AGNPH Stories

Max's Pokémon Journey by horn


Story Notes:

English is not my native language and this is my first English language fanfic. Please, be nice on me and tell me if I do mistakes, so I can avoid them in future. Though I am sure my English is mixture of everything, basic will be British English, since I am most familiar with it. Also, I will only use Metric measure system. No way for you to persue me to use those stupid and archaic Anglo-American measures, so don't vaste your time.

Chapter 3: Max catches a Pokémon

Next morning, Danny was first to awake and found Max’s body still brushed against her body. Danny looked at clock and found out they have a lot of time until breakfast. She smiled and closed her eyes again. She enjoyed the feeling of Max’s body against her. She never before had such enjoyable night. She wrapped her hands against him and went closer to him. She kissed him on forehand. At that moment, Max woke up.

‘Good morning,’ he said.

‘Morning. We have plenty of time before breakfast. You want some appetizer?’

Max smiled and brushed his dick against Danny’s pussy. His dick was already fully erect, since he had his usual morning erection.

‘Max, did you ever have some sexual experiences before?’

‘Yes, I am jerking off for little time now…’

‘Oh, I don’t mean this. I mean with someone else.’

‘Well…’ Max hesitated, but when he saw her smile, he continued. ‘I was jerking off with one of my friends. But that’s all. And what about you?’

‘Once I saw my stepmom Stephanie with dildo. I asked her what she was doing. ‘Course she hesitated, but after some pleading, she fucked herself with dildo in front of me. I was very curious and she allowed me to use that dildo on me. Of course it was pain for first time, but it also felt good. She later gave me my own dildo and I was doing this myself. Once time, I showed this to my friend and she was curious to use dildo. After first time, we’ve doing it with each other from time to time.’

‘So, I guess right you don’t have your hymen thanks to that dildo?’

‘Well, I never really thought about that, but yes, physically, I am no more virgin. Fuck, that’s lame to lose virginity with a dildo.’

Danny giggled.

‘By the way, do you have that dildo here?’

‘Yes. Why are you asking?’

‘Just out of curiosity,’ Max smiled.

‘Max, I know your sister warned me not to do so, but, what problem you have with Harley? It is somehow related to that case where some kids from Petalburg accused Harley of raping one of them? Do you believe them?’

Max looked at Danny with serious look and told: ‘Why I shouldn’t when I was the one who accused Harley?’

‘Don’t tell me you were the one who was raped there!’

‘Not me, my friend. And it was just assault, fortunately. I just was going from school with my classmate when we’ve heard familiar voice. We quickly recognized the voice as one of our classmate’s. We’ve called his name, when we’ve seen Harley ran away from there. We didn’t care about him and ran where we’ve heard our friend. We’ve found him there with bare ass, sobbing. It took us some time to calm him down enough and persuade him to tell us what happened. He told us Harley tried to rape him. He was decided to accuse Harley, but no one believed us. Harley accused us from lie and since, you know, Harley is famous, no one believed bunch of kids. With exception for our parents and my sis of course, and few friends, but that doesn’t count, since Harley is still free and we’ve experienced hard time since then.’

Danny looked at Max and hugged him.

‘I’m sorry, Max.’

‘I am not the one you should be sorry…’

‘I am sorry, because when I’ve heard about this case in TV, I’ve went with majority and thought those kids want to discredit Harley. But now I believe you Max and I understand why you hate Harley so much.’

Danny kissed Max on the lips and he opened his mouth. She did the same and their tongues stroked each others’. They broke their kiss to take a breath.

‘Danny, I love you,’ Max looked straight into Danny’s eyes.

Danny smiled and kissed Max again.

‘I love you too.’

Max moved his hand down to Danny’s butt and rubbed her butt cheeks. Danny put her hand on Max’s cock and started to rub it. Max kissed Danny’s nipple and licked it.

‘You know what 69 is?’ Max asked Danny.

Danny nodded.

‘You wanna try it?’

Instead of answer, Danny moved her body, so her pussy was right in front of Max’s face. Max started to lick her and felt her lips wrapped around his dick.

