AGNPH Stories

Portals by santino1014


Story Notes:

I understand this story is rated xxx and the main character starts out as a 15 year old minor but if I write a new chapter to this story, don't worry, something cool will happen but I don't want to give any spoilers!

Chapter 4

All I could remember was the feeling of overwhelming desperation to live another day. The heat from the raging fires was unbearable as I struggled to open my eyes. I tensed myself up as I felt the touch of friendly hand on my forehead. My eyes were open now but I still couldn't see an inch in front of my face. I desperately tried to raise myself up from the ground only to be welcomed by a fresh wave of pain. I collapsed back and hit my head hard against the ground causing a sudden image to flash behind my eyes. I saw a shadow raising a massive black fist in the air when fire suddenly pierced his ugly heart. Bayleef! Where was Bayleef? I was beginning to panic and I frantically began to roll around on the grass. I need to find her! Was she okay? I hadn't the slightest clue of what had become of her beautiful figure. Another thought raced through the back of my head. Who did that other voice belong to? Was the owner still here? And, those golden eyes... Did everyone fucking have them around here? My sight was slowly returning and I could now make out the outlines of two figures standing before the fire. One turned to look in my direction. I heard a voice but it was muffled and Impossible to understand. The dancing orange and red flames burned brightly in the background as the figure began to run to me. I could make out more detail as the figure began to take the shape of Bayleef. A gleam of passion burned bright in her golden eyes, those cursed golden eyes... What had the other voice said about them? Something about a Gold Wielder? I didn't care as Bayleef quickly wrapped her vines around my broken body. My blood from some cut that I had forgotten about began to drip over Bayleef's face. She didn't seem to care about the wet red liquid as she began to cry into my shoulder. I realized that I was on my knees now. How the hell did I manage to do that? The other figure loomed at the fire's edge and, was it floating? There seemed to be a gap between the figure and the ground about a foot long. I blinked as the figure began floating towards me. As my eyelid rose up from over my eyeball, I saw the figure had color now. It had a white belly and a golden back where two golden wings were mounted. Its neck was long and slender, and its eyes were golden. What the Hell! Why did it have golden eyes? I didn't want to believe, I couldn't. I shook my head; somewhat disturbing the emotional Bayleef to help clear my head, but when I looked again, nothing had changed. "You're finally awake," said the soft voice from the floating figure. I still had a look of total surprise on my face and so the figure didn't wait for a response. "My name is Latias," said the figure and soon I remembered why the figure looked so familiar. "Are you feeling any better?" My mouth only hung open for a few minutes, I didn't know what to say to the brightly colored Latias that had just spoken to me. I just stared up at her in total amazement. Bayleef looked up from my shoulder and raised her head to the sky, looking for the sun. She found it in about the five 'o clock position and pointed her leaf at its red blaze. The leaf began to glow brightly and she unwrapped her vines from around me. I felt like I was going to fall over from the lack of support. Then she took the very tip of her right vine and touched the top of my forehead with it. I felt a sudden wave of massive energy start to flow through my whole body. Latias just floated in one spot watching with immense curiosity. Bayleef laid my down and began to move the tip of her vine from wound to wound, and I could only watch in complete awe as I witnessed the skin begin to reform and reconnect, causing even the deepest cut to heal completely. Soon, all of my cuts and bruises were a thing of the past and Bayleef, satisfied with her work, retracted the vine and exhaled a deep breath she had been holding. Her leaf returned back to normal. "Now," I said weakly, trying to lighten up the mood a little bit, "Do you think you can clean all of the dried up cum and shit off of me before it permanently hardens on my skin?" I saw a smile form on both Bayleef's and Latias' face and I let out a little chuckle that abruptly turned into a loud coughing fit. Bayleef felt badly as she just helplessly watched me suffer during the loud fit. Latias stepped up and said, "Maybe we should take him the brook just over the hill." Bayleef liked the idea. "Ya," she said, not taking her eyes off of me. "That is where we first met." I remembered that moment like it only happened a few minutes ago. How Bayleef was spying on me there while I was completely naked floating in the cool blue water. "Ya, I need a bath." Bayleef found long flat rock that could act as a stretcher, and laid me on it very gently, Latias noticing how much Bayleef cared about me. Bayleef released her vines and wrapped it around one edge of the flat rock and began to pull me and the rock forward. Latias saw how much the