standing upright and golden. His eyes changed to a green color. Jason started to growl violently towards John. The other pokémon gathered around Jason in an attack formation.
"Why you little sh-" said Jason
"Little shit, I know I've been called that a lot," interrupted John. His tone had some anger in it do the super saiyan transformation state. "Now look, we can be nice to each other or make our lives living hells. Because regardless of the fact that you guys can kick my ass. I still got this." He pulled out a pokeball. From the looks of it, it was Jason's.
"You wouldn't."
"I won't if you don't make me. This pussy may be weaker than you but he still has the advantage. What makes you think me catching y'all is so dishonorable."
"You didn't even give us a fighting chance you-"
"You're bleeding to death on a beach and the thing you're pissed off about is the guy who caught you didn't beat the crap out of you before he did it. And besides I didn't claim you until you came out off the hospital. I was the only one there willing to claim you guys."
"That doesn't matter. You would never under-"
"No I wouldn't. It sounds fuckin' dumb to me."
The other pokémon dispersed from Jason.
"You're really gonna get it now, human," said the raichu.
The ground started to shake. Rocks started floating and swirling around Jason's body. A black aura started to appear around him as he started charging up. He started charging a hyper beam in his mouth and two shadow balls in each of his paws.
"You're full of shit."
Jason absorbed the hyper beam back into his mouth and said, "What."
"You claim me dishonorable right."
"I find that funny because to tell you the truth, I didn't want to catch any of you fucktards, but it was the only way to save your lives. That isn't fucking dishonorable. Looking at your dying bodies and going away without acknowledging your situation now that's dishonorable. And now you're gonna kill the person who saved your life. You're just as low as the "human filth" as you guys like to call them on that ship."
"HOW DARE YOU!" screamed the absol who released a shockwave from her voice that nearly knocked John off of his feet, she was a female. "How dare you compare Jason to those freaks! I'll rip your fucking head off right now."
"And that would prove my point."
The absol started charging towards John but was stopped by Jason's paw. She looked at him with a confused look. He replied with a shake of his head. "As much as I hate it, the lil' fucker is right." He looked towards John. "We won't kill you...not as yet."
"Good," said John, "In that case, I have over 30 acres of land back there you can use it for yourselves."
"We don't take orders from you infidel," said the ninetails who quickly charged up a fireball the size of a beach ball in his paw and shot it towards John. John grabbed the ball just before contact with his face. The force and pressure from the fireball was so excruciating it sent John backwards. He planted his feet in the ground just before going through the back window of his mansion. Shit! thought John, all this power and this is just a ki blast. It was starting to singe of John's hands. He finally deflected it upwards In the air where it ascended surprisingly fast and exploded 70 feet above them. He put his hands to his side. The flesh on his palm was scalded and dark. His hands were also emitting smoke. John locked eyes with the male ninetails who laughed and said, "So you're not so weak after all human."
"I don't know if you guys are blinded by your hate towards me. But I'm a saiyan. Remember it."
The ninetails replied with a 'humph". The houndoom then slowly turned around. A tyranitar walked past Jason and locked eyes with Jeremy. Jeremy nodded his head and started walking towards it.
"Jeremy, where ya goi-?" said Speedy but was stopped when a hyper beam blasted the ground in front of him sending him backwards. John caught him before he flew into the house. Jeremy was facing towards them with smoke comin out of his mouth.
"I'm done playin nice with you two fuckers," replied Jeremy coldly, "Now that I've found my sister, I don't need you anymore. And if you even think bout puttin me back in my pokeball shitface. I'll kill you. And that's not a threat Speedy. That's a muthafuckin' promise." He walked back towards the tyranitar who seemed to be his sister, Amy.
"Glad to hear you still have your spine, Jeremy," said Jason, "Unlike those two pussies over there."
Tidus and Elliot started to shiver and back away from that comment.
"We'll be seein' ya soon saiyan," said Jason and the rest of the massive crowd disappeared. The moment they did John started to shake his steaming hands.
"Let me help you with that," said Tidus. John stretched his hands out and Tidus used a mild water gun on them.
"Damn!" said Speedy in a frightened tone, "He never talked to me like that. I could tell from his face that he meant what he said."
"Guess seeing his real friends caused him to show his true nature," responded John, "Don't worry. We'll get em back eventually. And we'll also get those other guys to come around as well."
"What makes you think that!" exclaimed Elliot, "Its amazing that you could talk the shit you did with Jason and get away with it. But if he just says the word his whole crew would kill all of you guys and walk away like it was nothing."
"Yeah, but from what I saw, I don't think that's really his style."
"So what do you plan to do?"
"Well I believe in kindness. Do unto others what you want done unto you."
"You're the first saiyan I ever heard resolve their problems with that method."
"Yeah, well as you guys say, I'm no ordinary saiyan."
"That method is gonna get you killed."
"I'm not scared of death."
"Death is the least of my problems now. And if it comes down to being killed by those guys then so be it. I'll have no regrets."
"How? How can you say that John? You saved all of our lives. And all those guys do is spit in your face and threaten you and Speedy with your lives. You're tryin to tell me you don't wish you left those ungrateful bastards to die on that beach."
"No El, I don't. And that's the point. I saved there lives. If I didn't take them in they would have been thrown in the wild. The people here are hostile and would try to hunt down and kill them."
"Kill? Johnathan do you know how powerful those guys are?"
"Yes and power don't really mean shit. If they killed citizens here the power of the world government would rain down on them. Even though Jason has a extremely high power level. He wouldn't hold a candle to the strength of the world leaders. Letting them go is just like letting them die. Whether they are willing to believe it or not I'm the only one that is protecting all of you right now. Besides, the town hates me anyway. And by the looks we got this morning from the people we passed. My reputation for being nothing but a rich little piece of shit has degraded even lower. But I don't care. Fuck em. I see this whole thing as a big opportunity to do something meaningful with my life. I'm not gonna give up on those guys no matter how much they hate me. I have saved there lives El. They are my responsibility now. And I will make sure nothing happens to any of them. No matter what."
Speedy, Elliot, and Tidus gave John surprised looks. It even made Tidus stop using water gun on John's hands. This guy, Elliot thought, He can't be real.
"Hey, Speedy can you do me a favor?"
"What ,John?"
"Remember where I'm growing the senzu bean patch."
"Can you go get me some. I wanna get rid of this burn."
"Okay," said Speedy as he turned around and started running into the forest area.
"You have senzu beans?" asked Tidus.
"Yeah, I don't like going to the hospital that much. Let me give you a tour inside the house while we wait on Speedy." He placed his left arm on the shoulder of the marshtomp and his hand on the gulpin's head and led them in the house. 

In a nearby tree a murkrow and a linoone were standing side by side on a large branch, spying on the three. The murkrow stood just over five feet tall and had dark black feathers. He had a red beak instead of a yellow one. He had his feathery arms hidden under his wings while he was perched on a tree beside him. His eyes were an unusual turquoise color. The linoone was almost halfway past six feet tall. He had light brown fur and black stripes on his body instead of brown. His eyes were a crimson red color.
"Looks like we might have underestimated the saiyan," said the linoone.
"Yeah," said the murkrow with a cheery voice, "He's totally different then any of those other pathetic saiyans back home. He seems to have a carefree, gentle guy as well."
"Yeah, kinda makes you wish Jason and the others were like him."
"Ricky don't say that! You know what would happen to you if they heard that. You'd be marked just like Tidus and Elliot are."
"They don't seem to really care if you ask me Henry. They may have been scared of Jason, but they still stayed by the saiyan's side. And now I'm starting to wonder whether I should care either."
"We're nothing but underlings, Henry. Everybody else gets to go, but we are forced to spy on the saiyan. Back when we were in school he used to kick the shit out of us. I don't even think he really even give a shit about us."
"Ricky. What you're considering is very dangerous. We don't know what Jason is thinking. For all we know he might be planning to kill everyone in that house."
"That'd be a stupid thing to do as the saiyan quite well just pointed out."
"Fine. I understand what you mean. But please Ricky it's too risky to make that move now. Let's at least wait and read the situation before we even think of switching sides."
"Thanks now let's get back and report." Henry (the murkrow) then jumped out of the tree and started walking towards the forest. Ricky jumped as well and quickly followed his partner.

Just when they made through the bush, Ricky bumped into an enormous purugly. He staggered and slowly moved backwards in fear. Henry was shivering his feathers off behind Ricky. The purugly was also with a skunktank who was huge as well. The purugly was a shiny one and had a very thick muscle tone. Both upper and lower body. She had pure dark red eyes. The skunktank was as equally muscle toned as the purugly. They both were standing around seven feet, had six-packs, and looked very pissed off.
"Uhh, Hi Angel and Sharon. Umm sorry bout that," said Ricky nervously.
The purugly (Angel) and skunktank (Sharon) continued to eye the linoone.
"Well. We'll just be on our way." Ricky and Henry started to slide to the right, but were stopped when Angel lifted her leg and stomped the ground causing an earthquake knocking Ricky down. A crater formed around her foot where she stomped. Henry took flight in the air, but was swatted back to the ground beside Ricky by Sharon's tail.
"We heard everything you two faggots were discussing in the tree."
Both of them began to shiver in front of the intimidating females.
Angel charged a shadow ball and shot it right next to Ricky. It exploded and sent Ricky flying straight into Henry. They both got up from the ground with eyes filled with fear. Angel stared at them, then gave Sharon a look, and turned around.
"Pussies.," said Sharon, "We don't really care anyways." She turned around and began to leave the area with Angel.
"I-I-If that's true then why the hell did you a-a-attack us?" asked Henry. Sharon turned her head slightly towards them. Both of the boys jumped and began to cower. Sharon then gave a cruel smile and said, "You touched her. And that's a sin. Do it again and this will happen to you." The purugly pointed her paw out to the right and started charging a large amount of ki in her hand. She then released a large beam from her hand which flowed through and disintegrated 20 trees, also creating an explosion a long distance away. The purugly then walked out of the scene. 
"Au revoir," said the skunktank as she followed the purugly. As soon as the two destructive females were a good distance away,
Ricky got up and said, "I hope you take a small amount of time to scan the "situation" Henry cuz I had enough of this shit."