Danny licked head of Max’s penis slowly and moved to lick base of it. Soon, she had most of his dick in her mouth and began to suck it.

Max, in the meantime, kissed Danny’s pussy and then stuck his tongue to her insides.  He licked her pussy lips, tasted her pussy juices. Then he moved his tongue to her clit and caressed it with tip of his tongue.

Danny licked shaft of Max’s cock and moved back to the head. She licked it with her tongue, then put it back to her mouth and sucked it again. Max moaned through her pussy, enjoying the treatment he was given.

Max sucked Danny’s clit and then even dare to bite it slightly. Danny moaned loudly in pure bless. Max continued to lick and suck her for few minutes when she felt her orgasm approaching. She spit Max’s dick out of her mouth, afraid she can hurt him. And she did right because her orgasm was most intense than any other she ever had in her life.

When Danny’s orgasm faded she returned back to Max’s dick. She licked and sucked it and caressed his balls with her hand. She then get new idea and moved her mouth to lick his ball. This new sensation was enough for Max and he felt he came soon.

‘Danny, I am gonna cum!’

Danny put her mouth back on Max’s dick and sucked hardly. Max released his first jet almost immediately. Danny tried to swallow everything and she did. All four jets of Max’s cum ended in Danny’s throat.

Danny rolled back face-to-face Max. She kissed him and Max tasted his own sperm, while Danny tasted some of her pussy juices in Max’s mouth.

‘Wow!’ Max exclaimed when they broke their kiss. ‘I didn’t expect you to eat all my cum. To be honest, I didn’t expect you to let me cum in your mouth in the first place.’

‘I am surprised too, that I managed to swallow so much sperm. But I surely want to tasted you love juice.’

Love juice? Where did you come with such phrase?’

Danny blushed slightly and then admitted: ‘I’ve read some erotic stories on the net. I simply can’t resist and my parents fortunately never cared about parental control on my comp.’

‘I wonder if we read the same stories,’ Max smiled.

Danny looked at him surprised and then smiled too. She kissed him again, then closed her eyes and soon, fell asleep. Max smiled and before he knew it, he went asleep too.

When Max awoke, Danny was already up and he heard water from bathroom. He looked at the clock and found out it’s about time to prepare for breakfast. He got up and went to the bathroom right in time, when Danny ended her shower. She let the water on for Max and went to wash bowl to brush her teeth. Max’s shower gel was still there and opened, indicated Danny just used it. Max didn’t mind at all. After this morning, he wants to share even more than a shower gel with Danny.

Max took a quick shower, turned water off, towelled himself and brushed his teeth, just like Danny did before. Then he grabbed his shower gel and toothbrush and went out the bathroom. He saw Danny was almost clothed in her usual outfit.

‘You should hurry, or we’ll be late for breakfast,’ Danny smiled at him.

Max just nodded, packed his toothbrush and shower gel into his backpack. He also took out clean pair of briefs and wore it. Then he put on his tight cycling cloths.

When they both were dressed, they headed to the dining room. May and Drew already were there and May waved on them. May had the same outfit as yesterday; the only change on Drew’s outfit was deep green shoes.

Max and Danny sat to the table and ordered their meal.

Right in that moment, Tracey went there and sat to the table too. He ordered his meal too.

‘Max, what happened to your specs?’ Tracey asked all of a sudden.

‘My mom thoughts contacts will be more comfortable on my Pokémon journey. I personally don’t think so, but I must admit I look better without specs.’

‘I am not so sure,’ Danny giggled, imagining Max with specs.

‘I have my specs with me, so you can judge for yourself,” Max winked on her.

In the rest of the breakfast, they talked about some unimportant things. After breakfast, the ship crew announced that they will sail in Sootopolis City about a quarter of an hour. That was enough for Max, Danny, Tracey, May and Drew to prepare for arrival.

When they leave the board, Danny asked where she can buy bike. One boy told her, that the best Bike Shop in the city is only half kilometre away. Max, Danny and Tracey headed to the Bike Shop, while May must going to prepare for tomorrow’s Contest.

