Story Notes:
I understand this story is rated xxx and the main character starts out as a 15 year old minor but if I write a new chapter to this story, don't worry, something cool will happen but I don't want to give any spoilers!
Chapter 1
Portals My name is Danny Freckles, but please, for God's sake, call me Dan. I cannot express my pure hatred to the name Danny. To me, it sounds like the name of a kid who had drunks for parents, and they simply did not care what the hell my name is. But that is aside the point. The real reason I am here is to tell you a story. Not just any ordinary story about everlasting love and romance, but a story with everlasting love with an odd twist. For, you see, my everlasting love, my crown jewel in life, is not of this world, but of the world of imagination, the world where strange creatures have amazing power and abilities. This world of that I speak of ladies and gentlemen, is the world, of Pok�mon... I am not a popular kid in school. In fact, I am most likely the least popular kid in school. I don't know why exactly, I mean, I have long brown hair, perfect teeth (thanks to my recently removed braces), and I am not fat at all! In fact, I weigh about 130 pounds thanks to football, track and motocross. But I think that the best thing about me, are my golden eyes. That's right, I said golden eyes. I have had them ever since I was born obviously, and they are never going away. But for some reason, nobody has been able to look me straight in the face, not even my own mother or my father can give me a straight look without cringing or looking away. I love my eyes no matter what color they are because they make me different. But perhaps my loneliness is caused by a different factor. Perhaps I am rejected from teenage society because I still love Pok�mon. I know, just kill me now; you'll save me a lot of trouble. But seriously, what is so wrong with a fifteen-year-old liking fictional characters with cool powers that kill other Pok�mon? But I have to get ready for my trip to the desert with my dad. At least the goggles hide my strange eyes from everyone else. The other riders might crash from distraction if they catch a glimpse of those golden circles that are embedded into my head. It would be extremely funny though. All right, what do I need for this trip? My father and I were just waking up inside our luxurious toy hauler camper as the sun was starting to thrusts its warm morning rays through one of the widows above the couch. The camper doesn't have the most comfortable beds but in my opinion, but it is still way better than freezing to death in a shitty tent. My dad turned the generator on and started to make a pot of coffee. I climbed down the ladder from the top bunk above the garage and turned on the stereo. My dad complained as a hardcore rap song started to slam out from the speakers overhead and demanded that I turned the station. I didn't like that song anyways. I quickly turned the little rotating knob until the digital display read 93.1. Now the voice that called out from above was that of Elton John, one of my favorites. I stepped up the miniature stairs that led into the main bedroom and I shut the sliding door. I started to get dressed into my motocross shirt, pants, elbow pads, kneepads and my large boot socks. When I was finished, my dad was on the small couch with a bowl of cereal, a mug of coffee, and the TV remote in his hand, dressed in nothing but a pair of boxers. I tried to avert my eyes from the awful sight of another man's crouch. I especially hated it when it was my father. My music was off and in its place; channel 5 News was talking about the upcoming elections. I grabbed some coffee and went outside. I hated all of the arguing of politics. Nobody could just decide on one solution and jest get along with the person sitting in the little square nest to their own. The cool morning air felt good against my exposed face and so I took a moment to just stand there, enjoying the morning. I would be riding soon with a friend in the camper next to me so I broke free from my morning trance and started to put on my riding boots. In total, there were campers four campers, including ours, that made up a large circle around a fire pit with some space at both ends of the circle to drive the motorcycles and the quads through to get onto the trails. In one of the campers was a man named Scott Olafson who was a good friend of my dad's whom we often go riding with. He owned a fairly large camper with one little pop out that emerged out from the other side of the camper. The other camper that was across from us housed my new friend Andrew who I met on this trip. He is a nice kid, a year older than I am, and a lot more mature. He owned a camper that was exactly identical to Scott's camper. The other camper belonged to some other people that I had never met before until now, but were decent respectable people. Their camper was spacious and large like my father's and mine. It had three pop-outs (one for the main room, the kitchen, and a large couch). Andrew emerged from his camper with all of his gear on and ready. He turned his head to me and signaled for me to come with him on a morning ride before the parents woke up. So, I slapped on my helmet, some gloves, and started up my Honda CRF150. I took the choke off, kicked into first gear, let off the clutch, played with the throttle, and I was off. That whole day was one awesome ride over beautiful mountains and a few plains. Every rock on the trail was different and the sky was a clear blue that went on forever in every direction without one white fluffy cloud to disturb the vast blue void. We rode through fluffy sand and through tons of little bushes, laughing the whole time. I finally felt as if I had found a good friend in Andrew. I never wanted this day to stop. As we neared the camp, Andrew and I wanted more action so we refueled and picked up a small bite to eat. I forgot about