Speedy was running towards the vegetable patch that John was growing southeast from his house. Dammit, he thought, I gotta think of a way to get Jeremy back. He stopped and jumped in the bushes when he heard some pokémon coming. A cacturne burst through the bushes. He was looking in random directions. He then suddenly flew into the air and scanned the area. What the hell is he looking for, thought Speedy. And as if to answer his question a empoleon jumped out of the tree behind him and blasted the cacturne with a hydro cannon. The cacturne was sent high in the air from the impact. The empoleon disappeared and reappeared over the cacturne and smacked it right back towards the ground with its shield-like metal fin. The cacturne started to fall downwards but was stopped by the empoleon who reappeared under him punted him back into the air. The empoleon started playing ping pong with the cacturne's body as it continued to brutalize it in the air. This continued for a little while until the cacturne let loose an explosive wave knocking back the empoleons. A huge sandstorm suddenly covered the sky. Whoa, thought Speedy, I can't even see a thing. Sounds of conflict and explosions were heard until the sandstorm dispersed and the cacturne's body started to fall down in Speedy's direction. The empoleon remained hovering in the air, it seemed to be unscathed, 
"Shit," said Speedy as he rolled out the bushes dodging the cacturne's body and rolled into another set of bushes before he could be identified. The cacturne slowly got up but feel straight back to the ground on its back.
"Em po eon poleon empo (You're a complete waste of my time)," said the empoleon who was standing in front of the cacturne. Holy shit, thought Speedy, I didn't even see him come down. I blinked and he was just...there.
"Po-le eon on po emp leon poleon po eon (Why couldn't I have been paired with Nail or Dan it just had to be a pathetic wimp like you?)?"
"Turne cact (I'm not pathetic!)!" exclaimed the cacturne who jumped up with fury in his eyes. The empoleon then started to laugh. The cacturne was just over six feet. Everything about it seemed normal. The empoleon was the same height. It seemed to be normal as well.
"Empoleon. (Prove it.)"
The cacturne rushed forward with a needle arm but was easily battered away by the empoleon's fin. The cacturne's body flew straight through a tree, and flopped on the ground. The empoleon started to laugh again. 
"Poleon (Pathetic whelp)," said the empoleons coldly, "Leon emp emp emp po-le eon em (You shouldn't even be allowed to travel with us with such a low power level.)."
"Po-le (Cody.)."
The empoleon turned around and saw another empoleon. This empoleons was taller and looked older. She was a few inches off seven feet and a little different then the other empoleons. Instead of having a wide pudgy waist, it was slim, slender, and had a more feminine shape to it. Matter of fact her whole body seemed to be feminine like. Her fins were bigger and wider then the usual empoleon's though. She had big thick legs and behind it a big thick booty. DAAMMMMNNNN, thought Speedy, If only she was human.
"Poleon eon eon, em (You shouldn't be so mean towards, Eric)," she said shyly, "Empoleon em po- (It's not his fault that he is-)"
"Poleon. Em em po-le. Empoleon eon poleon le eon (Pathetic. Yes it is. He's a worthless piece of shit.)." The cacturne sat upright and started looking down at the ground.
"Em, leon. Poleon eon eon. Empo-le poleon eon em- (Cody, that's not nice. You're hurting his feelings. You should apolo-)"
"Po. Poleon po-le le eon. Empoleon leon poleon eon em (No. He's not worth my breath. I don't could give a rapidash's shit about his feelings.)."
"Empo, poleon le eon (Cody. How can you be so cruel)," said the female empoleon weakly.
"Slash (Cody!)!"
Cody quickly turned around and his eyes widened. A furious female sandslash standing at around the same height as the female empoleon was behind him. She had a quite a nice physique. Similar to the female empoleons. With the same thickness around the legs and the back. The spikes on her were back were flickering rapidly. Her eyes were a perfect yellow. She also had long arms like most sandslashes. But there was one feature that stood out the most. Instead of two claws she had five. Five long claws. She wasn't alone either. A scizor was standing beside her as well. She seemed just as pissed as the sandslash. She had deep green eyes and was a little over seven feet. Her armor-like body was a deep red color and gave a bright shine in the sunlight. She had her arms crossed. 
"Slash sand sand sand (What you are doing is totally disrespectful!)!" said the sandslash, "Sand slash slash sand sand sandslash (What do you think you're father would say if knew you were here downgrading your friends like this.)."
"Pole poleon (He's not my friend)," responded Cody
"SCIZ ZOR ZOR SCIZ (THAT DOES'NT MEAN SHIT!)!" thundered the scizor, "Scizor sciz. Zor zor. Scizor sciz zor zor sciz scizor, zor scizor sciz. Scizor zor zor sciz scizor sciz (He's still your ally. Not everybody is strong. Sure he maybe weak, but what you should be doing is encouraging him to be stronger. Help him so that sparring with him wouldn't be a waste a time as you said.)." 
"Sand slash slash sandslash slash slash (You've been hanging out with Jason's crew and I have no problem with that)," said the sandslash, "Slash sand sand sandslash slash sand. Sandslash slash slash slash sand slash. Slash sand sandslash slash slash. Sandslash sandslash sand sand. Slash (But I will not tolerate you acting like those assholes. And you will listen to your sister when she's talking to you. You happen to only respect strong people. Well your sister is older and way stronger than you. Got it.)."
Cody nodded.
"Slash. Sandslash (Good. Now apologize.)," ordered the sandslash.
"Pole, poleon (I'm sorry, Eric)," said Cody with a low voice.
"Sandslash slash sand sand slash. Sandslash sand, sand sand slash slash slash! Sandslash sand sand. Slash slash sandslash (You better not let that happen again or else you'll answer to me. And I assure you, I will not be a waste of your time! Now Cassie and Erika are fighting 259 meters southwest from here. Get over there and observe. You're done for the day.)."
"Em, poleon (Yes, Star.)." Cody flew in the air and dragon dashed in the direction that Star the sandslash instructed him. Damn, Speedy thought, I didn't understand anything coming from her mouth but I can tell she must of cursed his ass out or something. I'd hate to get on her bad side. Same thing goes for that scizor too. The sandslash walked over to the cacturne and placed her clawed paw on his shoulder. The cacturne looked up and hugged the sandslash. The ground started rumbling. Speedy turned around and saw a large beam coming towards him. He froze with fear from the power.
"Slash, sand sand slash (Maraina, get the human out of the way.)."
He felt a pincer clamp to the back of his shirt and a surge of force go through him as he was moved from his spot. The beam went north of the area and there was a short time period before an explosion was heard. The scizor named Maraina let go of Speedy's shirt dropping him on the ground.
"Oh shit!" exclaimed Speedy, "The vegetable patch." He got up and ran in the direction of the explosion
"Sandslash sand (Wait a minute!)!" hollered Star.
"Sorry can't understand you," replied Speedy while sprinting towards the vegetable patch, "Later." 
He ran for 2 minutes until he came to the vegetable patch. The patch covered an area of 70 feet and 2/3 of the patch was obliterated. He searched on the patch to see if the senzu beans survived. After 35 minutes of searching, he found and picked four senzu beans. Lucky, thought Speedy, wonder where the blast came from. I'll investigate that later. John needs me. I wonder what he's doing.