It didn’t take long for Danny to choose her new bike. She also bought helmet for her safety. Surprisingly, Tracey bought a bike for him too.

Max pointed out to the cycling cloths and whispered to Danny’s ear: ‘You may buy some of this too. I am sure you’ll look sexy in these.’

Danny smiled and respond: Thanks, but I preffer my actual outfit.’

Max just shrugged.

When they had everything they needed, they finally headed to the forest. The trip was short and soon, they reach first trees of the forest.

‘You know where to begin?’ Danny asked Max.

‘Well, we may shall be heading to the Pokémon Center,’ Max suggested. ‘Maybe Nurse Joy will know something about Ralts.’

They did so and headed to the same Pokémon Center where Max last seen his friend Ralts. But before they get there, Max was almost knocked off his bike by black bird-like Pokémon. Max quickly get his balance and stopped. But the Pokémon fell on the ground.

‘Max, are you alright?’ Danny asked.

‘Yes, I am,’ Max said. ‘But I am not so sure about that Pokémon.’

Max stepped off his bike and observed that black Pokémon.

‘That’s Murkrow,’ Danny identified the Pokémon.

‘Yes, and she needs a help,’ Max said.

He put his backpack down and took out some spray. He sprayed Murkrow and waited.

‘What’s that spray?’ Danny asked.

‘It’s just potion, if I am not mistaken,’ Tracey said and Max nodded.

‘She should be alright soon,’ Max said.

‘How you know it’s female?’ Danny asked again.

‘You see that crest on her head?’ Max poinet out on Murkrow’s head and Danny nodded.

‘Well, males usually have it bigger,’ Tracey continued. ‘And you knew this sis, if you spend less time on beach and more time learning about Pokémon with Profesor Ivy. I wonder why she left you on your Pokémon Journey with such small amount of knowledge about Pokémon.’

‘Honestly, my sister wasn’t really better when she started her Journey,’ Max laughed when he remembered May’s infamous Amber Attack. ‘Maybe even worse. And look where she is now.’

Murkrow finally hopped on her feet and obviously apologized Max for accident.

‘It was my fault too,’ Max smiled nervously. ‘I should have kept a watch of my course too.’

They say good bye to Murkrow and continued their way. But Murkrow followed them.

‘You want to go with us?’ Max asked.

Murkrow nodded.

‘You want me to catch you?’

Murkrow nodded once again. But when Max wants to throw empty Pokéball on her, she shook her head.

‘I see, you want me to catch you in battle,’ Max smiled.

This time, Murkrow nodded. Max released his Charmander and she stepped in front of Murkrow. Max realized he didn’t know Charmander’s all attacks. Therefore, he scanned his Pokémon with his Pokédex. He grinned when he read Charmander’s attack.

‘Okay Charmander, warm up with Flamethrower,’ Max ordered.

Charmander blew flame on her opponent, but Murkrow flew and dodged the attack. Murkrow didn’t wait and attacked Charmander with her Wing Attack.

‘Charmander, dodge!’

But it was late. Charmander was hit by Murkrow. Fortunately, Charmander wasn’t hurt seriously.

‘Okay Charmander, Iron Tail Attack!’

Charmander jumped high, her tail glared white and then she hit Murkrow. Murkrow fall on the ground and Max tried his luck. He threw empty Pokéball on Murkrow, it sucked her and then wobbled… once… twice… thrice… four times… and then, Pokéball stopped and red light on its centre turned off.

‘Yes!’ Max cried out. ‘Murkrow is my Pokémon! My first caught Pokémon!’

But then, Max’s face frowned.

‘You know, I thought Ralts will be my fist caught Pokémon,’ Max said in sad tone.

‘Don’t worry, we’ll find him,’ Danny patted Max’s shoulder.

Max let his new Pokémon out of her Pokéball and Charmander hugged her around her neck. Murkrow pecked Charmander friendly and Charmander smiled.

‘Nice to see you two are already friends,’ Max told them.

When they greeted, Max returned both Pokémon into their Pokéball. Then they headed to the Pokémon Center. When they get there, Nurse Joy invited them.

‘Is there anything I can help you with?’