young Bayleef was struggling, so she picked up the other end of the rock off the ground, and began to help Bayleef carry me to the brook. Why where the straining themselves for me? Did I matter that much to them? As we neared the brook, the sun was slowly becoming victim to the horizon, and the sea of green grass and flowers began to grow dark. Soon, we were at the water's edge and Bayleef lifted me up off the rock stretcher, and gently lowered me into the shallow water. I felt my muscles begin to slowly relax, my head was beginning to clear, and my sore feet began to unknot. Bayleef decided to raise the comfort level one notch and she shot fire out of her mouth and straight into the water. It was the same fire that had pierced the heart of the shadow demon only hours ago, it was the same fire that danced wildly in the smoldering remains of what used to be Bayleef's home. The flame licked over her tongue and soon, the little brook became a small hot spring. The hot water felt really good on my stiff joints and I motioned for Bayleef and Latias to join me in the bath water. Latias didn't need any convincing; she dived in making a great splash. Bayleef insisted that she was fine and that she could wait until I was out. "You're no fun," I said to her, sticking out my tongue in a playful mocking sort of way. I could tell she was still upset about her home being totally demolished. Her fur was still pretty matted and sticky and I knew she wanted a bath more than anything rite about now but she just sat there on the water's edge. She was smiling an awkward, emotionless smile that disturbed me. She wasn't this way before. I waded up to her and put my nose on hers. "What wrong?" I asked Bayleef. "Why don't you want to come in? You made the water perfect and besides, you need to wash up. You still have last nights fun all over you." I made her smile a true smile and she decided that I would not give up until she was in the water. So slowly slid under the water's surface headfirst and came up a few seconds later, the moonlight that was now beginning to take over the night sky made the water sparkle and shine beautifully over her already beautiful coat. I smiled as I dunked my head under the water's surface to get all of the dirt and grime out of my hair. But I was still uncomfortable with the day's events so far. I wanted to know why the two Pok�mon swimming in front of me had my golden eyes, why can I make a hole into space, why can Bayleef shoot fire, and why were they so calm while battling that giant shadow thing? I was so confused and both Bayleef and Latias noticed it. "I guess we should start explaining a few things huh Bayleef?" asked Latias as she waded closer to me in the shallow water. Bayleef nodded her head in agreement. "Well should I go first or do you want to?" I ha no clue what on earth, or whatever they called this planet, what they were talking about so I just looked back and forth from to the other as they tried to decide on a solution to their problem. Finally, Bayleef nodded her head at Latias and turned her head towards me. "Let me teach you about Gold kid," Bayleef said at last and she wrapped a vine around my waist and pulled me closer to her. "Gold exists in every living," Bayleef began to say. "I guess you can consider it to be life itself. It is what makes us Pok�mon and makes you humans. The gold inside Pok�mon is stronger however than the gold inside humans and it is for that reason that we can manipulate the elements depending on our species. An examample would be that I am a grass type and so Therefore, I can use grass type moves. Humans cannot however. But then, in some rare cases, some Pok�mon have been blessed with a gift. The ability to actually control the gold inside of themselves. Each Gold is different from another's so each one us 'Gold Wielders' can use the gold to perform different tasks such as my fire and healing abilities. Latias can manipulate her Gold to control earth. Why don't you show him Latias?" Latias nodded and scanned the area for a good large rock she could pulverize. She quickly found one stacked up against a few others and raised a small hand towards it. A bead of sweat rolled down her neck as she concentrated on the rock. She then quickly closed her hand into a tight fist and the rock shattered with a large explosion sound into a million pieces. "You see?" asked Bayleef, turning back towards me. "The Gold gives us all wonderful new abilities that have yet to be discovered." I looked at her with a small inquisitive look. "So," I began to ask Bayleef, "If humans can't use the gold inside of them, then how can I use it? Or, an even better question would be, what the fuck was that giant black thing that shot out of my mouth?" This time, Latias answered the question. "The black thing is called Sin. You see, with the ability to control the access Gold in our bodies, we must first be rid of our access sin. Every Gold Wielder must face their sin and only they can destroy it. But unfortunately, I cannot answer you're other question." I didn't think that they would. "But," Latias continued, a small grin forming on her face, "We could go ask the elder..."
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