John showed Tidus and Elliot around the house and introduced them to the servants. He decided to let them have the T.V. while he made a few calls. He called the Tonberry Restaurant from the upstairs phone and told them that he would be coming to work next week. After a lot of curse words from the manager who eventually decided to give him a break but would double his hours. A very nice guy he was. John began to wonder what was taking Speedy so long. The house then suddenly started to shake. Holy shit an earthquake, thought John. The quaking quickly subsided and John rushed down the stairs and straight into one of his living room. Tidus and Elliot were sitting on the couch and watching T.V. calmly eating some Cheetos puffs from a bowl. Elliot had the remote control and was flipping through the channels. 
"Didn't you guys just feel that?" asked John.
"Yes," replied Tidus.
"And how come you guys are so calm."
"Cuz it was minor quake. It was made from a pokémon a little distance from here, probably started training already."
"Oh..., okay." He walked over to the couch, picked up the bowl and sat between the two pokémon.
"How many channels you have?" asked Tidus 
"And I'm finding nothing but shit," replied Elliot.
The moment he said that he flipped to a channel where a feraligatr was humping a white blonde human girl. It was slamming his huge digit repeatedly in the woman's entrance. The three boys' eyes opened wide and became glued to the T.V. screen. The feraligatr picked up the girl and placed her against the bedroom wall.
"UHH...UUHHH......UHHH," the woman started moaning. The feraligatr started to grope the woman's breasts and hump harder. A few minutes later the both came, coating the wall with their sex juices. The feraligatr laid the human down on the bed and lay down beside her as well. The white woman got back up and sat on the feraligatr's chest and placed its head in her pussy and made him eat her. John shook his head and broke out of his trance and grabbed for the remote control, but his hand was swatted away by Elliot's. At that moment, a typhlosion and a lucario came into the room. The typhlosion jumped on the girl's back and plugged her in her asshole. The lucario went to the front and shoved his member in her mouth. Both of them started to hump. The typhlosion humped the woman's hole while the lucario humped her face. The feraligatr continued to suck her. After ten minutes of humping and sucking they all came at the same time. John jumped and quickly grabbed the remote control and changed the channel.
"What you do that for?" asked Elliot, "I was about to start jerkin off."
"What the hell," said John, "That's nasty. Why would you tell me that?"
"It's a joke, muthafucka. I didn't know you had channels like that."
"I didn't either."
"Liar, probably what you do late at nights."
"I'm just playin round John. Don't get so offensive."
Tidus was laughing from the experience.
"Master Johnathan."
They turned around and saw Bentley.
"You're pokémon transporter and the food for your pokémon has arrived."
"Truck's out front?" asked John.
"Yes it is."
"Okay. Hey yo Ti and El. Can y'all come and help me."
"Do what?" asked Elliot.
"Lift this stuff in."
"Okay," Tidus and Elliot said in unison.
They went out the front door and saw tree delivery trucks. They saw three men taking out the transporter. It looked like one of those trading machines at the pokémon center but a little more high tech. These are the machines that are used by the pokémon professors in there labs to transport pokémon to there trainers. With these, a trainer can make a home base. A home base is the place where you're pokémon is transported when you go over the six pokémon limit. It administers a connection with the trainer's pokedex which keeps a log on how many pokémon the trainer has. Each pokeball has a code on the inside. So when the trainer goes over the limit, the pokedex scans the ball code and sends it to the transporter. The transporter picks up the code, locks on to the pokeball's location and transports it to the home base. The usual home bases for trainers are the places where they get there first pokémon which are the labs. But if you're rich enough and have enough room. You can even make it your own house. You write down your home base when you register to be a pokémon trainer. Speedy and John registered their home base to be John's house. There were two more trucks behind the truck with the transporter. They were filled with meat.
One of the guys in uniform walked towards them with a clipboard and said, "Are you Mr. Johnathan Ogami?"
"Yes I am," replied John
"Well sir, here's your pokémon transporter and 5,000 pounds of meat."
"5,000 FUCKING POUNDS!" screamed Elliot, "Holy Shit!" The gulpin ran (well actually slid because gulpin's don't have feet) towards the two trucks. 
"What's up with the gulpin? And how come he's so big? And how come the marshtomp's so big?" asked the uniform guy.
"You know somethin'," replied John, "I don't know."
"Whatever, just sign here," said the guy as he handed John the clipboard. John complied and wrote his signature on the form. He winced a little bit from the burns on his hands while doing it.
"Whoa, Jesus! What happened to your hands?"
"Training accident," replied John.
"Good cover up story," said Tidus.
John handed back the clipboard to the uniform guy, who checked it over. When the guy finished checking, he went to the trucks and signaled the guys to open them up. The trucks were filled with endless see-through bags with wide varieties of meat. Elliot was in front of the truck with his mouth wide open, drooling from the sight. The group of people got out the trucks and pulled out trolleys that were inside the truck as well and placed the bags of meat on them. The same guy from before came back and asked John, "Where do you want us to put all of this?"
"Oh, Go through the back, and ask for Bernard," said John, "He'll show you where."
"Okey Dokey." The guy turned around to his fellow employees and said, "You heard the man. Let's get that shit rollin." They began moving the meat around the back with Elliot drooling in pursuit.
"What's wrong with El?" asked John as he turned to Tidus.
"Well," said Tidus, "To tell you the truth it's been years since we've seen a decent piece of meat. Those harbinger bastards shoved freakin pokechow down our throats and ate freshly made cuisine in front of us while doin it. They died horribly. Jason and his crew saw to that."
"Jason and his crew? I thought he was the leader of the whole group."
"No. Normally we would have the leader of the group be the strongest, but the thing is. Some of the pokémon have the same power level as Jason. So the overall group is actually segregated."
"You serious?"
"Yeah, there is no one who is really in control of all of us. There are a few groups within the large amount of pokémon. Each group has a leader with a power level between 445,000,000 and 450,000,000. There is a total of six groups. There are also some independent pokémon as well."
"So is there a chance that all of them don't actually see the same way as Jason"
"Not really."
"What do you mean?"
"Well there are very small amount of pokémon that don't agree with his methods. And I mean a real small amount. The others have the same view with different states of minds."
"Some of these guys became pure breed psychos during our stay with the harbingers. And I mean, love the sight of blood and torture types of psycho."
"So that means I may not just be receiving heat from Jason's crew, but the others as well."
"Well all but one group. The leader to that group is-"
They turned around and saw Speedy running towards them.
"Man the vegetable patch was destroyed."
"What!" exclaimed John.
"Yeah I was watching an empoleon and cacturne fight and when it ended this huge ass blast came from nowhere. I dodged it but it went straight for the vegetable patch and destroyed it."
"How the hell? Wait, Tidus." John turned towards Tidus. "You guys are familiar with senzu beans, right?"
"Of course, we all know what they are. They are the miracle beans. We all know about them."
"Is there a chance that Jason left back someone to listen to our conversation?"
"Yeah. Ricky and Henry."
"Who are they?"
"The linoone and murkrow. There are Jason's spies. He treats them like crap though."
"You think it's possible they heard our conversation, told Jason, and he sent someone to destroy the patch."
"Maybe. It's not his style, but it isn't beneath him in a situation like this either. He'd do it probably just to make your life a living hell."
"He's too late for that."
"Nothing. Speedy. Were there any senzu beans left?"
"Yeah," responded Speedy as he took a bean out of his pant's pocket and tossed one to John. John caught it, ate it, and his burns were healed in a matter of seconds.
"What time is it?" asked John.
Speedy looked at his watch and said, "5:34, where's you're watch?"
"Forgot it inside."
The men in uniforms came from the back with their trolleys. The uniform guy came towards the boys and told John "Everything is in place and if you'll excuse us we'll be on our way." And with that the men got into the trucks and left. Elliot came back out front from the front door while they left.
"Good to see you broke out of your trance Elliot. Now Tidus tell me about the crews and there leaders."
"Crews and leaders?" asked Speedy.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that you don't know what's going on. I'll translate what Tidus says from now on."
"Okay like I said the pokémon here are separated into six groups and everyone that is left is independent. Each group has a leader. The six leaders are Jason as you already know, Christian, Zachary, Kenji, Psymon and Star. Christian's a flareon, Zach's a zangoose, Kenji's a floatzel, Psymon's a luxray, and last and definitely not least Star's a sandslash."
"Sandslash!" exclaimed Speedy, "Wait, does she have five claws."
"Yes, how did you know?"
"Her scizor friend pulled me out of the way from the blast."
Tidus smirked, "I thought you said you dodged it."
"Hold it. The zangoose, Zachary, was he the one who cut me?" asked John.
"No, that was Justin," answered Elliot," Don't you remember I called his name before he slit ya. He's one of Zach's younger brothers."
"Hey, let's continue this conversation in the house." John signaled everybody to come in the house. They all went through the front door. John was about to go inside when he saw something that was standing in one of trees in front of the house. A sneasel was standing on the treetops staring at John. It was huge just like the rest of the pokémon around here. It was halfway over six feet tall by John's guess. John began to stare back at the sneasel. They locked eyes. Wait a minute, I know you from somewhere, he thought. The sneasel had dark red eyes. I've seen a lot of red eyes from the majority of pokémon here, but I remember those from somewhere else, he thought, I just can't put my finger on it.
"Hey John! You comin inside or what?" yelled Speedy.
John turned around and answered, "Yeah, I'll be right there."
He turned back to where the sneasels was. It was gone. Just like in a horror movie, he thought. John went into his house and closed the door behind him.

They spent the rest of the day planning how to approach the groups. At 8:00, Speedy left John's house and went home. He was still a little shaken from Jeremy's rejection. John then got two rooms prepared for Elliot and Tidus to sleep in. When John showed Elliot to his room who immediately jumped into his bed and fell asleep. John then left Elliot's room and escorted Tidus to his room.

"Yeah, you drop an atomic bomb next door and he still wouldn't wake up," said Tidus.
"It's that bad?" asked John
"Yeah, the only thing that you can do to wake him up is put food in his face."
"Well what do you expect? He's a gulpin. It's what he mainly does."
"Yeah, frickin bottomless pit." They both burst out laughing.
"Okay, Tidus. See ya tomorrow." John then started to head out the room.
"What is it?"
"Are you really sure you want to meet the rest of the pokémon here."
"Yeah, Tidus. I need to know what my standing ground is with the other pokémon. I already know what's mine is with Jason."
"But what if they-."
"Reject me as well. Well I'll just have to try even harder to show that I'm not a bad guy."
"...Okay. Good night."
"Yeah good night."
"He left the room, turned off the light and closed the door behind him. He walked into his room and switched his clothes with his pajamas and went into beds. Let's hope for new friendship tomorrow, he thought as he slowly drifted to a soft slumber. Little did he know that the things that will take place tomorrow will start the events that will change his life forever. 

John woke up with this unnatural feeling on his neck. He opened his eyes to see a scythe pressing against his throat. But what scared him the most was that he saw at the end of the scythe. The scythe had a jagged edge at the end. He pissed himself from the sight. The scythe pressed a little harder against his throat. Blood started trickling down from his neck. He looked down and was horrified to see that the scythe belonged to an absol. It was the same female that tried to attack him yesterday. It was lying down beside him. It had frost white fur, jade green eyes, and large purple claws. Her scythe was almost bigger than her body. The very middle of the absol's scythe was placed against John's throat.
"Hiya, pussy. Did you have a good night sleep? Were ya thinking about what Jason said yesterday. You should you know. It would be good for your health. And look at you. You pissed yourself like a little baby."
She removed the scythe and pinched John face with her paw. "You know, you actually look kinda cute when your scared shitless. Lucky you didn't piss on me, because I wouldn't care what Jason said. I would have ripped off your penis, shoved it down your throat and decapitated you, ya little shit. But the main reason I'm here is to show you how easy it would be for one of us to kill you. You should consider releasing us. Save yourself the trouble. Because if you don't." She stopped pinching his face and placed her paw around his neck, lifting him up off of his bed. The absol slammed John's body into the wall so hard that she nearly broke him through it. She stood a height well over six feet (at least seven inches taller than John), so he was pretty far off the ground. Her face changed from calm and submissive to one of supreme anger.
"I will see to it personally that you have a nice, slow, and painful death and I won't just be using my scythe." She used one of her claws on her free paw, placed it on John's face and slashed diagonally across his right cheek. She then dropped him on the ground and turned her back to him.
"I'll be seeing you soon and next it won't be a double team. I kinda hope you don't release us. I would look forward to making you my bitch." And with that she disappeared in thin air. John got up, rushed into his bathroom, took out his medication and swallowed it. At first it was just to stop the seizures. But it also was able to keep him calm or calm him down whenever he needed it. It proved to be quite useful in situations like this. He turned the faucet in his bathroom sink on and started to wash his face. The bedroom door suddenly burst open. Tidus rolled into the room, assuming a fighting stance while Elliot, not too far behind with a sludge bomb prepared in his mouth. When they saw John washing his face in the sink, they lowered their guard. Elliot slid over to the crater in the wall and observed it.
"What happened?" asked Tidus in a frantic manner.
"Oh, Jason sent an absol to say good morning to me. She was a very nice girl. She offered to serve me my dick for breakfast. I passed on that though. But then she offered to redecorate my room. As you can see I didn't pretty much have a choice with that one." He splashed some water on his face. The cuts on his face and neck then healed and resealed themselves.
"Wow, that's some fast recovery!" exclaimed Elliot.
"Yeah, one of the wonderful traits I was born with."
"How come it didn't work on the burns?" asked Tidus.
"My recovery system for my body is similar to a white blood cell. In order for a white blood cell to make an antibody for viruses and unknown bacteria it must have some knowledge and experience of the entity before it can produce a proper antibody. I would have needed to be burned multiple times before the recovery speed can become this fast. However it's a different story with a cut. I've been cut one too many times."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Later." John looked at his watch. "It's 7:30 on a beautiful Sunday morning, for now we should just get ready to go."
"Wait, John. You've just been threatened to the extent to which you've-" Tidus began to sniff the air. "Pissed yourself and all you can think about is going outside where the guys who threatened you are."
"Yeah, I'ma start using the bathroom before I go to bed for know on."
"Yeah, I know. But what do you want me to do? Go in a corner and isolate myself from the rest of the world. It's not gonna happen. I've been through worst than this. I'm not gonna back down from some goddamn threat. He sent that absol this morning to scare me shitless, and to tell you the truth I am. But I'm not gonna let that stop me. Me sitting around being scared isn't gonna do anything. That's why I'm still gonna try to show them that I'm not the person who they think I am. I'm gonna go and see the other groups today and if they have the same passion towards me like Jason does. So be it. It'll just be a longer path for me to go down to truly become a pokémon trainer. It's okay. I'm not gonna let my fear stop me from being who I want to be. The only way those guys can stop me is by putting me in a casket. And I have no intention of dying whatsoever."
"You're...not a normal saiyan."
"Sometimes I wish I was. Now let's get ready."