‘Yes, you can take care of my Pokémon,’ Max handled Nurse Joy his two Pokémon. ‘And I’d like to ask you something.’

‘Then, spit it out,’ Nurse Joy smiled.

‘Do you know something about Ralts or its evolution forms? I’ve heard there should be some.’

‘Yes, there should be at least one family of those Pokémon. But they are very shy and usually, they avoid meeting humans. I’ve only seen them once in my work here. One very young boy brought seriously injured male Ralts. When Ralts was alright, that boy – if I remember right, his name was Max – returned Ralts back to his family. But he promised…’

‘I promised to return back for Ralts once I become Pokémon Trainer. And now, here I am, to keep that promise.’

Nurse Joy looked at him in surprise.

If you are that boy, you should have known he wasn’t there all by himself.’

‘Yes, my sister May, Pokémon Coordinator and our friends Ash, Pokémon Trainer, and Brock, Pokémon Breeder, were there too. And Ash’s Snorunt was big help back then.’

Nurse Joy smiled and said: ‘Well, few days ago, one girl told me she saw Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir and Gallade in some cave near. But she doesn’t really know where she was because she lost. The last thing she knew was, they hypnotized her. Then she found herself in front of Pokémon Center. Maybe your Ralts is one of those three.’

‘And maybe my Murkrow knows something about them.’

Nurse Joy looked at Max with curious look.

‘I caught her recently in this forest.’

Suddenly Danny’s stomach rumbled.

‘I sure appreciate some midmorning,’ Danny blushed.

‘You are not the only one, sis,’ Tracey said.

‘I’ll take care about Max’s Pokémon and in the meantime, Lucario here,’ Nurse Joy pointed out blue, yellow and black coloured Steel- and Fighting-type Pokémon, none of our trio noticed before, ‘will serve you something.’

‘Lucario?’ Tracey asked surprised.

‘’Chansey and Blissey are not the only Pokémon suitable to serve in Pokémon Center,’ Nurse Joy winked. ‘And my Blissey love Lucario’s help.’

‘’I think Blissey love more than Lucario’s help,’ Max whispered into Danny’s ear and she giggled.

Nurse Joy and Blissey went to backside and Max, Danny and Tracey sat to the table and they were waiting for Lucario, who prepared some food for them.

‘Danny, I think Chikorita and Chimchar want to eat too. They even hadn’t breakfast.’

‘You are right, Max.’

Danny let her Pokémon out. Max put two bowls out of his backpack and filled it with Pokémon Food.

‘That’s not bad idea,’ Tracey said and let his Azumarril, Venonat and Scyther out of their Pokéball. Then he filled three bowls with Pokémon Food and served each Pokémon one bowl.

All Pokémon ate happily. Lucario brought in some sandwiches and three glasses of Cola.

‘Max, you really think Murkrow knows something about your Ralts?’ Tracey asked.

‘Well, I don’t think I have other chance,’ Max said. ‘We can’t walk around the forest and asked wild Pokémon about Ralts.’

‘You are right,’ Tracey admitted. ‘Where’s Meowth when you need him,’ Tracey laughed.

‘I didn’t want to deal with Team rocket,’ Max said.

‘It depends if Meowth is still in Team Rocket.’

‘Who cares, Tracey, who cares?’

Both boys laughed and Danny just looked at them confused.

‘But I must admit some Pokémon interpreter can comes handy,’ Max said. ‘Maybe someone like Anabel…’

At that time, the door to the Pokémon Center opened and teenage girl with short purple hairs and blue eyes entered. She wore purple sleeveless shirt, light blue shorts, white socks and black shoes.

‘Anabel?’ Max asked.

The girl nodded.

‘And you are Max, Ash Ketchum’s friend, am I right?’

‘You remember me?’

‘Doubt I can ever forget any of you.’

Danny cleared her throat.

‘Oh, sorry, Danny, this is Anabel, she used to be one of famous Frontier Brain.’

‘That’s unfortunately past. After Scott resigned on his position, Battle Frontier project in Kanto went to way I didn’t want to be in.’