eating breakfast. But this time, Andrew's father insisted on joining us on our rides through the unknown. So once again, I was off on another adventure into the great unknown. Again I had to rip through sand, dirt, and lots of large rocks that looked like they would come crashing down the side of the cliff with even the slightest disturbance. It was then that we came to the climax of our ride. We picked an awkward trial due to the fact that the only other trail that we could take would make us go way out of the way and we would easily run out of gas before long. So the only way to get back home was to tackle one of the two giant slopes with no at all traction except for hundreds of black rocks that made up the trails instead of ordinary dirt making it an impossible climb, or, we had to go straight up the side of a small cliff. Unfortunately, those were our only options. So, up the side of the mountain we went. Andrew went first and almost seemed to fly up the hill as if his bike had wings. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky. It was my turn to stand up and face that ugly little climb because Andrew's Father wanted to make sure that I made it up all right. Andrew's father was a very nice man with very stern figures. He had a solid six-pack body, a squared off chin, huge muscled arms, and rock solid calves. It was clear that he hit the gym often enough but even though he was such a rock, under that skin was a child that never grew up. I trusted him to help in case of any emergency. So, with that last thought surging through my head, I hit the gas perhaps a little harder than I should of and came right up to the base of the climb. I leaned backwards as I started the climb and already, I knew something was wrong. My whole body was off balance. My front tire hit a large rock that was protruding straight out of the ground and even though I tried my best to dodge the ugly obstacle, I hit that beast and I did the biggest wheelie of my life. I didn't want to fall backwards because then I would be crushed by the heavy bike so I over compensated for the awkward position I was in and thruster all of my weight forward and my front tire came back to earth but at an awkward side- ways angle and my bike shot off to the left side of the cliff where there was nowhere to go but down. At that moment, I had two options that I could think of, I could bail and risk being killed or badly paralyzed by the force of a strong impact with sharp rock, or, I can hang on for dear life and see what happens. But before I could make any kind of desperate decision, it was already to late. I was airborne and there was only one thing to do at a time like this, pray. The bike struck the ground first and instinctively, I reached out my arm thinking that I could break my fall, but at that moment, time seemed to come to a halt. I was frozen in mid-air. I could not move any part of my body except for my eyes. I rolled them around to see if what I thought was going on really was going on. To my despair, I was right. The wind had disappeared and the wild flowers had stopped dancing to the wind's rhythmic motion. I saw Andrew's father starting to dismount his bike to come to my rescue, but as I expected, he too was frozen in times claws. I could not see Andrew probably because he was still on the top of the cliff, waiting for me to appear over the horizon. Now what? What can I possibly do to get down from here? I mean, I am suspended in mid air for Christ's sake! Just then, the palm of my hand that was reaching to brake my fall started to glow a bright yellow. It was the same color as my eyes! What is going on? Wait, what is happening to the ground? The ground was starting to quiver in the one little spot under the spot I was suspended over. It almost looked like a little puddle of water. It was moving, it was moving as if a small stone had disrupted its surface. What could it be? It was getting bigger, or, am I moving closer? I rolled my eyes back to see Andrew's father moving again, but in slow motion. It was actually kind of funny so see him sprinting towards me like a slowed down movie clip of a hot lifeguard running to save a hot girl from a shark. I felt something cool touch my head and I looked back down. The top of my head was now submerged in the liquid earth. I was panicking now. I was disappearing into the Earth without any operant reason and nobody was going to save me. Wonderful. Then, I was halfway gone into the inky blackness that was swallowing me up. My body felt as if I was being stretched as far as I could possibly go without snapping in the middle like a stretched out rubber band. My ears were in extreme pain, my head felt as if it was going to explode, and my eyes were engulfed into total blackness. Then there was a light. Wait, not just one light, but hundreds were now shooting toward me at what looked like the speed of light. There was a high pitched squealing buzzing around in my ears that just added to the already immense pain that I was already enduring. The lights shot by me and soon I was being twisted left and right, up and down, and then another light that overwhelmed all of the other blinking lights was racing toward me and all at one moment, all of the pressure, the sounds and the pain disappeared with one loud "POP!" I felt grass under my fingers. My gloves were mysteriously missing, and my helmet rolled away somewhere as it slipped off of my head. I felt a slight breeze flow through my hair, but I did not open my eyes again. I wanted to just sit there until someone found me. Wherever I was. 'Where am I?' was the last thought that rolled through my mind until I let myself me completely overcome by darkness. I fell asleep into a deep, deep sleep. The wind continued to flow through my hair and the soft touch of grass in between my fingers, and the warm sun on my back. I fell asleep..... To Be Continued...
Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.