John was fully dressed at around 8:30 and was waiting for Speedy outside the house with Tidus and Elliot. He was wearing a black South Pole shirt with ¾ South Pole pants with black Air Force Nikes. Speedy soon strolled up. He was wearing a red Mark Ecko's Shirt and blue jeans and red-white Air Jordan Retros.
"What took you so long?" asked Speedy.
"Well my mom was ecstatic about what happened with Jeremy. She said she knew something was strange about him. When I told her I was going to get him back. She went frantic. It took me a while to get her to let me leave the house."
"Oh well, you ready."
"Okay Tidus, what are we doing here?"
"Alright," responded Tidus, "Jason and Christian's crews will most likely be found in the forest area. Kenji and Psymon's will be located next to a pond, lake, or river. Maybe even a beach. Star's group will probably be on open land. Zachary and Keisha's group could be anywhere. Any ideas."
"Wait, Zachary and Keisha's?"
"Oh, that's the zangoose's group. Zachary shares leadership with his sister cause they have equal power levels. I guess I forgot to mention that earlier."
"Yeah, well the hardest groups to find will be Christian's, knowing the forest. Hopefully we don't run into Jason's group while looking for his. There are two ponds back there and if you go quite a distance, you'll reach the eastern side of Fatima Beach. This is the island's largest beach. If Star's group likes open land then they're located far east from my house. My house used to belong to one of those fraternity colleges. They have this huge fields that was used for football, soccer, baseball, track and field, you name it."
"Okay then, let's go." Tidus and Elliot charged up and flew into the air. When they got up to 30 feet they looked down and saw John and Speedy just looking at them.
"What's wrong?" asked Elliot. "Hurry up and get your asses up here."
"We can't fly Elliot," replied John.
"WHAT!" said the marshtomp and gulpin in unison.
"We haven't learned to fly yet," said Speedy, "We'll be searching on ground level." 
Both of the pokémon lowered back down to the ground.
"How come you guys don't know how to fly yet?" asked Tidus.
"Because we were kicked out of the Dojo here before we could learn."
"Why is that?"
"I was kicked out because of my "behavior" and John was kicked out for...personal reasons."
"Really?" Tidus and Elliot drew their attention to John.
"To tell the truth I am rusty as hell. Haven't fought nor trained for about two years. If I did I'd probably have a higher power level than I do now."
"Wait, you had that power level ever since you were twelve."
"Thirteen, I'm turning fifteen in October."
"What day is your birthday?"
"The eleventh, why?"
Tidus and Elliot gave each other scared looks. And then Tidus said, "The same day as Dono-" And then he stopped.
"Same day as whom."
"Nothing! Let's go." Tidus grabbed John by the arm and tugged him towards the back of the house. Elliot grabbed Speedy's hand and did the same.

"So how are we gonna find em now?" asked Tidus.
"We read their power levels," answered John, "You said the leaders have power levels between 445,000,000 and 450,000,000. We just keep searching around until we pick up one of those power levels." 
They kept walking for about thirty minutes until they picked up two huge power levels moving at high speeds moving towards them.
"What the hell is this," said Speedy quickly.
"Get out the way," said Elliot. Tidus and Elliot jumped and pushed Speedy out of the path. John shoved his hands in his pant's pockets and stood in the middle of the path with a serious look on his face.
"Johnathan, what the hell are you doing!" exclaimed Tidus.
The moment he finished saying this, two huge unseen forces dashed right through the scene and past John. The leaves were ripped off of the bushes and trees from the two high velocity forces. Nothing but dark blue, red, and white feathers were left in the area.
"Johnathan!" exclaimed Tidus.
"It was a sceptile and a swellow," said John.
"What was that?" asked Speedy.
"They were racing weren't they?"
"Yes, how did you know?" asked Tidus
"I saw them, duh."
"But how is that possible."
"I may have said I'm rusty from fighting, but not from running. I've been doing it all my life. Are those two the fastest in this group of pokémon?"
"Yes, they've been at it ever since they were little. Tryin' to prove to the other that they are faster."
"And now it's gotten to the point that they get violent while they do it." He bent down to the ground and saw blood droplets spread all throughout the floor. They was blood on the feathers as well. "You see the destruction wasn't just wasn't caused by the fact that they were going so fast. They were attacking each other as well. That's the real reason that Tidus and Elliot were trying to push us out the way. They knew if they got hit they would be okay, but if we got hit. We would've been dead. If you haven't noticed, the tree behind you disintegrated from the trunk up." They turned around and saw a tree with only a trunk up to five feet high.
"A leaf blade did that."
"But how John?" asked Speedy, "If they were attacking each other we would have been hit or they would have bumped into us if a leaf blade did this from this height."
"Yeah, but that's the thing that's got my mind racing. The sceptile threw the leaf blade."
"I don't know what just happened. Can you guys tell me what I just saw?"
"Well," said Elliot, "You know how pokémon have abilities right."
"Yes, why?"
"Well ya see the families we come from are not exactly normal pokémon."
"What do you mean by that."
"Well we are known to have all the abilities available to us. For example, my species special abilities are sticky hold and liquid ooze. Instead of having one, I have both."
"That still doesn't explain the sceptile."
"I wasn't finished. We also have another ability that's is only available to our family members as well. It's consider our "clan" ability as Japanese guys say it. That sceptile's ability is that he is able to throw his physical moves. Whether its fury cutter and leaf blade, or focus punch and dragon claw. If it's a physical attack he can throw it at you like ki blasts. And it's hard to dodge 'em because his moves are just as fast as he is."
"I wanna know one thing John?" interrupted Tidus, "How did you dodge it?"
"What'cha you talking bout, Tidus?" asked Speedy. (John had translating to Speedy what the pokémon were saying.)
"That blade Chris threw wasn't aimed at Sean it was aimed at you. How did you dodge it?"
"Because I'm faster than Chris. Wait, who the hell is Chris? Who the hell is Sean?"
"Chris is the sceptile, Sean is the swellow. Back to the point, that's not possible your power level is lower than theirs."
"Power level has nothing to do with it. If that was true then Jason should be faster then them and he is not. I'm maybe one of the weakest out of everybody, but I know for sure now that I'm the fastest and judging by the look on Chris's face that won't be the last time I'll be seeing him." Johnathan suddenly Jumped and looked to the right. "I've detected a power level of 448,000,000 to the west. Let's go.

They walked across to the area where John detected the power level and saw a group of pokémon. The area had a pond in it. There were five luxrays, an infernape, a duskull, two blazikens and a buneary. The two blazikens were sparring alongside a infernape and a luxray who were fighting as well. They were doing it while flying over the pond. The other luxrays were watching. The buneary was massaging the biggest luxray's shoulder. I'm guessing that he's Psymon, thought John. The duskull was hovering above the four fighters, probably refereeing the matches.
"It's Psymon's crew," whispered Elliot, "448 milli power level and the face of a mentally ill patient belongs to Psymon himself. The luxrays with the dreadlocks name is Moby. The female luxray is Nikki. And the drowsy eyed luxray is Trey. The blazikens are Kent and Maria. The infernape and luxrays are Ikki and Griff. And last of all the duskull and buneary are Paul and Kairi. The luxrays are all brothers and sisters. The blazikens are brother and sister as well."
"Well, they all look like one big happy family," said John as he got up from the bush.
"John, what the fuck are you doing?"
"Introducing myself." He got out the bush and walked into the clearing and said, "Hey guys, Good morn-" He was stopped by a flamethrower hitting him from Izzy. He was then hit with two bone-crushing blaze kicks from Maria and Kent. And then finally, hit by a colossal charge beam from Psymon. A large crop line was laid out on the ground from the charge beam. Johnathan's crippled body was seen resting on the ground 200 yards away and then suddenly it disappeared in a huge ball of smoke. The real John, then jumped out of a tree and walked into the clearing.
"That's what shadow clone jutsu is for. I'm guessing good morning is not in order."
"No no no. You got us all wrong," said Psymon with a wide sadistic smile, "That was our way of saying good morning to you."
He turned around and looked at the rest of the pokémon and saw they were giving the same smile. Psymon was almost seven feet tall along with Moby. Almost everybody in the group was half past six feet with the buneary and duskull still in the four feet category. 
"Hey yo magwa fruit boy. What you bumbaclot rahshole doing in dis place," said Moby with a Jamaican accent. Holy shit, John thought, they're Caribbean. Maybe I can use this to my advantage. "Ya like ya ain't know. Fuckin bumclot pussies like you get killed quick bringin that weak shit round here."
"Nah boy," responded John with his own Jamaican accent, " No bumclot pussies bout dis place. I'ma realist my nigga. Me come to talk de real shit." When John said this it caused everybody to drop their jaws to drop in surprise. Everyone, but the luxrays. They were pissed. Except for Psymon. He kept his sick smile going. Speedy was trying his best to contain the urge to burst out laughing.
"Muthafucka you mockin me? You want ta fuckin' dead fast."
"Aiya man dis shit is not mock. Me used to have relatives in the Caribbean. But ya don't know bout me so how ya goin' ta accuse me of mockin. If I lyin then you can deem me batti boi and boom bye bye me rahsgate, cuz me no badman. I said me be a realist. So hold you threats, irie."
"Ooooo looks like we got a Carib native on our hands Mob," said Psymon.
"I'll be the fuckin judge to that. What you come here for 'realist' nigga."
"Well first things first," said John dropping the Jamaican accent, "I just wanted to welcome you to my home. My name is-"
"Pussy." John looked at Moby
"My name is-"
"Lil' bitch." John looked at Trey.
"Worthless shit." He looked at Nikki who returned him a look that suggested him to do otherwise.
"Fuckin cocksucker." He looked at Griff and Ikki who were both smiling back at him. Ikki started taunting him to come and fight.
"You guys havin' fun with this aren't yo-"
"Yeah I wonder what his blood taste like too. Never killed a saiyan before," said Psymon. John looked at him. He was talking to a large scar descending down his left arm. "Yeah it probably would be good for breakfast."
John started eying Psymon asked quietly, "Is he talking to his scar?"
"Yes, me brah's de real psycho and if youse a real Carib you know what you supposed to do around these niggas."
"Heh, get the fuck out of dodge."
"And that's the million dollar answer to the million dollar question," said Trey.
"Naw we just met him I want to observe him some more before I do it," said Psymon as he continued to talk to his scar, "Who knows it might be fun. Huh? Okay. Alright bitch." Psymon addressed his attention back to John. "Me and my party are going out for breakfast and if you're still around here when we come back." He started to lick his lips. "Some dead bodies will drop including you two shitheads. And that filth." He looked over to where Speedy, Tidus and Elliot were hiding. Tidus and Elliot froze with fear "You really think you can hide from us. We're fuckin luxrays, dumbasses. I kinda liked you two. But siding with the human and saiyan is unforgivable. You two are nothing to me now." He slowly turned and said, "See ya soon." And with that Psymon and his crew disappeared.
"Holy shit, Johnathan!" said Tidus.
"That's one down, four more to go," sighed John.
"You can't be fucking serious man," said Speedy, "I may not know what they are saying but I don't need to be you to know that we were so close to being dead people."
"Yeah, I know I detect a power level of 450 as Ell would say milli on Fatima beach's shoreline. Let's get it movin'." John left the through some bushes with Tidus and Elliot not too far behind.
"Shit," groaned Speedy as he got up and followed his friends.