‘Hi, I am Danny Sketchit,’ Danny introduced herself. ‘And here is my brother Tracey.’

‘Anabel, do you have some time?’ Max asked.

‘I have plenty of time,’ she said in bitter voice.

Max told Anabel about Ralts and why he wants her help in search for Ralts.

‘Max, you are nice boy,’ Anabel complimented him.

‘He sure is,’ Danny smiled.

‘Oh, come on you two, I will blush.’

They all laughed.

Anabel ate some sandwiches with them and Lucario served her grapefruit juice. They talked about Pokémon and their goals.

‘What want you to do now you are not Frontier Brain anymore?’ Max asked Anabel.

‘What every trainer do, collect Gym Badges and hopefully, get it into Pokémon League Championship.’

‘Then we may meet there,’ Max said.

They talked about some other things and get to the Ash.

‘You know what’s with him?’ Anabel asked.

Max’s and Tracey’s expressions quickly changed.

‘What? Did something happen to him?’ Anabel was worried now.

‘That’s something no one knows,’ Tracey answered sadly.

When Tracey explained Anabel about Ash’s father and Ash’s disappearing, she had tears in her eyes.

Fortunately, Nurse Joy stepped in with Max’s Pokémon.

‘They are both fit,’ Nurse Joy smiled.

Max let both Pokémon out of their Pokéball. Charmander went to Chimchar and they both ate together. Max filled another bowl with Pokémon Food for Murkrow and let her ate. While she ate, he told her about Ralts. Murkrow listened carefully and when Max finished, she told something.

‘Murkrow said, she knows family with one female Ralts, male Kirlia, female Gardevoir and Gallade,’ Anabel translated. ‘She accidently is friend with Kirlia and he told her about some boy who saved his life and then promised him to return for him. He still was Ralts back then. She show you way.’

Max can’t be happier at that moment. For the first time he was happy to catch Murkrow. She knows his Ralts very closely. They waited until all Pokémon finished their eating and then returned them to their Pokéball. The only exceptions were Murkrow and Charmander who wanted to see Max’s reunion with Ralts.

Murkrow flew before them and they all followed her. It didn’t take them long and they get it near to some cave. Murkrow said them that Kirlia’s family is very cautious about humans. If they stepped there immediately, the whole family teleported and doesn’t return until danger will be over. But Murkrow was smart and suggested Charmander to go there and pretend she lost her trainer. As Murkrow said, even though Kirlia’s family is afraid of humans, they still are willing to help Pokémon in need.

Charmander did as Murkrow told her and went for some decent distant from the group and desperately stepped out of the bushes right in front of Kirlia.

(Author’s note: until further announcements, all Pokémon speech will be translate into English)

‘You look bad, Charmander,’ Kirlia said when he noticed Charmander. ‘You need some help?’

Charmander already had tears in her eyes and said: ‘I lost my trainer. I must find him.’

‘Then you go and find him and don’t bother us with this,’ Ralts snapped at Charmander.

‘Stop this NOW, sis,’ Kirlia snapped at Ralts. ‘This Charmander needs our help and if you don’t want to help her just SHUT UP!’

‘Poor Max,’ Charmander said, like she didn’t hear Ralts and Kirlia’s arguing. ‘He went here to make promise he gave to Ralts and now, instead of Ralts, he must looks for me.’

‘What did you say?’ Kirlia asked curiously.

‘If I am not mistaken, she just said Max returns here for you,’ Gardevoir smiled.

‘Yeah, lucky you bro,’ Ralts said sarcastically. ‘You will have human trainer and will force to battle with other Pokémon who have same luck.’

‘Ralts, my girl, you know I love you,’ Gallade spoke. ‘But please, shut your dirty mouth up!’

‘Dad, don’t tell me you are alright with bro being with human,’ Ralts said.

‘It’s up to him to decide,’ Gallade said. ‘If he wants to go with Max, who am I to hold him back.’

‘Thanks dad, I know you’ll understand.’

(Author’s note: from now on, I return back to Pokémon speech as Pokéímon speech)

‘Max, I think this is hint for you,’ Anabel said.