After 45 minutes of walking they finally cleared through the forest and out to the eastern side of Fatima Beach. They found Kenji the floatzel's crew doing something totally unexpected. They were playing blitzball. It was 4-on-4. Kenji, a blastoise, a charizard, and a granbull on one side and a quagsire, a dragonite, a golduck, and a poliwrath on the other. They were playing with open goals that were over the water which is strange. Probably because of the charizard, John thought, but why the hell is it playing blitzball anyway. it don't make no sense whatsoever. And where the hell did they get all this equipment. Did they break into my shed? A venusaur, a raichu, a buizel and a wooper were watching from the shoreline cheering them on.
"As he probably figured out the leader is the oversized floatzel whose name is Kenji who has a power level of 450...milli," said Tidus, "The granbull's name is Bobby. The charizard's name is Chase. The blastoise's name is Brian. The venusaur is Dexter. The quagsire is Tyler. The dragonite is Joel. The golduck is Rico. The poliwhirl is Wave. The buizel is Mia. The wooper is Pearl. And the raichus is Kenny. The floatzel and buizel are brother and sister and so are the quagsire and wooper."
"Are these guys from the Carib too?" asked John.
"All the water pokémon except Rico and Wave, but no accents so don't use yours."
"Okey Dokey." He got up and walked down towards the band of pokémon. Tyler passed the ball to Joel who was immediately double clotheslined by Chase and Bobby. The ball flew straight out of its hand, and straight towards John. Bobby looked at Joel and called him a pussy. At least I ain't the only one being called pussy, he thought. The ball bounced and landed in front of john. John kicked it up and started juggling it like a soccer ball. This caught the attention of Kenji and his group. He kicked it back after a few seconds towards Kenji. He caught it and got out the water with the rest of the pokémon following. Almost everybody was over seven feet tall except Mia and Pearl who around five feet tall. 
"Good morning," said John.
"What are you doing here?" said Kenji.
"Well, practically I live and own the land here."
"I know that. I mean what are doing here, smartass."
"Well I see nothing wrong with a little friendly conversation with the new residents."
"Are you serious?"
"Well, it ain't because of the blitzball equipment because I didn't know about that until now. You guys can play blitzball?"
"What's it to you, faggot," said Brian.
"I'm just askin. I obviously play blitzball too. You got the stuff from me. I'ma shooter."
"No one cares," said Chase.
"Well, I'm just sayin you know it's been a long morning with me and I would like to play blitz too?"
"You wanna play blitz ball," said Kenny as he walked towards John "Okay. BLITZ!" The raichu swung his blade-like tail at John's head who bent backwards to dodge it . It released a shockwave from its tail. The electric attack obliterated three palm trees behind then and made a gorge in the sand. "So the saiyan has speed." John then slowly fell backwards. "But not balance."
"What's up with all this aggression."
"No one likes you, shit head" said Bobby.
"You don't even know me."
"Don't fuckin want to."
"Aiight. Fine. I just wanted let you I'm not what you think I am."
John turned around and started walking away.
"And what's that." John slowly turned around. The question came from Kenji.
"I'm not like the humans that imprisoned you alright. I may look like them, but I'm not. All I that I'm trying to do is the right thing. I am not coward.."
"Oh, really." Kenji dropped the blitzball and started walking towards John. He stopped within three feet of him. Kenji looked like your average floatzel except for his unbelievable height. Is everybody giants here, John thought, there is barely any pokémon below six feet around here. The fins on the side of his arms started to grow rapidly to form huge blades. A floatzel gone sceptile, thought John. John and Kenji engaged in eye to eye contact. Kenji then placed one of the blades on the side of his neck. John then began to get nervous. His vision shifted to one from the past. The bodies of two dead humans were laid on the beach of an island. They were half eaten. A group of floatzels were surrounding the bodies, chowing down on the remains. The leader was in front of a seven year-old Johnathan. It lifted it's hands and slashed John's face breaking the trance and bringing him back to the presence. He was sweating profusely.
"Humph. For some one who says he's not a coward. You sure do sweat like one. Am I makin you nervous. Whatever. I really don't care. You came to make friends. Does anybody want to be his friend?" He turned around. Kenny was sparkling electricity around his body. Chase and Bobby were cracking their knuckles. Brian had his arms crossed and simply just stared. Mia had a smug look on her face. The other pokémon addressed their sights elsewhere.
"Wow," said Kenji, "Nobody. Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, pussy. But I'll let you know. I don't know who you are and quite frankly don't give a shit. But if you come around me and my peoples again. I'll let you make friends with this." He turned the blade to a vertical position and gave him two quick smacks in the face with it and walked away. John turned around and started to walk away.
"Hey saiyan boy, I got something for ya." He turned around and a blitzball him smack dab in the face. He flew backwards a few feet and started holding his face. The ball flew upwards, backwards, and straight into the paws of the female buizel.
"That's my thank you for letting us crash here, bitch." The whole group began to laugh. 
"Oh yeah, tell Tidus and Elliot that they're not welcome with us anymore either," continued the buizel. John then got up and walked back towards the group. "Oh yeah, one more thing saiyan boy." John turned back around. "See ya soon."
The last statement put a surprised look on John's face. The pokémon went back to the water and continued playing blitzball. See ya soon, he thought, what is going on here. Jason, the absol and Psymon said the same thing.

"Everybody's ditching us," said Elliot glumly.
"Yeah, I know," said John, "If you want you guys can go back to your group. You don't have to lose your friends because of me."
"I have no friends. Me and Tidus are just the losers that just hang around. Why do you think it's so easy for the groups to forget about us? We never have been acknowledged by them and probably never will be. Well actually, Tidus had one friend."
"It doesn't matter, he's probably doesn't care for me anymore anyways."
John looked at Tidus and said, "What do you mean doesn't care about you."
"You know with me being with you-"
"Doesn't mean a goddamn thing."
"To them it does."
"He's been with you longer than me. He knows you in ways that I don't. If you say I'm alright then he should be here to. Friends think alike. Friends stick together. Friends help other friends when they are in trouble. Where is this friend of yours?"
Tidus was taken away by the seriousness that John took in this issue.
"You see that guy over there," said John as he pointed at Speedy, "He's been with me since day 1 when I started going to high school. Through all the ass-kicking and abuse I receive from the people on this god-forsaken island, he stood there taking them with me. He was my only friend. As scared as he is now to even to be in the presence of these monsters, he's still here with me. That's a true friend. At the end of the day, he's is all I got. And I'm thankful for everyday of my life that he is. If this guy breaks his friendship with you just because you're with me then he wasn't your friend."
"How the hell would you know?" asked Tidus angrily, "You don't even know him."
"That's exactly the same thing I tell to these fucktards, but do they listen. No. But what I'm tryin to say is he should be here if he really even cared about you. That is why I'm pissed. When we go through these next three groups. You will show who he is and we will have a little discussion. Let's go. There is another 450 milli power level back in the forest, two actually. That would be the zangooses."
"Yeah, I guess," answered Tidus.
"Okay then, lets go."
He walked back towards the trees with everyone quickly following behind him.

They walked into an open area deep within the forest. It took them 30 minutes to get here. They got behind the bushes as they spied on the pokémon. Six zangooses and three sneasels were meditating in the middle of the area. They were sitting in a horizontal line. The biggest zangoose was in the middle. To the zangoose's right there was another zangoose nearly the same height and the three sneasels. A lickitung was seen sleeping against a tree, 15 feet away from the meditating pokémon. A swellow was seen using roost in the tree over him. The swellow had some blood on him. It was the same swellow that was racing the sceptile. It was staring directly at John.
"The zangoose in the middle is Zachary he's the leader," said Elliot. "Well actually one of the leader's. He's the 450 milli. To his right Is a female zangoose named Keisha, She's the other leader. Hers is 450 as well. She and Zachary used to fight a lot over control of the group but soon settled there differences and decided to share power. The three sneasels are Donovan, Lisa, and Michelle. The four zangooses to Zachary's left in order are Justin, Takani, Vanessa, and Ryan. The lickitung is Mark. And last but certainly not least is Sean the swellow who we've met already with a power level of 400 milli. The zangooses are brothers and sisters. The sneasels are too."
"Wait a minute." John crawled a few feet to the left. The swellow's eyes followed him. He then crawled back to his original spot. The swellow's eyes were still on him. "He found us out before we even got here. Well at least he found me out. You guys comin or what?" John stood up and walked out the bushes. He turned and saw them still sitting there. I guess not, he thought. He turned back around and observed the meditating pokémon. One of the zangoose's were missing. It was supposed to be Keisha. Where did she go, thought John as he looked around,. He then rolled forward dodging a slash attack from behind.
"Oooo, saiyan boy's quick." 
He quickly turned around and saw the female zangoose. She was seven feet tall by John's guess. She seemed to be hyperactive , because her tail was violently tapping all among the forest floor.
"Let's get busy." She then disappeared. John started looking left and right, until he finally crouched down and closed his eyes." She reappeared over John and slammed her claw downwards with a crush claw. John rolled out of the way nearly missing her claw. A crater, 20 feet in diameter was made. He nearly slipped downwards into the crater when he rolled away. He accidently hit her in her face with his foot while dodging. She began holding her chin. Oh shit, he thought.
"You kicked me," she said.
"I didn't mean t-," said John frantically not wanting to piss off the zangoose.
"You kicked me and it didn't fucking hurt. I barely felt it."
John was totally surprised by this statement.
"Hey, you can go super saiyan! Do it. It would probably hurt then." A crazed smile spread across her face. Oh shit, thought John, another psycho.
"C'mon! Get mad already. I know! I'll make you mad." She rushed him and threw a mach punch. He sidestepped it. She then tried to wrap her tail around his body but he jumped out of the way.
"Slippery little bastard aren't ya. I know how to take care of that."
The zangoose used double team and created two clones of herself. Shit, he thought, can't tell which one is real. One of the three female zangooses rushed towards. Another flew into the air and dashed towards him. The last one dig underground. She's most likely the one who used dig, he thought, I really wish I could fly. He started to jump around the area in attempt to avoid the ground attack. The zangoose in the air dropped a crush claw from above. Can't dodge it, John thought. He put his arms up. made a cross with them, and blocked the crush claw. The force from the zangoose's blow forced John back to the ground, landing on his feet. The zangoose kept pressing down on him causing his feet to start breaking through the ground. His sneakers were totally submerged into the ground and his legs were starting to follow them. The zangoose that was running soon came with a flying kick. He tried to block it, but the kick was so powerful that it blew him away. As his body started to skid against the ground, the zangoose that used dig reappeared and grabbed John. She stood up and put him in a bear hug. The zangoose in the air disappeared revealing that it was one the clones. The zangoose that kicked John started walking towards him. He looked at her and said, "You're the real one, aren't you."
"What makes you say that," she replied.
"At first I thought you were the one who dug underground, but when I compare the strengths of the crush claw and that kick. I came to the decision that you were the real one. I read that when a pokémon uses double team. The clone usually has 1/6 the power level of the original."
"Humph. You're just like Ken. Making assumptions all the time. He's somewhat irritating to fight sometimes with his strategies and fucking psychic attacks. But you didn't make a plan like him did ya? Oh yeah, just to let you know, you were right the first time." The zangoose then disappeared. The real one which was giving him a bear hug licked his cheek and said, "Fooled ya. There was an error in your plan. Your knowledge of double team! The only way to know the way pokémon moves work is to be a pokémon yourself. Or a saiyan, but that's only if they are told by a pokémon. Double team works just like that ninjutsu move called shadow clone jutsu. The clone is as powerful as the amount of ki placed in it. The clone that used crush claw had 1/12 of my strength. While the one that gave you the dynamic entry as we veteran's of the lotus fist call it had 1/8 of my power level. I can totally kick your ass while you're in normal mode so why don't ya make it more interesting by going super saiyan, huh?"
"I didn't come to fight."
"Well I want to." She placed her claw on his left cheek and started pressing in. "Go super saiyan or I'll make ya look like the Joker." John remained hesitant. She started to press harder into his skin and blood started pouring out. "GET MAD ALREADY!" She then retracted her claw and gave John a focus punch so hard that it broke his jaw and contorted his face. Shit, she thought, I overdid it. He'll be lucky if he isn't dead. Then all of a sudden John's body disappeared in a puff of smoke leaving nothing but a piece of paper with Japanese notations on it. It was an explosive note. It exploded the moment John's shadow clone disappeared sending Keisha flying. She caught her footing ten feet away from the explosion, Her face pointed directly towards the ground and breathing hard. John's real body was in a tree. 
"Humph, you get an 'C' for observation Keisha." The swellow finally jumped out of the tree and shot an air cutter towards John. It sliced straight through John's body splattering blood over the tree. Then the body disappeared in smoke along with the 'blood'.
"You get one too, Sean." The voice belonged to Zachary. Him and the rest of the pokémon had their eyes open but remained in their sitting positions. The lickitung, Mark, was leaning against the tree with a bored look on its face. It was just on its way to being seven feet tall.
"The saiyan is back there with the human and those two punks."
John was seen standing behind his comrades who had surprised looks on their faces. John walked past them and walked into the area. "When he was moving back and forth to see if Sean eyes were locked on him, he quickly rolled back into a bush and replaced his body with a shadow clone at the same time. He sent back the shadow clone towards his friend's to trick you. He made a second shadow clone while in the bush in order to mislead you, Just in case if you saw him roll back. I have to admit he does think like Ken." 
"THAT WAS SO FUCKING AWESOME!' screamed Keisha. She sounded like a six year-old girl who just received her very first doll set. "Not only did that hurt a little, it surprised the shit out of me. You're waaaaayyyy more fun than Ken!"
"The fuck is wrong with you, Keisha," said Justin as he got up. That's the same, John thought and then his vision became contorted and Justin's body changed to that of an older one with a cloak on. He was soaked in blood. It ran towards John and slammed its fist in his face, breaking the vision. He started to sweat profusely again.
"What's wrong pussy," said Justin with a smile, "Remember the little present I gave you on the beach."
John snapped back to his senses and wiped the sweat off of his forehead and said nervously, "Yeah. The only problem is it only worked for three hours and was quite a mess. I tried to get your money back, but they had a no refund policy and said most likely if I got it again. The piece of shit most likely wouldn't work again."
"Really? Well I got some good news for ya. An upgraded version came out." Justin lifted his right paw and the sunlight gleamed all over his claws. "And I'll give it to ya for free." Justin started to advance towards Justin but was stopped by Zachary's paw. He was standing too. He stood at the same height as Keisha. This was kinda weird to John, because Zachary looked taller than Keisha when they were sitting down.
"Stop it. Sit down," said Zachary
"But Zach, that fuc-"
"Sit down!"
Justin gave John a mean look turned around and sat by the male sneasel. John drew eyes towards the sneasel. Its eyes were still closed. He still seemed to be meditating regardless of all that was going on. That's the same guy from yesterday, he thought, Elliot said his name was Donovan. I know I met this guy somewhere.
"I know why your here and the answer is no," said Zachary.
"You're coming here to make peace with us. We don't want your peace and we don't want you either."
"So your part of the group that wants to kill me?"
"You're a smart kid. I'll let you figure it out yourself."
"You sent that guy over there to spy on me?" John indicated towards Donovan.
"He does whatever he wants, as long as it isn't against my rules. You don't have to worry about anybody killing you from this group. Yet."
"What do mean 'yet'."
"I respect that as shamefully as it may look. You saved our lives. But don't think we'll stay with you because of that. We are just gonna take our time and plan out what we'll do in the future. And when we're done with that, we'll leave. And if you try to stop us."
"We'll kill you," said Donovan who finally opened his eyes and stared at John with red eyes burning with an evil ferocity. Speedy pissed himself and he wasn't even the one that he was looking at me. Tidus and Elliot started to shiver violently. But John gained back his calm face from before. The stare that Donovan gave had no effect on him. They kept staring at each other until Donovan averted his gaze elsewhere. This caused Justin to give both John and Donovan surprised looks. Keisha came back and sat down by Zachary and said, "As fun as it was saiyan boy. You kinda interrupted our meditation time and I really hate behind disturbed. So may I ask you kindly to get the fuck outta here."
John then turned back around and was about to leave the area when Keisha said, "Oh yeah, saiyan boy." He turned back towards her. "See ya soon."
"What the fuck is going here," said John sternly.
"Oooooo what's wrong saiyan boy? Did I hit a nerve? Saw your hair go a little yellow there. To think that was all I had to do to make you go super saiyan."
"Cut the bullshit. I know something is going on here?"
"By whatever do you mean?"
"Every person in this goddamn forest is telling me see ya soon. You say you don't have the same intentions as the other groups but you're telling me the same shit they are all telling me."
Both Keisha and Zachary gave John a smile and said in unison, "You're a smart boy. I think you'll figure it out."
He gave them a stare and then slowly walked out of the area.

"I think we're getting to him," said Keisha.
"Yeah, did you see his face at the end," said the ecstatic Ryan who was surprisingly quiet during the experience. He was looked a little bit different than your normal zangoose. Instead of having one red furred ear, both of his ears were red. The red fur also hooked through his other eye as well. "He was really pissed."
"Fuck that," said Justin, "I wanna know why when I stared at him he looked like he had a nightmare and when Donovan gave him the death stare, he looked like he was a British guy at a tea party."
"There something about him that's a little...different," said Zachary, "Donovan! Justin! I can trust you guys to check him out."
"Yeah Zach," replied Justin. Donovan replied with a nod. He still seemed uncertain.
"What's wrong Donovan? You seemed a little shook from that experience."
"I just wanna hurry up and kill the bastard. I don't wanna look at him," said Donovan.
"And why is that?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Okay. Fine. Back to meditation." He closed his eyes and the rest followed soon after.
"You're not the only one who wants to kill that saiyan," whispered Sean, "You better make sure you get to him before I do." He then closed his eyes and slept in the tree.

"This shit is starting to get serious," said John.
"No kidding," said Speedy.
"It's not looking to good. We don't seem to be making any friends around here. Everyone seems hell bent on killing me."
"John?" said Tidus.
"What is it?"
"We're approaching another 450 milli power level. And it seems to be fighting with others. Matter of fact it looks like a brawl is going on 800 meters to the north of our current position."
"Is there a problem?"
"It's Christian's group."
"Oh shit!" exclaimed Elliot.
"Is there a problem?"
"Yes a big fucking one. Christian is worse than Jason. He and the rest of his family have terrible temper problems. And I mean terrible! Talking to him will be the most difficult and pointless. He's even less reasonable than the others. He will most likely be one to kill you the first chance he can get. He hates humans."
"And what does that have to do with me. I'm not human."
"But you look like one. And that's your problem."
"I know. It's starting to irritate the crap out of me. If he starts that with me, I'ma tell him straight up how dumb this is." 
"John! You can say that to anybody but Christian. He is worst than everybody else."
"So, I don't give a shit. That won't stop me."
"Dammit Johnathan! What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Look, I'm not getting' anywhere by holding anything back. But maybe these people will help me out with that." He started to walk into the direction of Christian's group with everyone else following him.