Max nodded, went into distance stood up and called: ‘Charmander, where are you?’

Max called Charmander and went towards Kirlia’s family cave. He stepped out of bushes and looked onto Charmander.

‘Charmander, here are you!” Max said happily.

Max ran towards Charmander and hugged you.

‘I was so worried, Charmander. You should not get out of my sight.’

‘Char, char, charmander, char, charmander,’ Charmander said happily and pointed out to Kirlia.

‘You think this Kirlia can know something about my Ralts?’

Charmander shook her head at first, and then she thought about it and nodded.

‘Max, that’s me!” Kirlia said telepathically.

Kirlia ran towards Max and hugged him. Max hugged Kirlia too.

‘I can’t believe I finally find you,’ Max said happily. ‘Thanks Charmander, if it wasn’t your disappearance, we may not found Kirlia.’

But Ralts wasn’t so happy now. She attacked Max with her Growl Attack. Even though Max didn’t understand her, he knew she was angry.

‘My sister wants battle with you,’ Kirlia said.

‘You sure?’ Max asked Ralts.

Ralts nodded.

‘Okay then, but you want it. Murkrow, come here please!’

Murkrow flew in and stepped in front of Ralts.

‘You really think Charmander is my only Pokémon?’ Max smiled.

‘Max, that’s not helping. My sister really hates this Murkrow.’

‘And Murkrow obviously hates your sister,’ Max frowned when he saw angry expression on Murkrow’s face.

Ralts began with Hypnosis, but Murkrow flew into sky and then, attacked with her Wing Attack. But Max stepped in and Murkrow stopped her attack when she saw her trainer.

‘Stop this NOW, you two! I don’t know what’s wrong with both of you and I don’t really care. Ralts, you want to battle with my Pokémon and Murkrow now is my Pokémon. But, Murkrow, if you will not do what I order you, I rather give up this battle, because I don’t want to support your personal disagreement. Do you understand?’

Murkrow obviously understood and stepped out, ashamed of her behaviour. Ralts, on the other hand, was prepared to next attack. And she sure did. She tried to attack Max with her Psychic Attack, but Murkrow was prepared and defended her trainer when she flew right in front of her trainer and absorbed the whole power of Psychic-type attack. Of course, as Dark-type Pokémon, Murkrow had no damage from that attack.

Now, even Kirlia was obviously angry from her sister’s behaviour and started to argue with her. Ralts looked towards her parents for help, but there were no chance for her too. She was forsaken now from her family.

Suddenly, big black aircraft disrupt the peace in the forest. That aircraft had big red R on its chassis. Two, big, hand-like steel tentacles spread from the aircraft and grabbed Gallade and Gardevoir.

‘Leave them alone!’ Max screamed on the aircraft.

‘Max, what’s going on?’ Tracey asked from bushes.

He, Danny and Anabel ran towards Max.

‘They stole Gardevoir and Gallade!’

‘Wrong, young man,’ teenage boy’s voice echoed from the aircraft. ‘All Pokémon in the world are property of Team Rocket. So, this is not stealing.’

The voice sounds very familiar for Max.

“That can’t be,” he thought for himself and shrugged his thought off.

‘I disagree!’ Tracey said and released his Scyther.

‘Scytther, cut Gardevoir and Gallade free!’

Scyther did as Tracey told it and cut those metal tentacles off. Gallade and Gardevoir were captured by Ralts and Kirlia’s psychic powers and landed on the ground gently.

‘Oh no, I don’t allow interfere with Team Rocket issues,’ the teenage boy said.

Suddenly, there was human in black Team Rocket uniform with hood on his head, on top of Team Rocket aircraft.

‘Charizard, show them what Team Rocket is worthy,’ the boy released his Pokémon.

Charizard flew beneath its trainer and waved its wing. Wind blast blew the boy’s hood down. The boy had brown bristly hairs and brown eyes.

Tracey gasped unbelievably.

‘So, I was right,’ Max said for himself.

‘Oh, shit!’ the boy cursed and put his hood back on his head.

But it was too late. Both Tracey and Max recognized that boy.


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