The scene was scarred with withered, burnt, and broken trees. There were craters all over the area. There was blood everywhere as well. The area was reduced from a forest area to a battlefield of despair. There was the sceptile from before with an aipom, two explouds, a hariyama, a lucario and a riolu. These pokémon were watching the other's fight in the air. A flareon (most likely Christian) was having an all-out brawl in the air. A jolteon, vaporeon, umbreon, espeon, and a glaceon were seen fighting in the air. They were all covered with cuts and burns and were all bleeding. Well they hold back when they train if that's what you can call this thought John, they are disasters for the environment. The only thing they can't destroy is the sky.
"The flareon with the 450 milli power level is Christian," said Elliot, "The jolteon with the same power level is Rika. The vaporeon is Desmond. The umbreon is Cameron. The espeon is Malcolm. The glaceon is Glaisha. The aipom is Joey. The explouds are Max and Emma. The hariyama is Nate. The lucario is Jesse. The riolu is Derrick. The eons are all brothers and sisters. The lucario and riolu are too. Oh yeah, the sceptile is-"
"Chris," interrupted Tidus who was looking down. By the time they finished the group listing, the eons had stopped fighting and were on the ground. The lucario was in front of them with her paws out. They began to glow a blue color. Soon the eons started to glow the same color. There cuts and bruises then began to heal. So the lucario has healing abilities, thought John. He got up and started walking towards.
"Johnathan," said Elliot, "These guys are fucking dangerous so don't make any smart remarks, please."
"Oh I'm way past smart remarks El," replied John, "It's time to be real." He turned around and started to walk towards them. All of the pokémon were either seven feet tall or going on seven feet excluding Derrick.
"Hey yo, Malcolm," said Christian, "You gotta stop this holdin' back pussy shit. It pisses me the fuck off. That's why ya fuckin' power level is so fuckin' low. It's embarrassin' nigga. You betta get yo shit together and get stronger. I don't play that shit no more and you know that?"
"Yes, Christian," said the espeon glumly.
"You should be like Cameron. He's your age and he has a nice fuckin' power level. You should be doin' the same shit. You fallin' behind in your age group. You betta catch up with him, Chris and the other have long passed you and the same thing goes for you, Glaisha."
"Hurry up and fuckin' heal us, Jesse!" commanded Rika.
"I'm tryin Rika," responded Jesse.
"Well try harder dammit! I wanna get back to beatin' the shit out of this red loud mouthed cunt."
"Who you callin' a cunt you yellow pin cushion lookin' bitch."
"You, ya red Kirby lookin' muthafucka."
They started growling and approaching each other. Snarling threats to each other as well.
"Trouble in paradise?"
Everybody turned around and looked at John. Christian stopped his quarrel with his sister and drew his attention to the saiyan. "Who fuckin' asked you, you jive-ass muthafucka. What the fuck you doin' here?"
"It my place."
"You ain't answering the fucking question. What the FUCK are you doing here?"
"I came to talk."
'Talk to this pussy." He lifted his paw and gave John the finger.
"Hey, what the hell's your problem, man?"
"Problem? My problem?" He started walking towards John until his chest came in contact with his face. He was the most muscular pokémon he's seen in the whole area. And his sturdy six-pack proved it. There was one quality that could be seen above all else. Christian had a gem that looked like a topaz gem in the middle of his head. It was the same size as the ones that espeon normally have in the middle of their heads. He looked at Christians siblings. They all had gems in the middle of their heads. The jolteon had a peridot gem in her head. The vaporeon had a sapphire gem. The umbreon had a onyx gem. The espeon had a diamond. And the glaceon had a pearl. These are the strangest pokémon I have ever seen in my life, thought John, it would millions of dollars to buy just one of these guys on the market. If the harbingers sold them, they would have been filthy rich. And everybody has a freaking six-pack. What are these guys taking. Steroids? But by looking at their strength, they were probably too valuable to sell. I'm getting the same feeling that I got from the sneasel from this guy, John thought, I know this guy to. He looked straight in the face. The gem, he thought, I saw this guy somewhere. I can't put my finger on it. Even his aggressive attitude seemed familiar. But not only that. I for some reason felt comfortable around him. As if he was family to me. There was also something else about the flareon. Christian's eyes were bloodshot. There supposed to be blue, he thought, Watch out when they mix with the blood and become bluish-red. Where the hell did that thought come from. How do I know this guy's eye color and what they mean? "My problem is that I got caught by a fake ass nigga like you."
"And what makes me a fake ass nigga." John seemed to be getting pissed.
"The fact that you caught us to 'save' us and refuse to release us when we asked you to. You just one of those punk muthafuckas that wait for opportunities like this because he knows his punk ass can't catch shit. I would kill yo ass in a heartbeat."
"Everybody been telling me that lately."
"Well I'm not fuckin' everybody and I mean what I say. I'm just waiting for you to fuck up."
"Whateva man. Y'all full of crap."
"What was that you just said?"
"I said you guys are full of crap. All of you guys are too dumb to realize the situation you are in."
"I realize the situation bitch and you are the situation and you are this close to bein' not the situation anymore."
"You know what? Fuck this." John turned around and walked away.
"You betta run ya pussy-ass nigga. And you can tell your new gulpin and marshtomp friends that there gonna be fucking dead right alongside yo punk ass."
While John walked away he noticed one thing. Tidus was outside the bush and was looking past him. John turned around and saw that he was looking at the sceptile. He turned back towards Tidus and said, "It's him isn't it?"
Tidus quickly shook his head and told John, "No." But this didn't stop John. He walked back past Christian and walked straight towards Chris the sceptile. 
"Hey you, where the fuck you think you going," said Christian. 
He stopped when he was face to face with the sceptile. It was holding some new scars from the race it had with the swellow. He stared into the eyes into of the sceptile. He then finally said, "So it's you the guy who calls himself a friend."
"Fuck you want from me."
"Nothing. Oh wait I do want something. Answer this question. Are you a pussy."
"Who the fuck you think you talkin to?"
"A guy whose scared of what this guy might do to him if he talks to that marshtomp."
"What you talking about."
"You're supposed to be his best friend is what I'm talking bout." He started pointing towards Tidus.
"Me and him never were friends." He gave a stern look to Tidus who was close to tears. "And we never will be."
"Oh I see. You're fucking pathetic and you of all the pokémon in this place have no right to call me a pussy." The sceptile grabbed John by the shirt and slammed him against the tree.
"Who the fuck to think you are to be coming in here talkin bout rights." John went super saiyan and pushed Chris off of him. This surprised everybody.
"I think I'm true friend. That is something you'll obviously never understand. Me and you are two different persons. I'm a coward. A pussy as you guys clearly place it. And I admit. I won't live my life telling lies. But you. You're a pussy and you try to hide it. I got nothing to say to you or any of you." He turned around and started to walk past Christian. When he came side to side with Christian. Christian said, "One more thing before you leave this place, pussy. I'll be seein ya soon. And from what took place today it looks like it will be real soon."
"Christian. Tell Jason I said fuck you," replied John. As he began to walk away Christian started to laugh. John grabbed Tidus's arm and took his friends out of the area. When he left Christian turned around and asked Malcolm, "So lil bro what you got."
Malcolm was sweating and looked stressed out.
"Nothing," replied Malcolm.
"What the fuck do you mean nothin'?"
"I mean the guy is not normal. I couldn't even scratch the surface of his brain. I don't know how but I think he got psychic immunity. He got it even better than dark pokémon too. I tried to use psychic on him and he didn't even budge. It's so strong his clothes weren't even affected by my attack. He didn't even noticed me trying to hack into his brain or attack him. He's not normal."
He then turned around towards Chris and said, "I did not fuckin' like what I just saw Chris. You let that puny shit push you around. The next time his ass even thinks to bring his presence to this group. You better make him feel it." Chris nodded to Christian's command. Christian then crossed his arms and looked in the direction to where John walked away. This guy came into a dead zone filled with pokémon with power levels higher than 350 milli and is calmer then fucking Larry King, thought Christian, He looks just like...No. That guy can't be the same person as this guy. His power level was monstrous. His is pathetic. That was the first time I was so scared in my life. He took out the whole team as if they were a bunch of midget rattata. But this guy is immune to psychic attacks for some reason. Now that is worth looking into.
"Who is this guy," he whispered.
"Christian!" yelled Rika, "I'm not finished with you. I still have to kick your ass all around this god-forsaken island." Christian turned around and ran towards Rika.
"I'd like to see you try, bitch!"

"Ya know it was kinda funny," said Speedy,
"What?" replied John.
"You may have heard words, but I just saw the guy screamin' 'Flaare fla fla eon flare flare' at ya. It sounded so fuckin' funny."
"Well, t wasn't for me."
"What are you gonna do now."
"Goin' home."
"There's no point in continuing, everyone's made their points clear. Most likely Jason planned the events that would happen today and got the rest of the groups interested. They all hate me right now. It'll take a while before we can get them to come around. I'm real stressed out from the events that happened today. And I want to go home and just sleep." He turned around and saw that Tidus was sniffling.
"Tidus don't worry about that piece of shit. He wasn't your friend."
"He was my first and best friend!" Tidus cried, "We knew each other since preschool and been friends ever since then. We did everything together. Trained, play games, fought, we even did fuckin' nothin' together. I used to get picked on at the school by bullies and he would come in and either fight em off or get beat right alongside me."
"Then what happened? Cause you make it sound like Speedy and me. But the only thing I saw over there was frustration. Nothing but frustration. How can I believe what you said from what I saw over there?"
"I don't know. I just don't know. Now I have nobody," Tidus dropped to his knees and began to cry.
John got down on his knees and said, "Tidus. You do have friends. Because I'm willing to be one, Speedy's willing to be one. And I know Elliot's sure as hell is willing to be one. From what he tells me, you're his first friend as well." Tidus looked towards Elliot and Speedy who nodded their heads in agreement. He then looked at John and engulfed him in a hug. Tidus then let go of John and wiped the tears from his face and gave John a nod. They both stood back up and John said, "Alright, Let's go."
"Hello there." They turned around and saw a alakazam floating in the air with his legs crossed Indian-style. Behind him was a ninetails, a mr.mime, and a machamp. The alakazam had a wide smile.
"We have been watching your actions today," he continued, "And I speak for all the pokémon behind me, we are impressed."
"Wait, what the fuck?" said John, "Where the hell did you guys come from?"
"Well to tell the truth we've been following you from the sky for some time now. The fact you can stand in front of people who have head counts over 2,000 and power levels that could easily destroy you, your human friend, Tidus, and Elliot all put together and remain calm. Well at least remain calm against most of them."
"So I guess you guys saw everything, huh?"
"Yes and we decided we will trust you. Besides you seem more reasonable then those barbarians over there."
"So you guys are the independents."
"There are four more independent pokémon here as well. But they haven't been paying attention to what has taken place today like we have."
"Well you at least made my day, I guess."
"But there is two things I want to ask you?"
"What is that?"
"How come I can't read your mind?"
"That's is one question that I can't answer. They said I was a strange kid back in the orphanage that I used to live at. I had fast regeneration speed, my body can produce massive amounts of ki for some reason, and I'm immune to psychic powers as you figured out. It also weird to the point as if I touch anything that is being possessed or moved by psychic energy would be disrupted by my touch."
"Really?" The alakazam then used psychic on Elliot and lifted him up.
"Why does it have to be me all the time!" exclaimed Elliot. John then placed his hand on Elliot's head and brought him back to earth. The air around started to move as the alakazam put more force in his psychic attack. But all the energy was negated by John's presence. After a while, the alakazam gave up and laughed. He then said, "Incredible, I even used miracle eye on you and nothing happened. You are impressive. My name is Ken. The machamp there is my best friend and his name is Brock. The Mr. Mime is Eustace. And last but not least the ninetails is Sarah."
"Well it's nice to meet you. I am Johnathan Ogami. And my strength is an amazing, astounding, and invincible power level of 195,000. You're million power levels are no match for my puny might."
This got everyone to laugh but Ken. 
"Well it's time for the second question," said Ken.
"I'll ask this one Ken," said Brock who walked up to John and cleared his throat and said in a polite voice, "Dawg, do you have a fuckin death wish?"
"What?" said John in a perplexed tone.
"I applaud the fact that despite your fear of certain pokémon and tried to make friends. But the way you did it was just, just-"
"Just plain dumb," finished Sarah. The ninetails then walked straight towards John and said, "DO you have any idea how dangerous these guys are? They could have killed and not lose a night sleep about it."
"Yeah I know but-" said John.
"These guys are nothing but stone cold killers. Some of them used to be my friends too, but not anymore. They've allowed the harbingers to convert their minds into what they are now. That's why we are independent and are not part of their groups. They hate all humans just because of the harbingers which I don't think is fair. Your friend is a human. He may be idiot, but he has good heart. They say pathetic reasons like saying they hate you because they think you're a coward, pussy, whatever. They might not admit it, but the only reason they really pick on you and treat you like this is because of one thing. You made them feel weak."
"What do you mean?"
"These pokémon are pokémon which value their strength and pride over everything else. To know that them being the powerhouses they are that they were on the verge of death and that you, a person who, no offense, has a power level so pathetic that you would barely give Eustace over here the weakest of all of us trouble, would be the person to save them. They resent you because of that. Because you made them feel pathetic."
"Whoa, never thought about it like that."
"Listen John. What is your story."
"Huh, what do you mean."
"The way you talked to them wasn't just dumb. Some of the things you said were things that even a dumb person wouldn't say if they wanted to stay alive."
"She's right John," said Tidus, "You say a lot of things regardless of the warnings that me and Elliot gave you. What's going on." 
John quickly got up and walked past the group and said, "Like I said before, I was just tryin' to show them that I was different. I'm just tryin' to do the right thing. Thanks for your concern. Right now I'm going back home."
"Wait, aren't you gonna go see Star's group."
"No thanks. Don't feel like getting threatened by a sandslash. I have enough stress on my mind. I don't wanna make it worse."
"There, there Johnathan," said Ken, "You might see something different in Star than the others."
"What makes you say that?"
"Let's just say that part of what Tidus said about groups not seeing eye-to-eye actually applies to Star."
"Are you serious? Someone besides me actually disagrees to the great Jason."
"We would have joined Star's group if we didn't see you today. Let's just say she despises Jason and the methods of the other groups as well. So she might be one to listen to reason. Besides we sent Eustace to spy on her yesterday. She seemed curious about you. She even tried to stop your friend here for a chance to get to talk to you." 
John then turned around and looked at Speedy. Who was rubbing his head and then pounded his fist in his palm and said, "Oh yeah. After that big blast came behind me, the scizor came and pulled me out the way under the order from the sandslash as I said earlier. When I ran to check on the vegetable patch she called for me and I told her that I'd come back and talk later. Yeah, John! Let's give her a try."
"Alright," sighed John. He turned towards Ken and asked him, "Do you know where she is?"
"Oh she's waiting for you at your estate," Ken responded.
" Okay she's a- w-w-what, she's at my house right now!"
"Yeah. She's been there for the past 2 hours. The last time I checked. The servants in the house have barricaded the doors and windows in fear of her groups' presence."
"Well then let's go. Let's not keep the woman waiting."

Star was meditating on John's back porch. The scizor was meditating right beside her as well. There was a 2-on-2 battle going on before them. It was Cody and Nail (another sandslash) against Eric and Frank (a torkoal). There were being watched by two brelooms, a arcanine, and Cici the female empoleon who was sitting down. John and Speedy reached the house ahead of the others.
"I tell John," said Speedy, "The empoleon and sandslash have the biggest asses you ever did see, if only they were human. I mean you know how they have those hot pokémon who have those huge titties in those movies. There's have gotta be huge."
"You watch too much damn porn movies," responded Speedy.
"Hey! It's a normal thing. The teenage hormones are unstoppable. Besides some of those videos I got are from your T.V."
"So you're the one whose watching it," said Elliot as he came up behind the two boys, "We found the channel yesterday. Man this white girl was getting slammed by this feraligatr. And then a typhlosion, and lucario came into the picture. And they really started banging her."
"Hey! Y'all talking bout porn," said Brock as he came in to the discussion.
"Hell yeah," answered Elliot, "I mean he got this banging channel on his T.V. Maaaannn. I'm just for them to show nice female pokehoney to show up."
"Y'all are a bunch of perverts," said Sarah as she came in, "At least Ken, John, and Eustace have control of themselves."
"Hey guys! Cici just got up and is walking toward where Star is," said Eustace, "Her back is facing this way."
Elliot, Brock, Tidus, and Speedy jumped to where Eustace were and started drooling.
"Damn. I love to see that ass in action," said Brock, "She can get it hands down. Just look at it move when she walks."
"YOU FREAKIN PERVERTS!" screamed Sarah angrily who kicked all of them over the bush and in between the 2-on-2 battle stopping.
"What the hell?" said Cody, "It's raining losers."
"That's not what you mama called me last night," said Elliot.
"Ooooooooo," said Nail, Eric, and Frank said in unison.
"All you can do is talk smack, punk," said Cody
"And all you do is take smack, punk," said Elliot, "I know Star and Maraina be kicking your ass."
"Soon I'll be kicking yours."
"Oh, come on guys," said Eustace, "Violence is not the answer. We are all friendly people. Let's settle our differences in a friendly man-" He was silenced when Cody brought back his fin and smacked Eustace out of sight. John came into the scene while the event was going on and said, "Well that wasn't very nice."
"Who asked you fuc-" Cody stopped himself from finishing the statement when he saw Maraina who broke her meditation and was walking over to them.
"Finish the sentence Cody," said Maraina, "Finish the sentence CO-DY!"
Cody started to shrug and back away.
"Cody did you forget why we are here?"
"No, Maraina."
"Then tell me what are you doing. You were just going to curse someone for no fucking reason whatsoever. Not just anyone. But the person who happened to save your life. Matter of fact. The person who saved all of our lives. And you have the nerve and audacity to curse him. In his own home while he's providing us the luxury of his hospitality?"
Cody looked down at his feet and shuffled them.
"You're gonna apologize to him right now."
Cody turned around and seemed to be going through an inside dilemma.
"NO!" Cody finally burst out, "I will not. I'll take any punishment you dish out to me. But I refuse to apologize to this...this-"
"Pussy, saiyan trash, punk-ass nigga," sighed John, "I've been hearin this shit all day and quite frankly, I don't care if he doesn't apologize. I can tell that he's just as naïve as the other guys out there who don't bother to even listen to me. If you guys are just gonna curse me out. Just get it over with. I'm already stressed out beyond belief. So what can a little trash talk comment do to me huh?"
Cody was silenced by this.
"So your just like what the rumors say around here." The voice came from the female sandslash who was walking towards the saiyan. She extended her five clawed out towards John and said, "Hi I'm Star. Nice to meet you Johnathan." 
John took the paw and shook it, "The first time I heard that all day. So what's the deal."
"Do you have any plans on releasing us?"
"Couldn't if I wanted to."
"Whatever, pussy," snarled Cody. Star and Maraina gave him a stern look but were cut off from John who turned around and was now facing Cody.
"So tell me? Cody's your name right. What's the reason that you hold this hostility towards me."
"Because you're a pu-"
"Pussy yes I know but that can't be the only reason why so come on. Tell me."
"You just took advantage of us in-"
"You're injured situation in which you would have died if I hadn't found you in the first place. Matter of fact it was Tidus who told me where you were. So you can actually say I was sent. I only decided to "'catch' you guys when no one was willing to take you in. Now I know the things you just told me were Jason's words. You spurting them out your mouth so freely that you might have also put his dick in there too."
"What did you say."
"I said he must put his dick in there as well. Because you can't come up with an excuse that's different than his and that would actually make sense. And that makes him the leader and you the follower. That means that you also don't have a mind of your own if you have to copy and act the same way as that jerk making you just as much as a bastard that he is. No, actually it makes you pathetic, because instead of thinking for yourself. You gotta reflect off of what other people do. And those are the characteristics of a weak mind." Cody was rendered speechless from this.
"I love him already," said Eric, "Bastard finally got a piece of his own medicine."
"Whoa that was a mouthful," said Star, "You actually got him to shut up. Maybe you should teach his big sister how to do that."
"So you guys have no problem with me."
"Oh. Well it's too dangerous to release y'all. I don't think its even possible. You guys are all over the news. If I release you It will be pokémon season and I ain't talking about catching neither."
"Well I don't really care anyway. The way I see it you can't be any worse than the other guys. So I wouldn't have any trouble with you being my new master."
Cody then caught back his voice and said, "You'd probably like Star callin you mas-"
"Don't ever call me that again."
"What?" asked Star.
"Don't call me master. I don't deserve that formality and I don't want it. It makes me feel like I'm makin you a slave. And I don't want that."
"But master isn't always a degrading title. It can be used as a form of respect as well."
"And so is saying my first name. I say yours. There is nothing saying that I should be given a higher level of respect than you. Matter of fact you can accomplish a lot more than I can. I should be the one giving you a title. Hell, I can't even get a single group to even have a proper conversation with me, because I have a low power level. You are a leader. You have a group of people that respect and follow you, while I continue being the island's most hated by humans and pokémon alike. I don't deserve to be called master. So don't call me that."
Everyone just stared at John. Cody was speechless once again.
"You guys must be hungry let me invite you inside my house for dinner." He turned around and walked inside his house. Everybody followed him into the house but Star's group.
"Hmm. It seems that our new master has self-esteem issues," said Maraina.
"He seems like a nice guy," said Eric.
"Too nice if you ask me," said Dan the breloom, "For all we know he could be saying this just to lure us in."
"Yeah," said Star, "But then what would be his motive? What would he gain from our friendship? What could he possibly be hiding that could be dangerous to us? We don't know? We don't know what he's capable of just like he doesn't know what we're capable of. So let's not make assumptions and punish him. I can sense he has a good heart. So let's give him a chance okay." They all responded with a nod, "And Cody." Cody quickly jumped up and looked at his leader.
"Please give him a break. He's stressed out already and he hasn't done anything wrong. So try to a least be a little bit nice to him."
"Good. Now let's go." And with that they all left into the house.

"So...Star's sided with the saiyan huh," said Jason. He was standing next to the female absol who was leaning on her shoulder. They were surrounded by a ninetails, a vaporeon, two raichus, a mightyena, a typhlosion, another absol, two tyranitars (Amy and Jeremy), another houndoom, a tropius, a bayleef, a feraligatr, a arcanine, a nidoking, a nidoqueen and Ricky and Henry standing in front of him. "Humph, she was always a lost cause. Looks like we'll have to kill her and her pitiful group too in the end, huh? Still has no intention on releasin' us still?"
"Let's just kill him and call it a day," said the mightyena.
"Yeah, we could, but just like that Zachary cunt said, we need to plan where we go from there. You two pussies get back to work. And don't come back here unless you have something useful to report." Ricky and Henry nodded, turned around and headed back to John's house.
"I'm sorry, but this is really buggin' me," said the ninetails suddenly who turned towards Jeremy, "How the hell the human catch you again."
"He...," stammered Jeremy, "He kicked me in my nuts and tripped me into a river." The moment he finished this sentence Burn started rolling with laughter.
"How could you let a pathetic whelp like that catch you. And make it even worse, he's a human. Look at his power level compared to yours." 
"Whatever, he cheated."
"Even so you should have killed him," said Amy, "Letting someone like that catch you is a disgrace and I'm very disappointed. You should have ripped out his throat the moment he let you out of that ball. It seems you've grown soft over the years. But I'll correct that. When the time comes, you're the one that's gonna kill the human. It's hard for me to even look at you knowing you were outsmarted by such a weakling. You don't deserve to even be called my brother. The only way you'll get back that right is by killing him. Got it."
Jeremy nodded his head.
"Jason," said the absol, "I hope you come up with something fast. Because I want that saiyan's blood."
"Don't worry Shina," said Jason as me kissed his mate, "You'll have it sooner than you think."

Chapter End Notes:
I'll be posting the next chapter shortly. The only thing that I'm gonna let you know is that Johnathan loses his mind in the next one
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